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04:00 - 10:0010:00 - 23:00

Goooooooooooooooooood Mooorninggggggggggggggg.......
2 hours later…
I need a logic to place Margin to the Image view of RecyclerView.ViewHolder, I already have 3 images in RV. (Image_0 | Image_1 | Image_2 ) I have to provide enough margin/padding to the Image_1 so Image_0 and Image_2 should appear to the LEFT and RIGHT respectively so it can appear semi image (semi_image_0 Full_Image_1 semi_image_2)
you might prefer a viewpager-ish approach to this
Yes even we have getPageWidth, setPageMargin for viewpager but unfortunately we have RV.
i remember someone making a magnetical anchored RV
buut i don't know where
Gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood Morning Everyone!!!!! :D
Eric, Checking...
I am able to find same for ViewPager easily in above libs.
Should I make food, or should I go out
On one hand, other people cook it for you
On another, $18 for fast food burgers isn't ideal
Maddy requested access. Rep: 1742 - Questions: 8 - Answers: 34 (ratio 4:17)
!accept Maddy
@Maddy welcome. Please start by reading the rules and confirm you have read them before saying anything else.
@R15-Zucc yeah sure, thanks for accepting
Read the rules before proceeding, I am not as patient as the bot
I have read and understood the rules
@RaghavSood you should get eric a cheap plane ticket. already told you i'll cook for you.
T-14h from departure time for the first dish to be on the works, tho.
I've simplified my cooking to the point of shoving stuff into an oven, so it's not really work at this point
Just slow
I'm also too poor to buy people tickets
weren't you a rich investor?
throwing money on gadgets like
I'm not so poor that I need to worry about being homeless/starving
But I'm not quite there yet
oh so then like i am lol
rich enough to exist
poor enough to "exist".
I'd say I'm slightly better off than existing
I could probably survive for a year or so with no income, which I suspect is better than most people
And that's enough time to plan a bank heist, so seems alright
Of course, I would have to drop out if that occurred
Can't pay for college and survive with no income
But still, better uneducated than dead
move to spain -> cheap college. move to germany -> free college. move to finland -> they pay you to be at college.
each has a certain barrier of entry
At this point, I'm more concerned about time
Each time I move I have to start over to a certain extent
I'd rather just be done with it in NZ, buy a sheep farm, and move on
sounds cool
do you need workers in that farm?
and will there be fiber?
You'll be my first call if I do
And probably not
4g if you're lucky
we'll set up a 5G antenna then
NZ doesn't have 5g
Hell, most of the country barely has 2g
we'll make it so.
rural areas can get 3g semi-reliably
4g is pretty much limited to cities
just need to point at the galileo weather array and use their bandwith
Fiber is just now making its way into the largest cities
@RonakMehta it's not difficult to use a RV for a viewpager. What is the issue
they are already transmitting galileo positioning system data at 5G to whom can listen
but i'm not sure if being stationary there's a direct link to them
we could probs steal the 4G of the ISS 20min a day
when it does the flyby
@TimCastelijns We need ti take care lot of other associated code which could be time consuming.
but yeah i'm up for goat herding in new zealand
i'm up for goat herding anywhere tbh
jsut gotta be far enough for my bank to never find me.
i need help
any one hear whose worked with firebase crashlytics
tempted to say no because I'm scared of the question, but yes I have
i have one small problem after implementation of crashlytics as Specified in Official Document
Q: Fierbase Console still show Crashlytics Implemetation Dialog

Ashvin solankiImplemented As Explained In Docs https://firebase.google.com/docs/crashlytics/get-started?authuser=0 buildscript { repositories { google() jcenter() maven { url 'https://maven.fabric.io/public' } } dependencies { classpath 'com.android.tools.build:gradle:3.1.4' classpath 'c...

I am confuse.... sir
hi confuse I am tim
before this project many time worked with firebase crashlytics newer faced this type of problem
@TimCastelijns confuse saying hi
@RaghavSood Wow that is costly
updated to AS 3.2. Can't build the project anymore
@CptEric what about india , bonus india is cheap too?
also have 4g
but i want to move to a higher standards of life country
or same
move to sweden
Move to India and stay with CF
would if i could. seems like a nice place.
you could get a higher standard of living in india depending on how rich you are :D
Sweden is good but there is a massive illegal immigrant crisis there
i want the default / average population to be "well being".
poverty rate below 10% if possible ( almost anything above denmark is below that rate)
"place" -- did you mean palace?
most western european countries have an immigrant crisis
i am not sure about poverty rate is india but recently we have around 72 million poor people that translates to 6% of population
I'll bet you it is way, way, way higher than that
that is world bank report /shrug
morning nerds
oh yeah by poor i mean people who cant get by daily with their earnings
> Using the $3.20 per day poverty line, the percentage of the population living in poverty in India (2011) was 60%
if we count poor maybe it will go upto 20% of population
2011 dude this is 2018
won't pay for an article, sorry
29.2% of the population was below the $1.50 poverty line by 2017
that sounds believable
makes sense that the numbers double when you use the $3.50 line, reccomended for developing countries
29.2*2...... not far from 60%.
wait for india it was 1.5$ or something along those line
we will be shifting poverty lines once we fixed the lower ones
can't wait for that sorry.
in spain the poverty line is set up at $4.15/day
haha i can understand was just stating what it is
again, what it is is a concept chosen by someone interested on showing you a % or another
well comparing spain to india is apples to oranges since spain is a developed country
take the average wage of the working population, remove top 1% and bottom 1% wage samples, and divide by 2. anyone below half the average wage must be considered poor.
that's it.
hmm i am not sure if we have those stats
that will actually go to upto 60% here
exactly what i said. heh
well you said for 3.2$
that is not really true for 2018
multiply by 2, 6.4$. is that an average-y hourly rate for an average worker there?
I suppose it's lower
you mean 3.2$ an hour?
it equals to a 1 228.8 US$ monthly wage
you said 3.2$ a day that is roughly 3.2*30 = 96$ a month
yeah day sorry
got my calculations wrong
average hourly rate is totally dependent on what kind of job you are doing
for manual work i guess its 3-4$ a hour
for IT its around 10$ a hour
guys, do you know if it's possible to tell AS that en_US is not the default locale for resources?
dunno tim
change the language
well you essentially want to use a different locale right?
just change the locale as soon as the app opens
I cannot build the project because I use a string that is in my custom dir values-XXX/strings.xml but not in values/strings.xml
no not the app locale, I mean AS
just add a dummy strings in default i guess
since i dont know if its possible to change that
I don't want to
i have tried the reverse a strings in default and not in a particular locale
oh wait i have tried what you said too it builds for me
havent upgraded yet
30 mins ago, by Tim Castelijns
updated to AS 3.2. Can't build the project anymore
probably they changed warning to error
previously it was a warning
yes, but no mention of this anywhere
hmm have you upgraded gradle also?
sounds like something related to gradle rather than AS
yes, seems like it works if I don't upgrade any versions
but sounds like that will create problem for me too
not a good change
@CptEric what about canada?
sounds perfect for you
must have 10K on bank to get a resident permit
wow sounds too high
i have that cash but indian passport :(
i think you will better off in some european country
like Germany or france
cf you want to go to canada?
at first i wanted to go to US
but i am not sure anymore
yeah. that's my last choice after the visa issue. they have increased visa fees as well
i like japan , US , germany , NL , Ireland , Italy
we can earn good money in australia.
i am missing some countries :thinking:
japan also
australia has a lot of racist problem i have heard too many bad stories
gives me the scare
germany is too cold for me. i would hate the weather.
well all western countries are cold for me
you have those problems in many countries as well.
and that too i belong to one of the hottest region in India
possibly but since australia has taken a lot of immigrants the sentiments have gone the anti immigration way
i am not saying its bad just that i have heard quite a lot of bad instances that gives me the scare
you could turn out just fine in all probability
if my job allowed remote i'd move anywhere
from couch to couch
You guys moving??
Amal requested access. Rep: 35 - Questions: 6 - Answers: 0 (ratio 4:0)
no, just dreaming
Take me with you guys xD
i like remote jobs.
!reject Amal
@Amal you currently do not meet the requirements to chat here. You can find our requirements in the rules.
Is there any available.. freelance remote jobs
xD we are just dreaming bluetooth
with a indian passport i am not going anywhere soon
i would probably take a spanish passport since that seems to be the easiest of the lot
Ok lets make a remote business then xD
and not a unstable country
Hoo is it possible.
i just hope india allows dual citizenship by then
In BD it is not possible
Is Tim here??
CF how about you
what is not possible in BD?
why would tim migrate NL seems good enough to me
Duel citz.
oh same as us then
Let's make a migration plan togather :p
dual citizenship won't happen in india any time soon
Another Indian
raghu yeah
doesnt look any party supports dual citizenship at all
also not a election issue
so we wont be discussing about it till 2030-40 i guess
So which country to go?
not so sure.. our PM is definitely looking at providing easier means to vote to NRIs.. Its a small start in the direction
yeah but that is not dual citizenship
but yeah small start indeed
@ColdFire NL is one of the best places in the world to live in terms of quality of life, but the country is extremely boring in comparison
i would agree i rank it quite high on my list too
hmm boring :thinking:
but you have the booze and beaches
Lets go somewhere else
best part weed is legal unlike in india. :)
lol amsterdam is famous for weed in india
that is the first thing people say when you talk about NL
or rather people say amsterdam more than NL
i don't smoke but couple of my football mates would definitely want to go to NL. only reason weed
same i dont smoke
@ColdFire our beaches are usually cold and deserted, and the water isn't exactly the cleanest
so weed or no weed doesnt make a difference to me
@TimCastelijns XD
@TimCastelijns why deserted no tourist?
water not being clean is kinda a problem for all countries i guess
because you freeze to death on most days
oh the weather :(
come to goa then we have some awesome beaches
nah man I was in italy again this summer and you can drink the sea water there it's so clean
its cheap
(not really, but it's crystal clear water)
yeah yeah i get it
in india i have seen few clean beaches but clean water was only seen in andaman islands
@bluetoothfx canada seems the easiest to migrate you could certainly try there :D
for germany i heard knowing german helps a lot
I am lookig for. A team to work making some product and earn some money
since 2014 India and japan's relation have blossomed
I wish i could make some service to Sell
so japan is taking a heck lot of indians
@bluetoothfx you're a developer, you can create any product
also yeah^
Mehdi what happened? Got any updates
you mean the job?
congrats are in order i guess :D
not yet, I accepted the $$ offer, haven't signed the contract yet
so only formalities remain
Hmm..but maintain family life ,,, office ,, then personal product is so much difficult...so i am finding some ppl
unless I miraculously get an offer from an ML company, then I'll probably join them lol
Nice @MehdiB.
I'm not very convinced it's the right move, but thanks :D
i might start couchsurfing europe
step by step
what is couchsurfing? i forgot
Machine learning..which country you are from mehdi
free house hosting worldwide
for travelers
Good way to get stabbed
@CptEric there's a freelance website (that I can't find now) specialized in putting you in contact with local companies of each step of your trip steps, you work with them for a week or so and they pay your lodging food and transportation
@bluetoothfx Morocco
for free healthcare loving folks : financialexpress.com/economy/…
@MehdiB. Don't matter if it's right as long as it pays well enough to let you make the right move in a few years
agreed Raghav, and the pay is good indeed
yeah pay is important
sounds cool mehdi
So everyone in this room dev and having a job..right
Need. A job with visa sponsored
Worry more about having a skillset that allows you to travel, than having a job that sponsors visas
If you're good enough, jobs will eventually come
But to be honest, most android app devs aren't rare enough to warrant that
You're going to need to be really good before you can go around hunting for visas
unless you are raghav (skynet)
On the other hand, if Mehdi plays his cards right, some countries will happily transport him to a new location, food, housing, everything paid, even without a visa!
(mostly after he's abducted by black ops folks for knowing too much)
Nothing is rare in this big world..only money is rare 😂
What is your super power?? I am rich. - batman
@RaghavSood 😂😂😂"too much" being: linear and logistic regressions XD
@MehdiB. The monkeys with guns won't care how much math you spout at them, orders come from the folks with computers running stuff that would benefit from having you update it
ashwin wait for sometime i guess it will show
wait did you check if your device has a internet connection?
I wish i can make a chat app for this stackoverflow 🤣😂
this is a chat room, not a helpdesk. We don't appreciate it if all you do is post questions and ask for help
bluetooth there is already one
So much pain in this browser...no notification...
@bluetoothfx @Mauker
Which app...link plz
the app is still on the works
due to stuff
:/ really..on github?
I am missing it
Can't miss you guys
^_^ home
Who is working on that project? Any of you guys?
Or stackoverflow guys
@ColdFire yes internet working fine
mauker is @bluetoothfx
@bluetoothfx nobody
Wow mauker...is it a public project?
Tim # CF which to believe... contradict speech
well mauker is busy so he currently isnt working on it
i linked it for you , you are free to contribute
04:00 - 10:0010:00 - 23:00

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