@Pans You need a a:q ratio of 3:4 to talk here. Please see this link for more details.
@Pans Woah now, hold up right there. Spamming the request access button will only get you banned. Come back in 24 hours and request again IF you have fixed the issues outlined in the last message. Requesting access again in less than 24 hours will result in a ban.
This was posted on Slack at work today too - I asked if I doubled my indents from 4-space to 8-space if I would get double pay. Management was deafeningly silent.
Material guidelines describe the behavior of a full-screen dialog (https://www.google.com/design/spec/components/dialogs.html#dialogs-full-screen-dialogs). How can I achieve this in practice? I can't find a meaningful tutorial or sample! Thanks.
i'll put in some euros too lol. but no access to my accounts for the bot. i don't want to wake up one day with no cash for the rent and 14.000 giphy shares.
Updating the bot to do x commands per user minute is not nearly as simple as I'd hoped
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