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00:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

that guy is just hilarious
that voice tho
watch his other stuff, this guy is an amazing voice actor
Somebody once told me, the world is gonna roll me. I ain't the sharpest tool in the shed.
not you too
sorry, I found your video about as amusing as that one
maybe a bit less
so you're saying it was amazing
worth a million subs
3 hours later…
@nana I don't. It's just... I forgot to mention about strategy that I am using. :(
I want to initialize a class in background and use it periodically at times. Its methods can be used based on user actions on same instance of that class. So, its like: initialize class A + doSomethingOnUI() + call A.method. Now, this call to method needs to be from same thread. I tried to initialize class A with Asynctask. Now, when i have to call its method, How do i tell new asynctask about which thread to use to call method.
I can't come up with a better search term. Can someone give directions?
and you can't use methods of A from UI thread if A is initialized from another thread.
initialization and method calls need to be from same thread.
I would go make the class Singleton.
go (Cant edit!)
@TheLittleNaruto Hey
What kind of VisitorStrategy do you use?
just tried singleton, methods must be called from same thread that initialized it.
Like AnnotationStrategy, VisitorStrategy is there. Like AnootationStartegy, it does not scan custom annotations.
@TheLittleNaruto Can you share CtxVisitor?
Yep sure.
nana, have a look: hastebin.com/awuciqotud.java
that if condition will look for the classes like TypeNumber
and will add a tag <field> with the attributes
Can I edit the CtxVisitor?
Sure if you can...
Also can you confirm that the outputs mu version generates are the desired outputs?
Yep it is
@rupinderjeet How are you calling the method again ?
just calling the instance object from singleton. I don't know where to specify which thread to use to call. Trying with handlers now, removed asynctasks.
2 hours later…
@ColdFire working on the lib??
currently no
sorry didnt got time
@Raghunandan you have time?
No i just switched jobs
@ColdFire i can spent time on saturday and sunday
another job switch
switching jobs too fast
> Fatal Exception: java.lang.NumberFormatException
Invalid int: "99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999996636699999999999999362159255"
Haha why would anyone type that?
Goooooooooood Morning Everyone~~~ :3
good morning womper!
does anyone here know how to make a nestedscrollview let touches goto views behind it?
good morning
good morning womp womp and eric
@Bhargav touchable to false
clickable i think
@CptEric then scroll wont work right?
not sure
so who feels as shitty as me?
raise your hands!
Not me today :P
wait until I cast my "life leeching" spell on you
starts to collect rare ingredients
you feel as shitty as Warren?
Not yet
Between, Why warren feeling like shitty today?
dunno, ask him
I putted down my hand now
12 mins ago, by Dharmendra
too late ;)
Reached 20k rep \o/
congrats!!!! :D
Then you must got Moderator tools access, Tim
you get that at 10k :)
star that, congrats :)
congrats (y)
Tim, what's the status on the icons?
that's a good status
Morning all!
Back to work this morning
in the first one there are 2 15.5's, should I replace both with 18?
\o mark
will check
or just try, should be faster
yeah it works :) the other xml had only one occurance, so only replaced that in both files
I feel shitty as I feel like being taunted by a jet lag, I feel like I ran a marathon instead of sleeping 8h and my voice is rough as fuck today...
guess the cold finally got me
you held out longer than I did
@r3dm4n welcome to the room. Please read the room rules here: room-15.github.io
and I am slightly freezing...
are you staying home today?
Just checked crashlytics, we're still having crashes on our lite app and wouldn't you know all the devices it's crashing on is Samsung
fuck Samsung
congrats tim
would love to but no, I am at work
life long goal complete, on to the next!
LOL ! I just found the new year party pics on my phone
I just saw at crashlytics that there is a device with the code name Batmobile
i dont remember taking even a single one
sounds like a party I regret to have missed :D
in one of em im holding up my friends passed out head and taking selfies
hes going to kill me if he ever gets one of those pictures
@NileshSingh welcome to the room. Please read the room rules: room-15.github.io
hey, is anybody aware of Fresco's performance in a RecyclerView?
Nilesh, read the rules first!
@WarrenFaith how is that even possible? :D
It is as Motorola named their XT320 device this way
@WarrenFaith I am not going to be a help-vampire for sure ;)_
you seem to be one
Final request: Read the rules or I will revoke your access. Seriously, do not write again here BEFORE you have read the rules
I am back in a few minutes
Warren has the best luck with rule reading
is it possible to add multiple scrollchangelisteners for a nestedscrollview?
is it a set or an add listener method?
It is setOnScrollChangeListener, so you have one listener
Can anyone recommend a website where I can get a cheap lollipop phone?
I just noticed today that I had code which only worked for API 21 and above yet our min API is 19
Need a physical phone because of BT
Custom rom if AVD not work
I have an old Galaxy here but it's below API 19 and so might not have the hardware for BLE?
BLE is 4.4 and up iirc
4.3 i think
Android 4.3 (API level 18) introduces built-in platform support for Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE)
@MarkOSullivan94 You're thinking of a miracle. You need a miracle for BT.
yeah we support API 19 and above so if I can get a device with 4.4 and cannot get anything more than 4.4 that'd be perfect
Any of you got an old phone you want sold?
@RaghavSood pretty much :D but this issue atm is because I'm using ScanCallback() which is only available for API 21 and above
How about "hey boss, I need a phone with android 4.4, get me one"
Yeah I need to find one though :D
I want to sold but you will have to come to India to collect that :P
Quite a long way away from me! :D
Try ebay :P
@NileshSingh revoked your access because you left without reading the rules
@MarkOSullivan94 I'm soon going to be working with BLE. Just waiting on my ESP32 to show up from China
So I've been looking into it on Android
The horror stories I've found are not the most heartening
@r3dm4n revoked because you left without a word
you will really enjoy it. BLE works great on android, seldomly I hear people have issues with it
Why do I even care with granting access when I revoke 90% of them again anyway?
One day, we'll have the bot do this
@TimCastelijns ayyy lmao
Alas, today, or tomorrow, or the foreseeable future, are not those days
why not raghav?
@RaghavSood you'll be joining the BLE support squad
where we try to support each other with our BLE woes
Because I currently have no time for at least a few weeks to work on the bot again
Btw mark, I never got a reply to my question on the google groups :(
Which group?
Most of the Android ones are long dead
@WarrenFaith I think you swore to do so when the pope crowned you room owner :D
I believe it's called android-developers
@TimCastelijns I was going to ask you about that question you posted to them. Pretty shocking how they haven't got back to you which makes me think they might have "improved" it but didn't really
@TimCastelijns The sentencing:
they probably did improve it, but never look there :P
Think I found a suitable phone: ebay.co.uk/itm/…
Well what do you know. Rahgav is the pope :P
Fifty pounds for that?!
I got a Nexus 6P so fancy getting a phone with a smaller screen size
yeah seems to be around £50 is what I'm gonna have to pay
Good value for money or not @RaghavSood?
It doesn't even have 4G!
I don't need 4G :D
I could get that but the screen size is silly, 3.5", trying to make my screens look good on that will just end up with me throwing that phone out the window
What's the smallest screen size you guys support?
Damn. I tried looking for a Lollipop phone in India around 5000 INR
Found a Lava P7 with Marshmallow
Things have become a lot cheaper
hm... seems I just missed my 5th year anniversary in this room by 2 - 3 weeks
I believe this screen is 4.5" mark, and it is so goddamn small
What screen Tim?
4.5" display for this phone: ebay.co.uk/itm/…
I support 3.7". A nexus device.
Nexus one I think
the screen of the device my client has me developing for
Yeah if I use any other phone now it feels so small compared to my 6P
How you do functional testing of screen which has authorized access.?
-> By login manually into device and then testing or
-> Auto login from test cases with static email or password and then test the authorized screens?
If you don't know, there is something like sdp and ssp for screen sizes.
Auto login from test cases with static email or password probably not this
Then on CI server how we can login manually on emulator?
why do you need to test this?
Is there any way you can check if a device has BLE? I'm not sure if it should be in the specs or not
Almost 70% screens need authentication for the APIs, so to test these screens I must have valid token by login. I can't mock the webservice now to provide static response for all APis
Hi anyone done DB upload and download from GOOGLE DRIVE...i need ugrent demo
sounds like something some would sue them for
\ooo 2017
Lunch time~~ :D
I wear a hat now guys yaaay
ahhaa that amazon echo thing was hilarious
Alexa, how do you spell "book".
It is spelled F-U-C-K
This is hilarious
Has anyone here had issues with dialog messages not showing for Samsung devices?
.create().show() : most of the time I forget this
show() internally calls create()
so, it can be .show() only then. right?
I have no issues with any other devices, it seems to be samsung devices which never show dialog messages for some strange reason
Or at least very rarely show them
iirc we had some conversation about a similar issue here some weeks ago
I knew I wasn't going mad
I can't find anything about the issue on Google @cygery
was caused by some (non)-support-lib code I think
On my S2, all dialogs work. Will the setting "Show notifications" in App Settings page concern dialogs too? Maybe something like "Never show this again"
no that's for status bar notifications
@cygery did you confirm what the issue was? Perhaps I'm using the same code
Dec 19 '16 at 18:31, by Dave S
I'm an idiot
look around that message
or wait
that was apparently something else
think it was closer to this
16 hours ago, by Tristan Wiley
I'm an idiot lol
well, ask the log cat
@MarkOSullivan94 did you see the art cyg made yesterday? xD check the starboard
That's brilliant
don't know which one I prefer
where did that come from?
totally random
Just checked, I was using AlertDialog v7 from support lib, maybe if I just use the other one it'll be fine?
speaking about Samsung, maybe yes
ahh mark, what is your minSdk? and do you know about the device with this error?
min sdk is 19
Device which has the issue is: Samsung SGS7 Android 6.0.1
The user is trying to upload a round from our app and I always display an error message in a dialog box if there's an issue with the upload
Though they're saying nothing is displayed in the screen, just keeps saying the app is uploading
how certain are you that you catch all possible errors?
I guess putting in more try / catch statements wouldn't hurt
but I show a dialog box within the catch statement
so I wouldn't want multiple dialogs appearing
can you show us
there are like 5 things that can go wrong during upload
back~~ x3
I think W0MP3R is a bot!
I show the dialog boxing by sending an intent with an int value as a broadcast from the BluetoothLEService service class and then listen for the broadcast within the MainActivity, if the int is a certain value, then an error box is displayed as an AlertDialog
oh it's not a HTTP call?
The upload itself is a HTTP call yeah but I don't think there's any issue with the upload itself
uploads do come through
uh oh....
though it seems most samsung devices have issues displaying dialog boxes which provide information on why an upload would fail
is it possible something goes wrong during the upload (e.g. a timeout) and the app does not handle it?
on 2G devices.
the performance data wont be removed from the wristband unless it's a server issue processing it, because we'd already have the performance data then (I think), so even if a timeout did happen, there should be a dialog explaining there was an issue with the upload or if the upload did work and there was errors processing it, we'd explain that
I'm trying to remember how it all works because it's been months since I looked at this wristband BLE stuff
Just tried out an upload and it looks like it worked but I think removing the v7 alertDialog has messed up my theme for it
because it was just a white alert dialog with red accent showing for the action button
While uploading if you turn off internet or go to Airplane mode, do you see dialog?
should do
just bought a new phone -_-
well "bought"
my cell company offered it to me
and i said aye.
lol warren
Looks nice
but why not Pixel
use the Google
master the Google
because it's 600$ more
be one with the Google
and it's not even sold in spain
I still wait for the 1+ 3T to be available as 128gb version again
still sold out :(
Im waiting for my 1+1 to stop being perfect
no device is perfect
it could always be more of that or less of that
warren, what is the situation with customs in Germany, if you order something outside of EU?
above some money limit (400€ or even less, not sure) you have to pay some fees which are roughly the amount of taxes you would normally pay for this amount
I got my N10 shipped for 400$ and payed roughly 100€ taxes
yeah, less useless apps that can not be deleted, please
here the limit is 22eur
from where did you order n10
one of the room owners bought it and send it to me
wasn't available in Germany at that time
"less useless"
meaning I wish there were less of them
Request: If any of your companies if looking for someone to work remotely part/fulltime, I'm free for the next 6 months or so, and looking to do stuff. Android/Web/DevOps/Fintech/Anything. I learn quickly.
we might consider you
what are your references?
i just sneaked into the nsa to order free pizza ~raghav
It's time to go. :D
@CptEric You :P
Seriously though, I can send you a list depending on the position if you message me elsewhere
lol raghav
well depends on what kind of pay you want ? raghav
Depends on who in India is asking :P
hehe for now we've got nothing to outsource but we've got many pending jobs so i'll take that in count if we ever need some extra hands
Fair enough, appreciate it!
we kinda burnt our hands on our last outsourced thing
let's just say i could pretend i'm opening a italian restaurant
raghav i may get a freelance project if i get it ,i will contact you
Sure thing
ok :)
anybody knows best way to fix this exception
Caused by java.lang.IllegalStateException: Couldn't read row 0, col 0 from CursorWindow. Make sure the Cursor is initialized correctly before accessing data from it
beside try catch
"initialize correctly" jk
you might be jinxing it.
i have both checks in my code
and database in not controlled by me to use the initial value fix
looks like some ROM messing up
00:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

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