my dslr lens has fungus on it. dam! getting it treated is costly. gonna buy a new one. Tried slica gels. i never found a easy way to keep fungus away from my lens
and yeah, maybe there's intelligent people who likes to dance salsa. but i'm sure they would come up with something more in their description than that.
Where does "Knowledge and intelligence are social constructions" come from, btw? Never heard that one (and currently am happy about it but still curious).
One gets a lot tougher stuff to deal with then the other, unfortunatly that is how it works sometimes
But left, right, positive or negative aspects.. Gotta keep it up and search for what makes you feel confident. Can be as simple as the right music untill doing a solo travel or creating stuff or.. ???
well a strange coincidence happened i just watched few mins back 3-4 videos related to space and one guy in my whatsapp group shared 2 of 3-4 videos just few mins back
ConnectableObservable does not care when you subscribe to it; instead, it only begins its work when connect() is called. With that in mind, what is the output of the following? val connectableObservable = Observable.just("Hello!").publish() connectableObservable .subscribeOn( .subscribe { println(it) } connectableObservable.connect()If you answered "Hello!" then
it's good to be familiar with asynctasks, but you should avoid them completely and use more sophisticated mechanisms when you're ready to make the switch