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it seems at these speeds the weight of the car could be insufficient to keep it grounded
Sarge, it is not about the weight, it is purely about losing the air pressure to keep the pushed to the ground
like the famous "stall" warning in an airplane
afaik a formula 1 car could drive top down on a street (like the roof of a tunnel) with the generated pressure from the air to hold it up there with just 160kmh
now this is really interesting, I have to go search for this
@WarrenFaith Nothing better than hanging around in the air with 30 knots and a constant bleep in the ear :')
If you're developing for iPhone, I recommend turning on the microwave regardless. ;) — A Boschman May 23 '17 at 10:36
@SargeBorsch woah
Warren made a excellent point
@TimCastelijns lmao
setting signal strength to none on an emulator still allows it to make access network
Wasn't aware of that
There is the "only 2g" option in the device settings... That is already pretty decent slow
no there is a bunch of settings
@TimCastelijns from what I remember yes because it mainly uses the PC internet connection
@WarrenFaith That's what I used before
And it worked
that makes no sense CF
but never tried to set the signal strength to none. It's weird it still allows you to connect
Lol what?
how would you watch an ArrayList updates? I extended ArrayList and added a listener to be called on the add method, any better way ideally built-in?
ArrayList itself doesn't have this mechanism
Your solution is not a bad one Mehdi
there is ObservableCollection in apache commons
Thanks, taking a look
what is the goal here btw
Auto detect arraylist changes I guess
yeah but why
a parallel stream that upload files, and on the upload itself multiple threads that upload the content as chunks to speed up the upload
Maybe he is having some configurable code
so working on a way to get notified when everything is done so I can clean up the uploaded files
what is the role of the list in this process
all the files that succeeded get appended there, and on that notification => delete them all, send their IDs to a service and mark their IDs on a log file
because I don't want to call my service for each successful upload
brother you are in dire need of some rx it seems
Debugging is hard
Especially when you lose the ability to map assembly to source
Tim - I'm considering it seriously now, it's kind of painful to handle all that from scratch
@Mauker Seems like a nice read, but I'd hope I have a grasp of that stuff by now :P
the positive point is that I've used as much Java8 cool features as I could :D
@WarrenFaith Flight simulator X approves this message.
just consider how nice your life would be with something like gateway.uploadFiles(files).subscribeOn(Schedulers.io() /*predefined threadpool, no overhead in creating threads*/).doOnNext(file -> file.delete()).subscribe(//all done)
@RaghavSood It's been two years since I last studied any of that, it was a refreshing read
Crypto is usually very interesting
Tim is now the lord of Rx Realm
Amazing, my SSD disappeared from the system
Please tell me you're not dead
@TimCastelijns does it matter if i don't have control on the executor service of "uploadFiles"?
sorry caps
Moving up while stalling? ARE YOU GONNA KILL US ALL?
@MehdiB. yea it is the most essential part
@WarrenFaith probably
if you are stalling you are too slow for a supporting air flow. You need to go down to gain speed and get control again
actually you can wrap it in an observable manually, but it is not as nice
so that's why all those people were screaming in my simulator
good to know.
I never play that with sound
phew it was just the cable
i used FSPassengers
Hmm, i'll have to see what the S3 sdk offers on that side
it is nice to just see the red flashes and sing "They see my flying, they are hating..."
a module that allowed you to have stuff like movies, food, etc
even the buckle up sound
and added you points for doing it right
my best trip so far was BCN-CDG (paris), where i landed at first try
my worst, London-Dublin. i probably caused WW3 when wind threw my right wing onto whati i ike to think was the guiness factory.
anyone have experience displaying svg in a layerlist without having it upscale?
seems not
me cryos muchos
cries in spanish
You don't cry in spanish until you cry paella!
imagine someone crying spaghettis
I admit, it's gonna be weird :D
I can't get that out of my head now, thanks Mehdi
In Germany we say it is raining spaghettis or shoe laces
in french we say it's raining ropes
peculiar how users cannot see access requests, though the socket propagates the event
by users you means non ROs?
@ColdFire Who dares to summon me ?
And it's about soccer, damnit
it's certainly because ROs get subscribed to a queue of access requests of a particular room, regular users are not
Hi people o/
@QinxinZhang sorry but you need at least 80 reputation to talk here. Details can be found on our rules page: room-15.github.io
oh hey OcuS :D
\o bye people
@MehdiB. yes. I just find it peculiar that the client decides this, not the server
because the ws has to be agreed upon by the 2 sides, certainly SO broker gives access to the room queue for a user id then the client subscribes, so it won't probably work for anyone unless they get a RO user ID
or maybe something else unique and not exposed for security
"because the ws has to be agreed upon by the 2 sides" what makes you say this
the broker can register a client id as subscriber / publisher
but if the client doesn't manually subscribe to the queue it won't happen
new user publishes an access message to the room access queue -> the queue broadcasts it to all the subscribed clients (ROs) who are connected -> RO processes the request by publishing an accept message on the access queue for that user -> user gets access to publish into the chat queue
SO could have just one queue for the room, with different message types, but the schema is the same
not sure if you understand what I meant xD I mean that if I open a socket to SO chat I get notified of access requests, even if I am not authenticated. While in the web client, only ROs get this notification
oh XD
"even if I am not authenticated" that shouldn't happen XD
you need auth to get the url to connect to though
and the url contains a token?
no, the magic is in the cookies
but they are not involved in the ws communication
then how does their broker authenticate you?
damn, you're right, they don't require anything to get that session
what could possibly be the reason to give access without auth? :O
@OcuS oh hiya ocus
@MehdiB. noobs coding obviously
note that it is a one-way connection
actions require post requests with auth
so basically allowing to read but not perform actions
yeah it's just a feed of events
You can see it, but you can't touch it
understood, so similar to not be authenticated to chat and being able to see the messages
still not sure it makes sense for administration related stuff
Perhaps it just doesn't make sense
Maybe someone forgot to restrict the access to that data
it's not really sensitive data
or like CF said: noobs coding
Yeah, but neither is it necessary for normal users
wouldn't call engineers managing such a big network noobs XD
I meant restriction based on utility, not security
@MehdiB. That's why I said that they might've forgotten first :p
this is great for me, now I can do "things" without needing elevated access
> Barista robots, decentralized scooters, self-driving cars, and automated food delivery bots.
the incoming techcrunch disrupt is gonna be so cool
@TimCastelijns I was tired and ready to fall asleep, but my body just wouldn't do it last night.
@MehdiB. What exactly is a decentralized scooter?
Personally, I prefer motor vehicles to not be distributed
They generally seem to work better in a single unit
The rest of it basically just sounds like layoffs for fast food employees
there is a startup who opened a fully robotized restaurant, that prepares meals in 3min
as for the scooter, I have no idea...
I recall reading an article where a burger joint had to fire their robot cook because the humans couldn't keep up
And running it at lower efficiency cost more than having a human cook
0 humans in this one
"fire their root cook" I love how this sounds :D
Damned humans, taking jobs from honest, hardworking robots
@RaghavSood lol
posted on July 16, 2018 by Joshua Baxter

Android Studio 3.2 Beta 4 is now available in the Beta channel. If you have Android Studio set up to receive updates on the Beta channel, you can get the update by choosing Help > Check for Updates (Android Studio > Check for Updates on Mac). Otherwise, you can download it here. This update includes the following change in behavior: When syncing your project, if the minimum SDK v

@MehdiB. link?
@Code-Apprentice producthunt.com/newsletter/1020 (TechCrunch signup email on the bottom)
@Reno are you planning on moving to germany?
if you move to berlin you will not need to learn the language
everyone here speaks english
even in the rest of germany you should be fine with just english
as per job sites: SO careers is actually pretty good in gemany, linkedin jobs and indeed
I'd start looking at linkedin jobs
most german tech companies post there
Hey @Ahmad <3
Seven more days until my new macbook arrives. It feels so far away.
I'm going to get a Thinkpad
New macs are the last push I needed to leave
My HP laptop has to be serviced. Display is gone flickers
It was nice while it lasted
If it cannot be repaired i would buy mac although i prefer not to.
and running ubuntu is a problem. Boots fine with a live cd. But seems the hardware gives trouble and gets stuck at boot itself. finally some how after repeated on/off you go to home screen and it flickers
Had troubles with 2 laptops sony and HP.
That's why I'm buying a Thinkpad
It's easy to get linux on it
how good is it compared to mac?
It's less than half the price, and it runs linux
I'll make do
Tbh, I spend most of my time ssh'd into linux anyways
The biggest learning curve will likely be the trackpad
That's one thing apple aced
@AdamMc331 actually it is so close, no matter how far
Hello, Android!
@RaghavSood what distro do you use?
Mostly Debian based stuff
Majority of servers are on ubuntu
RPis are on debian derivatives
I can stumble through arch and redhat
And trip through BSD stuff
Do you have ubuntu on your laptop?
I will in a few weeks, hopefully
I'm planning to sell my Mac just before my mid semester break, so that I can buy the thinkpad while I'm in Singapore
I have a bunch of RPis and an NUC running linux for when I need it locally, for now
I'm running arch on my desktop but I'm thinking about installing ubuntu when I get a new ssd
raghav you once said that event 16 is a user requesting access
it is 15
I put the events down in the comments in the other bot
I also want a windows gaming machine
From my "experiments" 15 is a change in access, 16 is the request
But that's quite old, it may have changed
@Code-Apprentice I try to be somewhat familiar with broad and major distro families
But tbh, if you're fairly good at using GNU/Unix toolchains, you can work your way through more or less all of them
let's assume they changed it then. I wouldn't want to call you a liar
It's unlikely that your distro will be a limiting factor for normal workloads on reasonable hardware
They must have done so recently, AndroidBot still listens to 16, and it was able to pick them up earlier this year
@RaghavSood installing arch was interesting especially since I wanted to fully encrypt the system
Hmm. Does that require something special in Arch? It's mostly transparent in Debian systems
I learned a lot about that toolchain but don't remember any of it
By toolchain, I mostly just mean you should have an idea of how a linux system is structured, be able to use vim/emacs reasonably, and in general be comfortable with bash
Yeah, it wasn't just a checkbox in the installer like with ubuntu
Lots of command line stuff
Between that and Google, you should be reasonably fast at using most systems
For encryption we don't use the default stuff
We use luks, and TPMs if available
i was at google hydb for a week. they gave me gubuntu. google's own ubuntu customized
Ideally, we prefer hardware encryption so it's completely transparent to the OS
Arch has reasonably good documentation. It is often very generic, though, without good examples.
And use luks for removable media
Fortunately I found a good guide as a gist
god damn javascript room
The only reason I've not explored arch too much is that in the last few years, all the hacking stuff I've done has involved SoCs and ARM devices
Arch is x86/86 only iirc
Whereas debian is happy to install on vacuum tubes
I like that arch is so minimalistic. You only install the packages you want and their dependencies
Yeah, ubuntu tends to come with a fair bit of bloatware now
Although you can install a minimal system fairly easily
I usually just install the server version
Since I use it on... servers
But I'll probably install that on the laptop too, and then install a window manager
Probably results in a lighter system
what's arch? a linux distribution?
@AdamMc331 awesome
@eski yes
@Raghunandan hmm what were you doing there?
You got invited for some event?
@TimCastelijns too many flags?
no i was there on work. some contractual job for a week way back in 2010. some thing related to extracting data from websites with javascripts and regex
A: RegEx match open tags except XHTML self-contained tags

bobinceYou can't parse [X]HTML with regex. Because HTML can't be parsed by regex. Regex is not a tool that can be used to correctly parse HTML. As I have answered in HTML-and-regex questions here so many times before, the use of regex will not allow you to consume HTML. Regular expressions are a tool th...

they called it web crawling. uff i remember the tech term now
cya tomo. way past my bed time. good night from india..
@RaghavSood you interested in a crypto project? Building an exchange
Who's asking?
Some guy in the bay area reached out to me
Apparently the previous team built something in WordPress and nothing is working
So they want to start over
If someone thought it was a good idea to build an exchange in wordpress, they are so far out of their league that they should pivot literally anything else
Dev from scratch
Building an exchange is an extremely, extremely large project
There's a ton of work to be done even before you begin to write code
Look i'll have a call with him in 10min and i'll probably just redirect him to you if you want
I don't know crypto
I'm happy to talk further, but tbh I'm almost definitely not going to do it
If he/she wants an advisor, I may be game
Depends on how serious they actually are
Even with the new one here in NZ I've limited myself to an advisor role
Apparently they are and they want to pay + equity
ew, equity
We can talk further on telegram, but it's really hard to say without knowing a lot more. I'm @RaghavSood
Lots of people want to start an exchange, few will get anywhere close to it
Facebook also works if telegram is hard
Or WhatsApp
Any non-public forum, basically, can't speak numbers here :P
@RaghavSood Hi Raghav, I'm Mauker
yea it doesn't sound like these people have done their research
But it seems they're a bit clueless
opens Facebook to see if @MehdiB. sent a friend request
closes facebook
looks like you are unauthorized to view the comments
@RaghavSood they'd be much better off if they used SquareSpace or Wix instead
MySpace was pretty customizable in mid 2000s
Nice one CA
If someone told me they tried to build a crypto exchange on WordPress, I would simultaneously laugh and run away as fast as I possibly could
@RaghavSood I don't use telegram much. When I tried to add a new contract, it wants a phone number. I can't find a way to add someone with just a handle.
@RaghavSood XD
I don't have FB
see ya on linkedin
@Code-Apprentice Yeah, it's weird. I think there's a privacy setting on handles, took me some poking around before people could find me using mine
lol amazon's site is down on prime day
Works for me in NZ
Ah nope
I take that back
It's just the homepage
@RaghavSood I can't even find how to search for someone by handle
What's your handle?
@trevor-e payday is the 18th for me and my credit cards are maxed
I just set to @CodeApprentice
@RaghavSood If I'm flying to New Zealand, what's the preferred airport? Auckland?
Auckland for North Island, Queenstown or Christchurch for south island
Depends on what you wanna do
Queenstown is great if you want to visit the fiords, but it's winter right now so everything is frozen so you can't actually go visit them
Nice ski slopes though
Christchurch is good if you want mountains and a drive down the coast to Dunedin
Auckland is good if you want to visit Hobbiton and volcanic stuff
Or go further up north for beaches and stuff
Auckland it is
Ideally, you'll want to fly into auckland, then rent a car and drive down the north island and stop by Hobbiton, Rotorua, and all the other stuff
I say ideally because you don't really have a choice
You need a car, or you're not leaving the city much
Do they not have rideshare?
Also flights to NZ are expensive. I have two free tickets but the cap is 4k and that's not enough really
Uber is iffy, and New Zealand is really best experienced if you rent a car
The whole country is very drivable
But you can get around within the major cities without a car
Come to Phoenix Adam
The weather's great in mid July
@AdamMc331 Go to South East Asia
You might be able to make it to Australia for 4k
If you make it to AU, NZ is another $300 or so
We can consider AU instead.
AU and SEA are both nice to visit
Aww is it a Tradamoon?
I also looked at Hawaii and Alaska - domestic but still somewhat exotic. I don't think the roommate will want to go to those though.
You can easily get to Europe for 4k
Also: I can spend over 4k, but then the prices roll over to us. I'd love to keep the airfaire under 4k if I can, but yolo I'll do what I have to for this.
Yeah, that's true, and I've never been, but we were kinda thinking if we have 4k let's go somewhere we might not go otherwise.
I'd say go for AU then
SEA is going to be quite rainy right now
And you can extend AU into NZ quite cheaply, but you really want to have enough time in each place, so might not be worth it
yeah we're just planning a 10 day trip here
You could visit a couple of SEA countries
Sell the tickets for $3k and go to an all inclusive resort in the carribean and get wasted on the beach
Or AU, but getting around within AU might be an added cost if you aren't taking the train. Not sure if you can take the train everywhere
But you probably can
You can get wasted on the beach pretty cheaply in Thailand or Vietnam
Both are nice to visit too
Potentially, but how easy is it to get by as an english speaking tourist
Pretty easy
Hard if you're out of money, easy if you have money
Never had an issue
Singapore is nice, but 10 days is too much
You can do all the useful stuff in 3-4 days
10 days is our max
but I'm all for even less lmao
You can go to SG then hop on to Thailand/Vietnam/Indonesia and bail
SG is a good hub for SEA
You could do 0 days, send me and the wife the tickets
You can get to the above, plus Laos, Cambodia, Malaysia, Burma, India, Sri Lanka, and a ton of other places very cheaply and quickly
Philippines too
Try not to smuggle drugs into SG though, they will kill you
4k for a flight? o_0
@trevor-e Two round trip tickets with a 4k max. It's a prize from a competition I won lmao.
Roommate and I are set on New Zealand, and probably where we'll go, but now I'm just fantasizing about other options.
Ask them if you can buy 4k worth of airline points
ah ok
If you catch it during a 2x sale you can use them to book biz class tickets to europe
I can get you discounts on priceline express deals
well a round trip from NY to Auckland is only $1400
Or oneway biz to asia
yeah for super basic economy. Which is fine, but idk for a 28 hour trip...
Depends on the airline
I do long haul economy all the time, it's really not that bad
Just get drunk at the airport and sleep through it
@trevor-e I'll revisit this once we book the flight! Thank you!
Get noise cancelling headphones, babies are the enemy
Bose QC35 is 10/10 the best purchase I've made all year
Hey look it's Tim's bot
don't tell raghav
y'all have any more of that.. bread?
Anyone use org mode?
@R15-Zucc lol I only noticed that now
@RaghavSood talk to Aaron Hall. He's often in the python room or Haskell room
who codes their viewholders in separate classes vs inside the adapter class?

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