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for the previous twitter post about obamacare net neutrality
o/ good day android programmers
JNI WORKING. EAT ME, ANDROID. (All problems: entirely my fault anyway. Also Cocos's.)
Also, re: model validation, it depends on exactly how light you want the model. Some people just consider models tiny data-stores, I consider them tiny data-stores with optional validation.
Where's code guru, I need help on code coverage. =(
re re, The real question is for a model that holds other models, and might do things with those models
o/ good day android programmers
Ok, not at work
Not sure whether I should reply to the Apple recruiter
Woo cool nil you gonna go to apple?
@LawGimenez are you into JS development?
They'd have to bend over pretty far to get me on board. One does not simply ask me to stop doing open source, move to California, and shut up permanently.
Not to mention the famously long hours...
Well does they pay more than your freelance
1 hour later…
does anyone use aviary android sdk?
.@google sent me a blanket. It's very soft. I have nothing snarky to say about them being nice enough to send this. ⇒ http://t.co/iHMhgyuEmj
So that happened
@LawGimenez do you mind?
Good Morning everyone.. :)
1 hour later…
Yo People!
Naruto kun!
2 hours later…
o/ Morning all
so LG is rolling out lollipop on its devices before google on its
it's intresting
Wanted: Startup to find new ways for me to connect.
Also wanted: Startup to help me get back to the things that matter.
2 hours later…
How to write a book on UX: 1. <labels> should also enable checkboxes 2. … 3. $$$
Q: Hellow friends...Please help me to finish my android project

Nanda SheelvantI am doing an android app which displays the list of PG courses and displays the full details of the college(name, address,email,phone etc) after clicking on each college name in a listview.I tried many things which are given in androidhive but i am unable to add data to logcat(eclipse->windows->...

@TGMCians published on Sunday night
Venture Capitalists are “evil” in the same way that McDonalds are “evil” for making you fat.
@Abdellah is that true?
then it is either way too stupid or too genial for me to understand
but If someone can have the brain to did it ... I m not sure
@Guilherme lol
Is there a way to get the real value of ?android:attr/listPreferredItemHeight and similar ?
I mean dp's
Helped me a lot.
All this will be available on all platforms, right ?
Abdellah are you working on a Carousel ?
I used the open source one .. and I haven't try to put my hands on it :P
bb, you are making your own carousel ?
I don't know yet
I would like to
Just do it
I'll do it orb
just because you said so
and those niggers who just down voted my question , a little help would be useful — mobman 19 secs ago
Thank you
Such anger
link please
I feel like voting down somebody
nvm I just found it
Click the "19 secs ago"
Q: How does a android activity work?

mobmani am running a small sequence of commands in my main_Activity. this main activity starts another activity called subActivity periodically. now after 20 seconds the subActivity stops and returns control to main_activity. but the problem is other commands are automatically executed in the backgr...

I thought you knew
@codeMagic sorry for everything !!! please try and help me
Everyone is'nt born intelligent
Well, that must suck
I agree with the overpopulation problem
What do you think is more productive:
Write all the code related to app functionality and then adjust the design or
Write some code and adjust the design and so on ?
You are asking: code everything and adjust design later vs code everything and adjust design later
The prequel to Terminator was a prototype at Skynet solving a CAPTCHA.
Morning, neighbor
@WarrenFaith Yeah english is my forth language
so you need special skills to write twice the same sentence?
Warren, I think vova is saying adjust design at the end or adjust it as you go. Do a little code then adjust design or do all code and design at the end
Yeah it's exactly what mean
ah, ok. Well I start with the design and putting the functionality later
so the answer is C
My second language is understanding people whose first language isn't English ;)
Yes, I design what I expect it to look like, write some pseudo-codez, write some real codez, adjust everything, delete everything, start over...repeat process approx. 3 times
Imho there is no benefit in doing code before design because you can't see if your database query works when you don't have an UI to show it
doing pseudo UI is a waste of time
sure you could do the layout and put the real design later but you probably end up replacing LL with RL and button with imageview or vice versa because the design might require it. So you end up with doing it twice anyway
I agree with you for the most part but it depends on the app.
My work apps, I know the code usually won't be difficult so I design the UI. If it depends mostly on an sdk or something I haven't used then I like to get some of that working first
You do all the design by yourself or also hire some designer ?
I mostly do mine myself which is why it gets redone several times (plus my company doesn't know the term "organization" and "procedure")
I also try to invent some design by myself or looking at some good examples but the difference between me and designers at dribbble is huge
you are not alone, Vova, I feel your pain there :D
And they are always updated dribbble.com/tags/material_design
@Guilherme yay!
this dashboard looks so nice
I want this
I saw that too
/me too
I just love dribbble
this looks really hard to implement though
I wouldn't even know how to start
/me also. lets ask on so how to make this :D
sure guys will close our question as too-broad
Anybody good with filesharing here?
Q: Network drive showing minus sign for one folder, but Terminal shows everything in it

Raghav SoodI've got a small home media server setup on a Raspberry Pi. It has had one 1 TB USB (ext3) drive plugged into it for a while now, which has worked perfectly over the network on my Macbook Pro (Retina, Yosemite) through SMB. I added in another 2 TB (exFAT) external drive and mounted it like the ...

I would probably take chris banes' pull to refresh stuff
and work from there on
but Google already added pull to refresh class in their support library
still you are using chris banes lib ?
How much do you think will cost to make an animation like that ?
what you mean by cost
I mean if I had an idea written on paper and a designer made the above animation
for me
more than a designer you need a developer
I m sure that a Designer can't do the above animation ..
Yes, but the developer have to see that animation first before he starts coding
I know them by experience ..
@Abdellah Designer/Animator
nope Designer is Photoshop
@RaghavSood you should ask it on serverfault.com . It may be you will get answer there quickly
So who is that person, an animator ?
Mornings are evil.
vova, nope a developer is the responsible for animations stuff
In a real application but in the above animation not
A designer only draws the tiles. the developer makes the animation
I was talking about the sketch that was made in After Effects
This "Larry Page" fella could be onto something here: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!msg/comp.lang.java/aSPAJO05LIU/ushhUIQQ-ogJ
this is great
didn't know these old mailing lists are archived on google groups
> 07.01.96
even better
> just a hobby, won't be big and professional like gnu
if he could have just known back then
:) That's awesome
what is this? google.de/foobar
> To login, you have to have logged in before. Confused? Search on...
er, what?
Imagine turning up 5 minutes late to a Fight Club meeting...
I never realised how much iamdevloper posts
the foobar thing is supposedly a recruitment thing
foobar is the next big thing
got this from hn:
> For those who are confused, the local papers say Google is looking to hire 30K people?
no way.
I want in.
> Some real estate industry insiders familiar with Google's hiring plans say the tech titan intends to hire 5,000 workers in the Bay Area a year for at least the next five years.
So is Apple, apparently.
I say, having not yet replied to them.
goal for the next 5 years: finish BS in CS, move to bay area, get hired by google
alternative life: startup, drop out, move to bay area, sell startup to google and work for them
although, dropping out would be very unlikely for me
You can work on another whatsapp during the night :)
BS in CS... check
move to bay area... uhm, no check
@Ahmad if you need someone for a startup keep me in mind
I advise against the startup route.
Startups are for people who can afford to lose.
for no married people
I'm not married
and I have nothing to lose
You've got money to lose.
I have no money ^^
but I can get in debt
you have 500euros that you have win in a hackthon
that's very likely, you're right there
I suggest the StartUp route.
You will meet a ton of people, change a bunh of jobs, learn to be quick, adapt,...
btw, a lot of multinational company has decreased their employee salary ..
If you fail there you can always get one of those corporate jobs.
Better yet! Subcontract or consult for StartUps ;)
fuck debt
^Yeah, and DO NOT ever borrow money.
nana, why ?
Because you don't want to become a slave.
Some people can handle money, and can work with borrowed money I am sure. But most people are absolutely terrible at it, those should not have a credit card or borrow money.
you borrow someone if you have enough money ..
what about lending money ?
I got some 20 emails overnight after subscribing to issue 78377. Looks like they found a fix, though.
Yeah, if it's cheaper money. I should have said it so absolutely. But as a general advice I think you can get behind it. In general, borrowing money is bad.
"Nobody likes you. Everybody hates you. You're gonna lose. Smile, you fuck."
^ My philosophy
LEnding money is good :) I like lending money :D People pay me back.
I hate lending money
I always forgot who owe me
Me too, I tell them when I give them money that it is their job not mine to remember to pay me back, and to not fuck up.
that's called donation
@nana ow nice move, I will try that
What I like it's when you haven\t any money left in your wallet. Thinking about going to an atm. And everybody pays you back so you don't have to do it for one week ^^
ATMs are great, you just walk to it put your credit card in and it gives you money, how does it work? Where is all this free money coming from? I am sure someone must be missing it.
Hmm, Github Enterprise 2.0 looks cool
I love secure , don't you?
So.. I am letting you know, my friends, that Allianz stores password in plain text and since that is not enough, they don't allow special characters in passwords.
Thats like, really bad.
Even back in dumb PHP days I knew that...
It' OK though, it's just probably one of the biggest insurance companies on the planet, what could possibly go wrong.
Ha ha ha
Plus they send it to you in an email ,with the username in the line above.
*I might email their technical support, and ask how stupid they are
//Adding security expert on my resume
Why is it so silent here today?
Where is @codeMagic, @Ahmad, ...
I am not even sorry for the pings.
Is this some sort of a let's really work today day, some weird productivity stunt ?
exam tomorrow
trying to study a bit
is there any lib like this for android? youtube.com/watch?v=7-JMdapWXGU
So when you pull down and their is nothing left, the picture zooms in?
I wonder if that would be achievable with just layouts.
You can override the onParallax listener and set a zoom for the view
I have not implemented overscroll tho. :|
Thanks Peter
No problem. That overscroll effect is nice. I might implement it soon on those libs
user image
Does @Reno only speaks by gif?
afaik yes
it's the best form of communication
Does what you want + more.
@nana right here. Are you ok?
@codeMagic I am, you?
@codeMagic It's just that I didn't see you here, I was worried about you actually.
@nana For now.
@nana Thanks for your concern. I was out playing customer service guy
@codeMagic I hope it stays the same way.
@nana me too, thanks
@codeMagic I hate talking to customers. Or people in general.
@nana And I will be doing more customer service duties today... yay
@nana me too!
@codeMagic See, we're not that different in the end!
@nana I'm not sure it's really the duty of a developer at most places
@nana no, no I guess we aren't
@codeMagic I hear devs @ Amazon used to do it too, can't be too bad then, right?
@nana I hear devs @ Amazon make decent money. If I did, then maybe I wouldn't mind so much. Don't really know
Man its ping central over here
@codeMagic I didn't hear that, but I assumed that would be the case. Google guys make a lot. Again, something I heard.
@nana I was really only assuming also. I am sure they make a considerable amount more than me
@nana Are you just editing as many as you can now? I can't even keep up
@codeMagic ....
@codeMagic Possibly, but that depends heavily on how much you make.
@TGMCians yes?
@codeMagic Yes
@nana less than I should
@codeMagic Yes
@nana Ok. Just checking...
@codeMagic Most definitely. Me too. But I finally deposited a check long overdue yesterday.
@nana What did you check the check for? Bugs?
@codeMagic It's good to check, almost always.
@codeMagic Don't make me fix the typos, you won't like it :)
@nana I'm not sure what bothers me more. 'Cause typos really bother me
@nana I almost always check. I rarely would want to not check
@codeMagic Me too. I think I am the edit king here. :)
@Abdellah lol
@nana I would have to agree. I certainly can't keep up with your edits. You, sir, definitely win
@codeMagic But you can be the edit queen, or princess if you want!
@TGMCians :D
twiz, nice site
@Abdellah :)
@nana I will be the princess, I don't want to marry you
@codeMagic Minions! @codeMagic is the new edit princess!
@TGMCians :P
@NoahHuppert :/
@NoahHuppert hah thanks
@nana I am going to get a cup of coffee. AFK. Which means you will need to ping me if you want me
@codeMagic I am having one right now, while watching videos about OnePlus One.
@codeMagic @codeMagic @codeMagic TTYL
@nana OPO is too big
And this is what happens when the adults leave
@codeMagic My wife has one, I think I could get away with keeping the tablet at home if I took the OPO wiht me instead.
@nana it doesn't matter if you write @name multiple times
it will send notification only one time
@TGMCians I know ;)
@nana Ah Ok
@TGMCians I am not that evil.
@TGMCians @TGMCians @TGMCians @TGMCians he he he
@NoahHuppert only one time
@TGMCians K
@NoahHuppert @NoahHuppert @NoahHuppert @NoahHuppert @NoahHuppert @NoahHuppert @NoahHuppert @NoahHuppert @NoahHuppert @NoahHuppert :19894390 @NoahHuppert @NoahHuppert @NoahHuppert @NoahHuppert @NoahHuppert @NoahHuppert @NoahHuppert @NoahHuppert @NoahHuppert @NoahHuppert @NoahHuppert @NoahHuppert @NoahHuppert @NoahHuppert @NoahHuppert @NoahHuppert @NoahHuppert @NoahHuppert
yo @CarlAnderson
holy pingfest
@TGMCians Shitton of blue thos
hey Carl!
@TGMCians @codeMagic Two to one, That's not fair!
@CarlAnderson SAVEEEE ME
wtf is all this about?
If you scroll over my convo with cM with your mouse, top to bottom it looks like a symphony on a piano :D
I wish I could hear it.
I'm back with my coffee
Scroll over it, I think we accidentally created something beautiful.
yes you created history
Known as the NanaMagic Symphony
looks like Carl is serious for whatever we did..
I think I will bookmark it
I thought same
let's do
@TGMCians Since history is written by the victors. I have to agree with you.
Hey, Carl!
The only thing I'm addicted to is winning.
there is a lot of people that want to draw a rectangle with a finger. My question is why
Is a thumb better?
Feeling better?
Maybe bookmark it and chuck it in the rules as example of what is pinging and why it's not healthy.
hehe cM
not 100%, no
That's surprisingly a good idea, nana
but I am at work
That's too bad. Work sucks. That's why I'm in here
/me also
Surprisingly? You say that as if I ever had bad ideas, princess.
Carl, Just be sure to cover your mouth while you cough, or else your code will have bugs
Sorry, I thought "surprisingly" meant something different. engish no my one language

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