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are we talking about like normal strings or are you already in the mb size?
Whee I'm going to Vietnam next week
Very sketchy visa approval
But whee
The visa approval letter is practically unreadable
did you get the visa raghav
or are you still trapped
I got a Vietnam visa
I did not get a US Visa
Who needs the US anyways?
you didn't?
also omg vietnam
F-1 got denied
Because they hate me
fuck man
screw this visa system man
any reason given?
@MuratK. mb size?
Yeah, they gave me a letter saying they're denying my visa for one of about 10 reasons and that they don't have to tell me which one
Yeah like if you would save the strings into a .txt file how big would it be?
okay I tried setting up a queue to add the strings at the end and it still does 112 strings and then stops
what the fuck
@MuratK. "murrica!"
that's messed up
Hiya Carl!!!! :D
oh hi Womp!
I see it also doesn't help with the stricter border policies floating around as of now..
Check out my eclipse photos:
That's the before
user image
That's 20 minutes later
user image
So cool
nice landscape you got there
Where? @CarlAnderson
So have a nice evening all
Code - about an hour north of Boise
Pilot Peak
Nice, Carl!
LOL reno
I got a few pics, but just with my crappy phone cam
woah. that's so amazing carl.
what camera do you have?
Nikon D70
about 15 years old
Nice photos.
@RaghavSood awesome
15 years?
that's almost as old as my younger brother lol
TIL Ahmad has a brother
hrm.. released in 2004
so only 13 years
Or, in CarlTimeScale, a mere baby
sure hasn't kept it's value
I see one used online now for $75, I paid $1000 for it
wow carl camera is also 1 Tristan old
@RaghavSood - no one believed me when I told them that the platform is filled with bugs. Today I've been asked to demo a scenario on it. Even what was working for me didn't work XD they were shocked, but now they believe me
Cite this as a reason when you tell them your consulting rates just went up by 50%
> Consulting rate based on experience: $10
> Consulting rate to deal with IBM: $100
> Consulting rate to make an IBM product work: Priceless
so avoid yourselves all this embarrassment and give me 500$/h
(and no more than 3 days a week)
Yay, NEO is recovering
I managed to buy quite a bit pretty close to its bottom out
How would you guys explain the difference between a Presenter being responsible for what is displayed and a View being responsible for how it's displayed?
@TimCastelijns great question to test your knowledge on the subject ^
@RaghulM Welcome! Please read, confirm reading, and follow the room rules before you do anything else: room-15.github.io
@Graeme what's the job description though?
difference is somewhat similar to that of HTML(what) and CSS(how), but it's a bit of a stretch
@RaghavSood Thank you
Let's try this again
1 min ago, by Raghav Sood
@RaghulM Welcome! Please read, confirm reading, and follow the room rules before you do anything else: http://room-15.github.io/
I have read and understood the rules
@MehdiB. I don't even understand the question xD
I'm growing a bit tired of working on the same 2 apps for 2 years :/
when are the interns (your coworkers) graduating and joining fulltime?
1 left to go study in finland, won't see him again anytime soon
1 graduates probably in 2-3 years
I doubt he would sign a contract for fulltime here
in this case, if your boss is not willing to hire someone else to take over these 2 projects and let you move to another one, I'm afraid you have to leave (I know it's tricky for you to do so)
but if this lasts too much you'll start hating software development and waking in the morning to work
there is no other project
there was the website project for a couple of months
but to call that fun.. xD
it's his job to bring new business and projects, if he doesn't... he's not needed...
he tries
@TimCastelijns there are people I know who have been working in the same department at Boeing for over 30 years
although that doesn't sound very fun either, I can imagine boeing has better project management
and tons pf projects
Hiya Een!!! :D
that's good, but you're working first of all for your career. and if your boss is a brake for its progress I'm afraid you'll have to make a pragmatic move sooner or later
can't say much more. Public chat + real name and all
so you're saying you don't want to blast negative opinions about your manager(s) that can be traced back to you?
no comment
How do you feel about people who are definitely NOT your manager(s)? ;)
the ecosystem varies, you never know what happens on the internal kitchen of each company, that's why I understand his stand on keeping this private
That's why I'm Dave S
Hiya Dave!!! :D
using my real name in a permanent public archive seems like a bad idea
hi womp!
Hiya mauker!!!! :D
Heya womp!
Anyone made a reddit bot?
If there's anyone here with a bot history/background it's you Raghav
Can't argue with that
@MehdiB. it's not that I don't want to share it, but sharing too much can backfire
Because everyone can read it and it is stored for eternity xD
Yes XD
I wish ROs had admin access to the SO chat database
s/Raghav is a Bot/Raghav is 100% human
I can see how that would be useful
@RaghavSood /about
Raghav dood (born April 16, 1997) is an Indian author and programmer. He is noted for his work in Augmented Reality and on the Android platform. Raghav has been programming since the age of 9, and has worked with multiple technologies and in various fields like web development, desktop software, mobile apps and wearable technology. Doodh authored Pro Android Augmented Reality (ISBN 9781430239451), which was published by Apress in July 2012. The book was listed in the top #100 books on Amazon in the Game Programming and Handheld and Mobile Devices categories for close to 2 weeks after publication...
There are a few times this comes in handy; this is one of them
Woah, 20 yo already?
They grow so fast
Except for Tristan, of course, who's still 12
20 years of machine learning and this is the result?
I'm kind of disappointed
He can send cat gif's. That's good enough
Speaking of cats. Felix, the Cat, shows up
I love that this comic is actually known
I saw Felix the Cat for the first time, right around when I first experienced Mary Jane
@RaghavSood raghav dood?
Lol, that keeps happening
One of the Wikipedia bots will eventually clean it up
There's some people who don't like me, and prefer to change my name on various online places instead of doing something useful with their lives
hmmmm, Mary Jane
@RaghavSood Sorry about that
Jk, wasn't me
So I noticed something strange in Carl's image so I did a digital enhance and zoom, you know, CSI style
So did you look at his DNA?
Eh, I have better things to worry about in life :P
what are we looking for?
open in a new tab
careful, it might jump in your face
I kinda... got caught ;-)
@W0MP3R much design, such color, wow
looks like an Animaniacs Chinese knock off
Really liked it?
I think she's trying to say, it's a good thing you're into programming and not graphic design
jk Mauker
It's pretty neat
Justice League, the world's mightiest super heroes
Sense of Right Alliance bro
Too bad they forgot Gandalf
He didn't have a sense of right until he became Gandalf the White but everyone knows Gandalf the Grey
and "Mehdi B"
Hello all I have 24 hours android hackathon.. Any idea for app?
An app that helps you plan for a hackathon
did you see my discovery in your scenic photo Carl?
@SargeBorsch Eh
just switch to 13" to 15" macbook
Keyboard is hard to get used to
@DaveS lmao took me a while
@Graeme Wish I could do that. I'm still using my good old MPB 13 early 2011
I'm just enjoying not feeling like I have to hunch over to try and see what's on my screen
how much was it?
Size isn't everything Graeme
Yeah... the adapter to my main monitor is all fuzzy ://
.... must resist the urge
@FélixGagnon-Grenier of?
@DaveS That's most definitely not what she said.
lol. the particular way my mind was inclined now, made me seen that :O much differently than normally
I made the comment with something like that in mind
sorry womp
Don't worry
I'm used to it
@Mauker We have to talk...
Do you have time to talk about our Lord and Savior Stan Lee?
@AdamMc331 I could, if you answered my calls :(
Size isn't everything, but size does matter
When it comes to RAM, yes.
however, no need to RAM the sticks in the slots so hard.
... maybe I'm going too far. I'll go for another coffee...
Can you believe some machines have 4 RAM slots?
Double that
@DaveS check the first comment and its replies on this post XD
This is a whole other level of sarcasm :D
Stupid hiccup
how much free time do you have lately?
hiccup == booze normally, yes?
@AdamMc331 y u no check hangouts?
I'm on my holydays~ but i don't have internet
hmmm... come again?
@FélixGagnon-Grenier noooo, D:
It came from nowhere
I only have my phone internet :(
@MehdiB. Hot
Haha! It's a mechanical garage who made photos with some Renaissance inspiration :D
It's awesome
So cool
Here's the full post imgur.com/gallery/UwPgf
Since when was Tom Hanks a mechanic?
@Mauker why??
I haven't thought about zooming not a single second, Dave :D
Second = "inch" of time on the metrics system
"My 8 seconds are all yours babe"
- John
Wait is that why people run away when I say, "Ya, I've got a minute"?
that'd be scary, indeed
@W0MP3R Need help on chatSE
Sure, what do you need me to do?
We need you to do the entire thing from scratch because Mauker's design pattern has a small flaw
No way
I don't do Android thingies
So many ':O's..... Did i say something wrong??
next you're going to tell us you only develop for iOS!
Saying you don't do Android thingies is like saying you hate Paella
To be fair, Dave, Paella is pretty disgusting.
true Carl
You are....
Insulting paella!?
Wait... Which type of paella??
My professor reminds me of either @codeMagic or @Carl and I don't know why.
Maybe it's them
messing with you
Maybe it's because he's displaying thinly veiled disgust and obvious annoyance?
Maybe because he'll crush your dreams later this semester?
Write Access to your Career has been denied
Damn Mauker, ChatSE is working nice
We did goooood :P
It's already a good MVP
But it needs to get sexier, I mean, better
No. It needs some seximification
posted on August 30, 2017 by Android Developers

Posted by Sami Tolvanen, Senior Software Engineer, Android Security The hardening of Android's userspace has increasingly made the underlying Linux kernel a more attractive target to attackers. As a result, more than a third of Android security bugs were found in the kernel last year. In Android 8.0 (Oreo), significant effort has gone into hardening the kernel to reduce the number and impac

how is this related to android development
pls feed, post useful stuff
If you want a hard kernel, don't pop it
pretty straightforward stuff here guys
That was corny
cop porny
Time to go~~
Cya tomorrow people!!!
bye womp!
@AdamMc331, importing libraries for java AND Kotlin, does it duplicate the code or choose the proper code which is used? Like: Importing RxJava and/or RxAndroid using implementation/compile and kapt. Same for Dagger. It looks like that it generates the required code for both
And yes, i know there's RXKotlin but it's on the head of RxJava isnt it which is also required. Dagger requires java and k(otlin)apt version aswell (example: github.com/erikcaffrey/Android-Architecture-Components-Kotlin/… ) If it really "duplicate" the code then it's a bad idea using both ..
My guess is that Kotlin version is basically Java version with some helpers to make it easier to use it from Kotlin
Okay, got it, but this was just an example. How about others like kapt "android.arch.persistence.room:compiler:$archVersion" which requires the exact same library for both.
and why is the java version required at all if the whole project is written in kotlin without any interoperable java code which access imports from the "java"-library
btw.. github.com/ReactiveX/RxKotlin/blob/2.x/src/main/kotlin/io/… combineLatest ( .... ) :D afaik there's something like varargs in kotlin, isnt it? ;)
varargs are for when you have N arguments of the same type
trust that smart people have though about this and made it the best way they could
And combineLatest accepts N arguments by the same type
don't worry about it
yeah, no
Observable<T1> and Observable<T2> can potentially differ
T1 doesn't have to be the same as T2
The generic within Observable doesnt mean that Observable doesnt match(?)
? I can pass Observable<Int>, Observable<Long>, Observable<String>, these are all different types
All are an instance of Observable
Its not important at all since using more then 9 streams is usually not needed, but was just annoying that there's exactly a limit of 9 streams
yes and you can't use an observable of strings when an observable of ints is required
you might as well try to put a string inside an array of integers
Yes, i know what you mean, but i thought there may be a "more flexible" solution for those cases
it probably wouldn't be possible either without code generation
Okay, well.. But doesnt that mean that it increase the dex count by 9 due 9 methods just for combineLatest (if not using proguard or any other compressor/obfuscator)?
java interop, performance, type safety
pick two
;-P You won. Anyway, it's still annoying why it requires both libraries. Is there no way to completly turn off interop?
apparently Kotlin is supposed to target not only JVM, but also JavaScript and native code
Ah okay, didnt know that
it is possible if you use a different environment, you won't be subjected to limitations of the other one
time will tell, targetting native code seems to be in the works
Okay, thank you. Just checked the beginnings and it wasnt so bad but still confused with the interop to java
Thank you and good night :)
@TimCastelijns I tried that with China team and it backfired
@Kaboom we don't grant access to people with more questions on SO than answers. room-15.github.io
damn china team
answer 5 more questions and you'll be at 3:4 Kaboom
"Buster's mal heart", pretty good so far
So Mehdi, do you think I should try and learn Kotlin, as this room seems to be in love with it, or continue adding features to a todo app?
Imo, You can go ahead and get actually a good job on Android using Kotlin (since there's not much Kotlin developers yet)
so you could build some seniority around it
and even if you integrate a Java company that starts new projects with Kotlin, you'll be at almost the same level as the Java developers switching to Kotlin
so that's a good point in my opinion
those are sound arguments in favor or learning it, indeed
personally, I'm tired of Android and mobile in general XD
awwwwww :/
:D , I feel like my whole life consists of updating Jetbrains ide's. I use them at work and at home, having several of them installed on each machine, so I'm like daily updating stuff, sometimes like 4 different times
did you notice a bug lately that doesn't let you remove files from the projects structure of the IDE?
hmmmm, not that I noticed at least
so that's an AS bug... noticed it when upgrading to Canary Beta3..
I understand all of these words.

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