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04:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

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goood morning!
morning eric
realm cloud looks nice
are you going to use it?
it all boils down to how many cloud backed products i might have
i like the fact that it seamlessly integrates with realm android elements
it's nice to see it working on two phones
ah k
@AdamMc331 AS gives an error when 1) you use a method in kotlin that bears the same name as a method in java8, and 2) your minSdk is too low for that java8 method. It works alright, but can you tell AS to have the kotlin api take precedence over the java8 one?
do not use java8 :D
I use java 8, I like lambdas
lmao jordy
can we report him for encouraging others to commit crimes?
i love cli stuff
Starting a gradle Demon. subsecuent starts will be faster
lmao tim
now that is like our normal tim
RO Tim is no fun :(
Good noon guys
A small help if yo don't mind..code is already there just few doubts..
Q: Calculating view co ordinates for drag and drop

Bat CatI just stumbled upon this https://stackoverflow.com/a/39165696 answer and trying my level best to understand few portions of the code and have a few doubts regarding it. The functionality is dragging a TextView inside a Relative Layout's bounds. The touch listener is set on a TextView. on Motio...

This is the code..
sorry crystal ball is offline
Who is crystal ball ?
the one that can solve your issue
Oh you haven't worked cases like this ?
have you check the docs on getRawX() and getY()?
I don't understand why calculating dX and dY is necessary what does the difference mean ?
expect negative feedback on that question
people don't like "explain how this code works" questions
I understand how the code works but what does the difference give r eally ?
the difference gives the difference
Something like the difference gives the last location or the current location on the action something like this..
Expecting answers like this
if you understand get methods from the docs you should know why you need the diff
Both of them gives the location on screen
dont copy paste code without knowing what they do
@ColdFire Nope I am trying to understand what they do that is why asking else the code is working fine without any issues..
There is no problem with the code all works fine.
i can see that
dX gives the X position of the event, relative to the horizontal bounds of the view
so if your view starts at X=100, and the event.rawX is at X=250, dX=150
btw tim power abuse but good story you got there with mehdi lol
then you know where in the view the event happened
yeah lol
Oh ok ok.
all the fun happens in the night :(
Getting it..
Y is the same, but vertical
Ok ok ..
wow rare tim explaining stuff in this detail :D
Yes I logged the values the View's X was 0 and hence the confusion started
over there
RO effect
bat mostly if you read the docs and play around with the code you will get it
Ok ok will play now from on..
Will mess severely with the code :P
don't forget to learn rx while you're at it
yup mess around with it that is the way
Ok sure.
lmao tim
from realm to rx a time story
and realm also
sees tim get into a army humvee and walk back to RO camp
Thank you so much Tim
rx can be applied in every project in almost every language. Realm is great but limited use
wow Tim's got a new fav
@StephanHofmann you need a Q:A ratio of at least 3:4 to be given access here. See the rules
reminds me of a time when tim said "Realm sucks"
how do you perceive time? Because that never happened
meh searching on google makes me more sick than i am
it feels like i have loss of appetite
Searching for some code ?
yup searching for reasons of loss of appetite
google will just give me cancer lol
dont drink coffee
i dont drink coffee
coffee mostly taste awful anyway
really depends
Don't drink cheap ones
i like coffee. why is it awe-full. add lots of sugar. should taste better
coffee is love, coffee is life.
\o marcus
o/ Marko
printTaken(Coffee,since: Today.at('08:00')) >> 2 delicious cups
lol it was just a sarcastic comment to see how many people get triggered
not many coffee fans here i see
everyone who responded indicated they like coffee
@Raghunandan yup i cant drink without adding lots of sugar
yup 4 people i was expecting much more tho :D
but there's nobody else in the room
tea is love obviously
there is mark and bat also
Yep tea is great
Green tea is good for you too!
yay i know the englishman will agree with me on this
@MarkO'Sullivan i tried it taste horrible tho :(
Does green tea reduce weight ?
@BatCat not if you consume 10 litres of it
everything that you drink, eat, or absorb increases weight
its physics.
^ unless it's cocaine
unless it's pure and refined quantum black hole tea®
even cocaine :D
Q: I need some help/advice with my new job, about taking control of the system (web, javascript, nodejs, android, brokersms, fcm)

J. MeyerI started a new job in the middle of this month, and my first task is to "domain" this software that was made by the last intern. The software was made to notify all clients that they have to pay for the products/services theyve demanded, by push (android app) and SMS (mobile). Well, its been two...

Where do you find such questions ?
if you have 10k rep you can filter questions by number of downvotes received. It's great fun
I need to be there.
Oh ok.
you have a long road ahead of you
Not if someone pumps him with rep bounties
about 8.8k more
driving force should be for creating the impact, not about numbers. But, this privilege system will get me there
six months maybe
it's all about reps
6 months you sure about that buddy
you can't create impact in , everything has been asked already. All there is left to do is help noobs debug their code 1 case at a time
I need at least 50 rep every day for 6 months, I can do it maybe
but yeah
I am learning python too, maybe I will solve something in there
good luck, it took me about 2 years
btw just reached 1.0m people :D
guter job junge
danke schone mädchen
holy moly
jon is taking a newbie apart
"Please don't mark this as duplicate because this is different from the cases I found here" - that doesn't mean that it isn't a duplicate, it just means either you haven't found the right question, or you haven't recognized that one you were looking at is a duplicate. — Jon Skeet 1 min ago
"I know HashSet order is not guaranteed" - doesn't that answer your question then? The HashSet can order things any way it likes. It looks like you're observing a stable order regardless of the order in which the values are added... which is entirely within the bounds of what the HashSet is allowed to do. Fundamentally, "shuffling" doesn't make sense for a collection where you don't control the order. — Jon Skeet 36 secs ago
no chill
and he also reks the other 230k rep guy
Man this is like a movie scene
aww he deleted it ):
230k guys are also newbies to him
10k rep guys be like:
sorry, that's 26k+ stuff
that is actually hammer
not dependent on rep but on score
I wonder how many I duped
there is a SEDE for it but I can never find it
write your own query i guess
found it
hammered 90, 1 got reopened, 99% accuracy
for reference, skeet hammered 96
any idea of how to group records based on date in realm?
give query link
what is "group"?
i have a chat list. The list is sorted based on date. I need to display a date sticker like whats app.
realm does not have grouping built in
Where's the date stored in your RealmObject?
hmm. what else can i do in this case?
yes in RealmObject
I think he just means return all the chat messages for a particular date?
you can split them up with rxjava
or sort them by the date
so they're grouped into the different dates
or have I misunderstood what you're trying to do @Raghunandan?
I think he wants List<List<Message>>, messages split by day
sorting is already done.
i just need a header for group of records in chat list
can just loop over the results and divide into sublists
@AdamMc331 why can I inline function calls without the function being marked inline?
fun <T> doStuff(id: Int, predicate: () -> T) I can call this as doStuff(1) { //blabla } but doStuff is not marked inline. I expected it had to be
otherwise be forced to use doStuff(1, { //blabla })
looks like inline does not influence how the function can be called, only how the compiler generates the code - can you confirm
Sir Tommoth of Room Owner bow
italics are cool
I slept for 2.5 hours at work
did nobody notice?
Can I call this an achievement?
Nobody noticed :D
then yes, it's an achievement
closed office?
heyy graeme
Nooo, if i start getting sleepy I put my hand at the right of my head
Since my colleque can't see my face in that case :P
Time for a short break outside te become a little awake again.
Hey Eric!
Thank You!! That was so ignorant of me =D — Ajay Gupta 9 mins ago
helped another soul
feel like a good human
@Jordy lol, jordy is living the dream
Google's going to enforce min API level android-developers.googleblog.com/2017/12/…
quote please, no time to read
> Improving app security and performance on Google Play for years to come
relevant quote please
> Target API level requirement from late 2018:
Implicit intents for bindService() no longer supported (Android 5.0)
Runtime permissions (Android 6.0)
User-added CAs not trusted by default for secure connections (Android 7.0)
Apps can't access user accounts without explicit user approval (Android 8.0)
> Google's going to enforce min API
mark, you bringer of fake news
> In the second half of 2018, Play will require that new apps and app updates target a recent Android API level. This will be required for new apps in August 2018, and for updates to existing apps in November 2018. This is to ensure apps are built on the latest APIs optimized for security and performance.
Target API != min API
yeah my enthusiasm went down the drain real fast
It also makes no sense to force min api
Glad we already target 23
who targets versions < 23 nowadays?
We did until relatively recently :P
I target 26
the min I use is 16, but going to change it to 18, around 4% of devices lost but worth it
16 cringe
18 still cringe
Yes :D the big numbers on the stats start from 19
the stats are not an accurate representation of reality though
@MuratK. More like dreaming a dream, I wish it's 17:00 already
Oh fuck :(
I misread it
You also misread Samsung Mark
I seen it on Twitter and didn't go on and read the full thing
yeah that's cause it exploded in my face Jordy
I seen it
Our min is 21
Did ye aye?
Same here @Graeme told them we should up it from 19
When do you arrive in the office, jordy?
our min is 21 too
"what about <21?" > to hell with them.
I think 21 is the minimum for permissions?
@MarkO'Sullivan :D
@MuratK. I start at 09:00/17:00
for fucks sake i just discovered killer clouds exist.
google Mazuku if you want to be freaked out
they're less-heavy-than-breathable-air gas pockets that can be up to 2-3 metre tall and basically kill you by lack of oxigen or corrosion of lungs
@MuratK. 111 to go :D
flexing hard
Eric - Looks like you're far more likely to be killed by a meteorite :P
When I get home, I take a big nap.
jordy, you hadn't enough sleep already?
No, I feel like I've been awake for 3 days straight
well have you?
sounds like he had one of his weedkends
:D well I've been to Hard Bass (youtu.be/C6qEQ7roYBg)
Explains a lot
thought people would dance like this youtube.com/watch?v=y90yaLFoYoA
Thats Eastern Hard Bass :P
love it XD
What does it means when we say that some of my components are running in the background. It appears to have two meanings for me 1) hidden from the user's eyes 2) running on some other thread or process — Muhammad Ahmed Ali Baig 1 min ago
aight man, what else am I supposed to tell him
read a book
Running elsewhere than the UI thread
I'm pretty sure Tim teached me to run as much as you can on the main UI thread
can be either, depends on context
Disable network policy, run network tasks on ui thread
win win
btw murat, you can say that a Service always runs on the main thread
unless IntentService
I did
I think you said "usually"
france to sue facebook over paintings that contain nudity banned from the louvre conservateur's facebook
it's already on trial after 6 months of facebook trying to dodge it
Yup, as you pointed out an IntentService is running on a worker thread
Q: How do towels stay on hooks?

6005Towels (and coats) are often stored on hooks, like this: To the untrained eye, it looks like the towel will slide off from its own weight. The hook usually angles upwards slightly, but a towel does not have any "handle" to string around and hang on to the hook -- this makes it seem like it wil...

asking the real questions
I always like when something starts with the untrained eye
saw that yesterday
awesome question
Q: How many slaves do I need to keep my mountain palace supplied?

kingledionAs the (reputedly) Mad Wizard-King of Jagatap, I would like to move my court at the the remote fastness I recently finished building in the be-jungled hills of Nam. (Image from DudQuitter at DeviantArt) The altitude and fresh breeze makes it quite pleasant, and the roof under the open stars ...

> How can a Dragon keep humanity in check?
> I am a Dragon and I have an infestation problem in my world. Currently, I am the single one of my kind and your representation of a dragon in movie Desolation of Smaug is fairly accurate only there's no such thing as 'magic'.
What is happening on that stackexchange
I'm asking myself the same question
most of the worldbuilding questions are about that
awesome fantasy stuff
@Jordy That was both interesting, and wasted 5 minutes of my life
Q: How many giants are needed to pull this sleigh?

Pedro GabrielIn my world, there is a race of giants, with an average height of 5 meters. Let's assume that every part of their body is proportional to that of a "normal" human being. I want these giants to pull a sleigh, and on this sleigh to place a block of iron with the following dimensions: 5 meters (wid...

Well Graeme
Here is another
the dragon one is amazingly funny
Very good :D
Snowing like crazy here. Lovely.
You don't have to raise targetSdkVersion if you don't update your app! #androidbadvice https://twitter.com/GooglePlayDev/status/948234546125901824
answer my question bro
@Graeme PIC / VID
no snow here
i miss snow
Ur, old on
Do I need all my clothes off or...?
Oh, right. Of the snow. Gotcha.
@adam how long until coroutines are not experimental anymore
Do you guys use eye drops?
nah my eyes are 👌
dont lie
hips don't lie
I guess that makes me a hip
I have to use eyedrops when I wake up sometimes
I don't use eye drops or glasses
Which one Graeme?
04:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

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