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00:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

many times Tristan, I've come close to trying the kick-mute button on you. You always seem to stop whatever it is just before I do.
I know, sorry lol
I was just really lazy and talked in short bursts
Fortunately Room15 isn't an SMS chatroom, and you can actually type in complete sentences.
Yeah, sorry lol
Admin wants to enforce more than 140 characters. Disgraceful. SAD!
Can we not? lol
We can, and we will. It's gonna be tremendous, just tremendous. I've got a very good brain.
You're smart! I'm telling you! And I'm a smart person! you're smart! :D
If you strung all of trumps tweets together it would read like an auto generated spam email run through google translate.
auto generated spam email run through google translate, you just transcended criticism XD
at least i live in california
somewhat shielded from retard rays coming from DC
if it can bring you any comfort, take a look at what's happening in the political scene of morocco
and tell yourself that people are so tired of thinking about it, that I haven't watched the local news in months
and I'm here configuring ElasticSearch :D
haha that doesnt make me feel any better
but i do feel sorry for you that you have problems there too
haha thanks XD
we have voted, 1 party has been elected, and no one from the opposition wants to join the government
so there is no government since the Parlemantary elections
(we have a monarchy though...)
Enough politics :D
Bots are cool :D
Stuffs like that fourtonfish.com/detective are awesome
4 hours later…
Hello, Android!
Does initializing Handler and Runnable in onCreate() and calling handler.postDelayed() from required method make any difference from following code:
                   new Handler(Looper.getMainLooper()).postDelayed(new Runnable() {
                        @Override public void run() {

                    }, 300);
Does the new Handler() and new Runnable() live after execution? I have to call postDelayed multiple times based on user interaction.
Gooooooooooooooooooooooood Morning Everyone!!!! :D
Fabric acquired by Google
good morning
That should be done a long time ago by Google.
Instead they created their own Google Mobile Analytics
sup ahmad
Hey o/
a thousand internets for those
that find me a website where you upload .docs / . pdf in exchange of other docs / pdf
you can only download as you uplaod
and the content is hashed so you can't upload the same thing twice
unless you make minimal changes
i can't remember that website
and it had dozens of manuals
and cool books
hiya tim!!
what do you think about the new site header?
its not new (?)
Q: Phase Two of Top Navigation Testing Begins Soon!

Tim PostWe're happy to report that phase one of our top navigation redesign testing went very well. We're going to be starting phase two very soon, and wanted to give you a preview of things to come and some details about the test. As soon as the test begins, users with 499 rep or below stand a good cha...

When can you opt in to test it out?
it's automatic
for now only users below 500 rep have a chance to see it
yay~~ xD
do you see it?
no :(
but it has not been implemented yet :O
oh right. I misread it
@TimCastelijns oh so they only do this once I start making more of an effort to gain rep ¬_¬
I like black one though, are they replacing it?
you can get yourself temporarily suspended :) then you will have 1 rep for a while
looks like it rup
Q: What does the line "So long and thanks for all the fish!" mean?

Chaitanya KumarI got a mail with the subject "So long and thanks for all the fish!" from my Manager. What does it mean?

Nice way to say good bye :)
I am only familiar with So long, gay boys
1 gold star to who knows the reference
I will not
"hasta luego, mariquitas".
ewww dubs
I am not a big fan of dubbing
i am if the dubbing actors are gud
Seems like mjon is the dutch version, right?
We say goedemorgen, or 'morgen for short
There is a dutch dialect called Sønderjysk who says mjon - at least wikipedia says that
I think that's danish
northeast of netherlands
yes like 500km
> jsonParser.makeHttpRequest(..)
._. just saw this
in a question
> FurnaceManager.getInstance().TurnOnTheTelevision()
it's from a tutorial tim
> cat.fly();
Holy shit that is big news
I never knew about that
Sometimes when I open my app after long time, I see all the fragments mixed with one another. What is wrong?
all of them are fullscreen fragments.
because you should not use an inline fragment
but rather a framelayout and replace them in there
replace- > not add.
add just pastes on top
and sometimes it all goes nuts
I add first fragment, rest all are replaced
i replace and on catch( nothing to replace) add.
I am using frameLayout too. and replce them without animations.
I saw a question earlier that had this problem, but he said it started happening when he upgraded to support v25 lib
They are being stacked on one another. I just need to prevent this.
i've ouny l found this on some 4.x devices
and solved it wiht what i said
must you use fragments though?
what is it Tim?
I went to my first mobile dev meet up last night in Edinburgh, was cool speaking to other mobile devs and most of them were Android devs :)
there were 3 guys working as an Android devs at Oracle
should I use activities? I have four pages to be displayed.
tim, can you test my app and recommend some changes?
you can say no.
@JMRboosties i call it "CptEric's Validation test. 5 multiple choice answers + 5 write-in answers, that grant you access to the voting system for the next (vote_period*4) years"
"how many chambers form this country's Legislative power?" 2 | 3 | 4 | 1
"Name the Three powers" : ------- | -------- | -------
"Name of your current head of state?" __________
@rupinderjeet you could use 1 activity and 4 fragments to show the 4 different pages
the 1 activity would act like the parent to the 4 fragments
I am doing it already.
but they become see through
@MarkOSullivan94 just saying hi
and, its at random times.
@rupinderjeet ok
can I send you the link on Hangouts?
or somewhere else.
here is fine
I will ping you after current update.
anyone worked with library projects ? I'm trying (and failing) to get the path to the generated .aar file after executing assembleDebug. I know where it is, but I can't tell gradle to programatically get it
CF has done some, and Cpt knows about it too IIRC
when i gradlew assembleDebug --info, I can see Output property 'archivePath' file .../build/outputs/aar/lib-debug.aar has changed. in the logs but I don't know how to get it
thanks Tim, I'll ask them
i have it aoutomated
so i don't get to touch .aar's directly
damned, thanks anyway :'(
I don't want to publish my archive on bintray or anything :/
that blog was super helpful last time i made a library
Every time I think this should be in a lib I find there are already 500 libs that do it
Eric, you play dnd right
i play many things
dnd included
Have you played 5e sorcerer?
i'm not a magic guy in dnd
what do/did you play?
i usually play cleric or warrior
me too, so far
it's been a lot since my last dnd match
throwing fireballs is fun
tempest cleric, fighter, paladin.. in this campaign now I am a life cleric 3 / fighter 1
we usually go along with RyF and similar 3d10/3 | d100 | d6 quick setup games
but it's more satisfying a well aimed arrow x3
womp, have you ever picked wild magic over draconic ?
\o cyg
i don't remember D:
the last time i played dnd with a mage-ish character was 5-6 years ago :(
petition to start a room15 campaign
rolls d6
@OcuS how much money is daily needed to eat normally in Paris. When I say normally, I mean healthy, not fast food and nothing fancy.
While testing UI with espresso when open external application intent and intent chooser provides no activity to perform action then process gets stuck and other testcases gets failed.
Anyone has faced this?
hello every one
Lunch time~~ :D
@netpork Restaurant (a.k.a "brasserie") meals are generally between 10 and 15€
lunch time
@OcuS what are the transportation prices?
@netpork Other non-brasserie restaurants can cost ~25€. Some really fancy one 50€+
@netpork Single metro/bus ticket is 1.90€ ; 1 to 5 days ticket are ~12 to 37€. see ratp.fr/en/ratp/r_61584/tickets
Also, Paris has a good Uber coverage
Tip: You can preview and inspect your app's merged AndroidManifest.xml to see where each tag/attribute comes from https://developer.android.com/studio/build/manifest-merge.html#inspect_the_merged_manifest_and_find_conflicts
@netpork If you feel like dying you can also try a Velib' once 😆 en.parisinfo.com/transport/73414/Velib
nice, we have that as well in ljubljana
If you've ever rode a bike in a big city you'll most certainly be fine, though ;)
Have you planned to go to some specific places yet ? like the Eiffel Tower or the Champs Elysées ?
Morning all
@OcuS well, it is a business trip so not planned anything yet.
ahh ok :)
what are the security measures in Paris, still police with long arms on the streets?
police != security, but that's just my opinion, haha
but yes, they're still out there
don't worry you'll be safe :)
(or not unsafe ^^)
Would be cool if Crashlytics had some sort of video recording so you can see what went wrong from the users perspective like bugsee
morning graeme
haaa found it android.libraryVariants.all { variant -> println "Variant: " + variant.name + " Output: " + variant.outputs[0].outputFile } gives ../build/outputs/aar/lib-debug.aar !
that was so easy :'(
Just spent the morning setting up all 5 demo devices
now hopefully because they're all under one Google account if I click download for our beta version app it'll download to all 5 at once :D
I don't think it'll work like that, mark
damn no electricity today :(
\o CF
I believe you have to specify a device, but you can do that 5 times of course
\o CF
Morning Eric - You get your trousers sorted?
Tim is right you have to specify the device
watching sherlock season 4
anybody else watching it?
^ me too
nope, I can't stand Berberice Trumperlatch
finished 0 and 1st episode
gonna watch 2nd episode now
Berberice Trumperlatch?
Benermice Crumperbash
Benadryl Cucumberpatch
@Graeme nope. i am still in help
can't remember he's name but I can remember he's alien face too well...
blumberdy Camembert
exactly, Tim ;)
Did you look at "Soldier of Fortune" ?
lots of fun there
yeah. 80 pounds plus postage
i need something less expensive
call me "El Cheap-o", but i can't spend 80 brittish buckaroonies on a pair of brittish legwarmers.
Bumblebee Cumblentuches??
btw, last chapter was great!! (at least for me x3)
I imagine that's probably how much you'll have to pay :P
Your other option is to look up how much the material costs, get a pattern and sew yourself a pair.
can't, it's impossible to find that whool in small batches
shear some sheep
you can find them at the apple store in your area
And then given that no one out there is manufacturing these in any real quality you can see what the price would be high
goddamit :I
Why not just get some cloth the same colour and make some trousers out of them?
bc it's a horribly weird whool
i've found no similar one
not even close
i already tried lol
okay i just found a smartass
Yeah, forget the material, just get the same colour :P
same guy, 10 pounds more
on ebay
Hah :) Probably because ebay sucks
saving that website tho
Good call
womp i am 2nd episode now
havent watch the 3rd one
how was the 1st one???
yeah it was good
i couldn't stay still afterwards >.<
i didn't know, so it was a surprise for me xD
2nd episode start is good
guys, no spoilers pls
yeah... i was trying not to write anything spoiler-y D:
was to CF
I haven't finished ep1 yet :(
i'm really sorry TT^TT
ohh well i didnt knew it
you didn't say anything lol
You can make up for it CF and I think you already know how
oh my , those smileys
@MathiasConradt Welcome! Please read, confirm reading, and follow the room rules: room-15.github.io
2nd episode is getting very interesting...
Nope, not as far back as I though
what is the point of trashing it now
1 CF moved to Trash
Future visitors
@RaghavSood I have read and understood the rules
i doubt future visitor will go through the transcript
@TimCastelijns Done :D
\o/ welcome
\o/ welcome mathias
raghav, check telegram, when you have time
welcome!!!! :D
o/ welcome
Ayy I love Telegram
what's telegram?
Demo devices set up
Encrypted IM app
Messenger app
it's a cute paperplane!! x3
@MarkOSullivan94 which device is that
looks like a doogee x6 pro
doogee x6 pro
yes I knew it
lol that edit
what a weird name
Some cheap asian phone manufacturer I think
This is all I could think of when I heard the name
user image
o/ adam
Hi Adam
hey hey
adam homes what's cookin'
I'm a double agent now, so I'll be working on a QR code reader on iOS
@lesirhype @HamiltonMusical LOL you think we have any?
Lesir hype? What about greater hype?
Oh fuck you
omg of course
adam, doing swift or objc?
finally managed to create a gradle task to copy/rename the AAR files from my library project ! gist.github.com/ocus/8d7316b49cf1a94cfc0173101031a440
So, anyone else get the thing where they start a new job and get utterly depressed?
Nope. Because I don't need to start a new job to get that.
It's probably just you getting used to new surroundings, being away from familiar faces and starting to work on an unfamiliar project. Fingers crossed you wont be feeling like that for long @Graeme. Least you still have all of us here!
Thanks Mark
And sorry to hear that OcuS
graeme, you just moved 19.000km. it's normal to feel strange. keep up bro! you're in imsorryland! :P
That's true
So far am not coping well - but granted I haven't actually been given any real work to do so am spending a lot of my time dwelling on things.
00:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

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