It's not too hard to look at your code and see it's higher quality than someone who copy pasted an adapter from one SO answer, onBackPressed from another, Application from another etc.
If an assignment can filter out 450/500, then 50 can move forward through more time consuming interview processes
and to remember the import statements. like i had a lab project for my semester in college where i was asked to write some time related program without IDE. you would laugh at the mistake made by me
Any large C project gets pretty hard to do without autocomplete for the simple reason that you'll never remember the exact name of every struct or method you're accessing
@Mauker fixed casing and other issues. default room picked from prefs. Do you have a an alternative for callback from adapter ( could use a eventbus? )
The casing thing, it's just to be consistent, and it becomes easier to read later on. I know there are some other parts of the project that are probably mixing casing styles as well, but we'll fix it soon enough
in one of the meetups - i heard that uber use a formatting lib that tell you to adhere to the formatting style before committing to github since they have over 100 devs working on the same repo.
@AkshayKatariya suggestion you can got ask a question linking your profile. You will get mod attention and probably some negative votes on the same.
@Mauker I noticed you guys are using the group com.squareup.okhttp (which has been deprecated for a while now) instead of com.squareup.okhttp3, just a minor remark in case you missed this dep
@TimCastelijns next round starts in a little less than 3 hours. I gotta calm down and regroup after the last game. I hate it when people play a psychological game like that.
I need to learn to channel some anger when playing people like that. It could help me keep an edge, I think.
@TimCastelijns And thanks...hopefully the last round today will go a little better.