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New Amsterdam (Dutch: Nieuw-Amsterdam) was a 17th-century Dutch settlement established at the southern tip of Manhattan Island, which served as the seat of the colonial government in New Netherland. The factorij became a settlement outside of Fort Amsterdam. Situated on the strategic, fortifiable southern tip of the island of Manhattan, the fort was meant to defend the Dutch West India Company's fur trade operations in the North River (Hudson River). It became a provincial extension of the Dutch Republic as of 1624 and was designated the capital of the province in 1625. New Amsterdam was renamed...
yup adam, it started like that but you got bored after 4 states
may I ask you to hide that gif
done sarge :p
ughhhh cleaning day
rm -rf /tmp/ && mkdir /tmp
FYI kill it gif killer
Also, the starred link that wasn't working before seems to be working now
nice, thanks, have a star :)
Here's the actual repo of his for it github.com/rlemon/Killit
I think violence might be a bit of knee jerk reaction to an animated image
i will have JsonizeMe ready for pennApps
You're a knee jerk reaction, Dave
make sure to promote room-15(.com)
i will
we need to make shirts and strickers tho
and .party (if the owner ever puts anything on it)
Are we ready to update Nana's site or still working on it?
I still need to do something with stoned.army
What's nana's site?
Oh, didn't realize your question was directly at me :P
Nope, it's good for now
Though, I still feel awful most days
I was gonna offer the generic advice like "If you find yourself struggling just give me a call." but I realize talking to me probably only drives you to it.
The biggest issue right now is being tired all of the time and not being able to concentrate very well
Like right now, I need to update this table and it shouldn't be difficult. But I just keep looking at it and hoping it updates itself :P
Maybe you are gluten shit intolerant
I don't get it
tired of my shit
but also maybe tired of gluten
No, it's from not smoking
how long since you quit?
That's a tough question....
I quit about 3 weeks ago
But I've had some here or there when I've had a few drinks
thanks obama. my parser was failing by a wrong type of data i didn't notice
The last one was 2 days ago with a few rum and cokes
Be like...
oh wow a chance to buy music
Anyone want to join a family plan of Google Play Music with me? 15$ and up to six people. So it could get as low as $2.50
I don't think we're related, are we?
Room 15 is a family.
ok, that counts :D
Want to? Anyone?
Cheap, unlimited music!
isn't google play music free already up to 20k?
Tristan, me not, already have a German subscription
So what's up guys?
like a hurricane
How does one program like a hurricane?
you should program like a wrecking ball #MileyStyley
sneezing and provoking tornados on the desk adam
i have a contextual dialog and i know how to use it
standards are unicorns.
wat wat?
who is yeezi?
He's gonna be president in 2020.
must be someone important then.
it's official
Lol I saw you joined devpost I got an email because I follow your github.
Hi :/
@MenelaosKotsollaris word
@eski next title of the mixtape you're gonna drop
it's gonna be all stoner music
Hi:/ reply -> hi LinX64.-.-
Hey Lin o/
What's the probability of getting accepted in the Google I/O16?
Personally i don't say hi at all but it was just a test...anyway
I'm all over that Ahmad
And then I can teach how to make those mixtapes at the other domain I have, stoner.college
hello dear friends
I wanna go to IO so bad. Where do you even apply, Menelaos?
Hi dear user :)
if google paid me the trip , i would go XD
the 2016 site hasn't gone up yet
@Skylion Welcome! Please read our room rules before participating.
Hello, already did.
Are you sure?
Yeah, I had nothing else to do while I waited for the request even the part about ass-bourbon
Well, while that is a very important rule I think you missed one ;P
I have read and understood the rules
lol cygery is that a counter?
Welcome:) that's it
IO applications haven't started yet
I would love to to Google IO as well. Alas, I would first love just get an answer from this painful Google Host Matching process. :/
8 hours left to goddamn assembly exam :/
Oh okay. Any idea when they start?
You have your exams after the Winter holidays?
looks like the first SO swag package of last year's 10M/how SO helped posts arrived: meta.stackoverflow.com/a/315045/2367849 CC @CptEric
Yeah, for us, this is the final exam for this term
Good for you guys:(
It will be probably on February; I am checking 2014's announcement and they allowed applying 3 months before the event.
Seems like Mc is not here by the way :)
Where are you boss?! :d
I think you can use or student ID for a really nice discount
@cygery would love to recieve them before thursday
TIL that after populating a ByteBuffer in java, you need to flip it before attempting to write the bytes
I'm here, sort of.
Seems obvious now, 3 hours later
Dave just use your Byte[] to Byte[] method that China team wrote you.
That's a good news Mc :)
Eric, yeah, I hope that for you :)
Oh awesome! That means mine could be arriving soon.
will fill my hackaton bag with goods if that happens
holy shit that dude got a signed book and everything
Which one:)
if they read our chat logs
ours will be
"stop whining, with love, the so team".
@McAdam331 I prefer my books unsigned as negative pages don't make much sense
LOL that was great
@CptEric LOL I can't wait for the picture of "We're tired of your shit, Dave."
dave, this is by far the most brilliant pun you've said.
Should i use this avatar as circle image? :-?
good one, Dave :)
@LinX64 Sure! Make one here: tristanwiley.com/labs/circle
Tristan does it start with a green circle by default or did I just get lucky?
I should put ads on that generator lol
@TristanWiley image upload is a must there
No it actually does start with that, <3
What about the current avatar like circle image?
What do you mean?
Tristan, don't
that's fine too
like me
Why not cygery? I gotta make moolah
I strongly discourage putting ads unless there are a lot of visitors
you're much more vulnerable to fake click attacks
Just change this current avatar to circle image without corner something like your avatars with this picture of course
Yeah cpt exactly
Well, given the current attraction. I'll get a lot of visitors from here :P
source: being banned from AdMob/AdSense for that (I suppose)
I wouldn't put ads there lol
dunno about other ad networks, though
How much is the wwe price for getting into them saloon?
maybe they have some more appropriate handling of such issues
I wouldn't get banned for it though, I've used ads on a place with less visitors lol
You can target the ads to our demographic
with cat toys
Crazy stuffs but yeah, i'm curious to know:)
Eski wants those ads for the single ladies in his area.
cat toys, stickers
that too adam
Or ads like this
Are you tired of Dave's shit? Just completely fed up? Well this is the product for you!
Haha, omg
Gotta go, night night
good night
assembly man
fuck me
Assembly's awesome
If you like pain
And suffering
But it is fun, though
and tears of the innocent?
don't forget those tears
o/ Raghav
implementing radix sort in mips right now
the best thing ever, instead of using n buckets where n is the highest digit, I'm using 2 buckets because I'm doing it in binary
so handy
what's mips?
an assembly
Weee, editing in production
@Ahmad <3 Radix sort
hmm what happened this Skylion has already talked today no?
Yeah. Was he still in your queue? I accepted him.
I just got a ping for him/her
Yeah odd
but yeah! radix sort is really nice
One of the coolest things I ever did in my Java class was implement that for extra credit. I was the only one who decided to do it lmfao
now do it in assembly
I'd rather go work with China team.
I wrote a Java program, that parsed MIPS and generated Binary
talk about useless
but I got an A
I'm tired of you and your code Dave.
Did China team make it for you?
I'm tired of I'm tired of your x, Dave jokes.
Tristan, you wish you had a China team
i jsut fell in love with our name generator
Obi wan Sanchez
Not even Obi Juan Sanchez? Aw man they missed an opportunity.
Jobi Juan
i must admit i inputted the names with fever this morning
so they kinda generate weird things
firstName: "Tristan",
lastName: "Tchekov",
about 11500 combinations with the current names and surnames. might increase it though.
oh wow
yeah. got really bored.
Hey Adam, look on the right. Still have more stars than you <3
It's okay. I'm the only star this room needs. :)
[Look, he's proud of himself, isn't he cute?]
[Anything you say in brackets he can't see]
They're hiring.
We need a star counting room 15 leaderboard
so we can settle this buffoonery
i was gonna make a pun about brackets and adam disliking apple products, but it was too mainstream.
Adam I'm ahead of you, I already applied
Oh was that an objective-c joke?
Because I love brackets.io ha
(not related)
Hey guys, I'm gonna be in the car with an iOS dev for 4-5 hours. Gimmie lines to beat him with
vs AS
Ui design in ios sucks balls
and i'm an ios dev
so i know what i mean
Make a document for meh
I'm gonna bring some Android stickers and cover his car with them
And some Android figurines
@TristanWiley A vegan, a crossfitter, and an iOS user walk into a bar. You know this because they all told you.
Adam I'm just going to send him that now :P
there are worse xcode bugs
I know
"trying to upload app to app store"
"timeout : disconnected"
Tired of your words Dave
did you know isEqualToString returns false if one string is UTF8 and the other is UTF16
did you know the ios framework picks a different Int signature depending on the device version?
so running an app on ipad (original) and ipad 2 bring different results on max int size
cause on ipad 1
int64 didn't exist
and they didn't even care to add it?
it was fun to find out why my json's longs were failing to parse.
Oct 21 '15 at 15:35, by Sarge Borsch
user image
@Ahmad join us
that bug stopped the app for 3 days
also could be found on iphone5c
and iphone4
still not
but not on iphone5, iphone4s,iphone5s, or iphone6
@McAdam this was his response
> A android user walks into a bar and orders a drink. He sips it and it;s poison. Turns out Google Play didn't filter out a malware app and now his phone is bricked.
@DaveS a complete mips parser?
But the drink has nothing to do with the phone.
I think so
that's impressive
@Dave I like the xkcd comic I used in my tutorial better LOL
an android users walks into a bar with a hot possible partner on the bar offering drinks. the ios user can't enter because his phone think it's not "what a woman should dress like".
and what do you mean by it generated binary?
did you interpret it as well?
It was the culmination of the entire class Ahmad
I think it was run through an interpreter to test the output
not sure if it was a textfile or actual binary
I don't think you were in here when I mentioned it but our hackathon is now on the MLH schedule :D
It was 5+ years ago
nobody cares about my bar.
I love your bar, Eric.
You've got the best bar I've ever seen.
we serve proper sandwitches

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