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Hello, Android!
TIL JSON doesn't support single quotes
@FoamyGuy Long time no see!
And that JSON validators don't do a great job of telling you why your string is invalid it if happens to be due to single quotes
Hows it going?
good. And you?
And what do you mean that JSON doesn't support single quotes? You mean around strings?
Pretty good here
{'foo': 'bar'}
is invalid
maybe it's your parser...
I tried two validators and got the same cryptic message from each
and the internals of jQuery don't like it
@MehdiB. that is really good!
@Ahmad Unfortunately not much I can do about that. SE API caches everything, so there's a delay between things happening and being visible to the bot
because it sends my ajax call to the error callback
well, glad you figured out the problem
@Code-Apprentice, Yes!
I have a ton of work but kept diving into specials style of songs like this one since 2h :D
yikes, single line comments don't mix well with minifying your code
you should enclose them with /* comment */
The joys of coding an HTML page and then minifying, and escaping it to store it in a String
oh...maybe I shouldn't onebox that one...
hey everyone
Sometimes google makes me want to cry
@RaghavSood aah gotcha
Is there a way to make a Fragment layout be pushed up when the Activity invokes a Snackbar?
Hey gui!
Hey to you too Ahmad Damn took you too long
Hey mauker!
Btw have I already told you how much I love the thing you created
When you posted it the first time I didn't even see it!
I was probably asleep
Oh now you saw it!
haha Thanks :D
That was fun to make
Cmon Android
Why Y no push up?
@Mauker What you make?
Ahmad's new Twitter banner
Or is this question about the snackbar? lol
@Code-Apprentice ^
@TristanWiley Now change it to say "like this" but with Trudeau killin' it
Has anyone implemented an app with DLNA features?
On Windows, yes
It was a nightmare
on android
And DLNA is a MS spec
is it?
no wonder it sucks...
Huh, guess not anymore
There's a DLNA foundation now
And even originally Sony was the lead
So equally bad
do you have any idea if it is possible to play a video stream directly from the web, without pre/downloading the video first?
No idea
I think DLNA can work with buffers
Dunno if you can do it from Android
That was something I came up with, to keep a local "buffer" on the phone and then having the tv/whatever reading from this buffer
"I came up with" = I "theorized" it, not actually implemented
Guilherme, I thought your name was too Brazilian, and I was right, I believe it's the first time I see someone from our country here lol
there's this, cling project 4thline.org/projects/cling, but it just seem too complicated, and the docs aren't very clear so far
how the f can an abstract class reference a class that extends itself?
public abstract class Device<DI extends DeviceIdentity, D extends Device, S extends Service>
It's not extending itself
It's limited the hierarchy of generic arguments
A: Java - Interface extending itself

rgettmanThe interface isn't extending itself. The <V extends PositionedVertex<V>> is a bound on the generic type that is associated with your interface. It just means that the generic type parameter for any class that implements this interface must itself be a PositionedVertex.

I still don't get it :/
View<V extends View> would mean that you can only supply classes that subclass View as a generic
So no regular POJOs
So, suppose I have this class: (in Kotlin)
abstract class Test<out Test> { }
Then I want to create:
class MySecondaryClass(var t: Test<??????>) { }
what am I supposed to do in that ????? ?
A class that extends Test
aaaah, I get it
2 hours later…
For fuck's sake
After all this time
I have to use Eclipse again
I am going to murder someone
It's gone
@AmanKumar Welcome! Please read, confirm reading, and follow the room rules before you do anything else: room-15.github.io
Q: Genymotion screen oriantation issue for tablet

Aditya Vyas-LakhanI am using Genymotion. I created layout for sw800dp tablet and sw600dp. I want my app only for portrait, so what i did <activity android:name="TestCountry" android:screenOrientation="portrait" > <intent-filter> <action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" /> <category android:name="android...

My genymotion showing wrong orientation
@TristanWiley Who is Hayden Blair and why is Hayden Blair so bad at git?
@AmanKumar access revoked for leaving without talking
Did someone ever use Zeller's Congruence to find name of a Day for any Julian or Gregorian Calendar? Its funny, because it doesn't even need to use any Date API, just formulas.
Good Day
Are you a tester? The guys who create bug reports.
> The guys who call features bugs
This question by you seems more like a bug report.
Haha, mostly.
This one, for instance, is protecting you from having to use Samsung devices
But you still have to support their features.
because your users use them :D
Gooooooooooooooooooooooooooood Morning Everyone!!!! :D
@HakimKhan You need at least 80 rep to talk here. Please see this link for more details.
@PatelPinkal Welcome! Please read, confirm reading, and follow the room rules before you do anything else: room-15.github.io
I have read and understood the rules
removes finger from button to nuke Patel
Welcome!!!! :D
Womper as usual , day by day you appending "O"s in messages. :D
@AndroidBot Hey Bot
kitty x3
thank to all of you
Raghav possible to have kind of "!/image morning" ?
Possible, yes. Useful, not particularly
Too many image commands make actual chat difficult
It's why I left out friday and unicorn this time too
This is my first experience with the group. Please help me if I went wrong anywhere
ohh okay
You're doing fine so far
My pleasure
sup womp
> A: Darling, today is Valentine's Day!
B: Is your name Valentine?
A: No but...
B: So shut the fuck up!
> federal climate data
> hackers, scientists, and students are collecting it to save outside government servers.
sounds a tiny bit illegal
doesn't matter, when those stuff would have been deleted it would have causes unbelievable damage
Back after a 4 day absence
Did I miss out on much?
same old
May be #samsung and #trump
guten morgen
Q: SecurityException: get application info: Neither user 1010069 nor current process has android.permission.INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS

Rotem MatityahuI'm getting this weird crash. It seems like AlarmManager.set() cause this but I don't understand how nor why. Stack trace: Fatal Exception: java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to create application com.rotem.appmanager.app.MainApplication: java.lang.SecurityException: get application info: Neith...

anyone has this issue before?
@WarrenFaith I awoke on Sat, 11 Feb 2017 15:53:22 GMT (that's about 2 days ago), got invoked 20 times
@HariRam welcome to the room. Please read the room rules before you do anything: room-15.github.io
Lol, stop checking to see if the bot is alive just because you had to handle an access request :D
why did the bot not do it
HariRam didn't fail the basic requirements, bot only handles denials for now
> Object { requests: 0, badratio: false, rep: 443, insufficientRep: false, qaratio: 0.7142857142857143, qaratios: "5:7", display_name: "HariRam", defaultLikeUsername: false, user_id: "3812404", ping_name: "HariRam" } master.js:1146:13
User HariRam(3812404) has no obvious issues
what a lame bot :D
You can always add a PR to add the quiz access :D
Both the bot and the site are open source
Do I really look like I would touch JavaScript?
Of course, my apologies. I forgot you're one of the management people now :D
and now BACK TO WORK
I have to agree with warren
hush hush
this bot is only half implemented!
damn what a bummer... a dutch agrees with me
So much criticism, such few PRs
flipping tables in a loop
I don't know anything about the stack api :P
Learn, Tim :P
teach, raghav
^Tim and JS
I fiddle in JS
because my work has me making a web thing
My naming was in order of the cats
Tim and JS, not JS and Tim
I see
@TimCastelijns do you know if there's any way to return a dog object in this Realm example: realm.io/docs/java/latest/#link-queries
Mehdi, there are too many Mehdis in IBM for me to look you up easily
you're online?
I want to return a child object from querying the parent object
Not anymore
which child from which parent
In their example they have a person parent object which has dog child objects
Firstborn from all those who owe me
I was wondering if it was possible to return the dog object from the person object when querying the person object
anyway you should be able to do do Dog fido = realm.where(Person.class).equalTo("dogs.name", "Fido").findFirst().getDogs().where().equalTo("name", "Fido").findFirst();
it's not pretty
the key here is that you can query a realmlist
just sent you an email (assuming you're the only raghav sood in singapore XD)
I'll take a look at it tomorrow, too lazy to get the work laptop out
Plus no space on my desk
he is busy working on the bot's new functionality
@mark does it work?
@TimCastelijns going to test it in a bit, got a flat viewing which I need to leave the office for
thought I'd ask you before I left in case you were AFK
I am seldomly afk on a weekday :)
seldomly is a nice word
what is a nice way to present object properties with key+value on a page? I lack design inspiration
in html D:
I am going to dump them in a grid
stop me if needed
I have the object collection in an accordion indeed
but when I select one, an area shows that I have to fill with data
yeah so the grid is good (watch for the responsiveness)
yeah I have this css framework for that
> Primitive types can’t be null but wrapper classes can be null.
does this apply to byte[] too?
Arrays are not primitive types, they are objects
byte is primitive, but byte[] is not
Ohhhh yes, its an array, I am so stupid
what Tim said
how are you rup? Don't see you as much anymore
I am good, I stopped development.
Now, I read and learn most of the time.
how come?
I didn't understand your question.
I am brushing some OOP and core java.
I got to know that no one hires a programmer with negative creativity/imagination skill.
but development is the best way to learn :D
So, i thought maybe knowing more of the stuff might get an arrow to the center.
all the rockstars architects I know
were learning by practicing
package by package, java lang, util etc...
and at night they were allocating 1h30 of reading of "Thinking in Java - Bruce Eikel"
Yeah, I looked at some code I wrote a year ago, 5 classes for a stupid task, redone it in under 30 lines of code. Now, I think it will happen in future too. So, maybe "better learn before write (?)"
Oh, I started reading it too.
good rupin
I am on right path too then.
Yes! That's the Java Bible :D
I have never read any java books :(
However don't target perfection from the beginning, you improve yourself with projects and mistakes
of I won't do that this way I know it will fail, this is the issues I had doing it this way, let's try another approach
Rup, how long your code is does not matter. Proper structure and readability is important
5 classes may be better than 30 lines in main
Tim , well said
Same CF :D
Started Thinking in Java but had to stop after a few chapters, I'm a practical guy, I get bored learning by only reading
It was about Java's date and time. I used Java7 when Java8's LocalDate was available.
and, Java7's date and time is often wrong.
for versions below 8, you could use JodaTime library
I bought a copy of commonsware's android book, but never time to read it
I think on Java8 they incorporated it
and how do you plan to read it?
@MehdiB. same practical guy me too
read and practice or just read and practice later?
it is on my list of things-to-do that I probably never will do
so in 5 years we can all use jodatime without the library, nice
just like the 50 tabs I have left opened since 3 months
to read list of 3 months ago
which I aknowledged yesterday I won't never do
so I closed them all :D
such a shame
but at least you are honest to yourself
hahaha yeah :D
I think this might reduce my time a lot maybe.
i just erased all my downloads folder. that's true commitment
and Rupin one advice, don't compare yourself to others, go at your own pace
Oh I need to do that one day
I am on HackerRank, is someone else active there too?
it's your own mind, your own career, your own time
I am only on SO
oh right.
@Mauker lol
o/ mauker you are early today
recruiters don't stop though, every single Job mail I get. They list a lot of things in "should know" part, i get scared. They made me put Rust and Perl in to-learn category.
no don't do that
you should be the one defining your profile
I am haha
(of course, that should include as well the market needs)
But I'm also leaving now
gotta drive
see ya soon o/
rust and perl are not really languages you need to know for day to day work in android
So, Rust and Perl is not in market needs?
also, recruiters exist to persuade you to come work for them, not the other way around
oh, in android.
you don't have to please them, they have to please you
see ya mauker
I feel like I don't fit in any job description.
anyway, gtg.
thanks for the talk.
and tips.
Good luck
which is the good way in RxJava to combine two dependent APIs. Like if API1 return true then proceed to API2 else throw error?
burn everthing, go live in the mountains, herd goats and small rodents for the rest of my existence. that's what i'd do right now.
@Dharmendra I am using flatMap
you will have onError
onNext once single call complete
onCompleted when everything finishes.
you ok, cpt??
@Dharmendra zip?
do you want to talk?
Let me check with FlatMap and Zip
eric what happened?
overrun by the elements
hi team
14 hours ago, by Mehdi B.
these kind of street performances make me wanna help these artists and learn to play an instrument :D
@CptEric, listen to this and calm down :D

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