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crashes if not asked
this issue doesn't happen after each connect, but after 2-3 connects, when writing on one of the descriptors (we have 2) we get a callback for onDescriptorWrite with status 128 (GATT_NO_RESOURCE)
and if asked pops dialopg
it is not anywhere
does it crash with a SecurityException?
it crashes with a fancy "i need this permission to be requested you can't do that on your own" logcat i don't wanna reproduce right now because delivery is tomorrow
but i had to make the stupid request dialog thing to make it work
and it's awful
Didn't know that, Captain. Yuck
Do you have to get permission just one time or every time?
it might just be in these 4 phones ofcourse
It is possible something else is causing that? Bluetooth doesn't require you to request permission from the user, not normal bluetooth and not admin either. It is device independent
everytime i run btAdater.enable() , it won't work unless requested
also, this issue doesn't reproduce on Android 5 or 6
btAdapter being a BluetoothAdapter from the bluetooth gatt framework
again, it's all same brand phones so :/
is it like bluetoothManager.getDefaultAdapter?
Nikopol, unfortunately, I don't think I'm going to be much use on this. I haven't worked on 7 yet and have been off BLE lately. Though, that will be changing soon. Have to make our device work with legacy and LE :/
maybe your phones have some wonky customized OS :(
this is the code that i used to solve
the issue
they have only a UI layer apparently
all other apps are system-y
good luck, maybe we'll talk if you're facing the same problem
just icons are modified by looking at our broken nexus 5
If you're talking about BluetoothAdapter.ACTION_REQUEST_ENABLE, that has nothing to do with the android 6 permission model :)
but yeah they mioght have touched the BT framework
it triggers the android 6 permission dialog
you can turn on/off bluetooth with bluetoothadapter.enable / disable without a dialog. It's not user friendly, but it works
crashes sadly , that' why i used the request
again, because wonker code probably
but still
ugh gives me a headache, and it's not even my project
this project is sadly full of these device-dedicated hacks
mostly cause of bluetooth
for example i hack the device into thinking it's bonded even when not, because there's a bonding bug on some samung devices that breaks custom services commnication
and it's a known android bug
i had the issue number somewhere but deleted it after client said " just make it work with our cheap chinese peripherial "
so boss just came in and said
"now my obj-c bluetooth code bonds to our two bracelets simultaneously and interacts with them. without telling him to do so."
tha'ts like new achievement
breaking the only 1 device paired hardcoded rule, without knowing how.
yeah it is quite the achievement
My bluetooth apps only require scanning, not connecting or anything. But even the scanning is incredibly inconsistent
I have so much energy right now an I have no idea whyyyy
Share :D
probably sugar
you eat a lot of sugar in the states
our app has to read, write, and perform R/W atleast 20 times tim
20 times each time the user does something that must be told to the bracelet
so sorry to hear that
notify data requiring. get result. set date. get result. request changes since last sync. get result. clear changes list. get result. write new tasks. get result. notify device that i have ended sending tasks. get result. notify that there are no more operations. get result.
close adapter.
pray for eric.
I'm not gonna lie, that sounds like fun /s
best part is
@JᴀʏMᴇᴇ Welcome. Please read the room rules before participating room-15.github.io
everything must be sent through 4 asyncronous channels as syncronous tasks. and results come the same way
so, divide each byte array into 4, and make it so they are sent in the good order
and pray for them to come back the same way
they atleast had the decency to not break things in half between channels
so if i miss channels 2 and 3 , it'll be less data but i'll get the FF in the end
on channel 4
@CptEric don't give them ideas, this chat is public
they're chinese hardware devs.
what would they do on /android?
find inspiration for devious plans to bother software developers
or something
99% sure this is device/chip dependent — Tim Castelijns 1 min ago
probably true, eh? :(
@JᴀʏMᴇᴇ removed access for leaving without talking. Feel free to request again
haha so many access removed
can you have some viewpager pages that are hidden? and you can't scroll to them through gestures. but, you can get to them with setCurrentItem() while keeping other pages gesture scrollable?
probably not
doesn't sound like something you should want :p
i thought i should leave main pages scrollable
you would normally start a new activity with that fragment
okay. i need to write help content for my app. there are 9 parts. each part have 1 heading textview, 1 divider textview and 1 description textview. So, that makes is 27 textviews in one layout. how can you make it not lag when viewpager scrolls to this layout?
what is a divider textview?
it is without text. 1dp height. #bbb background.
some padding too.
why would that be a textview
use <View> instead
by using a proper listview / recyclerview and making that handle those 9 parts
off screen
one row is the Header + Divider + Description
It may even be easier to use a preference layout
got that stuff built in
so, decorate a list item's design into one part of help. making 9 listitems.
preference layout is for app settings?
it consists of headers, dividers and items
do you think i should use this guy's library. or just keep it simple.
okay, i will look into it.
just check your options and pick the one you think is best
are you making a slides like view?
"presenter" views should not have scrolls on them
minimum interaction :/
they're meant to be only explainers of basic functionalities
you mean from video?
they're not even seen OK by google design patterns's.
no, i thought that as a tutorial for new user
different subject, eric
@kgandroid welcome to the room. Please read the room rules before you participate: room-15.github.io
Hi people, I started to use RecycleView for my endless (scroll down to see more) news feed. I am caching images as it loads. For now I am not hitting any performance issues. But I am wondering if a user keeps scrolls down by tons of pages, should I dispose/remove some items from my List<items> adapter?
Similar question here bu no answer yet stackoverflow.com/questions/34003171/…
I have read and understood the rules
Great, welcome!
@Rod_Algonquin welcome to the room. Please read the room rules before you participate: room-15.github.io
so fast
wow that was fast
tristan o/
I just have to make some changes (tear some shit out) in my main app and I think this BT lib will be a success. Woo hoo
Oh, followed by a shit ton of testing, of course
went to a tech talk at Google Seattle last night
ooh nice
it was mostly boring, but there was free beer
That's a win, then.
It's me
I'm not gonna fall into that one , sorry :p
Repost Adam, but I didn't know Joss Whedon was behind it
lol Adam
Well people should be thankful to Trump , if Miley Cyrus decides to move from America.
sending apk to client
@WarrenFaith My mistake. I just love that title "Joss Whedon assembles..."
I loved his anti Romney add back then as well:
see one thing i dislike of usa politics
privately funded campaings
that's a no-no here
( i saw a "paid by mitt romeny for president of the usa inc" on his site)
that's just a PAC
it's not his own bank account
well, iirc you have to state who is the funder at a certain level of investment (10k?)
so you can spend big money but afaik you can't make it privately/secretly
i still dislike the whole lobby sistem and corporate backup
here you only get what the parliament gives you as campaign grant, and you must publish every expense you have and submit it to scrutiny.
well the lobby is not only active during election... they are worse when they know who is responsible and can be influenced
thats why most of them support multiple sides...
> Avoid passing view root as null when creating a listview using LayoutInflater
this app is really cool
is the view root container of <ListView>
all your bank accounts + transactions in one app
or Container of all layout design
even with support of paypal
@Ahmad CashCaretaker does that... if you enter in all the info yourself. ;D
Ahmed - Mc's app Cash Caretaker does that too maybe
@Ahmad there is chillr also
well but that's the entire point
not having to put that in
@rupinderjeet47 lol no
@WarrenFaith they're strictly banned in catalonia for that reason
adam i was expecting you to use <3 :|
he loves me <3
@Ahmad Right, but that means tying a third party to your bank account which not everyone is into.
rupinder love between same gender might be troublesome beware
Also, doesn't mint.com already do that stuff? All of your accounts and credit cards in one place?
chillr only seems to support a few banks
It's okay Cold Fire we legalized that last summer
can we pay for GoogleDeveloper account using PayPal?
not legalized in rupinder country
rupinder no
CF - Love has lots of types
@McAdam331 really lol
yeah, but mint doesn't support german accounts adam
I have mint for my chase account
chillr doesnt support your banks ahmad?
oooh I see
doesn't look like it
Just give Mint a one star review and say why lel
i see
Google doesn't support my banks
no economical power must be able to influcence the legislative or executive powers :I
purchase a account already rupin
too much money required
neither spanish banks adam
for a bank account alone
man then do freelancing and earn
they need 25k in advance to give you Prime cards with chips.
otherwise get a job
I have like 3 german accounts, and a US bank account, Venmo, Square Cash, Verse
why cant you get a job?
need to be able to put that all in one app
i see adam
do not know a app that does it
why so many accounts?
I do freelancing heh. Money goes to Paypal. then to bank. again can't pay from bank.
and all the accounts have a debit + credit card
so double that
oh and yeah I have paypal
but fuck paypal
cant get enough yet
@CptEric why not? some banks are better for some stuff
and no one will give me a job. I can't fit in a team.
man you can ask any of your friends cc
and do the job
for international travel N26 + dkb are perfect
@rupinderjeet47 why?
@Ahmad sounds weird to me. what's the main difference between banks? what you do on em? XD
i can't co-operate. I can't stand in front of audience. I lack presenter skills.
@CptEric international travel, regular checking account, also I needed a US one for my internship
and I need google for programming all the time.
Also first step to building my credit score in the US, since I might want to live there at some point
@rupinderjeet47 we all do
@rupinderjeet47 everybody needs google
but does companies allow that, because they can do that themselves then too
they want x done they dont care how you do x
only thing they want is x done
I want to get a job in such a company ^
all companies are like that
lol ahmad. weird. i just have one account
two actually, my empty "young" account and my normal account.
i have 5.2 yrs android exp still i do google from time to time
but the first one is just Legacy
that means i only need to qualify in interview and speak english.
latter one is tough though
english is not mandatory
i always give my interview in hindi
you only need to qualify
recruiters here judge others through communication skills.
and who gave you this false ideas about jobs
you can communicate well in your native language
I should just go to city and face my first interview then.
where do you live?
Its a shelter in a Gurudwara.
in village.
i see nice you have internet there awesome
havent seen internet in villages
Free Wifi - Digital India
btw how are you paying internet bills?
^ :/
wow JIO?
no, Modi came here. and he made Wifi signals in every 100 meters
too much wifi receiver poles
wow too nice
my wifi cost me 25$ a month
that must suck :Y
I paid $50 a month just for cell data in the US
in india 25$ is a lot
he must be rich
So...just helped our newest dev "with plenty of experience" on why a listener in his js code wasn't working
So I went to the documentation and showed him that listener isn't available for that component and he'd have to use something else
@rupinderjeet47 who?
He said (talking about the docs), "I really should use that site more". Lol, yes you should RTFM!
that seems lack of experience.
Yep. That's why I emphasized that I was told he has plenty of experience
He's never used Sencha so if it was just a question of how to use their docs, I would understand
@DaveS I made your command for you
This answer...I'm so confused
Darkball60 is interesting
> Member of the company : Zwedge Corporation
> I love to program on everything I find it could be cool. Now...my "King Warrior" project takes me some time...but I do it for the company I created with one of my friends
looks weird CM
maybe a kid hacked him
Oh, the original questions had me1.equals("me2") now some of those answers makes more sense
well fuck it i'm buying fifa 17
but not now
probably when it's cheaper on those not-that-expensive sites
What is the ViewRoot of my custom_list_view_item.xml layout. is it <ListView> tag. or parent of textView in custom_list_view_item.xml
it says avoid passing null pointer to inflated layout
look at line 2 of that file
line 2?
it needs a ViewGroup element.
oh...hm.. yer actually talking about the inflate(int resource, ViewGroup root, boolean attachToRoot) method
inflate(int resource, ViewGroup root)
A: what does 3rd paramter of public View inflate (int resource, ViewGroup root, boolean attachToRoot) do?

Shree KrishnaWhat does public View inflate (int resource, ViewGroup root, boolean attachToRoot) really means ? It points to the layout resource you want to inflate. The second parameter is the root view of the hierarchy you are inflating the resource to attach to. When the third parameter is present, it gove...

so(about ViewGroup), is it ListView's direct parent or FirstElement of layout file where ListView is.
in the context of the inflate method, ViewGroup root would typically be what you are adding the inflated view heirarchy to
https://developer.android.com/reference/android/view/LayoutInflater.html#inflat‌​e(int, android.view.ViewGroup)
in the context of your hastebin, use parent param
here is the link for the source of arrayadapter, its actually good read : android.googlesource.com/platform/frameworks/base/+/refs/heads/…
I shared that a little bit ago. Almost tagged you, Mac, but figured you'd see it
I saw it indeed! And I capitalized on a good comment haha

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