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00:00 - 12:0012:00 - 00:00

nah m8 he's the ditcher in chief
are applications open?
Tristan ditched Ahmad
> When things went well we got a cluster. When they didn’t, we created a brick that was hard to transform back into a computer.
@Ahmad Not yet, next week
Check our FB page ;)
Hey Mauk Mauk
hey twistan
how you doing?
Good, good, you?
Tired, anxious
my thesis defense is tomorrow
Have you bought the chainmail and sword yet?
Remember, you don't need to take out the professor if you take out the department head first
Good catch
2 hours later…
For me, human still a part of natural, I mean not from the Lunarr. Humans like to voluntarily make more guilt to themselves to hide other real mistakes. BTW, our modern civilization is not Earth friendly.
What on earth are you on about?
Anyone around and wanna read a short abstract I wrote for a 20 minute talk at a meetup?
I'll do it in exchange for opening your talk with a slide with my silhouette on it and pledging allegiance on stage
I'll add your silhouette and thank you for reviewing it
Allegiance or extermination
Your choice
I would make a great democratic leader
i don't believe you
I'll read through it, link
# Why Native Mobile App Development Isn't Dead Yet

In this talk we'll go over the differences between native mobile app development and hybrid approaches. After discussing a few of the cross platform development options, we will work through the benefits that they provide along with the drawbacks that still exist. At the end, you’ll leave with an understanding of why people are being drawn to these cross platform tools, but why native mobile app development is still king (for now).
It's short haha
also I'll pledge allegiance if you can promise me keystores when you take over
Looks alright
Thanks. :)
I'm sorry, that's not an option. Guess we'll just have to remove you
It's a week from today. so I gotta get my shit together.
2 hours later…
The oven burned my food
Instead of tortilla wraps, I'm getting hard shelled carbon wraps
\o morning
Got qubes working
Gonna use it as a secondary machine for a few months
If all goes well, I shall make a switch
Yo Shinobis o/
Wondering if there is any API to get all connected station list to the Android Device Hotspot ?
The info of station may includes IP Address, Mac Address and name(Optional)
It's fine even if it is hidden API since my app gonna be a system app.
There is a file which is in dhcp directory which keeps being updated whenever new station is connected.
Hello, good morn
Since the file is updating from somewhere, there has to be some API for that as well.
At the moment, I achieved this requirement by using FileObserver
But I am more interested in relevant API.
Q: Wi-Fi tethering - how to get list of connected clients

FiurIs there any way to get a the list of connected MAC addresses when my phone is on Wi-Fi tethering mode?

Seems easy enough
Don't think there is an API, though
Well I did this already
Why not just searches for 192.168.42.meow
For AGO, we have API
It would be interesting to see how Google guys are doing the same in Android P
I'm sure there is a hidden API
You can look up the hotspot settings view and see where it sources the stats from
ConnectivityManager is doing the job
But it has no relevant APIs to get station info
If you are already a system app, I'd suggest just taking the data from the filesystem
It will likely break less than hidden APIs
APIs change, linux usually doesn't
I agree, this way is less overhead, But if we go by architectural way, the API has to be available in Framework level and should be exposed via BroadcastReceiver.
> le you But if we go by architectural way
> le me Points at BLE
In any case, I'll check Android P code. Should be available by now ?
@CptEric netpork should see this lol
He'll sure burst out
me_irl after the oven murdered my baking dish
This oven is possibly possessed
or you don't know how to use it
The dish said it was fine up to 220c, oven was only at 180c
But this oven is somewhat sketchy, so it might have decided to go for the kill
It's a glass baking dish, it's not like there's a wrong way to use it
probably there is
@TheLittleNaruto yes
sometimes they have clear instructions liek "heat only from above plz"
Nothing like that on this one
@AdamMc331 I am not a fan of the title
It just said don't go straight from the refrigerator or freezer to the oven, and keep it under 220c
I went from room temp to 180c
and it broke/melt?
low/q crystal
go to the store
and food
demand refund
Well, it's still in one piece
But there's a very visible 15cm crack
But it's not a through cross section, so it's still held together
@AdamMc331 Looks Good Except the title maybe as rim suggested
are you sure you are reading the instruction correctly?
maybe it was a faulty one
It's a glass dish. It doesn't come with an instruction manual. This stuff is embossed on the bottom
Heh. Compiling Ubuntu on the x220, completely silent. Scrolling HN on the mac, sounds like a jet engine
oh right how is your new laptop?
Who knows
Don't have it yet
super fast?
oh ok
Hello @all
Banned for mass pinging
At least it wasn't the wood chipper this time
Haha xd Ya well I am disappointed of you Raghav, I've waited 3 days for you and your woodchipper...
You're a low priority
We'll get to it in time
You're still young, hardly in a rush here
Oh, nice thanks xd So Raghav what is a high priority for you?
Does anyone have experience with UIAutomator2?
Getting this Qubes install done so I can actually start using it
benjamin no
Espresso maybe?
Yeah, I have a bunch of it every day
Fair amount of experience
The key to Espresso is to consume it in large enough amounts that you can never stop consuming it, or the cumulative withdrawal will kill you
Incidentally, you can apply the same philosophy to tests
So we should drink Espressos from bottles?
Just drink water and spoon in ground coffee, cut out the middlemen
we ran out of nespresso capsules
so i had to rely to the tea box we also have
brittish breakfast it is then
tea with milk and a toast.
0/10, not enough top hats and monocles
@MarkO'Sullivan is convincing the House of Lords to ban you as we speak
he's a nornie living in edimburgh
probably is banned from the chamber only for existing
He's doing it via pigeon proxy, they don't know his sins
damn pigeons
i thought the cat plague had ended them
Now, the question is whether I should trust this oven enough to cook this lamb, or get takeout instead
it can almost cook glass
i think a lamb is easy work for it
Yeah but the lamb will go in the oven in the potentially compromised glass dish
So this could go sideways pretty quick
best outcome: perfectly cooked lamb
worst outcome: your house will smell of lamb.
specially what's infront of the oven
The kitchen/dining area is cut off from the actual rooms by fire safety doors
Only that area will be affected by the lamb
I guess they don't trust students to cook without burning the place down
you somehow broke a glass container at 180º
so my bets are on their insurance
I never said their choices are without merit :D
> don't ask yourself why there are fire retardant doors on the kid toys area in IKEA. as Who, How, and Where's the tape *eric cugota, feelosopher
I need more RAM
4GB isn't cutting it
download more ram
Yeah, send RAM over internet
DDR3 is still surprisingly expensive
DDR4 is more cheap
But this laptop wants DDR3
see the download more ram jokes are funny even when we know computer farms for rent are a thing
bad dad-ish jokes > the world
Aug 17 at 23:30, by Raghav Sood
> Just set up AWS S3, map it as a system device, and create a compressed swap file on it.
Buy new laptop
I did
This is my backup laptop
He is spelling it wrong, should be 艾利克斯
let's invite alex to R15
and make him change his name to DaveA
DaveAlex :D
@nyconing what does it say?
> I'm an IT student with a background in C++, C#, Java, JavaScript and Android App Development.
Omg it's really a mini-dave
It just a Chinese version of him name, Alex.
could dave somehow adopt him and tell everyone it's his long lost son during a weird summer trip to Romania?
"I have a background" => "I made a homework assignment for each of these languages"
meatgrinder 50k employees dev company => "you're hired. start copying excel rows to PL/SQL execution shells"
Bah, it's still compiling ubuntu
okay dudes someone is messing with blood type killing machines
Q: If everyone in the world disappeared except 35 random people, how long would it take for one of them to realize they're not alone?

EulbEveryone suddenly disappears from earth except 35 people randomly scattered wherever they were before everyone disappeared. How long would it take on average for 2 or more people to meet? What other factors would indicate to a person that they're not the only person who didn't disappear?

All I want is 2x8gb DDR3 1600mhz SODIMM modules <NZD50
Is that too much to ask for
that's like 50€ here
According to Thanos, it should take only few seconds
25€ each 1600 DDR3
but you'd be better off with DDR4 or DDR5
Around 120 here
This laptop can only take DDR3
@TimCastelijns looks like VB.net
i remember windows preferences in windows 2000 or windows XP had that outline style
just not colored
yes, groupbox
a sheep in the distance shouts 'neeeeerds'
in hell.
interesting imagery
i use tristan's giphy randomizer
3D border.
better sheep.
@RaghavSood wow that is cheap
Evidently impossible to find too
I can buy a laptop with 8gb RAM for the same price as the 8gb RAM
I may have some in SG, so I'll hold off for now
Does anyone here actually know what instrumentation of an Android app (am instrument) does?
Like, to the actual code
probably tim
Thanks, I'll try to ping him about it when he's around - I'm interested in what actually happens
@RaghavSood :D
I don't know much about espresso other than that you can use it to automate UI testing in the sense of 'click here', 'enter text there', 'wait a while' etc so you can verify everything works as expected
I'm not that concerned about espresso - I want to understand literally what instrumentation does
not able to answer that, I only write the occasional unit test
How do I get into that?
This has 0 implications on my job at the moment and I just want to understand it. What would be a good approach for that?
after reading the docs I would probably start looking for conference talks
Yeah, I have 5 conference talks lined up
maybe top questions on SO, if there are any worth checking
The only thing that worked for me in the past was sniping down Google engineers - but that seems very excessive and impolite since I'm basically asking to RTFM but I can't find said manual
I'm not sure about Android specific instrumentation, but in regular Java it essentially boils down to asking the VM to load an instrumentation agent as the first thing. This agent will register one or more class transformers
When each your your classes is loaded, these transformers are invoked
And can add bytecode at specific areas, such as before/after a certain method call in a certain class
After they edit the bytecode, the class loading finishes
Once all the required classes have been transformed and loaded, the code is executed, but with the patched in bytecode
Which allows it to do stuff you didn't necessarily write into your own code
Hmm, so basically instrumentation works (in desktop JVM) by transforming the class byte code at the class loader level?
What does the transformation actually do?
It can be something as simple as adding a timer before a method executes, or more detailed stuff such as memory inspection
I'm not sure of the limits, but there's a fairly wide range of bytecode you can patch in, so you could do pretty complex stuff
Hmm, if there is a tutorail, video or even a piece of code I can read about it you can recommend I'd love to not waste your time :) If there isn't, it would be great to understand it better
Instrumentation in JS works differently. Basically I want to see if I can instrument another application in runtime - since that's likely not possible I want to see how close I can get.
These seems like a very quick overview : rafaeloltra.com/…
I don't recall where I skimmed over this stuff for the first time, it was ages ago
Oh, by the way: The end goal is to call UIAutomator or Espresso on another app I didn't create for a disabled family member.
So if this an X/Y problem and there is a way to instrument another app directly or to call UIAutomator/Espresso commands on another app without asking for it. Then that's a shortcut.
Hmm. Have you tried the accessibility API?
The accessibility API works, but I want to/need to use automator.
Any particular reason?
Yeah. A friend of mine has a company that does UI test automation, they run the tests in Appium, they already have a way to record tests that way and run them in appium. I want to do the reverse and similarly to how people use web tools for scraping - I want to use an appium generated script (with either driver) for automating app actions.
The end goal is for me to be able to record workflows for said family member on my computer or phone and then him being able to play them on his device.
That way, he could do a lot more stuff he is now not great at and hopefully regain more independence.
The problem is UIAutomator requires the app to be instrumented
That link says you can do it on system apps too
They shouldn't be instrumented
I don't control the app - if he's using Facebook, I want to be able to run UIAutomator scripts on the Facebook app for example.
> The UI Automator testing framework is an instrumentation-based API and works with the AndroidJUnitRunner test runner.
I reckon you might run into a limitation where you can only inspect the UI if the third party app is launched from your app
And your app is instrumented
It requires AndroidJUnitRunner instrumentation and an am instrument call to work as far as I know.
So to get to Facebook, you would need a controller app with instrumentation, and then launch Facebook via some intent probably
Hmm, that's a good idea.
Can I just publish an instrumented app?
Eh, even if you can't, that's an easy bypass
But I've never tried, sorry
If you're able to actually get this to work, it wouldn't be too hard to have a sideloaded instrumented app that can download an update and click the okay button on the confirmation screen :D
What do you mean by "that's an easy bypass"?
@RaghavSood ah, so then I'd get two apps - one is my main app, one is the instrumented app and that launches the third app?
You could probably just do it in one, launcher like app that is instrumented, and lets you launch arbitrary apps
Ideally, I don't want to touch the launcher
You won't, you'll just be an app similar to a launcher
Wherein you have an option for launching other apps on the system
Oh, but if that doesn't run instrumented then I'll still need the second app to do the launching no?
And if the premise that an instrumented app can inspect and interact with the UI of non-instrumented apps as long as it launches them holds, you should be able to interact with any app
I don't think you need two apps, what you do think the first/second app are right now?
@RaghavSood this
Hmm, an alternative to that would be to shim the UIAutomator bits with the accessibility API
Just the one app could update itself
That makes sense
The app downloads an update -> Uses an intent to launch the package manager with the downloaded apk -> Clicks the install confirmation for a sideloaded update using the UIAutomation
Since the app launched the package manager, it should be able to interact with the confirmation screen, if our initial assumption holds
Thanks a lot, that makes sense
> Since the app launched the package manager, it should be able to interact with the confirmation screen, if our initial assumption holds
Wait, why? Since the initial app isn't instrumented wouldn't the user need to manually confirm that?
But the initial app is your app, which is instrumented
But I thought you can't publish an instrumented app to the play store
I have no idea if you can
Oh lol, I'll check
I'm saying that if you can't, you can sideload it, and use this method to update it
If I can't - then I don't understand how the suggested method works
Even if the app launches the package manager with the downloaded APK - I can't click on anything using UIAutomation since nothing is instrumented yet - the user can click "Install" though that's fine.
You manually install the instrumented app
You have some server to serve new APKs
The app checks for updates
If an update exists, download it
Use your app to launch the update screen
Use your UIAutomator to click install/okay
The first install is manual
Can I publish a non-instrumented version to the play store and have that version update to the instrumented one?
As long as they are signed by the same key, sure
But the first update would have to be manually installed
That's fine, still not sure who calls am instrument on the updated app in this scenario?
There's is likely some way to do it if you have a system app
@Champandorid You need a 4:3 q:a ratio or better to get access here
someone should make a bot to handle this
Yeah, some guy here was working on it, but he was never really any good at much
@RaghavSood hmm
I'll do some research and see if I can figure it out
if you right click on chrome you can open the emoji box
Sir, step away from the computer
Anyone here using a mechanical keyboard
Which one?
corsair strafe mx cherry red
Seems affordable
the blue ones make more noise tho
I live alone, noise isn't a problem
Aha, ubuntu is done compiling
Off we go
ctrl + cmd + space on mac for emojis
What's the point in mechanical keyboards apart from the noise?
Way more durable
And not all of them are noisy
It depends on the switch you're using
I mean I've had this keyboard since I joined Shot Scope and it's sweet
I find them more confortable to write in the long run too
Having a nice mouse I can understand, cause for gaming alone you can use the extra mouse buttons
The mechanical keyboard is good for gaming too
But it really depends on the switch type
We've talked about this here before
Jul 4 at 14:17, by Mauker
Also, mechanical keyboard, brown switch <3
start on that message :p
We talked about the switch types, with gifs and all
But the gist of it:
Jul 4 at 14:24, by Mauker
Blue -> The best for those who write a lot
Brown -> A hybrid between Red and Blue. Good for gaming, and typing
Red-> Very good for gaming, not so good for long term writing
Black-> Hard as fuck to press (jk)
maukerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr keyboardddddddddddddddddddddddd
There are other details like... There's no ghosting effect on mechanical keyboards
there are some key combinations that on normal keyboard would render a few keys "dead" while you're using the other keys
For those who have normal keyboards, try to press both shift keys and write a long sentence
brown sounds like the type of keyboard I need
> For those who have normal keyboards, try to press both shift keys and write a long sentence
never knew that
though why would you use both shift keys
Both shift keys is just an example
there are other combinations that will render a few keys "dead"
never pressed the right shift ever in my life
this one just happened to be one that I remember
This laptop I'm using, if I press both, the "m" key won't work
I'll write a sentence in portuguese using both my mechanical keyboard and the laptop one
Both T and M won't respond
This was one "I" away from a joke... "T I M" won't respond
This can also be a problem for fast writters. Sometimes when you type fast enough on regular keyboards, this effect can be observed
This happens cause on regular keyboards, some keys share a common bus, and if this bus is busy, the second key will be silent.
same as in runescape if you withraw items from the bank too fast, it can skip some clicks
Mechanical ones on the other hand, have dedicated buses, faster chips, better architecture
@TimCastelijns Using the mouse? Or the keyboard?
mouse of course, keyboard is semi useless there
I've never played it, that's why I asked
@MarkO'Sullivan Brown is the one I have. It's amazing
00:00 - 12:0012:00 - 00:00

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