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/me Tigers fan
Well, use just uploaded it didn't you?
Since Stackoverflow hosts on Imgur, and it is resized it loses it's transparency (I think that is what happens.) So basically I just use Gravatar.
Nice, good thinking!
Thanks :P
For example, the link to your icon is i.sstatic.net/J3ZU1.png?s=128&g=1&g&s=16
It has a white background because it is resized.
Without resizing it is i.sstatic.net/J3ZU1.png and transparent
Yeah, I just checked. I don't think it'S the act of resizing causing it, but their choice. But either way you found a nice solid solution, well done.
It looks cleaner
I should get cookies
I don't think I can set the Gravatar just for one site though, right?
I usually use a different avatar.
Oh, I don't think so... Maybe
I have a linux install ahead of me..
And resizing windows partition on the new laptop, yay me.
We'll see how yay it will be.
I would like to share a bit of general advice with everyone when it comes to job hunting as a programmer.. don't plagiarize w3schools sample code.
And where is this advice coming from?
Haha! w3schools has so many issues anyway.
Seeing someone do that.
And being the one who caught it.
This is why I now know that some of w3schools's examples use Ratliff style indentation
More specifically, the sample code was plagiarized and submitted as a code sample.
Hey does anyone have ideas why a UI wouldn't update until the screen is touched?
you invalidateViews when an item is touched?
@TristanWiley Tristan sorry I'm busy and wasn't here earlier.
@DaveChen I am calling invalidate on the parent layout when I added the fragments. They don't display until I touch the screen.
No problem @McAd just was saying I was on :)
I'm pushing for that 300th answer. Three to go.
Android Studio 1.2 out today
Really!? Sweeet
I uninstalled eclipse and changed to android studio today too xD
@DaveChen Ok. So it's started randomly working... sometimes.
AndroidStudio is painful.
I enjoy it :)
I find a lot of memory issues with it.
^ plus it's slowing down my builds a bit :P
this is normal right?
AS 1.2 yo! What's new?
Not sure, didn't get that far yet. Apparently a genymotion plugin update, too.
I get the canary updates (the most frequent ones) so I've had the previous release candidates but I guess this is the actual 1.2 build
Genymotion plugin update, hmm I wonder
@DaveChen That's about what I'm running at.
Ridiculous right?
@screenmutt even my virtual machines don't reach 2gb memory usage - -
Well, Red Wings lost. Time to go back to a green circle.
4 hours later…
hi guys
@DaveChen it's "normal" for AndroidStudio, even for all Intellij IDEA IDE's.
Can't see no info about stable release of AS 1.2
only RC3
Have to mention - Android Facebook SDK is getting better. Finally they managed to reduce boilerplate shit that just takes space in your activity code
at least it seems to be so from upgrade doc
yeah, I'm waiting for stable 1.2 too. One feature is very helpful: variables result printing in every line in debug mode. Have you tried it?
I saw that one on intellj. It is really nice
I better want abiliy to link jar javadoc to see it with quick info on methods and classes
but nooo
Just made my own damn theme
now it looks like pages
jyoon, you are really determined :)
@netpork I just can't stand ugly software in my mac, even if I don't use it.
which mac you have?
15" rmbp with gtx
> I don't think, therefore, I am. A coder.
sorry, not into apple and stuff, that's why I do not know all those abbrevations
guys, have you faced a situation, when application isn't anymore on the phone, but permission still exists. I had an application with custom permission defined in manifest. I've removed that application from my phone. In second application I've defined the same permission in manifest and Android doesn't allow me to install second application. WTF?
@VeaceslavGaidarji Weird
I'd say install/uninstall & reboot everything. Never heard of that problem before :/
yes, too weird. Maybe I should read documentation deeper, but it seems strange from first point of view
You use a physical device and not an emulator?
I've had weird things happen to emulators
physical one
changing permission name in second application solves the problem. but it's not ok :)
and I can't find exact answer why it's happening
What do those custom permissions do exactly again? I forgot
Maybe the app you deleted has some things cached still and android doesn't allow two apps with that same permission?
in my case, custom permission required by C2D
Just guessing here. I don't really know much about that.
yeees, exactly. and the question is - why permissions exists on the device after application removal?
Try clearing up cache/dalvik cache? (wild guess)
Cool, my glasses are ready to pick up in the store. Good timing, I work from home today :)
Instead of looking like a rapist I'll now look like a hipster...
netpork, any progress with the layout folders?
google glasses? :)
Nope, just normal glasses :D
Drinking glasses?
@Try_me34 wrt the internship, can you give me an email address where I can send the info to?
@cygery Yeah, I have tried with the new, clean project. Nexus 6 always loads xml file from layout-sw320dp; I have also layout-sw480dp and layout-sw560dp folders
so it does not work :(
minSdk: 14, targetSdk: 19
hello hello :)
really really nice talk fragmentedpodcast.com/episodes/6
miva2, you really have those rapist glasses?
1 hour later…
@netpork LOL no, not exactly, but they look like rapist glasses. Just trying out my new ones. They're nice. I look much friendlier!
That's an interesting podcast Axxiss
Great, it's also on stitcher! Good for later in the car, thanks for the link :)
I might need it, I need to become a better android developer!
Morning folks
How's it going neighbor?
Slow...very slow
It's after 9 and just took my first sip of coffe...ugh
o/ kabuto
slow day for you cM
that means only 1,000 samsung bugs will be fixed today
Yeah. But I have plans to get a lot done once I start moving :)
still javascripting, cm?
I am
I think I will be done by tomorrow and be able to start testing. One week before the show starts that it needs to be done for. So cutting it close
really close
end of week now, and no over time !
I wish I got paid over time. I'd be a rich man. Might work on it some this weekend if I need to
Yo, mac
almost missed your starred comment there too, but not to worry added my star to the pile ;)
thanks, so kind of you :P
your welcome haha
cm, what kind of webapp you are doing?
backend is node.js?
It's just a mobile friendly version of our website. Just retrieves and displays a bunch of data for our customers. Nothing exciting
When allergies get so bad, I love past me for remembering to keep Zyrtec at my desk. On the contrary, when I get to work and look at my code I hate past me.
coldfusion. Isn't that what everyone uses
That's deep, mac
Nothing better to do on a Thursday morning.
I'm in the awkward phase of coming back to full time now that school's over and I haven't gotten deep into any of my summer projects yet to have a ton of work to do, so I'm kinda just doing busy work until I can meet with my boss and go over some requirements.
@Axxiss great podcast. Just finished listening to it.
@cygery my mail is mkotsollari [at] gmail
o/ all
hey, try_me
What's up Adam?
@nDroidDev Welcome. Please read the room rules room-15.github.io
Coders block at work, nothing special.
I am pushing my WPM with coolermaster
@Axxiss thanks for sharing ;)
Note: Not a good choice to have CardView as a parent or sub parent for a dialogfragment layout.
@Emmanuel Yes, it gives you a good insight on how its working one of the core developers of several android popular librearies
@Try_me34 What are you up to?
Try_me34, mail sent
Yeah, Jake is a God around here, ask @Ahmad...
@user3588674 denied for default username. See here --> room-15.github.io
you guys and gals sure like to kick a lot :D
orb is a kicker
@cygery what your name? no email arrived
I'm monitoring kicks because there was a kick war in another room and no one was fessing up to it. this room is sweet for me today because of all the kicks. testing has been a breeze!
thanks Android!
Its in German thats why
But I can translate I think its fine :)
sorry, I thought you're German
@rlemon really? Who has been kicking anyone in here? I don't know of any lately
@codeMagic ;)
I assume you're talking about the newish kick mute feature?
what is annoying is that I can see the kickers name, but only the kickee's id
so I have to sniff transcript to get their name
uhh...I think I'm missing something here
@user3588674 still denied for default username
Wait, hang on user<some numbers>
It didn't propagate yet. You have access. Please read the rules I linked to earlier.
no kicks happen here :D
yea I am greek @cygery
@rlemon Are you just talking about denying someone access?
hrm, maybe denying someone access does come on 15
Hellas, then :)
@codeMagic interesting, never noticed 'content' before.
15 is the kick-mute event as well
Oh look, a wild rlemon has appeared :O
Must be because I've only kicked a couple people and the last one was awhile ago. I remember because it was my birthday gift from @Emmanuel. I got to kick him :D
Isn't it a lot easier to avoid kicks when you have an access restricted room?
@codeMagic :D
As in even more so than the normal chat restrictions..
Q: Does Stack Overflow support code bidding?

Don ChakkappanDoes Stack Overflow help us to sell and purchase code snippets or complete projects?

Aww I actually got a downvote on something
i up voted the guy
his poor karma
I didn't do anything :P
oh its a meta question
My kick ban was better, cM
@Gemtastic most likely which is probably why it hasn't been used in here much.
@codeMagic nods
Plus, we tend to just put on the ban list in here rather than giving them another chance. Because we usually let them know what they are doing wrong. And if they continue then it's usually just better to put them in the bad place
yo, Tristan
What's up>
unz unz unz
Not much, Tristan. Hopefully getting focused soon ;)
Samee :)
I want more repppp :( I want to be able to review
downvoted too haha
I think... I think someone here is realllly cool
hug you know who you are
Q: Why is this heavily downvoted question not yet removed from Meta Stack Overflow?

Don ChakkappanI have a heavily down-voted question here. I raised a moderation attention flag, and it was marked as helpful. But my stupid question is not yet removed from Meta Stack Overflow. What is the procedure / criteria to remove a question from Meta Stack Overflow?

In this question he is recovering the downvotes
@cygery will send him an email tho, see if they are accepting english spoken (?)
dunno but I'd be surprised if not
So at my school if you get off task on the computer it temporarily suspends the internet. I'm on a chromebook so I just switched off the main wifi network to the Guest one and boom. :)
83 more rep until 500. Time to answer some stuff and stuff
Eevrzthing sucks
thez kezboard to
@TristanWiley is chromebook enough to programming?
nana go back to qwerty!
I am on querty!
I unlearned just enough to suck at all layouts now. :|
switch to dvorak to thoroughly fuck things up
I actually have a Dvorak printout posted on the wall above the monitor. It didn't help.
@Deiv nope, I wasn't programming.
Hey @nana
Hey Tristan
What's up?
Still working on the laptops.
Not really, I was up till 4AM today trying to get it running.
Oh poop, my eye hurts for some reason :/
Eh, idek
@nDroidDev I've removed your access since you left without speaking after getting it. Feel free to request again if you want to join
how are you doing
eat something
And having a cache issue which is making testing this mobile site difficult on a...mobile device
one carrot maybe
Good idea. I'm gonna go get some "chinese" I think
Nana, you got pixel2?
yeah and also Asus Zenbook UX305. One or both are going back.
81 more rep.... Hehe this is fun
you are on a roll for rep huh?
Hehe yep!
122 more for 1000 rep
I wasn't really active recently
I want to get to 10K!
I want 2k. Grass is always greener.
I need quite a bit to reach 2k nana
I don't know why I expected nana to have like 10k;
Well, I'll keep my goal of 500 for now
I don't apply myself, story of my life :)
yes. of course.
I only need 5 good answers.
I don't feel like it.
1600 rep is a lot for just a banana
It is not always easy to be on a roll; some days are not as good as some
@End.Game denied for low A:Q ratio and using chat for support only
We had this discussion a week or so ago, what you need is a bunch of decent answers. Then you just keep getting more and more points.
I feel like I should have 10+k, so I feel a little ashamed.
yeah, but I think there is a threshold
I get points most everyday without answering
@BrunoDeFreitasBarros you've got write access. Please read the room rules --> room-15.github.io and don't be a help vampire or otherwise piss someone off
Once you peak at something like +200 a day, you're done. AFAIK you can't gain more than that.
I have 2 "decent" answers that give me passive points every now and then
So there are peoplo who will never be cought.
Not that I think you would. Just putting it out there
Yeah, 200 cap from upvotes but accepts don't count towards that
They spill over to the next day if you pass 200
Ahh! Good to know.
So you still get the points? I thought you'd just lose them. That's good. Not that I would have to deal with that type of issue.
I believe. Haven't verified. I've only reached 200 in a day about 5 times, I believe
I also feel that having that 10K helps in getting you more upvotes
yo, trevor
I wrote a new blog post if anyone is interested in reading trevore.com/post/eliminate-uncertainty-in-your-code
just because you have 10K+
And I'm going to get lunch now
speaking of pixels, i've got a pixel 1 i don't want - anyone want it? $600 + shipping
cM is here
yo cM
Q: How do you display a string on Android?

ZezombyeSo, I'm starting my first app in Android Studio 1.1.0, and I realized that I can't even manage to display a string (created in the java file). I did all research I could, but no matter what snippets of code I copy/paste, it never works. I tried copy/pasting the snippet of code from the first an...

> android:text="@string/displaythisgoddammit"
I just answered, I noticed there was someone who posted a code only answer and I'm like.... No
51 to go, sweet. But 2 minutes left in class
@Emmanuel that guy deleted his question from yesterday, the bike pedal one.
can't find it in my history now
I am glad he did
oh, haven't had this problem before - how do you post XML into an answer? It seems to be trying to treat it as HTML formatting and thus isn't displaying it
even when I wrap it in <pre> or <code> tags
A: how do I correctly paste multi-line xml snippet to github wiki when using markdown

Jonnot 100% sure if this is the same thing or not, but I just setup some xml snippets in my readme.md and used the ```xml <myxml> <someElement /> </myxml> ``` notation.

@Yurets you've got write access, please read the room rules
Even if you wrap it in backticks?
@CarlAnderson highlight it and CTRL+K always works for me. Make sure there is a linebreak between it and any normal text
@Eenvincible I am now. Just got back with Taco Bell :)
I like me some Tacos
then some codez cM
I spent $13 at Taco Bell so probably way too much food but it's going to be good
Which is best one in Taco's veg menu ?
You can't have a veggie only taco...you just can't
recently one branch has opened near my house.
yeah $13 is a lot
Well! I have no idea as I never tried.
Don't try. Just get one with lots of meat!
Een, that's why I hate going there. I always spend a lot because I can't make up my mind. Lol
fyi: I am vegetarian.
hahaa; $13 every day will drain your bank cM, am worried
fyi: I know. I'm trying to convert you
I usually try to bring lunch in from home so that doesn't happen. Just didn't bring anything today
fyi: It is not good to try to convert to, if someone is not willing to be converted. ^^
It is if you are young and don't know what's good for you.You're welcome :P
fyi: ^
people get converted everyday
what is naruto talking bout?
Carl, did you figure out your problem with your answer?
You're welcome, also
Een, Magic wants me to be Non-vegetarian :3
oh, I figured it out without your help
but thanks anyway
Yeah, you're welcome.
No you didn't. But you don't have to admit it
updated this:
A: Location Based Push Notifications For Android

Carl AndersonYes, this is entirely possible, as long as I'm correctly interpreting what you are asking. To accomplish this, you would send the GCM push notification to all of your users (unless you had a way, server-side of filtering some of them out). Then in your application, instead of just creating a Not...

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