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@CarlAnderson Linting error, missing opening tag <pendantic>
5 hours later…
Gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood Morning Everyone!!!!!! :D
if (getChildCount() != 1) {
    throw new RuntimeException(TAG + " expects one child at all times.");
If I put this in onFinishInflate(), it doesn't throw this exception.
Instead, InflateException: Binary XML file line #2: Binary XML file line #2: is thrown.
Is this expected?
Does anyone used Retrofit for oAuth 1.0?
morning cf
me < a thousand libs > retrofit/dagger/square stuff
When getting an error with aapt when executing the task app:processDebugResources I have to check the build.gradle files for all my dependencies for the dependency compile "com.android.support:appcompat-v7:23.0.1"? (react native)
It's ok ._. I will just try and tweak numbers everywhere to get to a new error ._.
@geisterfurz007 your post makes no sense
React Native does not make sense either. It's fine ^^
Will figure it out sooner or later.
I'm using React Native
mkay why does it make no sense?
1. You haven't listed the error
2. What does the app compat have to do with anything
2. I have no idea. I just get one error after the previous in gradle for the last 4 hours.
1. cannot repro anymore because I broke something else :)
we can't help unless you post the error
oh hey another german
bro did you just assume his nationality
no I stalked his profile
ahmad the stalkmad
Heard of LiveData?
Now gonna start something weird called LiveSharedPreference :D
we have to look up everyone's profile when they first request access
tell the truth stalking is fun.
it's like being facebook but without selling that data to a cigarette company
stalking is weird, researching someone is different
researching is stalking but with records.
and scientific methodology
no stalking is constantly looking someone up lol, if I'm curious who someone is I'll look at their profile and research them. I wont continue looking them up lol
nice new pic, fam
@MarkO'Sullivan Error was to join this company ._.
hands blanket and hot cocoa
takes notepad.... have you recently felt the urge to abandon public life, build a mountain hut far from 4G connection or wifi, and herd goats, chickens and plant potatoes for the rest of your existance?
Not for the rest of my existance but for a month or two yeah.
that's fine. all devs have that feeling once in a while
yeah but I don't want to build a hut. Too much effort
Yeah dang you would actually have to work for once, hm?
Why are my fingers always faster than my brain?
oh man we've got a warren+jordy here.
grabs popcorn
Interesting to see that only the Kennedy Space Center has a USB port. — curiousdannii 6 hours ago
@TimCastelijns i'll rent you mine
@CptEric what's that?
good <insert correct time greeting for each user location> everyone
who has any idea on how to fix this problem? stackoverflow.com/questions/38882964/…
good morning shadow.
@geisterfurz007 50% german sarcasm 50% write before think
hello Eric!
@CptEric Yeah sounds about right
dunno shadow
i think it's normal tho
to have the darkened margin
I'm using a BottomSheetDialogFragment with a coordinalorlayout, when I launch it it's max height is always stuck below the toolbar
to make sure it still looks like a sheet and not like a new page
I want it to go all the way over the toolbar as well
The image on the right
first world problems
Q: How do I tell between compliments and 'ball' jokes while juggling?

Stephen MeschkeWhile training juggling in a park, from behind me I heard a female's voice say, "You are really good with your balls." The vocal inflection was that of a compliment, but she didn't reference juggling so my initial reaction was that she had made a lame ball joke. I turned slightly to avoid eye co...

For the life of me I cannot make a decent details/info screen work, the sheet always stops below the toolbar and refuses to go over it
Sweet! I am back to the aapt error (yey?)
paste.ofcode.org/EYiHSBJjUNxJFN6xStnKuE Das my error when building the react native app
T-24 ish for friday, people, let's not loose our minds.
i'm sorry, i don't do react native stuff
is the bottomsheet not contained by the activity?
no, it is not part of its layout file
is the what what what?
my best catch would be: are you sure there is not a gradle incompatibility
it is called just like any dialog window
@CptEric iDunno ._.
i do cordova stuff a lot and there's usually a shitton of issues when libs mix gradle versions
try to open the project with AS and do a build clean
I have no clue of all that stuff. Only thing I know is that I will likely have to write my apprentice project with RN.
just write it natively and say you used RN 😈
wait a second
I just went through like 8 different root layouts
the initial one was a CoordL
I changed it to RL and now it goes over the toolbar?
It's going to be an iOS app (just setting up most of the stuff for android currently because it's the only way I can test without a macbook). And nope! I will not write Swift again
Well, guess that's fix then
Thanks for the rubber ducking Eric and Tim!
if that's the right way to say it
@geisterfurz007 it could be worse, you could be doing it..... in OBJC!!!!!! thunder sounds
I like these bottom sheets, they provide a nice abstraction that is not as ugly as dialogs
flashing lights
or snackbars -.-
snackbars are fine
i like the chocolate and seed ones
@MarkO'Sullivan yup
@MuratK. thanks bro! Been changed a week or so now I think
now comes the fun part: tell the bottomsheet to not allow swipes
oh. you got a viewpager below?
why would you disable swipe on a bottom sheet
what does swiping on a bottom sheet do?
nah, I'm using it as a details/info screen that slides up (or sideways, I'm looking at you Samsung)
o mean, horizontal swipe, atleast
and I only want it to be dismissed by pressing the back button or the toolbar close
samsung opens them sideways?
yeah, their animation is like iOS
I can tell it hideable false, but it still allows it to slide down midway if the content is shorter than the available height
I'm basically trying to make it into a glorified dialog fragment, without using a dialog fragment
Going into lunchbreak. Maybe for some reason everything will work when I am back... Later and thanks Eric for the suggestions :)
that doesn't sound very nice. As user I would expect to be able to swipe it down to dismiss it
no, because for you it just looks like another activity that opened
which it basically is
so the expected behavior is like closing any other activity; back button or close button at the toolbar
I only want the image on the right i.sstatic.net/H1U6s.png
without any of the left
hmmm what about using an activity and show with slide in from bottom animation
that was my first thought
but all the code that had to be migrated to the new activity made it not worth it as a solution
so far the bottomsheet is working just fine
except for the swiping ^^
which I don't want for it to work
I like breaking Android! :D
ok, so setPeekHeight to the screen height worked together with hideable false
and I can still close it by pressing the back button
it's probably easier (with an eye on the future) to do it anyway instead of hacking a bottomsheet to be something it's not
yeah, for sure, the best way would be to have an activity just for details/info related stuff
but at our current point in the project we don't have that luxury
it should take like 10 mins to make it an activity
you can use the same layout
oh, yeah, that's not the issue
the problem is the spaghetti logic that is tied to the main activity
which I have been slowly unravelling for the past few months
I've spent all day yesterday trying to make the new activity idea work
why does it affect this?
because there is a bunch of code that needs to be int he main activity that can't just be moved to the other one that easily
it's a mess
yeah but the code is in the bottomsheet class now right? Can you move that to an activity class without impacting the rest?
the bottomsheet code is mostly a basic skelleton
it's just being used as a fragment container
I can pass fragments easily to it, but to a new activity is completely different
I see
ok good luck
next challenge: show the bottomsheet behind the status bar!
that is either going to be super easy or incredibly difficult lol
isn't that the case for all android things well yeah
praying for the "fitSystemWindows" trick
no dice, will be hard since the parent activity is not set as fullscreen
but it shows the bottomsheet shadow behind it
Imma color it and see if it works
@ahmad did you post this
Q: Senior colleague feels threatened by me, an intern

BS.I've been living a quite bizarre and pretty depressing situation the last few months. I'm currently interning as a financial engineer in an asset management firm, and to make it short and blunt and without being too arrogant, the one who's supposed to supervise me, and has a few years more experi...

since you are basically an intern with oceans of knowledge
isn't ahmad an intern forever
Hello friends.
Am seeking for a comprehensive (or rather, BIG) reference lexicon dataset for use in NLP research
any one have a good link/dataset to share?
i got lost at comprehensive
passes question to the next
well, "good coverage" or statistically representative of the most common/useful words in English for example
what does this have to do with that
what is NLP?
I trust there are among you people also researching in machine learning or natural language processing, right?
researching probably not. @Mauker 's doing some ML stuff, and so is CF. no idea on the natural language processing tho
for now, what am looking for is something like a flat text file, csv or the like, having a list of legitimate words in say the common English dialect.
sorry can't help with that :/
is the webster dictionary in json format enough?
@CptEric thanks. Yes, this can get me somewhere already
progress! .getWindow().setDimAmount(0f)
but that turns off the shadow
I want to set a color
stanford has nlp datasets
Thanks. Let me check that too
got it, dim off and set decorview background color, success
wait, that is also behind the naviation bar -.- don't want to change that section
grrr the container is full on behind status bar and navigation bar
gotta change some translucent flag
we have 1118 running defibrillators on the app rn, yay! \o/
that's a shocking news
eric, great
what does the app do with all of those defibs?
show their maintenance data
alert the owners and technicians of issues
and also has a panic button to trigger our Cardiofollower network of users that go to the emergency and assist.
still in the works this 2nd thing tho
TIL there is also a Trafalgar Square in madrid. makes sense but i didn't knew lol
Outside of the app, but in the system, we have over 3000
so we need those 2K defibs owners to pay and get into it :D
are you guys using it mostly on Pivot devices?
pivot devices?
US based sites or is it international?
spain based and international. mostly south america for now, but we've got a brittish client join recently
never heard of pivot
we're covering US, Canada and West Europe
any focus devices for you guys? here we have a good partnership with spectralink
Alright back from lunch and the project didn't magically fix itself.
You mentioned that the issue is that projects use different gradle versions? How do I investigate in that direction? Currently it rather seems to be an android build tool issue (at least to me as a noobie) because some attributes are not found (Java compiler complains).
the tool is seldom the issue, usually people misusing the tool are
Ok, how do I fix myself (don't have the time to build a hut right now and plant potatoes)?
I don't know anything about RN
Me neither. Currently I have gradle build issues though
grrrr why can't I set the darn status bar color when the bottom sheet is opened???
@Shadow we make our own hardware, IOT controllers for multi brand defibs
the phone app is just a fancy extra
oh so you're also on the hw side
can't imagine how strict your ISO's must be
i just look while the soldering team makes sounds
and tests alarms
and stuff
yeah we had a team of lawyers come once and train the HW team and certified the processes & that
spent 3 weeks
luckily i'm not in that department lol
that looks super cool!
do you like what you do?
-ish, it's pretty cool but the app has so many notifications things it makes me go mad.
there's like hundreds of lines of notification parsing depending on dozens of use cases
should have been native :D
I know that headache
have you reached 8.+ support yet?
the thing is an utter pice of $*
oh so you don't know it yet
i mean, what's the bad part of it?
dunno, i have 9.X on my pixel XL
the 8.x allows users to have total control over the notifications, every single aspect of it
we can't have dynamic notifications as before, we have to register them all the time (vibration, sound, led, etc)
oh. well, not my problem then lol
we'll put a disclaimer on the contract or something
if the user turns it off by mistake and turns on again, the custom sound is forever gone, he can never get it back if the app set it
and the list goes on
"The configuration of the end user's phones is not covered by our warranty".
ahah wish we could do the same
luckily this app is made trough a hybrid framework
so any issue on the notis system is usually to be blamed on that framework's noti plugin
then as long as you don't try to make it too customizable you'll avoid a lot of headaches
i miss native tho
we do consultant work too and most of our recent apps are all hybrid.
faster to do, but much more headaching when lazy lib devs step in
"there's a lib for that!" adds a corner stone lib that is abandoned for over 4 years and less than 100 stars
clap clap
user image
Found this in russian and translated. Poorly
lol nice
but in my case the project manager is with QA and the devs, and there's a client on the right side
why in the world can't I set the status bar color after opening the darn bottom sheet?
what black magic is this
lol dima
are you doing this on main thread?
doing it on the bottomsheetdialogfragment thread
on the onCreate
ok, the setStyle is kind of working, but it's still coloring the stupid navigation bar
let me try to kill that one
electricity back
fuck you state electricity board
@CptEric sup?
damn, not working still
I can only set the window background
how the hell is the bottom sheet making the status bar and navigation still translucent
maybe it is not a bottomsheet
what are you working on shadow?
you can often find valuable information like this in google samples
trying to make the statusbar color change when opening a bottom sheet
^^ what time said
You won't believe what is happening right now!
no we will believe, anything can happen in germania
The app! Is being loaded! Everything compiled!
nice ~~
how can I tell what flags the window currently has? do I have to go bit check one by one?
check byte representation of getFlags and compare with flags
for example 0x0101 means flag 4 and 1 are set
the flags that have those values I mean
the only one it had was FLAG_DIM_BEHIND
then how in the heck is it still making the navigationbar and status bar transparent
theme override maybe
how? the main theme does not have any translucency set
it is specifically set to use solid colors for the bars
wait a sec
I think I had some code
maybe I'm checking too soon
that's the only explanation
        window.decorView.systemUiVisibility = View.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LAYOUT_STABLE or View.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LAYOUT_FULLSCREEN
        window.statusBarColor = 0
I'm not sure, what this does
And what this is doing in my code
but you can try that xD
that sets the app to fullscreen
with transparent statusbar
exactly the opposite of what I want xD
But navbar still visiible
Or come on, just replace zero with your color
Actually, I don't understand why it's not fullscreen with this flags xD
@DimaRostopira Hey :)
@InsaneCat hey =)
I just want the navigation bar to not be transparent
and it keeps changing it to transparent
the rest I'm ok with
@NileshRathod Hi
navbar is transparent only when immersive mode is enabled
If you ever feel like you have too much free time, try rsyncing half a million files totaling 1.6 TB
anyway, I need to work, handle that yourself
If you ever feel like you have too much free time - try alcohol
@NileshRathod congo brother for 20k
@suren You need at least a 4:3 q:a ratio to get access here - You're 3 answers short
Can anyone get onKeyUp / onKeyDown to trigger whenever they use ctrl?
@TimCastelijns wow this sounds awful tbh
@MarkO'Sullivan with root only, I think
it's a lovely day!
@nemesisfixx *lonely. fixed
Q: Will the new EU directive ban memes?

Jon.GThere have been lots of reports recently about how the EU are trying to ban memes. For example: Trusted reviews The European Union (EU) is pressing ahead with efforts to ban online memes under new digital copyright laws, with the controversial rules – Article 11 and Article 13 – now having ...

boys we are fucked
wtf screwed
welp atleast EU is
outlawing creativity... sounds silly
wtf dude
Not cool
well mauker you are safe
you are american afterall
To be fair though... Filter and check everything that is being uploaded on the internet in real-time is about as unrealistic as me getting a project done...
^ lmao so true
sounds like something china is doing with its credit system
lol democracy and autocracy going at the same place
i wonder though, what happens when too much censoring spirals humanity into statis? would't boredom alone warrant scrapping such laws?
maybe they will pass time by making memes on this law
unless the internet were split into two... one for the bots, one for mortals
@Tim how do you handle screen rotation with MVP? I've seen a few approaches on this, but I'm curious and wanted to know how you're doing it
back from lunch
hey eric
@InsaneCat thanks
@DimaRostopira react native can do it with their android code
CF, I just found a music that was made just for you: The right song
I have never made an app that supports screen rotation
in what capacity do you want to support it? You can retain the presenter very easily
I see
I was thinking of screens that needed to load data from the network, it would be better to avoid redownloading the data
just cache it
rotating screens have a different lifecycle
is it correct that adapter.notifyItemInserted(0) does nothing when there was no previous data?
you don't lose everything
You talking about OkHttp cache?
no just local
create a provider class
store the results there
poll them from the presenter
@Mauker do you use ViewModel from arch components?
Nope, I'm using MVP
@TimCastelijns wait what?
that should put adapter is a inconsistent state and throw a exception
@NileshRathod are you there?
mauker, you should use Android architecture components with MVP
@Mauker the M in model should provide your View with the data for the Presenter

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