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If any one resolve this :- stackoverflow.com/questions/47055218/…
anyone here know how to symbolicate using xcrun + atos?
Wrong room
atos tool needs improvement. It's too low level
it's open source? then fucking do it yourself
calm down bro
just angry about workload and people who distract me
especially sister
Take a snickers
take it out on your sister, not us :D
Did you guys build a mechanism to auto start the app when it crashes?
sometimes my app crash on start
so if I would do this...
i did once
worked fine
and it also starts at startup...
depends on case actually
you gotta build a system on Application custom .java file to catch even uncatched errors
no, it's up to the user
checking some solutions
there is only one app running on the android things
we had a client with a 30$ phone that crashed with random OOME
and right now when it crashes you have to restart the raspberry to start the app again
catching unhandled exception will lead to ANR sometimes
so we jsut relaunched and reopened where he was by having breadcrumbs of user activity stored on DB
yeah, it's solution sometimes
Do you have a link by any chance on how you achieved that?
why do you need link?
So I can read it?
lemme surf our 2 years ago github account lol
THread.setDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler {}
Anyone set up Hashicorp Vault on DynamoDB?
@MuratK. At a previous company we just listened to hearbeats from the app, and sent an intent to launch if the hearbeat was missed 3 times
@Jordy today big macs for only 1euro :OOO
Yeah just got the noti
Big macs are fucking dirty
worse than frikandelbroodjes without frikandel
looks for ignore button
I ignore the macapp for today
In a couple of days Big Tasty for 2 euro
gets 10 for lunch
buy 500, put 490 in freezer
Hmmm great idea
go back later, complain, get money back
shit can't find it
sorry murat
i have only the pre "uh oh why is our crashlytics full of om when we've tested with more than 6 devices?"
np thx anyway
upstairs neighbour has been drilling for 4h straight now
go and kick his ass
So.... that's a no on my DynamoDB, then?
@TimCastelijns wtf he must have messed up if he's drilling THAT much
I don't know what he is doing. He has been drilling on and off for months
tim yesterday you were asking for motivation right, i remember one thing that i do to keep me motivated for coding is also keep my app previous version installed so that i can see what things i am improved that motivates me to improve it further
Like he is redoing his apt every month
yeah but I needed motivation for work. Not for myself
well that is work only
raghav i already told him that he is not motivated by money
@Zia Welcome! Please read, confirm reading, and follow the room rules before you do anything else: room-15.github.io
Thank you @RaghavSood, I have read and understood the rules.
you may have missed one
@RaghavSood did you already initiate the transfer?
I salute you Tim for your perfect help yesterday - everything finally makes sense for me.
welp going for google event
cya guys tomorrow
send pics
sure gonna meet raghu there
take photo with him, he is a famous 100k users on SO
haha yeah
wear realm shirt
^ send me one and I'll wear it whenever you like
you're about a year late to order one from me
maybe next realm world event
but I don't even know it for a year so that's not fair
or become a realm MVP, then you get a super quality shirt for free. They are awesome. I think it's the best quality shirt I have
no clue
my invitation was pretty random I think
Hmmm, to upgrade my GPU or not to upgrade
don't need fancy gpu to play hots
Thinking about buying another 1080Ti for sli
@TimCastelijns I don't have one :(
> In this talk from Mobilization Conference, Maciej Puchalski describes advanced concepts, along with a little introduction to the library.
10/10 can't tell her apart from the real one
> Some say Sahar looks nothing like Angeline Jolie
haters gonna hate
@OcuS Looks more like a female Michael Jackson
a dead* female Michael Jackson
she looks worse than a dead mj
her face looks scary. Scary for kids!
I'm not a kid, and I'm terrified.
If I'd encounter her on a Friday night, I'd be still running away on the next Monday.
the eyes ugh..
dude, not just the eyes
My nose hurts by staring at hers...
... that was not a good time to log back to r15... :(
Well, there's another which was exposed to that link...
RIP @Mauker's eyes
that should've been flagged
and burned
what was on her mind lol
@Mauker Angeline Jolie. Did you not read it?
That's not what I meant...
I just. God. WHY?
Let's just push that to oblivion
Mark I might start using Realm today (since Tim didn't reply to my ping I felt like saying that again lol)
got too tired of those nasty content providers and stuff like that
Where should I start? (the docs duh)
The Realm bible (the docs)
this project doesn't have a complex data structure, so, I think it's a good place to start
You have issues with content providers and that's why you want to switch to Realm?
Is Realm only a local database? Or can it be a server-side database, too?
and sync the data across devices
Realm can be whatever you want it to be... if you believe hard enough
I didn't have issues with it, it works lol
Just takes a lot of time to write stuff
@Mauker "might"'s don't impress me
I wonder what impresses you
1) graeme chugging 4.5L of maple syrup 2) stars.chromeexperiments.com 3) ahmad's code that converts a bitmap to a a file object 4) donn felker's intro to RX
Nina is a great person
Tim - So many foods here contain maple syrup I probably do have that much per day :P
how do you know, mehdi
I don't XD
that was an empty meaningless sentence
she struck me as a dumbass
did you reply to Nina?
I never reply to people who are trying to recruit me but can't take 2 mins to read up about me
"a great UI/UX class"
you know what I found out, sometimes they just reach out so you can redirect them to someone else you know
Nov 13 at 15:02, by Tim Castelijns
> I think you could teach a great UI/UX class.
Nov 13 at 15:02, by Tim Castelijns
I think you can fuck off
@TimCastelijns I remember that, I laughed hard
I just returned my work's laptop etc...
noticed that I was carrying everyday an extra 3kg of hardware
flex those back muscles
murat would be proud
I once had a long mail exchange with a recruiter (who tried to hire me as a iOS dev, despite my CV not mentionning it) ending with them replying "I have contacted several people today and among all those contacted, including CTOs for this position, none of them have been disparaging, except you. So either you have a lot of time to waste on mind games for kindergarten children and I'm sorry for you, or you've "taken the melon" and I'm sorry for you as well..."
what did you reply?
that's interesting. Wouldn't hesitate to screenshot that and post it on their linkedin
@TimCastelijns I'll start doing crossfit and turn vegan :D
Her manager called me and said she was crying and he was sorry she sent me a wrong proposition
So I didn't reply to email
It's the best reaction
but it was fun. I had just discharged all my hate on her, poor girl, but it was the Nth proposition not related to any of my skills that I'd received from recruitment companies
> I looked at your profile and I want to offer you a position as a cook
do you even read, dumbass?
a just response
@TimCastelijns Ok I'll give it a shot. Happy?
just do it already!
I am, I am
so your next phrase should be: "You were right, Tim, Realm is amazing."
don't worry, we all said it.
@OcuS And ocus, thanks again for that help you gave me. It wasn't possible to buy the laptop back, but I could buy some of the other stuff I lost on that day :)
@Mauker Great! So when will my postcard arrive? ;p
I really, really, appreciate it
haha! I'll make sure to get you one!
Could even print one. I took a lot of pictures of my city that look like a postcard haha
don't you hate it when you understand a the true meaning of a sentence only a day later and that you replied honestly instead of giving a douche answer?
yes, a unique piece, handsigned! ^^
I do
I feel so stupid XD
Don't we all?
I thing that's called "l'esprit de l'escalier", Mehdi (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/L%27esprit_de_l%27escalier)
It's the unwritten rule of r15
It's always like that
1) We feel stupid
2) We log on r15
3) We call ourselves idiots
4) Get some stars
5) We move on with our lifes
OcuS - that's interesting!
For 4 months, I have been doing almost all all of my development on a Ubuntu VM on a Windows machine. And the VM only had 1 processor allocated to it! WTF???
and more importantly, why did I never notice this?
so 3 cores have been mostly idle for the past 4 months
maybe it was a fast processor?
not at all...I've been just putting up with a very slow VM
and I thought it was the VMs fault
I don't think this fixed all of the VM issues I have, but it certainly will improve performance significitantly
Yeah, blame the virtualization
\o Dave
o/ Dave
\o Dave
\o Dave
\0 Dove
omg the heads are loose
aka "The Dave Wave"
I hope Dave is doing good
Dave never does good
This could be The Great Dave Divide
@Mauker Accurate. See also -
Nov 11 '15 at 19:12, by McAdam331
How to get stars in room-15:
1) Call yourself an idiot.
2) Share a Pakalu Papito tweet.
3) Yell at fragments.
4) Make fun of Samsung.
5) Be Reno and don't say anything but share funny pictures every few hours.
6) Make fun of Adam for losing his keystore.
7) Tell Dave you're tired of his shit.
posted on November 30, 2017 by Android Developers

Posted by Wayne Piekarski, Developer Advocate for IoT The next release of Android Things Developer Preview 6 (DP6) is here with lots of new features and bug fixes. Android Things is Google's platform that enables Android Developers to create Internet of Things (IoT) devices with support for powerful applications such as video and audio processing and on-board machine learning with TensorFlow.

Ahh I forgot about the Pakalu tweets
@Ahmad is slacking
Eeek, you said the S word
I didn't say swift
oh no I'm being censored
Better than [REDACTED BY ADAM]
A blog post on Android Essence:
"Finally to release your app, you need to sign the apk with your [REDACTED BY ADAM]"
"And you can save this as myapp.**[REDACTED]**"
wow that doesn't format well at all.
I always try to say "hehehe" in my mind when I read it, and it always sounds a bit weird :D
It pairs best with this gif
user image
I love that gif
downloading realm
Gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood Morning/Afternoon/Night Everyone!!!!! :D
just search for "f*ck you <name>"
searched for the most obvious one, and the result was a racist thing lol
Department of Health?
I'll show myself out
> Annual budget: 87.6 billion PHP (2015)
Q: Adding Image to Class

LightningSFXI'm currently working on a FIFA draft simulator, and so I created a class for each player: public class Player { public Player(int rating, int id, String country, String position, String club, String league, Image card) {} } However, when I try to make an image to then add to a Player, it ...

I am not a very good programmer
1 hour later…
@Eenvincible Is anyone?
I think as long as you don't delete your keystore you're good
well said Davido
sorry Adam, I know we already had our daily keystore joke but that was such a good setup.
anyone here use emacs?
what is emacs? :)
not it
going through the tutorial for it now
org mode and magit look amazing
If you want to be an active participant in textediting and not just a passive user - then you'll want to learn EMACS.
So Dave knows these things
EMACS vs VIM is almost as old as Tabs vs Spaces, dating back to retro text editing pre IDEs
but it looks like at least EMACS is modernized and trying to keep up
emacs with evil mode seems like the best of both
but of course I'm still a noob in both of them
the problem is that I'm stuck using an IDE for work so never really become good with these tools :/
Do you find that there are any advantages to using them over an IDE?
or is this more like a "I want to be a woodworker so lets go chop a tree" type of a thing?
I can't get into vim. I've tried.
I can't get out of it, either, but that's a different problem.
it's a more general purpose and customizable environment
I'm stuck with Xcode for iOS dev
yeah xcode is awful
AppCode is cool if you're willing to give up storyboards.
I only used it for a couple days though so not my most educated reccomendation.
you wanna say something bout xcode?
it's pretty bad in general
the whole build system for iOS is really dumb
the whole build system for iOS is really dumb
don't get me started on provisioning profiles either
Apple Software in general isn't very good
the iOS APIs themselves are really nice imo
I think whomever is in charge is a sadist
much happier as an iOS dev overall
they just seem to over complicate every. single. thing.
Android makes more sense to me on just about every level
view controllers are way more simple than activity/fragment
and none of the parceling nonsense
view controllers are activity, it's the embedded view controllers that are the fragments
and those are annoying/complicated
And I still haven't had to do anything with parceling so i can't speak much on that
You cant even start to enjoy iOS
I tried googling around for background code to replicate android services the other day (a friend asked for help) and I couldn't really find an equivalent.
That really bothered me.
the networking APIs aren't as nice for sure
that is me
They have to exist, right? How tf does their alarm clock work?
I really miss Retrofit/OkHTTP/GSON
where are my services
When I had to help out on another project at work, and I had to deal with object mapper I was so disappointed.
yea they don't publically expose an alarm API
only a local notifications thing which is kind of similar
I spoke to an iOS guy and he seemed to not understand what I was talking about
I tried building an alarm app and was sadly disappointed
alamofire wasn't that bad for the networking portion TBH, but the serialization was not as smooth as some Java APIs.
I had to download a 3rd party lib to get usable sockets on iOS
that's annoying
the Alamofire codebase kind of scares me, not a huge fan of the API either
yeah but I guess localnotification isn't close enough, but it's a start. I am only speaking on what my friend who is actually developing suggested.
I'm not trying to re-implement the TCP protocol here
once better async constructs come with Swift5 I might try to write my own HTTP lib
did yu try json parsing?
that's like 80% of my job lol
the new Codable protocol is neat, but designed in a limiting way
man, I use some weird JSonRealmSwift
yeah they just started talking about that Codable
are you happier as an iOS dev because of iOS or because it's a new job with less bullshit and something to learn?
Dave asking the hard but real question lmao
happier because I deal with less stupid bugs, like I don't have to memorize a million lifecycle events and weird interactions with them
and get to write 95% in Swift
I have always developed a feeling like Dave always thinks of ways to make a question tricky for everyone who is not fast enough to catch the joke
so no stupid NPE's, etc
Ah you switched before Kotlin became first class supported, didn't you?
If you enjoy Swift you'll enjoy Kotlin. Syntactically very similar languages.
I have noticed they are so similar
I have only used Swift
there's a website that shows the similarities
but now Kotlin should be easier
side by side
omg this just reminded me of a beautiful post I could share with you Trevor but I gotta dig for it
omg I'm gonna go mad that I can't find this
but yea after a while I was getting sick having to keep up to date with the support libraries, dealing with fragments, weird lifecycle bugs, parceling errors, low-end phones, weird device-specific bugs, etc
That's fair, I can see why "No Samsungs" is a perk of iOS development.
that tcp/udp socket lib is the one I use
but it lost me at Realm
It's not the most up to date list, unfortunately, but a start.
but it also has my charting lib in there
worth a bookmark
not that iOS doesn't have it's quirks and headaches of course
the grass isn't completely green lol
I'm sure I mentioned this but if you ever run into string comparison issues check the character encoding
I wasted a few days on that
they changed a ton of stuff for String in Swift4
you sure did Dave
you used to do stringvalue.characters.property
now you can jump to property direct
o/ tim
what's up fam
the sky

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