this issue doesn't happen after each connect, but after 2-3 connects, when writing on one of the descriptors (we have 2) we get a callback for onDescriptorWrite with status 128 (GATT_NO_RESOURCE)
it crashes with a fancy "i need this permission to be requested you can't do that on your own" logcat i don't wanna reproduce right now because delivery is tomorrow
but i had to make the stupid request dialog thing to make it work
It is possible something else is causing that? Bluetooth doesn't require you to request permission from the user, not normal bluetooth and not admin either. It is device independent
Nikopol, unfortunately, I don't think I'm going to be much use on this. I haven't worked on 7 yet and have been off BLE lately. Though, that will be changing soon. Have to make our device work with legacy and LE :/
for example i hack the device into thinking it's bonded even when not, because there's a bonding bug on some samung devices that breaks custom services commnication
and it's a known android bug
i had the issue number somewhere but deleted it after client said " just make it work with our cheap chinese peripherial "
so boss just came in and said
"now my obj-c bluetooth code bonds to our two bracelets simultaneously and interacts with them. without telling him to do so."
tha'ts like new achievement
breaking the only 1 device paired hardcoded rule, without knowing how.
notify data requiring. get result. set date. get result. request changes since last sync. get result. clear changes list. get result. write new tasks. get result. notify device that i have ended sending tasks. get result. notify that there are no more operations. get result.
can you have some viewpager pages that are hidden? and you can't scroll to them through gestures. but, you can get to them with setCurrentItem() while keeping other pages gesture scrollable?
okay. i need to write help content for my app. there are 9 parts. each part have 1 heading textview, 1 divider textview and 1 description textview. So, that makes is 27 textviews in one layout. how can you make it not lag when viewpager scrolls to this layout?
Hi people, I started to use RecycleView for my endless (scroll down to see more) news feed. I am caching images as it loads. For now I am not hitting any performance issues. But I am wondering if a user keeps scrolls down by tons of pages, should I dispose/remove some items from my List<items> adapter?
> I love to program on everything I find it could be cool. "King Warrior" project takes me some time...but I do it for the company I created with one of my friends
What does public View inflate (int resource, ViewGroup root, boolean attachToRoot) really means ?
It points to the layout resource you want to inflate. The second parameter is the root view of the hierarchy you are inflating the resource to attach to. When the third parameter is present, it gove...