We're happy to report that phase one of our top navigation redesign testing went very well. We're going to be starting phase two very soon, and wanted to give you a preview of things to come and some details about the test.
As soon as the test begins, users with 499 rep or below stand a good cha...
@JMRboosties i call it "CptEric's Validation test. 5 multiple choice answers + 5 write-in answers, that grant you access to the voting system for the next (vote_period*4) years"
"how many chambers form this country's Legislative power?" 2 | 3 | 4 | 1
"Name the Three powers" : ------- | -------- | -------
anyone worked with library projects ? I'm trying (and failing) to get the path to the generated .aar file after executing assembleDebug. I know where it is, but I can't tell gradle to programatically get it
when i gradlew assembleDebug --info, I can see Output property 'archivePath' file .../build/outputs/aar/lib-debug.aar has changed. in the logs but I don't know how to get it
While testing UI with espresso when open external application intent and intent chooser provides no activity to perform action then process gets stuck and other testcases gets failed.
Tip: You can preview and inspect your app's merged AndroidManifest.xml to see where each tag/attribute comes from https://developer.android.com/studio/build/manifest-merge.html#inspect_the_merged_manifest_and_find_conflicts
It's probably just you getting used to new surroundings, being away from familiar faces and starting to work on an unfamiliar project. Fingers crossed you wont be feeling like that for long @Graeme. Least you still have all of us here!