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Lunch time~~ :D
i see raghu
cf people are getting murdered when the NIA has seen links to jihadis killing hindu activits. Govt doing nothing ( congress govt in karnataka)
@Raghunandan doesn't tell anything
Use Single - success/error
ege, do you know the difference between flowable and observable?
few item vs large item
anyone used OrientDB?
then why are you asking
And do read about backpressure in RxJava. Use Single - request/response or input/output pattern
because somebody suggested single for instance
I'm open for new recommendations
it depends on the context
only you can know what to use
@EgeKuzubasioglu does this blog.mindorks.com/… help?
@ColdFire they scream so much, damn
I listened in two minutes and my ears are bleeding
its arnab's show generally its like that only
it was regarding the recent violence that was stirred by your leftist group in my state not that is new anyway
back~~ :3
> Cannot UPDATE the record #18:0 because the version is not the latest. Probably you are updating an old record or it has been modified by another user
and I'm the only user and from only 1 client lol
@MehdiB. The same as before, all those things that happened to me last year got me WAY off track
lol mehdi
mauker1 what are you researching?
Audio processing
what are you doing now Mauker?
my schedule is a bit tight as the moment, but I'll start taking a look since I'm on the context
Mehdi, are you the Mehdi that got into the CMUSphynx telegram group these days?
no :D
oh okay haha
I almost said hi
hahaha! say hi, the guy might be of some help :D
the sphynx guys are pretty hardcore
hm @Mauker is ChatSE on the play store?
Oh, nope
And that's my bad
I had to finish some UI stuff and I didn't
But the star/reply/delete is working :D
that is important feature
you can always start with a beta release
and add some of us as testers
gentle pressure
mauker is realm already integrated in chatse? I don't think you should do it
gentle persuasion
nah chatSE runs over a layer of high refined butterflies flapping their wings at 70.3Hz/frame to create the perfect data storage system
@TimCastelijns :o
What has happened you brother?
@MarkO'Sullivan sizeOF is a created method to calculate the bitmap size
just create one
Brother Tim, Lord of the Realm, Defender from the Evils of BLE
Mark - he's doing "reverse psychology"
the proposed PR that implements realm uses it wrong. It's better to not use it if you're going to do it like that
@ColdFire yeah I seen your answer and tried to check what package you used for that method. Also seen it in his question so was wondering if it was some method in a java package
You click on the chat message, it shows the "action footer" with the star, reply, delete icons
@TimCastelijns I didn't, and we were not planning to do it now for the first release
the questioner already had that sizeof method maybe he didnt posted that method in the question
what kind of dev is rozkminiacz? I had some question marks reading his PR code
@TimCastelijns linky
Some company asked me why their website is not showed in Google
Wait what? He's wanting to use unmanaged objects?
After a quick look I found out they had meta tag robot->noindex,follow
So I deleted the line ofcourse, now 3 days later:
That'll mean reduced performance in terms of reading from the db right?
Visible in Google with a line: This site might be hacked
lol jordy
no it just means RealmResults are not automatically updated when writes happen elsewhere, but since that is one of the best things about realm..
i want to be able to brag to nerd pals about the color lines in the chat lol
awaits for publishing
@TimCastelijns lol wtf did that guy do?
I don't agree with his justification about different models, I can understand having a different model from the network but surely you'd want to use the same model for viewmodels?
@TimCastelijns RealmResults are updated automatically? Is that with the change / modified listeners?
@Mauker not sure if you're shitting on him or defending him, can you clarify before I respond? :D
Sorry, it was really ambiguous lmao
nah mark they are auto updated by default, listeners are just for cases where you want to be notified when it happens
@MarkO'Sullivan I think it is
in that case mauker, he made some strange choices
Could you provide an example? I always call the query whenever I go onto a screen which needs to pull data from Realm
made a pr @Mauker
we were being ignored in the readme
mark, if you have an activity open that shows a list of users with RealmResults<User> users = realm.where(User.class).findAll(), as long as that "users" variable is alive, if some other code in a background service or something makes a change in realm that would affect the above query, the value for "users" is automatically updated
@CptEric Merged
has anyone seen below "pattern" before?
most productive commit in 2018
+interface Repository<ID, T>{
 +    fun findAll() : List<T>
 +    fun findOne(id : ID) : T?
 +    fun insert(t: T)
 +    fun delete(id: ID) : Unit
 +    fun deleteAll() : Unit
Yeah, kinda
what's it called?
CRUD Client?
these signatures are very common
not sure about the naming
<ID, T> never seen this
i dont think that it has a name
It's just cache
based on ID
Idk if that's really a convention, but I've used that trick once or twice
I understand how it works, but why would you have a generic type for the ID
to keep some objects handy
well, that I don't know lol
no idea, since I don't know Kotlin, but the ID doesn't make sense for me
it's not related to kotlin
It's related to generics
maybe because id can be of different data type?
Busy room today
maybe because it doesn't wanna consider all IDs as strings or ints
maybe he is just being too furturistic
yes CF but why would you use a generic type for it
but that doesn't really make sense
@TimCastelijns so you could have a RealmHelper singleton class which contains the RealmResult live variable and then you just use a get method to retrieve it after it's first initially called?
yes mark
but better if the helper tells you when it has changed
Well... I could definitely optimise my app
Why so?
polling vs eventing
I think what they wanna do is differentiate between differents Repos, some with X type as Id, some with Y
well then the name is just dumb
but since they wanna make 1 entry point they had to add this generic
why other name you propose?
Database? :D
@TimCastelijns ah so eventing is when you'd have onChangeListeners within the RealmQuery to make something happen which is triggered when there is a change and polling is just constantly checking?
assuming that the only repo they have is a DB
it's kind of annoying that most of the Java questions are linked to the Android tag...
Is there an intent for choosing a photo or taking one?
The gallery stuff is a bit more complicated
Q: android pick images from gallery

Buda GavrilI want to create a picture chooser from gallery. I use code intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_PICK, android.provider.MediaStore.Images.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI); startActivityForResult(intent, TFRequestCodes.GALLERY); My problem is that in this activity and video files are displayed. Is t...

I've got it working where I can select an image from gallery. Seems odd that it's not easy to choose gallery or take picture
Welcome aboard, Android is odd
More so if you're using Samsung. It gets just plain stupid
uh oh, there's issues getting pictures from samsung devices?
It might be lmao
I was jk, but Samsung does have some edge cases that makes everyone go WTF
Why can't they just do what everyone else does :(
because they are samsung
they love to broke things
samsung removes the orientation info from the EXIF data, so yeah it does strange things
or blow things for that matter
@MarkO'Sullivan yes
@TimCastelijns Wait, really?
God damn
that's a major fuck up on one of my apps
I mean, why??
yeah our app restricts the orientation to portrait
So if that's the case a lot of users will be able to see a shitty horizontal version of our app
@Mauker yup
@MarkO'Sullivan That could be an issue on split screen
when the user runs two apps
the split screen is a very annoying feature, in case you're dealing with hw streams
Eclipse hangs himself when I try to pull
fun times
I believe you can throw the pull on the background
Well I kinda need the pulls
why is your amazon app blue?
mine is dark.
pm-ing it to ya.
It reflects your soul, Eric
Just a screenie, I don't use iPhone as you know
Looks like iPhone atleast
it's an iphone
oh yeah
hell jordy as far as i know samsung android is as iphone as can be :^D
@Mauker yeah actually I don't remember exactly, but I had some code that assumed the rotation of an image, and for some samsungs it didn't work because the exif data for rotation would always be 0 even if it wasn't really. But I think I fixed it manually querying the mediastore for the rotation
@CptEric Not sure if troll, retarded or just being Eric
troll as always.
SO dev questionaire already up
@TimCastelijns i think i remember you complain about it
possible :D I complain about many things
and you support 5.0, the 4.x+ have so many other issues
Oct 11 '17 at 20:15, by Tim Castelijns
yes CF rotation data is correct when you read it from the mediastore manually, but not from exif
I think on my tests I'll replace AsyncTasks with CompletableFutures, this post is quiet interesting blog.krecan.net/2013/12/25/…
it's an interesting API
> Java 8
is android on java 8 yet?
No idea, and honestly don't care. I'll develop new features independently from Android then port them to Android
that doesn't make much sense.
depends, I'm working on a sdk, which has 2 Android deps, Context / AsyncTask
> Thank you for completing the 2018 Stack Overflow Developer Survey. You will be awarded the Census badge on Stack Overflow.
and Android is slowing me down, so I'm abstracting some stuff to progress on the core, then switch the interface implementations to the Android ones
weird, but ok.
the api looks nice if you like to bind stuff directly.
as i don't do sdk's, i have no idea how much necessary that is
but i prefer to have my stuff tidy and unlinked.
I'm automating the testing, that's why I don't wanna play by Android's rules. Not sure if people do that, but it seems logical to me
i don't get why you could not automate testing with android
but i don't have automated testing, so.
@CptEric I think so
remember reading about Jack & Jill was no longer needed
Eric - I depend on the Speech on Android, which makes the testing time-consuming and hard
as it goes through a whole flow and multiple components
@CptEric yup
but mostly new api version
not really that helpful
welp anyway
i'm full on kotlin if i ever go back to native android dev
no need for me to stop by in java alley when kotlin avenue is right there
@RaghavSood Recommend me a ETH, BC, LTH wallet - miner is ready for a spin
RaghStock, your online wallet.
619 usd/month?
that is how much you make?
@Jordy mine ETH
i am mining ETH soon
See image CF
And yes Eric
dammit getting the hardware is gonna take a month :(
do you get that in cash somewhere like paypal or what?
damn you jordy getting the hardware fast
No in cryptocurrency ofcourse
What hardware did you get?
wait you dont get 619 usd for ETH mining
@MarkO'Sullivan some hardcore graphics card
what mark asked
in one month i will have the whole setup
also, and back to my point, then there's no point for me trying to mine it if i can't get cash revenue for it D:
@ColdFire 4 AMD cards
let me check the serie
4 cards? that's a lot
Transfer ETH to Coinbase wallet, cash out for $ / Euro / £ @CptEric
4 x AMD RX570 if im right
Bought it with a friend together
many banks in spain started blocking money transfer from wallet sites
i am buying 6 amd cards
lol that's criminal
locking up your finances so they can keep it
fuck them i guess
i will just cash out from exchange they cant touch my monies
It's why I'm staying away from Ripple which has links to banks
@CptEric How many reasons do you want to leave Spain :P
@Jordy send some to india too :(
i will transfer you monies
Hmmm, seems easier to buy it yourself in that case
getting the hardware is a pain here and cost is skyrocket
india has abusively high tech prices comparatively
import duties :(
almost cheaper to flight to US, visit AMD HW department, get a work in there, steal a shipment and go back with the cards on the luggage than to buy a shipment-worth of graphic cards.
@RaghavSood can confirm
lol not that costly
but yeah fucking import duties skyrockets the price
thousands of people trapped during saturday night on the hills of madrid due to thick snow
add to that fact india has one of the least tax to gdp ratio :(
the middle class always get screwed anyway
government opens investigation 2 days later to understand why snow ploughs took 5 hours to clear the way and police didn't show up until 3h after the road clogged up
the road department head says it's drivers fault to not know how to drive with 'just 50cm' of snow
the highway authorities say the government didn't notify them of the accidented area after 5am, 6 hours later than when the first snow-related car clash happened
^ government.
You forgot to show the money leaking out of the suitcase
oh man it gets better
minister of interior says everything was ok, except some things that weren't that ok
minister of fomento (roads & infraestructure) says it's not their responsibility to know wether a car has an accident or not on roads whose concession is private
@Jordy MyEtherWallet, BTC.com, LTC paper wallet from liteaddress.org
@CptEric Sounds legit
oh man.
VP and government minister says an investigation is going on to make sure everything was ok
i fear my government has turned fully monty pythonesque.
@RaghavSood Thx :) created right away. Why can't i just have a site with all in one?
I can't remember so much urls
Does anyone know how I can make use of the page filter exemplified here? material.io/guidelines/layout/structure.html#structure-app-bar
wow i am in the bracket of 25 - 34 years old
Anything remotely close to this is done via custom Toolbars, which I would like to avoid due to the nightmare that is to set the right styles
damn stackoverflow makes me feel old
@MuratK. same here. sad
@Jordy I'm working on it, give me a few months
you're making a super wallet?
@Jordy pinged you on fb
yup he is working on something awesome i presume
time 2 g home
cya eric
Why is the backstack being so weird :(
God damn
because fragments
@CptEric partly. Some java8 features they support with backwards compatibility, but others (the cool ones) require minSdk 26+ which nobody in the world uses
“Hey Google, what’s on my calendar?” Stay tuned for extra special #Android announcements coming from #CES2018. https://t.co/7JPqlpf6Fk
wow such a big list
tim the expert
o/ dave
not really an expert, but there is only 1 guy, so has to do everything
Missing Door-to-door Realm Salesman
imo, it's a good thing, especially in the first 10y of ones career
I've grown to hate it with a passion
yeah the workload and pressure it drags with it, is not negligible
but you have a wide idea on how different systems work and interact between them
lord have mercy on the soul that ticks this checkbox
We do have a few external HDs for non repo backups
like keystores and design documents
but not really a VCS
what if something happens to the HDs? you don't put these files on a box folder for extra precaution?
> Take the 2018 Developer Survey
> what is your sexual preference
what the fuck
is this doing in a dev survey
o/ Adam
how is everyone
dumbfounded by the survey
yeah I'm going through it now but I probs will have to come back I have a meeting in 5
o/ adam
@DaveS lmfao
that survey got a little bit off track
@TimCastelijns to see the gender gap
and complain about low female participation i guess
I don't mind the demographic questions
it helps for data analysis but the advertising questions were annoying
start a movement to fix that and forget the goal somewhere in the middle what it started for
they can see the gender gap with the previous question "what gender do you identify as"
I am fine with them asking what my gender is
just leave that question
I answered it
in my own words
don't think they will appreciate said words
"Married to Realm"
@TimCastelijns i can imagine what you must have written
too many question the survey is annoying me now
too many wait what questions
yeah that too
i am skipping maximum i dont wanna answer
when it asks for salary it doesn't say based on week/month/year, but it does say that if you get paid by the hour to convert it to either week month or year
what are you supposed to enter? Lol
after this survey how likely you will recommend SO to people
hell yeah take that 0
tim you have to enter yearly salary
there is no indian option in what do you identify as question
fu SO
finally done with that long survey
@ColdFire it doesn't say that
Hello, Android!
anyone fill out the SO survey?
Nope, didn't see it
Oh, looks like @TimCastelijns did already.
The sexual orientation is likely an attempt to measure diversity/representation of minority groups.
It's out of place in a developer survey. If you ask me
I definitely understand that asking such questions in this context is controversial.
done with the survey. Buts its too long.
idk, it's a survey and it's an optional question
it's not like it's a loaded question like "Which of these sins do you most enjoy committing"
If you don't want to answer, just don't

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