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00:00 - 18:0018:00 - 00:00

OMG that's awesome!
@McAdam I have to stop having casual conversations with your mom lol
3 hours later…
Didn't see anything
Yo o/
@codeMagic Beautiful.
git push origin hamster
you should be sleeping!
nice to see you btw.
@LawGimenez the books behind the Skin Game book are so aligned and selected that you can read "Never going to give you up, never going to let you down". I guess you know the song :)
Wow awesome! Thanks Warren for that, I keep looking at the book cover and wtf
so this is now a thing
sounds nice
Yeh, but their authentication is failing, been trying their demo app whole morning
And now I'm on iOS again, what's new on Apple world guys? Still boring stuffs?
nothing new
all crap.
as always.
\o Everyone~~ :3
welcome to the circle Gang
At least it's better than Windows phone
Skin Game is a great book
damn multidex bugs
Eric - Boo to multidex. Have you included the whole Google Library instead of just the ones you need?
Yes , I did that
So now
com.google.android.gms:play-services:9.0.0 has a
Method Count 69520
Does it mean if you are adding only 9.0.0 then you have to add MultiDex gradle If I am not wrong.
One day this count is gonna reach to moon
Yeah, but now it's advised that you don't use google-services
no, but the app uses a gazillion librares
What's that ?
maps + classic gcm + v4 + v7 + material support + activenadroid + blah blah blah blah
So do you mean if we are adding play service then we dont need to add any of above dependency ?
Does anyone else get "Error launching activity" when trying to run their project in AS? I feel like it's a thing from their new version
never seen it before updating
not updated yet
error, make sure to capture semantics properly, class objects must be preceded by "self." . fucking swift getting worse and worse...
Updated to 2.1.1 with SDK . Its working fine for me.
swift is a brother of iOS.
it's one of the two languages iOS and OSX software is made with
but not restricted to them, apparently google is experimenting with it on android
does all android studios run the app with crtl-R or just mine beucase it's configured like AppCode? i don't remember using it when i had it stand-alone.
Mine doesn't
Ctr + F10 :)
eric, just yours
i'm special
ralph gif
It says "Choo Choo Choose you, and there's a picture of a train"
another release. today it's release new apk day ;_;
Eric - How many versions do you release in a month ?
some apps have a veeery long lifetime, for example, we just released the 2.0 of an app that was running since late 2014
others have a weekly or monthly patch
always depends on what the client wants
We generally does it monthly (last week)
But support project can be weekly.
we don't have any in-house "thinked and designed" app (yet) , so it always depends on whether the client wants maintenances / new features or not
We also don't have in-house app
But sometime showcases kill this.
Sometime I feel more in the meeting room than near to my workstation.
Anybody else get that thing where at night they think "I'll sort that out at lunch time in the office" every single night, yet never remember it when you're in the office.
story of my life.
I'm supposed to be getting something... and I can't remember what.
Which reminds me, I need to buy batteries on my way home and fit a plug socket when I get home (both of which I will forget when I'm in the right place to actually do what I want).
keep diggin' . we need more threads.
at least he called start instead of run
for 0 .. 100 { new Thread( new runnable(){ runonUiThread(){ textview.settext(textview.getText() + " ha"); }}) }
you forgot to synchronized it with something
right, synchronization is the key
i gist'd funny thing in the past
anybody tried buddybuild.com?
Is there any implementation for drag-selection of github.com/alamkanak/Android-Week-View?
jsut tested it
no more deployment headaches
Hi All
heya matty
Not been on for a long time, guessing not much has changed
CptEric, have you ever used Apache httpClient and NTLM authentication?
first? yes. 2nd? no.
really struggling, the Apache stuff is depreciated
there's a new apache lib
oh right, didnt know that, ill take a look thanks
i use it through the AdnroidAsyncHttp library.
hm, i was confused because they recommend removing the Apache stuff developer.android.com/about/versions/marshmallow/…
Still you can use Apache lib.
i tried adding the line they recommended and it would not sync
We still use apache too
Legacy apache library gradle line: compile 'org.jbundle.util.osgi.wrapped:org.jbundle.util.osgi.wrapped.org.apache.http.cli‌​ent:4.1.2'
almost everybody uses Apache
nobody likes google's HttpURLthing
ha, well ive spent dys trying to use HttpUrlConnection with ntlm auth, no luck so far
Graeme, sorry but could you explain where i use that line?
in dependencies?
with the rest of libs
so do i download the files from github and add them to my project?
sorry, first time ive had to do this
you just add that line into gradle
dependencies {
compile 'com.jakewharton:butterknife:6.0.0'
when i try to sync i get: failed to resolve compile 'org.jbundle.util.osgi.wrapped:org.jbundle.util.osgi.wrapped.org.apache.http.cli‌​‌​ent:4.1.2'
hmm graeme did you miss any repository ?
No? Lemme check
Nope, only use jcenter() repo
so in my build.gradle i have put dependencies {
compile 'org.jbundle.util.osgi.wrapped:org.jbundle.util.osgi.wrapped.org.apache.http.cli‌​ent:4.1.2'
As the final enclosure in your build.gradle for the module?
i have just added them lines into build.gradle, above the android{} section
dependencies at the bottom
same result, failed to resolve
are you behind a proxy?
dont think so, if i add the google play services dependency it downloads and works
so do you guys just leave the code in for Apache, and put up with the depreciation markup?
i use a lib that does it for me because i'm really lazy and don't want to build my own http Clients. #NoShame
anyway, lunch time!
see ya in the afternoon
I found this
A: Android deprecated apache module (HttpClient, HttpResponse, etc.)

fattireIn Android Marshmallow (sdk 23), you can add: useLibrary 'org.apache.http.legacy' to build.gradle in the android {} section as a workaround. This seems to be necessary for some of Google's own gms libraries!

thanks for that, i have tried it, and it makes things like HttpResponse highlight red and not be found
does it matter if android studio marks things as depreciated with a line through them? can i just ignore that and leave it in?
You will have a crash.
Deprecated means that you shouldn't use it but you can use it but keep in mind that you will sooner or later run into a crash/compile error if the method was completely removed
good documented API suggests what you should use instead
yeah, theres no alternative to NTLM authentication without using Apache stuff, thats where im struggling
i have added apache legacy to my lib folder, some things still say depreciated but they are running fine
Wow didn't realise they deprecated HttpClient
HttpUrlConnection is nice to use anyway
HttpClient is easy to attach NTLM auth, cant find anything else that works so well
HttpUrlConnection dosnt support the NTLM
> If (to be || !(to be)) always evaluates to true, is there really a question?
Wouldn't it be if(2*b || ! (2*b))
I have a question!
I have a ... well never mind
My coworker and I are wondering: should an adapter be allowed to modify the list inside of it? Ex: You have a fragment with a recyclerview and adapter. Let's say you want to add an item to it. Should the adapter have a .add() method to do it, or should the fragment do it via something like recyclerview.getAdapter().notifyItemAdded()?
We generally does this by using adapter object , Adapter has a add method . then we notify changes.
That's what I do too. He does it differently, which is fine, I think it's just a difference in opinion.
Either adam, just keep it standard across all instances.
You can override create custom notifiy method which will be called just after add() of adapter class , inside notify() you can write like notifyItemAdded() :)
I've used the pattern of creating Adapters with a handler so that when you add() or remove() on the adapter, it knows to update itself. It helps to isolate the adapter's functionality.
no need to call adapter.notify
Right. His idea was that the Adapter's sole responsibility is to display the list and handle how the views are displayed, not modify it in any way. Essentially saying the list of items belongs to the fragment, not to the adapter.
got a message: hey genius, can you hack an instagram account?
that's my friends everyday
"Hey man I want to have my gf's facebook account, please help me"
if I could hack one, I'd get the bug bounty
Ahmad have you heard of hipchat?
back~~ :3
adam, ahmad, you tried buddybuild? it's amazing
I haven't.
analytics + CI + automatical build generation + automatic app deployment + slack / hipchat integration
probably too expensive for sidekick projects
it's-a-free (for now)
does someone know a tool that can show a dependency matrix? I need to know how awful the spider web of dependencies is inside our code...
SonarQube had onces such a matrix but they dropped it with the last major release
The new APK analyzer in AS 2.2 might help
this is fucking sick!
don't tell me you didn't know that
iv'e done that a lot :P
that's old Adam :P
that post is 2 years old :P
better late than sorry :)
I know
but I don't know all the great shortcuts
the John Snow of AndroidStudio!
I just got caught up on Game of thrones so I get that now
I don't even watch GoT and I got that one.
eski right now
admire my poopopia
cities skylines
the great lakes of poo.
AS -> Analyze -> Analyze Dependencies
that is something I am about to check now
you know nothing adam snow.
srry.... (not really) I had to do it...
Cities Skylines is a great game
unless you put a poop exhaust on a closed lake in a mountain and you create a sea of poop by accident only contained by a series of giant dams.
it's like the 1800s all over again
so since you guys like to rip on me for sharing AS shortcuts late, let me just give you a dump; plus.google.com/+KatherineKuanPlus/posts/4nVcb5JHVrk
Just switch to recycling sewers, it'll clear up eventually :)
you can even copy and paste from one file to another :p
You've not been using recycling sewage plants? :)
what are these?
is it a mod?
I like RxJava.
I'm not sure how I'm going to be using it quite yet, but it's pretty neat.
fuck. we had a blackout on class
damn electric lines
all the pc's shat down
> Multi-threaded Android applications are difficult because you have to make sure to run the right code on the right thread; mess up and your app can crash. The classic exception occurs when you try to modify a View off of the main thread.
Our room loves NetworkOnMainThread
rxjava is niiiiice
Multi-threaded apps in general are difficult; not just for Android :P
> A common programming solution is to use threads. But then, two ‘llyou hav erpoblesm.
kinda cool though
@annotations @everywhere , tho.
these are pretty minimal though
That moment when you realise you already wrote code to handle several cases which you were currently thinking of handling in a dumber way than you already did
@WarrenFaith I now pronounce thee Guardian of The Other Hours, may your duties be well
welcome back @WarrenFaith
I have faith in warren
Thanks :)
@eski nice play of words :)
now that you're a room owner Warren you'll need to learn how to use your powers - go to the "access control" list page and reject Telkitty for help vampirism ;-)
Good to see you Carl
hey Een, how are you?
are you stateside?
I am doing alright; Just finished up a major project for a client here then prepare to fly out
@Telkitty rejected because your superiority is devolving too fast! The chances to be able to keep up with us is beyond imagination.
we're burnin
it's over 36ºC in here
96.80 Freedomheits
call me when it's 41C
for the usarian's.
cause it's gotten that hot here before
not in may.
not in my city.
we're supposed to get to 41-43ºC on JULY-AUG
It was 90 here yesterday. That was warm enough
nearly 30 here today
I should get an A/C
300 what?
30 deg. C
(in the attic)
Someone grown up and responsible that's a room owner I have a question.
Aka not Adam.
What's your question?
Can we schedule a room call? Like an official one?
Not today lol
idk maybe we can do that sometime though
might be interesting
Yeah, I mean, you can create events.
i'm rendering things exploding.
it's not as funny as it sounds
it's staring at a screen
waiting for pixels to become things.
TIL you can have a dark menu bar and dock in OSX
for 2h.
yeah but looks horrible
IT's not all bad imho
Did you hear about the Math teacher who forgot his lunch money? He did buynomeal
~My chem teacher
we setted up a "days without incidents" html counter for our class.
today it went back to 0.
My phone just shut off and won't turn on...
Pressing various power combinations vibrates it but the screen shows nothing.
blanket? tea?
Whoop, my school IT unblocked the site I use to code.
soft kitty song?
Soft kitty, warm kitty, little ball of fur!
@CptEric I need your opinion
what kind of incidents eric?
teacher/s angry with the "w0t m8" sector of class
tell me tristan
Happy kitty, sleepy kitty, purr purr purr! :D
So say you're a teacher, and you want to add a student to your district. (Bullying system thing). You can either add a bunch of students via a CSV or similar file. Or you can add one by just entering their information. How would you want to add one, think HTML/CSS
some easy to use, easy to fill react form
very intuitive atleast.
So, how would you want it to look
high school teachers = not rocket scientists msot of the time.
Like 4 textboxes? Or...
depends on the data
what do you want to store?
4 fields
First name, Last name, Grade, and.... shit I forgot the fourth.
textbox, textbox, and boostrap-y dropdown
those three atleast
a pretty datepicker if the 4rth is age
Shit I have to remember.
nobody likes to write in dates like 4/31/2042
time to go home
Ooh, I could have them be able to add in custom fields. Like a birthday field and stuff.
see ya later :3
store them all customs as string lateh
00:00 - 18:0018:00 - 00:00

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