I need to get a new phone, though. My current one only has 8 gigs of storage and like only 2 gigs of that is available for apps, which is really easy to fill up.
I think I may have actually found a workaround for this. It involves overriding the openOptionsMenu() method:
public void openOptionsMenu()
android.support.v7.widget.ActionMenuView actionMenuView = (android.support.v7.widget.ActionMenuView) mActionBar.getChildAt(2);
@AndroidDev I wouldn't mind helping out but you guys move pretty fast and I don't have a ton of time recently to do so. I follow the repo and see emails going all the time.
Can I be added as a contributor or would you prefer I work via forks?
Well Nathan is working on finishing the backend (we're not pulling in messages yet, something about cookies being difficult) but we would like to know how to implement swiping items on a recycler view to implement actions
@RaghavSood bigger cities than where I live might have higher supply of rooms. This event will see many more tourists than typical for this part of the world, by several orders of magnitude.
Some nearby towns have city ordinances which restrict airbnb and such. They are lifting those restrictions for some days before and after the eclipse.
I'm kind of excited for it. Not just for the eclipse, but also to see an additional 100k+ people in a city of 50-60k.