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3 hours later…
GooooooooooD morningggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg
1 hour later…
One of my instances got the IP of 3.0.x.x when I powered it on to check for data before deleting
Now I don't feel like deleting it
So nice and short
lol nice
@TristanWiley run does nothing
I can't sleep and I have to be up in 6 1/2 hours to go to a chess tournament
oh no
@AdamMc331 $69/night is still >2k/month. That's considered cheap in NYC?
Of course shining a cell phone screen in my face isn't exactly a cure for sleeplessness
Okay... blue light filter turned on... maybe that will help
It'll be so sad if you're just about to fall asleep and suddenly remember how to solve a bug
Or fix a problem that's been plaguing you
why sad? You solved it.. Now you can sleep peacefully with a weight off your head
If I solve something that late, I'd have to stay up and code it
guess its just me then
no i support both of your argument
both are right in their own way
if there is a invalid url from the json response should we handle it on the client side or ask the web dev to fix it?
if you open in a browser you see domain not configured - DNS issue?
so client is not responsible to handle such cases right?
Unless you are supposed to be managing that link, you simply display "Unable to load URL"
If you know the people hosting it, or the people building the JSON containing that link, you can ask them to fix it
i used glide. glide throws an exception. ask the maintainers to fix seems right!
Depends on the exception
What exception does it throw?
You would only ask glide to fix it if something is broken in the library itself
give a me a minute i will run the app and check the log. if i recollect right some glideexception...
That link returns 200 ok, so glide should only throw an exception saying it's not image data
lib is not broken
Which you should be handling, but it's not on you to fix the URL, whoever is responsible for that site should be doing that
its simply a case where image failed to load
well gives me GlideException: Failed LoadPath. Its just an IOException
Yeah, then just display an error
Any additional steps depend on your relationship with the people who own that link/json
there is a error callback i should display a error image in that place which seems appropriate
Yeah, either an error icon or just display a grey square or error message or whatever
yeah i already thought of all this but wanted to tell the web dev to fix things on his side
Sounds like you need to talk to whoever manages your DNS first
Cloudflare is not that hard to set up
i can't as this is for that stupid assignment
It might actually take more effort to get it wrong than get it right
may be this (dns/invalid urls) was on purpose to check if i can handle edge cases. Fair enough!
That's a rather elaborate test for that
When they could just return absolutelynotanimage.com/definitynotanimage.jpg in the json
11/10 times, the simplest explanation is that humans are dumb
lot of the times i feel why can't people judge candidates without assignments?
that too the test was for testing MVP skills when i already a repo which is very similar.
It's hard, more often than not
I'd usually give a pass if the guy/girl has existing, substantial open source work
Then, you can ask them to walk you through that project and major points
But for people with a low open source profile, you usually will need some kind of test to weed out morons
agree. see i had a tele call with the tech guy and he asked about MVP,MVVM and android tech stuff.
so this assignment is kind off time wasting for me.
what happened guys
Alternatively, you can become like Jake Wharton and reach a level where the interviews are more a test to see if you're an actual person than skills
Raghu is being disillusioned, one interview at a time
i would prefer face to face interviews just so this confusion does not occur
haha... don't be bothered by them
These days, unless you come with very strong references/credentials, most companies will not jump to face to face interviews
Those are expensive to run, and there are simply too many terrible candidates who apply for everything
I think interviewer expectation is too high to meet. Let them be. You will not gain or be happy to work someone like him.
but the initial screening is bad enough where even a junior dev can clear the interview.
That's just a bad process, maybe it's good enough for them
Or maybe they don't care
Or are just dumb
They want to pass out most of the candidate..
you would know if you are 5 years exp what types of questions that come your way.
Not really
I've met tons of people with lots of "experience" who would struggle to run a bash script
There is a very large workforce that only survives by stackoverflow
If you gave them even a small pop quiz, they can't do a thing
In interview you can block anyone. Not every person can answer anything.
A good interview doesn't want someone to answer everything, it wants to test to make sure they can think in the right manner
so to filter them out assignments are the new way for companies?
Yeah Raghav may be i am one of them :P
It's a good way to filter out people who are just not right
i totally agree on that point
If 500 people apply, an assignment is an easy way to check basic code consistency etc.
the way you think and approach a problem speaks a lot about the candidate
It's not too hard to look at your code and see it's higher quality than someone who copy pasted an adapter from one SO answer, onBackPressed from another, Application from another etc.
If an assignment can filter out 450/500, then 50 can move forward through more time consuming interview processes
makes sense.
Then again, in India the whole "assignment" thing is baked in from a school level
Where unless you're writing nonsense, your time is being wasted
So that might be a contributing factor
Raghu don't be upset.
Many (reasonable) places in US/NZ/SG have moved to quicker online live coding sessions
no not upset.
You log in, your interviewer gives you a quick algorithmic problem, which is enough to test your thought process
Without requiring you to build an app
i just had one live session.
For my groupon interview, I was just asked to more or less describe how I would populate a listview from a web response
yeah i solved the algo. He was interested in the approach to the solution.
They really just wanted to check if off the top of my head I understood adapters and callbacks and threads etc.
They didn't really care if I could write an adapter and listview on the spot from memory
Practically no one can do that
I'd bet most of this room can't write one without IDE autocompletes
I certainly can't
agree. that's actually helps both people and no time wasting
me too.
so what is your suggestion Raghav.
If someone decides to not hire me because of that, I'm gonna walk out of there pretty happy, because that's a terrible culture
No real suggestions
Just an opinion on the process
and to remember the import statements. like i had a lab project for my semester in college where i was asked to write some time related program without IDE. you would laugh at the mistake made by me
yeah that will be great for him.
i used Calender instead of Calendar.
The only languages I can code without an IDE are go and asm
asm because there's really nothing to autocomplete
see the diff is just one char which would have been easier to fix with IDE
And go because I've been doing it in vim for ages
I know people who can do Java etc. without one
And I would never hire them
Because they've just memorized everything
And understand none of it
Which is again a byproduct of India's education, most schools etc. force you to use IDEs without code completion
And write exams on paper
So people grow up thinking that's a reasonable way to write code
Stop rate limiting me, goddammit
i remember a girl in my college she used to memorize the 8086 codes. those commands 2 pages.
asm is a great language for learning to do without an IDE
she was always the first to get output in lab tests. dam she was good at memorizing them.
were there ide's for asm before?
There still are a few now
But the core sets of asm are so simple, that you don't need IDEs
we din't have one in our college
It's just a handful of keywords and patterns
Not like java or python where you need to know which packages to import, what callbacks to use, what interfaces to implement etc.
i can remember just one right now mov
It's a very simple language
Of course, instructions vary a lot by instruction set
But the concepts are identical, mostly
ASM has IDEs, they certainly help with debugging etc.
But you'd be just fine without one
They don't help much with writing the code
like no autocomplete?
@TimCastelijns saw the guidelines. Could we have a viewmodel between view and presenter?
This allows us to have livedata in viewmodel. Moving to architecture components!
Or just stick to MVP for now?
a viewmodel is a presenter is it not
we can do anything, but I know nothing about AAC
Yeah similar. But viewmodel survives configuration changes
If you use livedata it's lifecycle aware. We can still use MVP just adding viewmodel between view and presenter or repository
why would you have both viewmodel and presenter
Need not get rid of presenter and have viewmodel. The rest is the same
In case you already have a presenter then add viewmodel in between
autocomplete in ASM you say ? Haha ! that is actually funny.
If one needs autocomplete in ASM, then he/she should not better use ASM.
the instructions are like 3-5 alphabets long.
I never used ide for ASM. So I have no idea
I didn't know you have ide for asm.
what they can help in is address and registers, but again, its quite simple if one knows what he is doing.
Do you guys still do ASM?
@RaghavSood: Btw, vim has autocomplete (omnicomplete actually), so its cool to.
I know, I just don't really use it
I think C can be done with "simple" autocomplete too.
@Raghunandan: once in a while.
Eh, depends on the project size
how about linux device driver ? :P
Any large C project gets pretty hard to do without autocomplete for the simple reason that you'll never remember the exact name of every struct or method you're accessing
although ctags is an immense help
That applies to pretty much any high level language though
right, thats what I meant by "simple" autocomplete
Do we talk music here ?
Dont expel me for this if we do not talk music here :P
And don't tell me you did not know this channel -_-
Some people talk about music here
Never heard of that channel
But i'm not really into music
Or people
Or youtube
Listen to that ! Its BEAUTIFULLLL ..
Yeah, youtube is new.
I got to know about it from my 3 year old nephew yesterday.
Maybe in a few years
Need to wrap up this stuff for now
2 hours later…
Have you seen a monkey steering the bus youtube.com/watch?v=LcN7JXYxsNY&t=3s
@raghu I've reviewed your PR
So is there a API to get default room for other sites/users as well?
I will correct the casing problem
The socket will always return the rooms you're already logged at
I'm just not sure what happens if you're not logged into any room
Can we assume first room on the list is by default?
I believe we can
(I have no idea what you guys are talking about)
Chatse native app
sudo ./raghav.sh --change_def --true 0 --false 1 --override
any one know if download service runniing in backgound 1. when open acticity if service is running then how to show data in download fragment ?
Hah, you think you can control me?
./raghav.sh --status
how to send data to activity from service if activity is running
There are several ways to make a service communicate back to an Activity
You could bind it to the Activity, you could use a broadcast receiver, an eventbus, and so on
I like the eventbus idea since it has "sticky events"
@Mauker fixed casing and other issues. default room picked from prefs. Do you have a an alternative for callback from adapter ( could use a eventbus? )
No need to use an eventbus
My only issue with that line is that if someone provides a context that isn't the activity, the app will crash.
The casing thing, it's just to be consistent, and it becomes easier to read later on. I know there are some other parts of the project that are probably mixing casing styles as well, but we'll fix it soon enough
Looks good now. Let's just wait for @tim to comment on the other subject
in one of the meetups - i heard that uber use a formatting lib that tell you to adhere to the formatting style before committing to github since they have over 100 devs working on the same repo.
When you have many devs, it's a good practice to do so. Otherwise things might get messy
Hi Guys
any moderator persent here?
I need a small help
i am not a mod. what do you want?
actually im stuck in one issue and i cant post questions on stackoverflow as well
why can't you post a question SO? banned?
I think question banned
wait for the period of ban and then ask a question. no one will entertain asking question in chat rooms.
Whats the time period ?
i have no idea. probably a week
actually i was banned from longtime yester when i tried i got to ask question but all of sudden i am banned again
but the strange part is my last question was not even downvoted or so
you can go to the meta stackoverflow and probably ask a mod to review your ban. I am not so sure about that
I went through this post as well so looking for mod
How can i ask a mod on meta to review it?
no idea.
@AkshayKatariya suggestion you can got meta.stackoverflow.com ask a question linking your profile. You will get mod attention and probably some negative votes on the same.
Mods have better things to do than review question bans. Wait out the ban period and learn how to ask better question in the meantime
Besides mods are super busy as other things are on priority for them
Also it could be a autoban
its always a auto ban
mods dont go around question banning people ...
Oh. I didn't know about that.
Fucking finally
Took me 3 hours to set up gpg forwarding on this new laptop
There's basically negligible documentation on changes in recent versions of gpg
Took trawling through obscure mailing lists
I thought you could see the source, Raghav
Why do you think it's working?
The mailing lists are where the list the patches as they're proposed
Next up, ssh agent forwarding
That already appears to work
I must have set it up by mistake while sorting this gpg nonsense out
@Raghunandan what casing?
you mean code style?
@ColdFire There were mixed usage of snake_case and camelCase
We should use the snake_camelCase instead
(jk, don't do it.)
Kadam o/
sadam o/
sup adam?
2 hours later…
> I'll just ask on Super User or Server Fault, and they'll migrate my question to the correct site!
@Mauker I noticed you guys are using the group com.squareup.okhttp (which has been deprecated for a while now) instead of com.squareup.okhttp3, just a minor remark in case you missed this dep
is there any series close to sillicon valley?
@MehdiB. thanks for the remark. we definitely missed it.
so, you got the job Raghu?
nope. i am yet to get a feed back on the assignment.
But i have done all they have asked.
Nice! Good luck!
the web socket is used in many places. will need wholesome changes in many places when updating to okhttp3
the AS indexing is taking a lot of time
is it charse app?
cya guys. GN!.
Hello, Android!
Probably no streaming this weekend. I'm playing in a chess tournament
Nero requested access. Rep: 286 - Questions: 10 - Answers: 38 (ratio 4:15.2)
@Nero welcome. Please start by reading the rules and confirm you have read them before saying anything else.
good luck CA
I have read and understood the rules
hey tim
you got a minute to assist me on a TTS problem
I'm not familiar with it
ok cool
not many here during the weekend. On monday if you just ask it maybe someone will answer
ofcourse... even developers need time off from stack overflow
how long you been coding in Android?
about 3 years in school and 3 on the job
lol I've been out of the university for 1 year and still havent found an android role
what does the employer actually want to see when hiring a android develop (junior-mid level)
due to lack of experience? or
@bluetoothfx You do not have sufficient access for this command
Unknown command '!cf'
uff cool
hi netpork
hi Tim
hey bluetooth
hey cold fire
wanted to ask if you worked with TTS?
Won't be able to help rn I am on a bus and going to sleep gn
@Nero maybe I can help
what's the problem you're facing?
Cheers for the Mehdi but I just fixed it x.x
@MehdiB. thanks for the offer regardless
@bluetoothfx office kinda
but no not really
Well fuck
Just played this punkass kid with a cocky attitude. I have him the game because he claimed it was checkmate and I missed a move.
@TimCastelijns next round starts in a little less than 3 hours. I gotta calm down and regroup after the last game. I hate it when people play a psychological game like that.
I need to learn to channel some anger when playing people like that. It could help me keep an edge, I think.
@TimCastelijns And thanks...hopefully the last round today will go a little better.
Kick him under the table
that might get me arrested
I had to leave the venue until the next round to cool down.
one more round today and two tomorrow
and hopefully I've learned to be more careful
at least I have some time to work on other things. Found a nearby coffee shop to sit at and chill
Sounds tough over there. I hope it works out
I'm gonna code or answer q's for a little while. I'll calm down by the time the next round starts.
Thanks for your encouragement.
looks like someone found a new way to crash my baseball card app...

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