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00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

Whelp. up to 571 friends on Facebook
Gained 298 in the past day.
1 hour later…
Pushing changes, "ahhhh"
 19 files changed, 346 insertions(+), 35 deletions(-)
Lots of progress made :)
2 hours later…
Heyo o/
Oh , Really ?
What did they ask you actually ? @Bhargav
oh crap can a mod delete the previous messages?
@Bhargav lol
An owner can move that message to trash.
would be nice
lol I am not the owner.
I wasnt thinking when i typed it
Ping any owner who is online and can ask for moving the message to trash.
Raghav is here may be
Dont worry :P
Anyway it'll move up if we keep talking.
if we...
Did I get the right message?
yea thanks!
nobody can read it now right?
They can if they go to the Trash room
ah crap how do you remove it from the trash room lol
I don't think you can
The woes of a public transcript
Yes I can read it.
i must choose my words more carefully then
not in public transcript.
hopefully someone from my organization wont read it
I can't really understand what was wrong with saying that lol
well i dont want people from my organization (certain people) reading it :D
anyway has anyone used the umano slideuppanel here?
lol I read that as Kannada ascent. XD
> Your recent moderator chat flag was inappropriate and declined. Please use moderator flags in chat only in very serious situations.
what !
Why did you flag message ?
coz i dont want my boss to read it
Never do it. You are giving signal of your own message ?
Boss is on SO ?
facepalm moment Bhargav
dont think he has access tothis chat room though, might be he has read access, indeed facepalm
You should edit message within few seconds / minutes.
I think you're worrying too much.
I have a different account to talk about things like this
So much for keeping my commit messages professional.
tristan@HypeMachine ~/ $ git commit -m "Worked on registration some more. Night time. Sleep. Need sleep. Zombie."
Looks very professional :P
My co-worker has written "I'll fix anything if something broken-up" in GIT commit.
Eh, private repo. idgaf
hmm which host you use for private repos?
github is not free though
Yes. Company is paying for it.
ah, well I meant to ask tristan since hes the one who said private repo :D
Our projects are accessible to multiple persona of course >5 so in bitbucket its not possible.
good to know what you are using too
ah, bitbucket has a limit like that?
then gitlab is best
For more collaboration , you have to pay them.
Does it allow private repo ?
yea gitlab is open source, you can run your own instance of gitlab
on your local server
my company is doing that right now
hows your hunt going btw @RonakMehta
literally I am lazy in this matter.
hehe me too, i screwed up one good opportunity now i am depressed
should've spent atleast an hour studying services it was just basic service questions like whats the type of services and what exactly are their differences
so you did read the messages yes?
yea its easy to actually get through
OMG. This is awesome I need to be serious and start reading.
Find me a cactus smaller than a wavelength of light and I will modify the answer. — DJClayworth Apr 9 '12 at 22:56
which electro magnetic radiation is he referring to?
desktop screens
Anyone here using realm.io?
realm? the new data base thingy? I think 1.0 is not yet released for that
it is already on 1.0.1
oh damn im behind then holy shit time to move to realm
really? that good?
Im still using SQLiteOpenHelper, am I too late?
I've used Realm a bit
don't like the obligation to inherit special classes
other then that it's cool
well you would like directly calling a method like save() on your class and persisting it wouldnt you? no need to write queries :D
What if I want to query multiple join tables?
Can it handle complex queries enough?
btw I've written a small project with basic Real/SQLite/SQLite(encrypted)/ORMLite implementation
Thanks, looking into it
My concern is the more complex queries
like what? cascade removal or joins?
Multiple joins
yea im not well versed with it but according to the interview of the guy behind realm in android it would seem that the api is even more powerful than sql realm.io/news/fragmented-27-christian-melchior
bad thing that they don't have gitter room to discuss
whats a gitter room?
fast way to get answer on your questions in realtime from other developers
like here :)
kinda slack?
yeah, it's a slack.
no, it's slack
it's similar
even more, there's a room in slack, called "Android united" which is quite popular
This seems like SLACK
But 10K lines limit really hurts for free user.
gitter isn't slack
"Gitter is built on top of GitHub and is tightly integrated with your organisations, repositories, issues and activity."
@LawGimenez well the advantage is realm is that its faster because there is no mapping from Objects to relational queries (that you get from ORMs) the objects directly stored in realm db, but if you were to forego ORMs and use raw sql queries then i suppose SQL could be faster, but if you want the features of ORM and keep performance then I suggest realm
i didn't like realm on swift
maybe on android it's better
but on swift i had real big trust issues with it.
\o Everyone~~~:D
i'm using realm, big project to change over to it
it's a bit of a pain in some places
relationships are not working for me, but going to debug that today
i've noticed the emulator is really fast on my mac, starting to use it over a plugged in device
it's handy when it actually works..
yo Graeme
@LawGimenez complex queries shouldn't a problem because instead of doing an inner join, you should set up relationships so that all information is available at one time
yea red I agree emulator when it works properly is much better than fidling with a device
anyone know of a good irc client for mac?
cool i'll check it out
damn i have to install homebrew
1 hour later…
Thanks for Realm input guys, I would definitely try in on the next project
And found out one of the APKs published was not on proguard, should there be legal problems here?
proguard is not mandatory.
But, there are a lot of API keys
And a patented algorithm also
They you should add proguard.
Them, some agency I inherited this code
Else its an easy to reverse engineer APK
And the client is looking for something to this, not obfuscating their code because they are applying for patent.
@LawGimenez do you have a freelance right now/
Yes, been with them for more than a month already
thats nice
what's the name of the company
Yes then kindly use proguard.
I can't, it's a startup and Im on NDA
well you can PM it to me
I cant bro
It's a small startup, we're just 4
Oh.. it's ok bro
I'm cool with it
I just want to know what tech. are you developing right now.
Im on Android
they're gonna disrupt disruption
finally I managed to fix my collegues custom view he had paint initializations and rect initializations in onDraw and he used the same paint instance with a different color to paint the text
i hate that guy
and that's why i prefer fragments.
you can't draw on a fragment
you shouldn't need to anyway
Fragments are beautiful.
yes i agree
but we have fragment haters here so be careful :P
yay building my own api service since this adopted app one is custom built
But Fragments are complex too.
and i don't want to touch it
I found back lifecycle is bit complex
so from now on, this app will have a ApiService and a RESTService. fear me future mantainers, thou shall pick the correct one.
with proper tag handling.
and proper Logs.
Fragments are loverly - and yes, this room is full of fragment h8's :)
fragments are really nice if you don't want them to do weird things.
eric <3 DialogFragments
and TargetFragment feature is awesome.
Couldn't find a column I was sure existed in this table yesterday...open up SSMS this morning and there it is staring at me. Weird
This is biggest nightmare of developers . Yesterday it was working fine but not now.
This can't be good. I have to scroll the column list 3 times to see all of the columns in this table o.O
I obviously need a bigger monitor
or a smaller dataset
Don't be silly. A bigger monitor is obviously the solution
But seriously, working with these tables sucks. Half the shit in them doesn't make sense to be there and/or is never used
the final resolution.
is there any enum generator out there in the wild? i'm too lazy to manually change all these static final strings.
GoT didn't disappoint
well manual it is.
done. 20-so finals are now 10 enums.
@codeMagic your web dev must've been a former iOS dev? weLoveLongSelectorNamesForBecauseTheyAreSoDescriptive:parameter
you forgot to put NS in front of it
everything ios needs NS
jlind, nope, he's just an idiot
Good morning. p/
\o morning!!!
NS is only class names ;) selectors don't have that prefix.. luckily.
haha cM i hope you write a coffee table book some day, about all the dumb shit your boss has done over the years
Johannes - Btw, I'm still totally available if you hear of any roles going I might be able to nab :P
remember the company you applied for... dingaling?
and i was like "errr, maybe, err... don't?"
they folded last week :\
guess they were too busy playing with their dingaling
Applied for "and got accepted by" I might add ;)
yeah, i assume they were holding off because they saw the writing
are you still in the UK?
ala chuck berry
I only usually need an interview to clinch it.
Yeah :(!!!!
soo, grame
looked at SO jobs ?
no fun found?
man, i wish we had the capacity for sponsorship :|
i think the last time we talked we were at 8 people? we're 15 now
i want my company to start sponsoring hackatons but don't know how to start the conversation. we've never had live hardware data before. that's nice api material
@McAdam331 idea?
cpteric, easiest sell is "this is a recruiting long play" ensure you always have a stream of people applying... an outreach investment
and also visibility. aye. but we're like 11 people here.
i've got mathematically literally 11 square meters of the office just for me.
@CptEric I don't know, I haven't done sponsorship from the inside yet. What does your company do? Do you have an API already?
Only one position I could apply for :P
we did apps, now we partnered with cools guys and we'll have defibrillator stations with sensors , cameras and shit all around europe providing live data to their owners. could be hackaton api and hack material, health related.
we don't have any open API yet
Well, think about what your company would get out of sponsoring a hackathon. Are they trying to recruit? Get their name out there? If they are working on a public/open API, wait until it's ready and suggest going to hackathons and promoting it, offering a sponsored prize to anyone who uses it.
sup ahmad
hmm yeah.
i could also address them into the public api idea.
As much as we wish sponsors would do it out of goodwill, it's not always that simple. You have to pinpoint what your company would expect to get out of it, be it recruiting, marketing, exposure, whatever, and then pitch it that way.
the most improtant thing would be get both our name and the product's name relevance
At least, that's what I do as a hackathon organizer trying to get sponsors.
so exposure would be the key.
So you can definitely pitch it to them that this is a great opportunity for exposure and setting a representation for your company to hundreds of students.
Random question!
so i just made the prettiest api client i've ever done in java
and the code isn't even ours.
Isn't it a rule of thumb not to default an index variable to 0? Like a navigation index? Why would I start at index 0, if I'm not actually pointing to the list yet? Wouldn't it be better to start at -1, and leave it at -1 until the user selects a navigation item?
indeed , -1 none/nothing/rien/nente/nada afaik.
gotcha. Because I fixed that in an app and the guy reviewing my PR was like 'but why'
and we explained it and he just came back and didn't get it lol what
yea 0 would be the first of the list, not 'no selection'
welcome to the working life lol
So what's happening is like, if you open the app to one page due to a notification (so the nav index is set at 0 when app starts) and then open the nav drawer and try to click the first item, it says "oh, you clicked 0, but I'm at 0, so I don't have to do anything." and so you're stuck on the same page.
Now, there's a lot else wrong here like using activities with their own drawers and not one activity, one drawer, and many fragments, but I have to work with what I have
it should get initialized to whatever the page it opens to from the notification
and the -1 fix did it?
Yeah, but TL;DR this app isn't that simple.
So we did -1
So that can do some unnecessary work - if I open the app to a certain page, and I click that page in the nav, it will create an intent for that activity again, but everyone seems to be okay with that. :|
sounds weird
I don't get why you can't set it to the page it's on
but then again i'm on an app that has the weirdest navigation i've ever seen
@McAdam331 I was talking about this last week I guess. Using the drawer without fragments
time ot go home
o/ night Eric
I'm two friends away from 600
So you have 602 friends?
....nice one
I'll celebrate Taumorrow.
Goddamnit Adam
Taut was nice
Ok I'm terrible at this
Or do I mean
I'm taurrible at this?
> Mauker is banned from room-15
I was just taunting :(
oh boy
it begins...
Staup itttt
Hey you
I'll save this link
So I'll use it every time I want to talk to you
I'm a little sad that I never thought of that
That was the first thing I thought
Maybe I'm spending too much time with @McAdam331
Hey Cat James
Hey Mauker
select **loginid** from table_a where groupid =someID and **loginid = someLoginId** scratches head
Why is "Cat" starred?
I'm unproductive today
can't login
to our VPN
I find an Xss injection on my site :X
that's not good
Yeah I need to recreate that bug
and find another solution on that issue.
Howdy, Carl
how's it going?
I wasn't going to write 'ass bourbon' flavor on your FB
but hopefully you figured it out
Haha! Thanks
The only bad flavor I got besides coconut was skunk spray. Oh holy hell it was awful!
Did you see the video from Sunday?
It was pretty funny. But about 10 minutes long because my daughter kept having trouble getting the beans out. Lol
ha, I'll look when I have time
> o/
I wonder where actual Android Developer hold their online chats...
I bet it's not Google Hangouts.
maybe a slack team?
Prolly =|
I'd like to think that someone in their company created a Huli chat that one of their teams use.
question for you all
i know we're an android room but, lets say you were on a team building an API from scratch
you got a DB and thats it, no existing architecture
what language/framework would you do it in?
I would do it in Java
I would not take advice from this chat room XD
00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

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