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that's what the 8 stands for
8 less bytes
Take my star
oh wait
that's was proguard twice xD
real R8: 20,085,764 bytes
almost 2kb more
Have you tried the Bundle build yet?
nope, will try on next release
but I need to find my keystore first
> OkCupid's web team is fewer than five people, and like any good small team, we are lazy as hell. We want to reuse stuff as much as possible. That’s why we chose React in the first place, right?
I really really really really REALLY want to work there now ;P
@AdamMc331 how many engineers are at the company?
@Raghunandan java man :'(
Equal to or more than fewer than 5
51 more rep and I will start to cast close votes, hurray :D
41 more
get him dima
I need a hedgehog api
Tuesday 25th September, 2018 https://t.co/vvgB6kZqC2
sooooo cute
Goddamnit cat api
I think you've exceeded your daily cat api allowance Tristan
which is cheaper aws vs azure vs google
your own hosting in Zimbabwe will be cheaper :D
@Code-Apprentice Holy.
I really liked linus for that
Being straightforward is better than "being nice"
@trevor-e It's around 25 ish engineers.
@TristanWiley lol what is this from
@bluetoothfx hard to tell, list all the services you wanna use, then see which platforms offer them, then compare each platform
i need free vps :D
aws offers 1 year micro instance
is there any?
is it required credit card?
depends on the geographic location, try it and see
@MehdiB. Not for me tho :D
wow it ogged in just
i want to set up a cloud vps there xD
@Mauker yeah well can you blame them? AWS shares prices decreased dramatically when you used their compute XD
@MehdiB. I'm banned lol
I know :D
But I only told that to our mehdi :o
@bluetoothfx Take a look at OVH
@Mauker he says "hi, how was your master thesis?"
boss need free vps xD
can't use paid one for test project
are you working at a company? XD
Then do as mehdi said
will run IIS and web api
@MehdiB. lol twin mehdi
scrap that
is it free or need credit card
You get some credit as you create your account
and I think you can get more if you use my link
But I don't remember if they work with VPS
hmm...wait for next month. I will load my card then do this stuff xD
@TimCastelijns bruh
I was asleep
Ahmad wc
what's up my dude[s]/ttes
@bluetoothfx don't do it. Your boss should be the one with the card
wow game on..
question : can you call using excel as programming?
cf + tim + Ahmad +mauker
tell me 1st do you knw VB?
@ColdFire if you code in vba maybe
yeah Mehdi
what vba?
I wouldn't put Excel on my CV though
you can code in excel?
@Ahmad Id say hi but then you'd just ditch me
Yes, you can code makros and add UI elements and stuff
i didn't ditch m8
Ahmad did you ditched!!! recently
Ditch him @Dave! He said hi
holy fucking shit
everyone telling here that you have ditch
i had no idea
hiya ahmad
wait where is the o/ in the cf commands
bot abuse
is there any bot comment enable in this room
I can only go up to 5
@tim pls fix
cf's vocab is more than 5 words
stupid bot
it's at least 6
@ColdFire wow, flagged!
@R15-Zucc feel free to flag
why would you do programming in excel tho?
no other IDE for vba?
microsoft visual studio
vs code + extension = may exist cjheck that out
CF - people using excel professionally don't do just simple calculations
yes i know but i thought you could only do function in excel
since it's a tool they extensively use they automate certain tasks etc..
or make a custom function if i remember correctly
never did it
"custom functions" are programmed aren't they?
yeah as i said i didnt knew you could do array if else and other stuff in it
wasnt aware about the VBA thingy
wow nice
hell yeah
g2g gys
1 am here
why is bluetooth finding ahmad tho?
@Ahmad drive to amsterdam and we can talk about it. Maybe
cya bluetooth its 12:24 am here
I like to be with colse ppl...this room is like my family member
driving from san francisco to amsterdam is hard mate
ah ok you are from bangladesh right?
time zone suggest that
it is good that you have remembered
haha :D
congraz to team India (cricket)
Oh yeah
you've been pretty absent lately and... nice, CF
we wreck all the teams
is everything ok?
time to sleep. cya guys in the morning
cya raghu
@MehdiB. was the first part for me?
Raghav g2g
@ColdFire yeah that whole message, and the next one
yeah everything is ok for now :D
glad to know that (y)
now i feel sad i just got into a argument with someone that doing excel is not programming i had no idea about VBA
sounds like was totally unnecessary
It is good that you are able to learn from your mistakes, CF
Now we know you will be compliant when we use your help to wipe out your people
well you learn new things everyday lol
CF Has no people, only servants
damn you just reminded me of yesterday when 2 guys insulted india and indians
let me guess, they are dead now
heads on the castle wall pikes
next time i swear if somebody tries it they are gonna regret that badly
Starred for evidence
yeah should be
those 2 guys were so ignorant that i feel pity for them
!cf[6] : "Off with their heads"
Unknown command '!cf[6] : "Off with their heads"'
and i didnt roasted them
did it happen online?
yes in javascript room
oh don't worry then. People who go in the js room willingly already punish themselves enough
on one hand i felt pity for them on another hand i feel i should have given them a taste of their own medicine
sometimes being too tolerant just fucks you up
forget about that, it's not worth it to get into heated arguments online
altho i did told them India doesnt need their liberal virus and Indian doesnt need to ask what to build where to build from america
You're Right, CF
@MehdiB. that is true i initally ignored but that hitler comment was just way out of line
there is only so much bs we can take
there it is, the royal "we"
Tim already said that a few times, you shouldn't refrain yourself from flagging a message you personally find offensive
hate speech is flaggable
yeah but i dont really flag message at all
only did it twice till yet
oh that reminds me there was one guy who was racist against a indian at that time i used one
another one was in lounge room i just entered there to ask something for someone else and well you know lounge
I rarely hang out in other rooms, and r15 people are nice, so never personally encountered something upsetting
The closed door policy really helps a lot about it
Less tolls joining really lowers the chances of flame wars over nothingness
yeah both flags werent used in r15
but seriously who in their sane state of mind would go to a programming platform to troll? XD
r15 is a well maintained room and that is why you have so many regulars
@MehdiB. Most people
exactly i dont expect this shit on sites like SO
@MehdiB. you go anywhere that gets a rise out of people
... I mean, that being said, it's not like this room was exempt of trolling, let's face it ;)
there is light trolling and then there is vicious trolling
@TimCastelijns well i just happened to be in js that day and this guy was just pushing random bs about my country which was not remotely close to the truth it was like you are running a agenda like NYT and BBC
i can understand why NYT and BBC gets a burn since india is progressing fast but that guy just beats me
anyway next time i will settle the scores if anybody at all wished to try
@Ahmad I accept PRs
too l8 m8, he left like he always does
i'm still here
Who are you and what did you do with my fren?
Ahmad got hacked? Should I revoke his access?
yeah the way I see it, he's either an absentee ditcher or he got hacked
confirmed, the ahmad I know would have posted this one "🌝" instead
Tim, is the change live?
The subject is here
Unknown command '!dave'
26 mins ago, by Tim Castelijns
@Ahmad I accept PRs
Adam is broken
PR is not live yet
you're not cool enough to have your own command
I think you just need your name to start with an A
Ankit, Ahmad, Adam
I see what's going on here
Unknown command '!ave'
@DaveS sssssssssssssshhhhhhhhhh
@TimCastelijns Here is your reminder
Ok, see ya
Online since 25-09-2018 21:16 (UTC). Running version 1.5.2 on master@7b5c75b
@Mauker ok
well you should have done a error 404 not found
or lost after keystore
The bot was kind to give adam a new key
Or maybe it's a dreadful reminder of lost things.
@Adam take a look
Hmmm, let me test something
Ohhh yes.
@Tim is this version already using koin 1.0?
I saw you changed it on the dev branch
I'll make a modification on adam's feature
Did you close your fb? lol
I never have it open
I despise it
No I mean, for good
no I need it for stalking
(Ν‘° ΝœΚ– Ν‘°)
I tried to message you there, but couldn't find you
Perhaps I'm just blocked ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
must have http://
add the scheme
testing the app?
Something worse.
a php script? :O
mauker I don't have a kotlin ide set up, if I give you a command and output will you submit PR?
Gimme on facebook messenger
@DaveS His hourly rate is 4 arrows in his enemies
Can you pay it?
We gotta do something about this whole sunlight thing
It's getting annoying
fuck regulatory documentation
I outsource all my murder to CF's royal guards
it's the worst kind of docs
@DaveS What happened to hiring good ol' american hitmen?
@DaveS doesn't it just work in AS?
idk I never tried
@Code-Apprentice That's why you incorporate in sketchy, Russian controlled islands
@RaghavSood too expensive, I just have to tell CF someone insulted India's rising conservative ideals and he gets the job done for free
So you're exploiting people instead of paying fair wages
Here's your bald eagle and submachine gun, carry on
@DaveS lol that wouldn't work i couldn't care less if he doesn't like India's conservative or any ideal for that matter but saying random incorrect bs could work
Psst Mauker's enemy just said communism is superior to capitalism
damn that reminds me i forget to tell that guy that we are building a even bigger statue and that too again of a nationalist
you don't have anything to prove to anyone, chill :D
@DaveS oh i dont need to worry about them then communism will itself finish them
I wish my life was simple enough that the statues people were building were something I was passionate enough about to argue with internet strangers over
^ exactly raghav :D
He also just said that Indian food is inferior to Middle eastern food.
middle east is irrelevant
Remind me to never hire CF for international politics
shouldn't you expect people from the middle east to be offended by this, CF? :P
lol i agree there mehdi
@RaghavSood meh oil relevance is going to be less and less by each passing year
Sure, but they have a rather large amount of money
i hope all the oil of the world just burns away
So you're pro fossil fuels then
no oil no middle east issues no US democracy installation less tensions
I feel like that's an overly simplistic view of politics
well we arent really serious so yeah simplistic view works :D
@Mauker this pull request isn't gonna write itself
jk <3

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