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01:00 - 18:0018:00 - 00:00

@Franck I already told you why you weren't getting access here yesterday. We want people who have answered at least as many questions as they've asked
you've asked 71 questions, and only answered 23. When you answer 48 more questions you can request access again, until then the answer will be no access granted.
@jlindenbaum good question, there are a few but I don't really like it in most cases
what's the scenario like?
@Franck I've added you to the ban list for now. That's at least the 4th denial I've seen in two days without even attempting to improve what we said.
Which is sad because I do enjoy looking at your avatar
just sectioned tables, we have the headers sticky, like iOS
just trying to determine if we should move away from that, and follow something more android-y
I'm afraid. I'm afraid, @Dave. Dave, my mind is going. I can feel it. I can feel it. My mind is going
everyone on this earth is mildly insane, it's good you are intelligent enough to realize it, it's bad if you let it bother you.
I'm sorry Dave, I'm afraid I'm tired of your shit.
you don't come in here, ping me for my attention then tell me you're tired of my shit
that's like saying, "hey, hey, hey, hey, shut up."
that's, like, my favourite thing to do, dave, shut up.
are you telling us, or yourself?
I'm pretty sure you're just a punching bag for all our problems Dave.
I'm not the hero this room deserves, but I'm the hero this room needs.
and he lets it out on the china team
screaming chain of command
nah we just took development away from them
things are running much smoother now
oh that's news! wonderful, who's doing it now?
an intern?
me, jlin, all me. I handle Support, iOS, Android, Backend and Firmware.
and intern helps a little with iOS.
and there's help with support but I get the hard cases
you guys need to hire haha
i finally have a full time ios guy to help me.. now i'm only doing servers and android and a bit of ios
I do a lot of backend, a bit of web, a bit of backend, a bit of procrastination.
and a whole lot of making fun of Adam
what did carl say the other day? enjoy your free time
I do enjoy coding, I really do.
I need a business name
Room 15 LLC
Help me and I will always owe you something you might never get to see haha
Seriously, Tristan
Okay okay
What's it for?
A software company/startup
I just opened my email for something important but I totally forgot what.
am onto big stuff @DaveS
What will you do?
Provide software solutions of course
Build apps, websites etc
So this lawyer needs me to submit like 3 names to do a search in the registry
but am blank lol
Just mash together letters until it sounds cool
Invincible Software™
lol Carl
Eenvincible Software
you got me
Shit Carl beet me
too slow Tristan
BlueCode Solutions?
I know that there is no such thing as Invincible code
Blue Pearl Software
Blue Diamond Software
Pearl Necklace Solutions
Circle Software
Jamaican Circle Jerk
Caaaaaaaarrrrllll Inc.
bout to have my review
bout to get fucking paid i hope
Dave you just made me laugh out loud at school.
I kid een, you are trying to be a direct competitor so I have to bring you down.
I am not entirely sure whether you guys are joking or serious; either way, it is funny
Disruptive Startup™
Een, you should pick a name you like
they don't matter a ton
seriously who names their software company "Adobe"
or "Yahoo!"
Yeah, I need a brainstorming session maybe
"Brick & Mortar"
TKeokptw Software
if people can name their companies that, and still be successful, you should be fine
Tired Dave Software™
lol thanks Carl; I guess then I should think of a good name and go with it
Dropkick Kittens
Or just run a common word through Google Translate 20 times then back to English.
lots of circles...
I guess this is all @TristanWiley doing, isn't it :P
"Morning Java"
WHy are things hard to do when you actually want to do them and not that hard when you are just not planning it?
^ International Energy Group
cause you care more and being more invested means you're more hesitant to make a decision that might be a mistake
@TristanWiley did you go to hackTJ?
Lol okay, I was pretty sure you said you were going on hshackers at some point
you at least implied it lol
@Eenvincible do we know a due date?
not yet lol
Give me an idea for a startup name first bro haaa
I know the name of the boy;
@Eenvincible Make it the name of the boy and add "Magic" at the end. You're welcome
holy smokes; what didn't I think of that
no no no, you need to add an S at the end
S- stands for what now?
It's just S kind of like Prince's name
@jlin sorry was afk
</3 all the time ahmad
if you gotta use sticky headers then I looked at this once github.com/edubarr/header-decor
I went eating ;_;
would not actually use a library for something this simple though
just copy the code and add the license to your code
what do the sections contain of anyway?
maybe you can split it up in a better way
we have a few different use cases, one is sorting of tables... so a section might be an employee name with several entries below, or it might be sorted by time where the headers are common time frames... just different ways to highlight different ways the dataset is sorted
sticky headers is considered simple?
I haven't ever looked at how they are implemented, but seems complicated
sticky headers are the worst nightmare ever on android, i use this right now github.com/emilsjolander/StickyListHeaders and it's awful to maintain.
yea that lib @Ahmad linked looks pretty complex, looking at the code now
@jlindenbaum yeah but isn't that for LVs?
trevor: not simple, but a simple concept
you say that like i should be using a recyclerview already ;)
I don't want to make my RV inherit from something just do add this "UI gimmick"
maybe with this library i can finally migrate over to recyclers everywhere
only from a design standpoint
ooh if you haven't migrated then don't!
I hate RV
SUCH a pain
seriously awful
it's more than a gimmick - it's context for the data you're looking at, it's an important UX feature...
hmm true as well
well maybe our RV was just so complex and confusing
it's stained me
now I don't like working on lists anymore
the dev that implemented that likes generics. a lot.
and oh boy does he love inheritance
for example, here's a common reason we use sticky headers - imgur.com/D47mVMP or different sections in an LV imgur.com/hXWPabG - we're redesigning the second screen to get around some of the shortcomings
add that to RV and you just find yourself in an awful place
oh yes you should definitely use a header there then
this makes perfect sense
i haven't researched enough - what's the benefit of RV other than built-in viewholder patterns?
we have figured out a pretty sane way to handle RV in our app
more flexibility aka more stuff you can do yourself but you don't want to
it doesn't add a noticeable performance boost to your list either
so if you're on LV then don't switch
it's way easier to do animations and swiping
among other things
and way easier to reason about
don't tell me that - my designer wants more animations
since 50k LOC was broken out into 8-10 inner classes
sofar my excuse for android has been "yeah, i can add animations, but it'll add 4 weeks to our deadline"
good enough deterrent :P
first item of tech debt to remove is fragment stacking - what the fuck was i thinking?
then animations
fragment stacking?
how do you want to remove that? there is still no viable alternative
unless you want to handle lots of cases yourself
@JorgeGutiérrezParejo Welcome. Please read the room rules.
all of those ironies are true (except for NE india, Goa and Bombay)
in Electrical Engineering on The Stack Exchange Network Chat, 23 hours ago, by PlasmaHH
Hint to future self: when you throw away a catnip bag, make sure you take out the trash immedeately...
That could be bad too, if there are stray cats out
probably safest to vaporize the bag
@DaveS Grid Software Solutions?
so I joined the microsoft 2016 interns Facebook group
I know 4 people in there
small world
I might be getting a new job
but there's no Android development D:
oh noooes
what then?
a mixed bag of devops, infrastructure set up, python web development
they're thinking they'll add mobile stuff later on
take the job, frame the ceo, take his job, File -> New Project
user image
Hello, Android!
Anyone know much about AutoCompleteTextView?
@CarlAnderson GridSolutions.it?
why grid?
are grids good for solutions?
(nothing wrong with the name, just playing devil's advocate)
Because it can handle more; side by side and top bottom
What if I want creative solutions? What if I want people who think outside the box grid?
who would you rather hire for your software? Boundless Solutions, or Grid Solutions ?
They both sound bad to me
You should do mushrooms in the desert
eski, that's why you're not in charge of hiring
CircleJerk Solutions
you get my point though Een? You want a name that is going to make someone who isn't technically inclined to be impressed by
your company's name should help further the goals of your company
Absolutely, I get it.
@YiyoCastillo I'm glad you're interested in joining our group, but our requirements include having at least 100 reputation - you can see the full details here: room-15.github.io
@Eenvincible Fragmatic Networking On Main Street
Network on Main Thread Solutions
Null Error Exception
No Exception
Exceptional Software
Throwing caution to the wind since 2016
Valid Results Software
Catching all your problems before they rise to the top
haa; Handling Exceptions like 1975
Hello World Programming, "Hello!"
Let us know if you want actual, serious suggestions een.
because we don't have them.
@Ahmad you want to split a double pack of C&H Cards? 60$ so 30 each
@Eenvincible 'Intrepid Software Solutions'
Are you gonna split weekends over germany Tristan?
mmm cM
You get two packs plus expansion for 60$
That one sounds tough
Intrepid Software Integrated Solutions
I bet very few people know how to pronounce that
International Space Station
Dave you're on a list now
Next-gen Software Association
Instinctive SoftwareGroup
Awesome Software Service
Fortune Building Integration
Frequently Ubiquitous Code Knackers
Morning Java
hipsters will love Morning Java
Circular Logic
Dave having a field day
Every day is a field day for Dave, he doesn't really do anything
all the times I'm not cracking jokes, I'm working =p
Working on new jokes?
@trevor rrrrr I need help again :P
what's up?
Well okay, so something with the way I created my Spring Boot project is making it now work. Can I see the layout of one you've done? Or do you have one that isn't for work you can send me so I can use that as a template? Because once I get it set up it'll be good. But right now it's not working and I have no idea why haha.
@TristanWiley I don't have any hosted publicly, but check out one of the examples: github.com/spring-guides/gs-spring-boot/blob/master/complete/…
you should be able to add those to your build.gradle and get it working the same
Thanks, I'll try that
just note that the gradle wrapper version they are using is really old
I think 2.10 is the latest now
Maybe I'll just fork it, if I do I can import it into Intellij and get it to run... Somehow... Right?
same with the spring boot version
yea you could do that
sometimes the application doesn't stop when you try to run again
so in Run... click Stop
and terminate your old process
there's a spring boot devtools dependency you can add to get the automatic reload stuff
Address already in use: bind means that another process is already binding to that port, in case you're wondering how I know that
Alright, it's better now
Oh god, I'm trying to setup comcast internet again, already at my 5th transfered call
Been put on hold at least 9 times
I'm betting it'll be 25 before it's over
trevor the code runs and I see the stuff in the System.out.print but I can't figure out how to show content and stuff
go to localhost:8080 in the browser, assuming you're using port 8080
I totally forgot to switch my browser from 3000 to 8080
Okay, so. Yeah
boop boop more hold time
Nobody can do anything at comcast without transferring you at least 5 times
So let me ask you this. Do I make a template in HTML then show it in my Java code? Or...
eski HP was controlling my computer for 2 hours because they didn't believe me that my computer was broken due to a hardware issue (it's common with my laptop apparently). After not helping my I ended up yelling at them and fixed it myself. The ribbon cable to my webcam was loose and came disconnected.
I flipped shit at them
They wanted me to reset my computer to prove it was software
5 different people need to be involved to change an address
yay we are starting the whole process over!
ok after an hour and five minutes they tell me I have to go to their office because service had never been set up here
no wonder everyone loves comcast so much
Good news guys!
HP just called me, I explained my problems and that I fixed it myself and I got $50 credit!
What should I get for $50 from HP?
That's like celebrating a free burger after finding one with a roach in it
$50 should get you 2/3 of an ink cartridge
Maybe a speaker, or some nice headphones.
you could buy @McAdam331 a usb drive so he can back up his keystore
Also, no
you could get a back up battery for your mobile devices
Or just give that away to someone
@TristanWiley there's tons of ways to handle templating
you also have the option of having spring-boot serve JSON to a front-end framework like Angular
See you guys tomorrow
time to go now
enjoy your evenings
Ah, that may be nicer
@Dave I already have two lol
later een
Also, I'm probably going to get this http://store.hp.com/us/en...
you could get McAffee
you should make a rick roll detector plugin, but with a backdoor so you can still get people
more like if(user.isTristan){//DoNothing}else{blockRick()};
no ones gonna use a plugin that doesn't work
You just need to make sure it comes pre-installed with every device
and that it can't be uninstalled
facebook style
@VukiLimani write access here requires a min 100 rep per our room rules. Fee free to request again when you get there
Anyone know where you could get the distribution of platform versions for specific countries, like the USA?

Q: Are there any stats of Android version distribution by region?

MaartenThe dashboard shows global distribution, and I wonder if there's a way to find out the difference in Gingerbread distribution between say, India and Europe.

So the information doesn't really exist still. =\
look at the answer awarded the bounty
you can get a rough approximation based on domain traffic
Dave being all smart and stuff
A ) The source is three years old
B) Every answer in there is using a bad source.
i did say rough approximation
Basing the numbers off of an application that is on every phone is the only reliable means to get that information. Not internet traffic...
Very bad approximation.
well if you cross reference that with the global numbers
you'll probably find they're very similar
Everyone knows correlation means nothing.
usually the main idea in app development is how far back do I need to support
if you aren't seeing any significant usage for a particular OS you don't need to worry about it
4.0+ is what we support, don't get any complaints really
01:00 - 18:0018:00 - 00:00

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