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according to the gsm arena it is possible via 3 rd party app
maybe it is possible to run java me
1 hour later…
i wonder to which degree does the compression (jpg) or number of colors of an image (i.e. png) under res/drawable actually have any influence on a) memory and b) ui performance - since afaik internally all images are converted to bitmaps anyway
especially talking about images used in listviews here
2 hours later…
I don't have an android phone, but would like to start playing around developing.. is the SDK well-suited to ubuntu?
it should work, people are using it.not myself though
@MathiasLin what is normal development environment?
windows, mac, ubuntu all works
there's no 'normal' but i guess most people use mac or windows, not sure though. but it's meant to work on all platforms
incl. ubuntu
hello. anyone done any open gl es stuff with java (for android)?
2 hours later…
@TimMcNamara works fine on Ubuntu - IMO better than windows - no need to install any drivers. Just make sure that you start adb-server with sudo.
1 hour later…
I'm struggling away with Eclipse. After years on Visual Studio, I'm not enjoying Eclipse at all. IntelliJ IDEA looks better, but anyone have anything bad to say about it? Free version includes Android dev now.
hum gud
Ollie C:use intelliJ,it's better
@OllieC never tried it...what is it that you don't like about Eclipse?
@MathiasLin What is better about it?
really, the free version includes Android dev now? since a while ago, only Ultimate Edition has it, which is what I use
IntelliJ is more stable than Eclipse reg. Errors, project cleaning, which are the common issues with Eclipse
intelliJ furthermore offers nice syntax completion for the xml layout files as well, and also some other nice small features, i.e. displays the colors right away when you type hex color codes in the colors.xml
The adt plugin does syntax completion on xml's too right?
@Hugo: Eclipse always displays errors that dont exist anymore,you always have to clean the project and that often doesnt help, so only a restart of the IDE helps in the end. quite annoying
Does IntelliJ have save/compile now? Last time I checked it didn't have that
not sure, i used eclipse before but it had too many issues, no matter if on windows or mac, the same everywhere
Where to start... Fairly often the logcat window just stops display results, I have to restart the IDE. It uses so much memory, that if I move to another app and come back it can thrash the machine to swap back into memory (4GB 32bit Windows machine).
I don't have much issues with Eclipse, use it every day for both Android and non-android stuff
It's slow to start up. It's ugly to manage projects. The "IntelliSense" feature is too slow, it's easy to keep typing and not get the drop-down help at all. The debugger won't show me the source error, says "source not found".
you can compile the project at any time
When I first installed it was crashing 10+ times a day, it took about 25hrs to deduce there was an issue with the JRE and a new version was released with a patch (but released under the same ver number). I suspect Eclipse is better on Mac/Linux, but for Windows I'm finding it a horrible experience.
Here's the link for free Android dev in IntelliJ IDEA blogs.jetbrains.com/idea/tag/android
@OllieC yes i can confirm that reg. logcat
@MathiasLin I just don't want to have to "build project"... In Eclipse (and Netbeans too) you just save
I hear many devs complain about Eclipse, especially when Helios started
I'm still on 3.4 / OS X
that might explain it
@Hugo: you mean 'build automatically' as in Eclipse?
Yes, I also get the issue where eclipse just refuses to let me debug, saying there's an error in the project, when it's not my source, it's some wacky compiler issue I don't care about. The requirement to keep doing clean installs is v tedious
ADT is a resource hog however
dont know, not sure why you would need it. haven'tlooked at it. I used eclipse/netbeans before, now using intelliJ for everything, very happy so far
maybe intelliJ has it, not sure
You'd need it just to don't bother with building your project all the time :)
This isn't turbo pascal or visual studio anymore :)
why do you need to build it?
I started looking at IntelliJ as Romain Guy said he uses it for Android apps, and says he uses Eclipse only for C++. I thought that was interesting coming from a Googler
Hm it's the ultimate EAP
you just start it on the device when you want to test it, or build an apk
I just switched focus to Eclipse just now, first time since yesterday, my computer thrashed for 15seconds, and it's using 200MB. It seems a clunky old piece of prehistoric software, but I suspect the issue is probably the Windows edition, not eclipse.
With IntelliJ I quite like the idea of a free and a commercial edition, and it means if I see a need I can pay and get support. £192/$300 is not a bad price for an IDE
i bought the UE, since a while ago android support wasnt free anymore (although there was an unofficial plugin for older community versions), but seems to be free again now
What do you guys use for build automation? More particularly I need to implement building of free/paid versions of my app.
end up with voice call recoder for android s********* cant record incoming voice
Just downloaded IntelliJ based on recommendations here - how do you configure intelliJ for Android ?
can't seem to find any plugin
File / Settings / Plugins: under availalble activate Android support if not yet enabled
i'm on v9, not 10, but should be similar
I believe eclipse is just fine, no need to purchase IntelliJ
I am on v9 - community edition - can't find any Android plugin :(
in v9,it's not in the community edition but in the ultimate edition
good day everyone online...
thank you trace
same to u
just would like to ask if any one here has tried flashing android on (non-supported) phones...
how to check internet conection in android?
@MathiasLin ah OK - thanks for the info - not sure if it is worth the purchase just for this.
@Veeti I use Hudson to build / test the apps
@MathiasLin also - any idea where can I get v10 ? maybe that has Android baked in ?
@Veeti for free/paid it depends...If you need two apps you almost always need two projects because the package name in the manifest needs to be unique
can u tell me
@Veeti Thanks !
@Hugo currently I have a tiny Ruby script I created that just copies over the source code to another directory and does some search and replace/rename magic to fix the package name
how to check internet connection in android
but something more automated would be nice :p
ConnectivityManager conMgr = (ConnectivityManager)getSystemService(Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE);

if ( conMgr.getNetworkInfo(0).getState() == NetworkInfo.State.CONNECTED
|| conMgr.getNetworkInfo(1).getState() == NetworkInfo.State.CONNECTING ) {

//notify user you are online

else if ( conMgr.getNetworkInfo(0).getState() == NetworkInfo.State.DISCONNECTED
|| conMgr.getNetworkInfo(1).getState() == NetworkInfo.State.DISCONNECTED) {
//notify user you are not online

Toast.makeText(getBaseContext(),"Please Check Your Internet Connection and Try Again",Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
this code i did vetti
i am getting following error message in my log
@Veeti well, you could start with hooking that script up into Hudson and go from there. Make a job for free and a job for paid and let Hudson checkout your code from source control etc
@Veeti another option might be to use your free app as a library for your paid app
But that really depends on your app architecture
hello my dear friends Tilsan the Veeti
@Hugo: I'm not really looking for CI like Hudson, but something like Apache Ant for building outside of Eclipse with a single command
To be clear to those considering IntelliJ, free Android support is only in version 10 which is currently in pre-beta
Tilsan The Fighter ,my dear friend.Very happy to meet you again
Hai Pengwang, How r u
hello guys
Q: onActivityResult Does not works in android

sajjoohello guys, i have a main Activity call Main which has onActivityResult Method. protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data, Bundle extras) { Log.i("in OnActivityResult", "in OnActivityResult"); super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data...

kindly check this link out if any body can help me about this
i,ll be very thank ful to him
A little tired
How was the yesterday pengwang
@Veeti OK, well you can build android fine with Ant...any issues there?
very well.what about you
Very well pengwang becuase yesterday is week end here, so spent good & nice time with family
Glad to hear you say very happy,I just watched several old movies
Thank You Very Much Pengwang
Do u have any idea in this pengwang
Q: Need Help in Checking Internet Connection in Android?

Tilsan The FighterHai Friends, I want to display a toast message to the user, when there is poor or no internet connection, so i have written the following code in my activity. ConnectivityManager conMgr = ConnectivityManager)getSystemService(Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE); if ( conMgr.getNe...

are you look this link
Q: How to check internet access on Android? InetAddress never timeouts...

PHP_JediI got a AsyncTask that is supposed to check the network access to a host name. But the doInBackground is never timed out. Anyone have a clue? public class HostAvailabilityTask extends AsyncTask<String, Void, Boolean>{ private Main main; public HostAvailabilityTask(Main main){ this.ma...

Pengwang, i got solution from Mr.Veeti, i forgot to add this <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" /> in Minfeast.xml file
now it working
Thank You Vetti
hello guys
Anyone having an idea about my issue here: stackoverflow.com/questions/3990075/…
in my link ,there is the permission problem. i very happy for you
@Naseer Download IntelliJ IDEA 10 EAP (new build, #98.187 is available) confluence.jetbrains.net/display/IDEADEV/IDEA+X+EAP
have u tried that link? that should be v10,referring to the blog
thanks, pengwang my dear friend
Does anyone know when Twitter app for android will be open sourced?
@MathiasLin Yes - I got it from @Veeti I tried it on Ubuntu - seems smooth so far but the fonts look terrible.
I enabled antialiasing too - but still looks bad
I am on Ubuntu 9.04
you can change that on File / Settings / Appereance, on Win and Mac it looks fine
yeah - i suspect it is an Ubuntu issue
also - there is no layout editor yet ?
in TableLayout,how to adjust the spacing between <TableRow>?
Pengwang, my dear friend, can u please go through this url
i hope this may help u
thank you i will look it
in a DB routine, I am enclosing a update-loop inside beginTransaction() and endTransaction(). This routine is called from inside another loop which is enclosed inside beginTransaction() and endTransaction(). Question is: Will the use of nested transactions slow down the app?
@Naseer: no layout editor, afaik there's no useful layout editor out there that can handle complex layouts
wow theres been quite some activity here eh? _D
Tilsan,my dear friends i will back home. see you next time
Ok Pengwang
See u Later, Have A Nice Time
Bye Take Care
Hai Riends
Hai Friends
any worked on c2dm?
hai friends how to check the internet connection is low not to check internet connection is disconnected
i will tell clearly i have written the code to check the internet is disconnected or not, but at the same time i want to check the internet connection is low or not
this is code to check internet is disconnected
if ( conMgr.getNetworkInfo(0).getState() == NetworkInfo.State.DISCONNECTED
|| conMgr.getNetworkInfo(1).getState() == NetworkInfo.State.DISCONNECTED ) {
//notify user you are not online
san_netcheck =true;

//Toast.makeText(getBaseContext(),"Please Check Your Internet Connection and Try Again",Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

similarly how to check the internet connection is low
Any help on c2dm?
Hi, quick question. i use 3g to send data over a socket. when i disable 3g and try to send data OutputStream write method returns as though it managed to write ok even though there is no connectivty. i read someplace that there is a way to get a failure on sending data any idea how i do that?
I need your help.
How can I setup the row id on every row for a ListView?
what do you mean by setup?
to have a customized row?
I want to store the id of the object that is represented by the list item
to store it?
like in a db?
yes, I need to know the item that was clicked by user on method onListItemClick
and what exactly is the problem? what doesn't work or what don't you know?
I think that @VansFannel just wants to associate some key with each item in the ListView so that it can be used later when the item is clicked?
I know how to setup text to show on ListView.
I don't know how to set the row ID. On method onListItemClick I see a parameter called id, and I want to set this id to a value (a PK for an object)
hello can i speak?
everyone can :)
there is no room master or something
it's a chat ;)
lol sorry ...
How does this page refresh? send request to server all the time? :) :)
it's ajax based
got it
any unaccepted topic here?
OCtavian Cannot get u
@Tilsan The Fighter what do you mean?
any idea?
Cannot get ur message
which one?
This message from u there is no room master or something

it's a chat ;)
@Tilsan The Fighter that was directed to hguser as he asked for permission to talk
Oh Octavian, may i know about u
I see. None can help me.
is this about robotics or the OS?
@VansFannel sorry for the delay I gotta reconfigure a server
ok, no problem
I'm trying by myself.
Another question: how can I obtain a place if I have a latitude and a longitude? Is there any class on Android to do that?
Yes, Geocoder.getFromLocation(...
can anyone here answer a quick socket question?
@totem: sorry, I don't have any idea about sockets.
it is an Android issue though :)
@totem shoot maybe someone actually knows ;)
Hi, got an issue with SlidingDrawer.
Anybody with previous xp on using a SlidingDrawer?
can anybody explains how dirty rectangle is defined in holder.lockCanvas(Rect dirtyRect) where holder is a SurfaceHolder. ?
Does anyone know where I can find that default gradient used in lots of places in the OS? For example, here in the "header":
@Veeti: is that the contact app of the OS? you can pull the apk from the device, then use apktool to look at the drawable, usually done in xml
or you pick the colors via photoshop and create the xml with gradient yourself.
@MathiasLin: I guess one of those will have to do :p
gradient in xml is very simple
I know, already using them in my app
ok, btw this is the tool meant code.google.com/p/android-apktool it'svery useful to study apps and see how other devs do layouts
Hi, Can anyone here answer a socket / stream related question?
Does anyone know if there is a way to disable the cell radio only with the public sdk?
i think experts are on holiday !!
@AdmSteck: Airplane mode? Try this out.
@Veeti: I am trying to avoid airplane mode since it also disables wifi and bluetooth. I want to disable the cell radio only.
@AdmSteck: is it even possible to disable it in the phone UI somehow? :p
@AdmSteck I have a widget (SwitchPro, I think) that does it, so it must be possible somehow, but I couldn't say how
@Veeti It can be done in the phone ui by entering the hidden menu with #*#4636#*#, but I want something a little more accessable.
@mithrandi I have an app called tasker that can do it as well so I know it is possible. I was just wondering if there is a way to do it with the public sdk or if these apps are using internal classes.
i can't seem to find any Google Base Feeds to test my app's XML parsing, does anyone have a link to a production level google base feed i can test with?
4 hours later…
anyone knows if there is any way in which 2 android phones can communicate directly with each other?
Bluetooth? The internet?
@zero4 Preferably Bluetooth(imo)
Depends what you want to do really. Bluetooth is definitely the obvious option though. You could implement it over the net like Chrome-to-Phone, but likely to be much, much more work than Bluetooth

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