GOOGLE: we made a car that drives itself & mapped the planet in 3D
GOVT: tell us how much you pay your female emplo…
the whole women in engineering thing is tough, because on one hand I absolutely believe in gender equality and on the other hand, there are just so few women in STEM jobs that it has to have an effect on the statistics.
Hmmm can you specify the intent at all? If not it might just default to the main activity? I mean, if you read through the lines here you'll realize I have no idea wtf I'm talking about and just spewing things out of my ass hoping it keeps up my reputation of being moderately knowledgable.
> If you want to open your app and perform a specific action [while backgrounded], set click_action in the notification payload and map it to an intent filter in the Activity you want to launch. For example, set click_action to OPEN_ACTIVITY_1 to trigger an intent filter like the following:
I want to open application automatically when notification is received, is this possible with Firebase and new FCM notifications?
I know I can set click_action but that's only for customizing which activity will start on notification click, I need something that will start automatically when not...
I believe so, I don't use FCM I still use GCM but you need to set the Intent, have a filter for that intent, open the app when you get that intent, check the values of the intent that opened the app when you start, if some data is present (notification) you do what you need to do instead.
> I have try, no error, but the the app crash if running
I hate it when people say there is no error but it is crashing. Then what in the fuck do you think would cause a crash?
Just found out I'm looking at a house tomorrow that has potential. And she doesn't want to put it on the market so I might not have to worry about someone snatching it up \o/
Can live without facebook. So easy. I do not even have an account. It is tremendous. Best thing. Really. So many people congratulate me. You will see trumpydumpy
Warren - I think 140 characters is enough, I saw a video a few days ago which said that the german language is so rich that 1 single word can be very expressive and meaning what could be said in 3 words or more in other languages
such as "Erklarungsnot" that means "existential crisis and questioning"