dagger makes no sense and this terribly written docs don't help to understand it.
best review ever : "Dagger is a dependency injection framework, unfortunately most of us did not manage to setup dagger or failed to get dagger running once setup. So I can not give a proper overview of dagger2."
i also use abstract classes most of the time a code is repeated too many times and there's a religion war there too
for example in my most recent apps i've given up creating normal 'Activities', i have a nice setup called AbstractActivity that sets up the important stuff, like menu, toolbar text, title, app's language, common methods in the various activities ( social media sharing calls to the SMM class (socialMediaManager))
it's boring to write a thousand OptionsItemSelected , right?
No. Pulling down data from the server to populate users
It works if I have the debugger attached so seems like some race condition but can't see what yet
Just an AsyncTask which gets the data, parses it, and stores it in the DB. I'll have to do some digging. Kind of hard to test this shit when everything is on one damn production server
so when Dagger is used properly, you get to write a class that has all sorts of dependencies in the constructor
and you just annotate that constructor with @Inject
and Dagger will wire that up for you whenever you actually need that class
on top of that, dagger has this idea of scopes, which define if and how your instances are reused
the simplest scope is the singleton scope: create it once and you're done. everyone that wants an instance gets the same on
it gets interesting when you define custom scopes though
if you have multiple modules in your app, all which have their own services, models, etc. it might be interesting to not define these as Singletons, but rather as scoped within your module
which means these instances will be kept alive just like a singleton as long as the user stays within that module
found it: A symbol meant to represent the cat face made by anime characters when they say something clever, or sarcastic, or are commenting on something cute.
Well, you could simply use the Field class.
Field[] fields = R.string.class.getFields();
int size = fields.length; // If you want the size.
for (Field field : fields) {
String str_key = field.getName();
try {
int id = field.getInt(null);
String str_value = getString(id);
i have a N5, and you can remove the battery by ripping the back off, taking like 5 screws out, and prying the battery from the glue that's holding it down.
@Ahmad with an msdn account i think there's a per month credit you can get, like $500/mo for a year
i thought it was like that, i could be wrong.
not just account, a subscription.
"All MSDN subscribers can now receive monthly credits for Azure services. Here are some examples of ways you can use the $100 per month credit included in the Premium or Platforms subscriptions." azure.microsoft.com/en-us/pricing/member-offers/msdn-benefits
codeMagic walks into a bar and asks the bartender for an ass-bourbon. Bartender says: Welcome, please read the bar rules and try not to be an ass. codeMagic cringes, waves away, leaves the bar and then walks into “room-15” with a grin on his face.
Sometimes my ADHD is so bad that I email myself to move a file and then get excited when my inbox lights up.
"When I run this app on my device then it shows your app has Unfortunately crashed after timer stops . Now what to do ?"
Do people who ask questions on stack really expect that people can answer them without a stacktrace? Come on, reading the error is like step fucking number one.
@McAdam331 lol that's literally my job at work right now, handling android support
people don't even tell me what app they're working on, I just get tickets with no information saying why does X,Y,Z happen
I implemented your SDK. I notice that when activity A create activity B that sometimes when I return to app activity C is running, if I close the app 3 times it fixes it. Why?
I had set android:clickable=true in XML and does what you said in my main_activity.java .When I run this app on my device then it shows your app has Unfortunately crashed after timer stops . Now what to do ? — abhishek sharma2 hours ago
lost it at "if I close the app 3 times it fixes it."
On my site I have my index PHP file with some php and a html website in it, I want to show some confirmation like "You've subscribed to our list" on a button click, how can I do that?