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Good Morning
Good Morning
go to bed
@CptEric Giving sound advice ^
yo adam
Gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood Morning Everyone!!!!!! :D
hola womp
wow, big head
Hiya CF, Eric, Jordy!!!! :D
How was the weekend?? x3
@DotNetLover You need at least 80 rep to get access here
@W0MP3R Morning Womp o/ Pretty good, can't remember a thing of my Saturday night so it must be good. Yours?
Awwww, I want a pomsky pup <3
Pretty good, got stuck on the second lvl of the first dungeon of the new Etrian Odyssey and watched a loooot of Doctor Who :D
so cute
Hiya Ocus!!!! :D
@W0MP3R it was good
o/ ocus
\o w0mp, CF, Tim and everybody else
Hiya Cat, Tim!!! :D
The most annoying part about mondays is knowing how fucked up your code was at friday afternoon.
Even more annoying: Fixing issues in <30 min which took you 5 hours at friday already.
you fixed it in 5 hours Friday and then fixed it again in 30 min today?
Good afternoon guys
No, spent 5 hours on it fixing it - but I didn't.
for me, the most annoying part of this monday is that I've got me head up me arse although I went to bed early yesterday
well, i always have a fresh look at my code on mondays (even though my brains work at 0.005%)
for me, the most annoying part of this monday is that I have to get out of bed and work
go to bed late => tired ; go to bed early => tired
sleep 4/5 hours, feel normal, sleep 8-10 hours -> feel complete shit
i agree with tim. i started work now. Work from home
@TimCastelijns other days are okay ?
\o master
no every day is like this
Hiya Ragunandan, Raghav!!! :D
anyone work remotely?. hi womper
i thought i was the only one.
facebook mailed me again asking me if i am interested to join them.
@Raghunandan so did you register already?
no. i won't even reply as i am never relocating
untill the office burns down
simple no to any job that asks me to relocate
Hiya Warren!!! :D
boah I am exhausted
my daughter is sick with hand-mouth-feet disease which means she has some skin irritations and some really painful bubbles in the mouth... even eating a yogurt made her cry in pain
@TimCastelijns the secret is to not go to bed in the first place
the nights were bad as well... she woke up every 90 minutes crying
is she better now?
she started to get better today, less crying, less pain but no day care for the complete week
this shit is highly contagious among kids
hope she will get better soon
currently cacao is the only thing we have a chance to be consumed by her. At least some energy...
is that the thing that if you get it once, you never get it again?
sadly no
we already had it twice but not as bad as this time
i hope children don't get viral arthritis. Even after the fever is gone the symptoms last longer ( months)
all your joints start aching.
warren, that is the process of developing the immune system, especially if the child is in the kindergarten. we had problems with the Bronchitis. :(
Hiya Netpork!!!! :D
@Mauker i want in
1 hour ago, by W0MP3R
Hiya Cat, Tim!!! :D
Hiya Womp3r. :)
o/ mark
sup all
@WarrenFaith hope she gets well. never heard of this kind of baby disease.
Hiya Mark!!!! :D
has anyone worked with android EMM?
"enterprise mobility management" a.k.a "I'd rather be unemployed than working with that"
looking forward to it
Couldn't be worse than BLE lol
not sure about that
BLE over EMM
you speak from exprience?
Hi All,
I would like to know how to compile specific flavor of the Library module from Application Module, Using latest gradle version and android version to 26.
Can anyone help me in this?
some years ago, I looked into MDM solutions for a client
"An EMM coordinates the products, OEMs, and carriers that make up an enterprise customer’s unique Android solution."
I am doing that now
i haven't
they choose "I can't remember what" but it was nightmarish
we are probably using samsung knox, but I have to check this out as well
but it was ~4 years ago ; maybe things are better now
EMM is only 2 years old
t'was MDM
unless I misunderstood, MDM and EMM are related, right?
MDM is bad
i was asked to look into it once
glad that project was cancelled afterwards
don't know about that, but all this config makes me puke
I want to write code, not manage enterprise profiles and shit
we feel you man
how is the thing that should not be discussed in a public chat room going on? ^^
I heard that progress has been made
lol ocus
good to hear that ; I hope something will happen before too much mental sanity is lost
i'm so confused
my friend was asking if any of you have ever left a job where you were the only fulltime developer?
(i guess that's good, if you are out the loop)
i did
he was wondering how that went
the first time went well
what happened to the company?
does "the only one that knows how to X" work, even out of dev context, but in tech context?
the boss knew i was leaving long before and he made plans
yes eric
we spoke like... two months after i left, he closed the company and now is working for other people
do you feel guilty because he had to close the company because you left?
not really
@TimCastelijns yes
now he owns a company of his own
i left a job as "responsible of x" where x means i got all the shit but managed nothing aside from my own fate
direct boss told me to run away and never look back
i wasn't contracted, and he didn't pay on time
you might had been paid "in black" once every a lot
what happens to a company after you leave shouldn't be a criteria in the decision of leaving or not
that too
the second time i left (another company) it wasn't pretty
what happened?
i was supposed to get contracted "soon"
leaving a job fact 1 : if leaving is a direct cause of the way the company is managed, the only guilt should be "why didn't i do this before"
but i already was mad because the other one
"you'll be contracted on third monday of the week."
contract begins on : 31st Feb.
so i told him "You have one month, or i'll start looking for a new job"
the month went by
no contract, no monies on sight
so i looked something else
oh well you did good
no monies no employees
two months later i was elsewhere
Q: Android Studio 3.0 submodule compile failed

Aks4125 App level build gradle dependencies devCompile project(path: ':mymodule', configuration: 'devRelease') proCompile project(path: ':mymodule', configuration: 'proRelease') qaCompile project(path: ':mymodule', configuration: 'qaRelease') offlineCompile project(path: ':mymodule', configuration:...

but that man still owed me monies
@TimCastelijns my first job. 3 other developers got hired 1 month later (he finally understood that he can't just drop everything on a single dev)
so.. lots of things were said, lots of emails sent
and finally i got my money
but if i don't see him again i'll be happy
and we have one friend in a similar situation
yes and no
ok, you win
similar to tim's friend position atleast
being almost the sole dev on a hostile environement
and being the man-of-all-trades
if you're expected to do everything, in the end you generaly do nothing
it's such a poop being the sole dev (for me at least)
@CptEric thanks
I've known this situation too ; but I didn't have to leave, the boss just closed the company ^^
it's usually related
my prior company lost a two millionare contracts due to that way of burning people
meat grinder companies suck
still works because it has a lot of employees and contractors, but...
every year there's 100 new in and 100 out on average, on a 200-person office.
wow, that's a lot of turnover
is it FIFO or FILO ? ^^
you need 2 years in the company to achieve a sub-human salary, and 8 to reach the industry average
what is that?
a queue analogy
oh ok lol
@OcuS feels familiar
it's a big corp, 50K workers around the world
I know someone who got hired by a company along with 25 other developers, 2 months later, the owner didn't open it on a morning, and they later learned that he hired this much developers to win a multi million contract, then ran with the money
everyone on the barcelona office could die of Z-virus and the company would only see bigger profits.
not Paella-virus?
@iDroidExplorer I also created an answer to that question, if you need further help, ping me
"we had to send a emergency invoice to Government of Y because our devs died and z-viruses are part of the mutual exclusion extra cash cow section 42 margin B small letter 223"
they do banking, defence, frontiers, sims, management, big corp
my brain wasn't collaborating
@WarrenFaith I have reply to your answer.
The issue is, I can't compile specific flavor of library with specific flavor of app.
I answered your comment
I have different Facebook App ID mentioned in the library's gradle file as per flavor. So I want to compile that specific flavor only with app
how do you set this api key?
do you use buildConfigField?
beside that: your library should depend on an API key, your app should provide that to your library (that is what I do with api tokens)
Your app get the details and passes those keys to the modules. Otherwise those modules are not independent as they depend on that one app (the api tokens differ also per app, so you can't reuse them in other apps)
edit your library shouldn't depend on an API key
API token and keys are a dependency and part of the configuration of the application and not of the library.
@iDroidExplorer did you just hijacked the question of another guy?
@WarrenFaith No. That guy is my friend.
You do realize how that looks to an outside person?
as a mod I would grill you for that
Friend. I have inform that person and then update the things.
again: nobody can verify that. It just looks like you hijacked this question for your purpose
I apologise for that. But I didn't mean it.
and again: put that api configuration into the apps gradle file and not into the library
I do not use Facebook in my app Gradle. But the Library use Facebook for different flavor. So I need to use that.
again: no
move it to the apps gradle file and it will work
Sory but I am not getting you.
move the manifestPlaceholders lines to the flavors inside your apps gradle and it will work
Yes that will work for sure. But library have facebook id. My app did not have that.
it belongs there anyway
that is bullshit
if your library is used in multiple apps, your approach will break
api tokens differ per app and not per module
Your library used the facebook id, that is true. But which one should be defined by your app and not the module
you can ignore that but than you will face the problem you are facing right now
hummmm. Seems like you are correct. Let me give that try and update it.
Thanks for the reply and support, I have one question.
If that library wants to share something using that facebook id then will it be possible. Here facebook id is define in My app Module and not in Library module. Library it self have sharing feature for facebook.
the manifest is merged, so facebook should see this api in the end anyway and should be able to function normally
Ok Great. I thought it will not work. I will give it a try. Thanks a lot.
And I apologise that I have written my comments and update my friends question.
just was irritated :D
Hiya Cygery!!!! :D
hey W0MP3R :)
sup all
uni, how about you?
woke up at 5
♫ Wake up in the A.M., compose a beat ♪
o/ cygery
Lunch Time!!! :D
@TimCastelijns I've heard good things about Meraki
Not to be confused with Mirai
About which I've also "heard" good things
I've "heard" good thing about Raghav
(but rest assured I did believe none of them
I've heard many things about raghav, but the only thing that stuck is that one review his book received
if it's a good review: he wrote it. if it's a bad review: he probably wrote it too.
on a completely different note: when did the topic of this room changed and I am supposed to learn BASIC?
Oct 5 at 20:47, by Carl Anderson
room topic changed to Android: If you want to be an active participant in microcomputing and not just a passive user - then you'll want to learn BASIC. Rules: http://room-15.github.io/ Blog: http://room-15.github.io/blog/ [android] [basic] [cats] [circleavatars] [covfefe] [cyanavatars] [java] [jetbrains] [kotlin] [qbasic] [xkcd]
Back~~ :3
@TimCastelijns Now I want to read the book
I love spaghetti code
if you go up 1 page, there are some more funny comments
where can I get it FOR FREE?
first entry
@Jordy see who wrote that review :P
Jordi did, who the hell is that
Just noticed its Raghav Sood's book
oh, thought it was you being smart and changing only 1 letter of your name :D
Would probably make a retarded name instead
something like Dick Burns
@TimCastelijns XD
@TimCastelijns lol
XxiOSDev98Xx would be better Tim
Oh wait, maybe a countryflag with it
When is the 2nd edition coming out?
Morning Cabbage
Hiya CA!!!!! :D
wrong room bro
hey CA
@OcuS not anytime soon
@OcuS Probably never, way to wrapped up to spend 6 months updating a book
Especially since at this point it would be a complete rewrite to go over the new AR libs
Which, while a good thing, is a lot of work
Just uploaded the production version of our app. Finally an end to the long nights! Though not an end to the work, lots of improvements still to do.
I thought you were better than that ; turns out I was mistaken
well atleast USSR did one thing good while collapsing
all my idols, rolling downhill
nice mark
You still have me OcuS
Who are you?
your idol
why so sad?? :(
use your hacking skills
blow up Correos
@Jordy sorry, I've already got an idol from Netherlands
me too
@OcuS Jamai or Jim?
This joke is only suitable for Dutchies, nvm me.
I got it
but you forgot Dewi
i don't know what you're talking about
but it's making me feel like an american on europe. alone, scared, and surrounded of people that doesn't smile back to a "friendly"* complaint.
hey! don't stick your ^ under my ^ !!!
*friendliness might vary
you can't tell me what to do!
raghav can right?
news channel 1 , spain : "the electric car is up 68%!"
news channel 3, catalonia and channel 6, spain: "The electric car has doubled from 12K units sold to 25K units sold last year on spain, representing a 0.7% of the total. sellers say it's a good moment to start thinking into purchasing one in a near future as prices drop steadily".
oh the defender of our parliament spokeslady is dutch
Andrew Van der Lynde
father dutch, mother catalan
Hello, Android!@
hey CA
hey CA
@CptEric a halfblood
a dutchblood
if i throw german water to a dutcchblood, will it hiss?
yes. and it works with any type of water.
oh nice
@AdamMc331 the "Scheduled Delivery by" should have a * "Lazy destination country workers delays might apply".
Has anyone ever received a cold email from a publishing company looking for authors on Android development? In this case, they're looking for people with a Kotlin expertise. Can't tell if it's legitimate or not.
I know the company is legitimate.
hello my dudes
maybe they're desperate
hello my german-of-the-world.
Hiya Adam, Ahmad!!!! :D

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