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Then God said, "Let there be Kotlin"; and there was Kotlin. God saw that Kotlin was good; and God made Google officially support Kotlin.
alright all the kotlin stars are starting to scare me
this is how religious wars start
There's a lot of stars on this page
Kotlin stars
Star Wars
Here's one more star
@McAdam331 Okay, I added another slightly more complicated test: androidapprentice.com/2017/05/30/…
Don't forget about the star eater Carl
ily bby
well, that's all for today. I'll edit it tomorrow or later this week.
woah woah
adam and tristan are fightning
how to handle links so certain ones open my app
but is there a way to receive the link in the activity?
I love that gif so much
Yay I love when my code stops working for no reason
I love when your code randomly stops working too
Let's be honest Tristan, if it stops working for "no reason" did it ever really work?
Dinner Time!!!
Cya people!!! :D
I'm more baffled when my code works for no reason
peace womp
Yay I fixed it
there was no reason, but you fixed it?
Did you fix it, or did you put a bandaid on it and forget to log your error cases?
Naw, removed a package and reinstalled some shit and it worked
But I mean, it's Javascript. So is anything really ever working?
@Ahmad yes
GOOGLE: we made a car that drives itself & mapped the planet in 3D GOVT: tell us how much you pay your female emplo… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/868226778845859841
congrats dave
thanks CF
@ColdFire gotcha
just accepted :}
the whole women in engineering thing is tough, because on one hand I absolutely believe in gender equality and on the other hand, there are just so few women in STEM jobs that it has to have an effect on the statistics.
@codeMagic cv done
@McAdam331 mauker?
Our company has only ever had 1 female apply for a software job and her only experience was a buggy website and a 2 month coding bootcamp.
No, Marker.
lol yeah that my bad typo
what intent does tapping an FCM notification send?
Hmmm can you specify the intent at all? If not it might just default to the main activity? I mean, if you read through the lines here you'll realize I have no idea wtf I'm talking about and just spewing things out of my ass hoping it keeps up my reputation of being moderately knowledgable.
well FCM notifications work, but they just open my launcher activity when tapped
you need to register an Intent filter in your manifest
Hey neat I was right
then you can override the behavior
but for what Dave?
I don't know what the intent is
You could just let it open up your launcher activity
and then in that activity check for a notification payload and redirect based on that
how though
the Firebase stuff is all really confusing
> If you want to open your app and perform a specific action [while backgrounded], set click_action in the notification payload and map it to an intent filter in the Activity you want to launch. For example, set click_action to OPEN_ACTIVITY_1 to trigger an intent filter like the following:
Adam wanna call tonight?
Q: Open app on firebase notification received (FCM)

stevyhackerI want to open application automatically when notification is received, is this possible with Firebase and new FCM notifications? I know I can set click_action but that's only for customizing which activity will start on notification click, I need something that will start automatically when not...

no I don't want it to start when the notification is received
@Ahmad lmfao
I just need it to do something specific after the app opens on click
then set the click_action to do that
is click_action a key/value pair?
you can literally open your app with the payload and do something different after it opens, based on whether or not the payload is present
but how do I get that payload?
try reading the question I linked, it may answer your questions
@TimCastelijns That extension should work, idk what you're doing wrong
His first mistake was using your extension.
Dave so to make sure I understand: set click_event to some arbitrary value like HUEHUEHUE_1 and put a category HUEHUEHUE_1 in an intent filter?
I believe so, I don't use FCM I still use GCM but you need to set the Intent, have a filter for that intent, open the app when you get that intent, check the values of the intent that opened the app when you start, if some data is present (notification) you do what you need to do instead.
which intent am I looking for though?
you can call it what you want
you set it in the click action
oh that's the intent?
FCM docs say it's the category
> <intent-filter>
<action android:name="OPEN_ACTIVITY_1" />
<category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
oh OK
I'll try it out
make sure you're reading the ANDROID support not the iOS support
@TristanWiley when I inspect element I see the div still
click_action is a different thing for Android and iOS is listed first
oh right this is cross platform
Adam I need your Stackoverflow login real quick
Tristan, I need your bank account number, ssn, routing number, birth date and mother's maiden name
Dave, you're me in the future remember? Just look around in our old golden treasure chest and it's all in there.
> I have try, no error, but the the app crash if running
I hate it when people say there is no error but it is crashing. Then what in the fuck do you think would cause a crash?
Just found out I'm looking at a house tomorrow that has potential. And she doesn't want to put it on the market so I might not have to worry about someone snatching it up \o/
@DaveS so I made a new intent filter and put a new broadcast receiver in my activity, but it isn't called
cM you looking for a new house?
TIL You can override a file name from a Kotlin class that may be used in Java.
CF, yes
just bought vysor pro
it works wirelessly omg
so good
cM your current house is not good?
or is it not yours?
snapchat from the desktop!
also look at my streak \o/
I don't even know what that means :/
the snapchat streak
guess I'm no longer hip with the kids
Best of luck with the house cM
the thing next to the 🔥
how is there a streak? I thought you just send people pictures and videos
I use this over vysor github.com/openstf/stf
If you send each other snaps for more than 3 days you will have a steak
Ahmad what's that running on?
And then you need to keep sending snaps every day to keep the streak alive
Vysor, Tristan
oh, so they're just getting you to use it more
Shit I totally forgot about stf
lmao Ahmad
I have a 334 day streak going right now
I have 7 active streaks actually. I might be hooked on Snapchat
Yeah Snapchat is gamified af
No, none of them are with Tristan.
300 days
Tired of Tristan and his Snapchat stories that turn into short films.
Tired of Tristan's Shit?
Try with dave then
I don't think I could maintain 7 active streaks
Only one is already a lot of work
I just send the same snaps to most of them lmao
Like srsly I don't even know ow 7 people who are that active on Snapchat and would want to have a streak with me
You have double the Snapchat points than I have
I know a girl who has 70k points
She is CRAZY
Thanks, Tim!
CF, renting, atm
we do have a house of our own in our home town
:o wow
but not in pune
Actually just going through my list I found someone who has 90k
another friend of mine
She has 115k
Holy shit
Snapchat... is that still a thing?
Still? When did it stop?
god damnit AndroidBot
When did it became "a thing"?
3 years ago
And it's the best thing ever
so it is still around for no real reason... like twitter
or instagram
Wtf twitter is bae
or pinterest
Don't like insta so you're welcome to bash
or facebook
Pinterest is pretty interesting tbh
Can't live without Facebook
Can live without facebook. So easy. I do not even have an account. It is tremendous. Best thing. Really. So many people congratulate me. You will see trumpydumpy
Snapchat is literally the best communication form
Lol warren
I have too many international friends. I need to have them on FB otherwise I will loose track on how to contact them
I don't get snapchat
@McAdam331 What about my film tho?
It's so easy to share your life with the people you care about via snap
I mean I share a picture and a text that will "disappear" after x seconds, right?
My mum is 55 and she has Snapchat
I snap her every day, tho we don't have a streak :/
It doesn't really need to dissapear, there is an infinite timer as well now
Well, I take a picture with my phone like once a week
so snapchat is useless for me
I do not share shit nobody cares about (no offense!)
I just don't get those "see those burritos I am about to eat" kind of bullshit
easier to stay in touch than with text
who cares? Literally?
I don't do that
But I don't mind food pics
I care because I might want to try out that new place as well
I don't see what I could daily snap to my mother/father
Just random moments
my father is on the typical "forward funny whatsapp pictures" but that is just "old like Carl"-type behavior
It can be boring but you're constantly in touch and know what the other person is up to
I am living those moments without trying to record it for someone else...
you can do both
snaps of your daughter
You could send those
You can't enjoy a concert while filming it with your phone. I do not even bring my phone to a concert
A picture a day. I bet your parents would love that.
Filming at a confert is stupid
I would love to see my daughter more than 30 minutes in the morning... so I enjoy it as best as possible and extend it when I bring her to day care
but when I hit home in the evening she is asleep already
anyway, I probably just get too old for such useless activities
Ohh damn
enough chatter, have to go back to work
bye warren o/
@Russia You really don't change, do you? https://t.co/HDfS9A8jWZ
a twitter beed between russia and ukraine
That was gold
Is twitter still a thing?
twitter is bigger than ever
if you're not on twitter than you're definitely missing out
Twitter is for twits tweeting about twats
pretty much
I'm a twit
I tweet
and I tweet about trump who is a twat
I can't use twitter, because everything I say is at least 141 chars long. I mean seriously there is no way for me to type shorter sentences.
multiple tweet
tweet storm
yeah, that makes as much sense as splitting the content of a website onto the first 3 google search results
and reading is so much fun
Warren - I think 140 characters is enough, I saw a video a few days ago which said that the german language is so rich that 1 single word can be very expressive and meaning what could be said in 3 words or more in other languages
such as "Erklarungsnot" that means "existential crisis and questioning"
Mehdi, yeah because one German word is usually three words smashed together
no it does not mean that
Google doesn't think that word exists
@Ahmad Trump was on to something, twitter is the future of diplomacy
what does it mean?
Erklärungsnot == trouble to explain
lol eski
basically when you where just caught in the act and try to find explanations for your doing/situation
I see (I think the video was trying to find the sources of the words)
But I doubt you'll find a single word for expressing what you've explained :D
we also have longer words for short stuff: Zusammenbrechen vs break down
again: German is fluid in this way: we can easily create new words so there is a lot available to cover nearly everything
le sigh
sigh sigh
@McAdam331 Warren pin this
A friend at Snapchat just snap'd me with a new feature and I can't tell what it is ;-;
Because it's only available on their alpha 😥
oh Snap!
le lol
What friend?
past the lols

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