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@emmanuel oh cool, I'll look into it
my mobile internet is slow righ now
it just sent the second message, not the first
okay, I'm starting to dig AS and Gradle.
especially the "flavors" that make it easier to manage a paid and free version of the same app.
I'm just annoyed that I have to open a separate HTML page to see the results of my test run.
running JUnit tests with Gradle isn't quite fully integrated with AS.
Anyone home?
I am
Woo, writing parsing functions in C++.
Home is where I currently am also.
Home is where the heart is
home is what you make it
really AS is very buggy...even for beta
You like to see homos naked?
good day android programmers
What is the equivalent of step 2 of the following in Android Studio: developers.google.com/+/mobile/android/…
those are Eclipse instructions what is the equivalent in Android Stuido
I think it's File|Project Structure then Dependencies then + Library dependency...is that the same thing?
Heya Everyone :)
1 hour later…
Windows 8 took half of my coding time. Just because of a silly keyboard driver error.
1 hour later…
Updated to Windows 8.1. Making Nil proud, again!
Hey buddies
l'état c'est moi
\o |o /o
Uh huh.
Is there a particular reason you are writing what appears to be functions for the fibonacci sequence in chat? O_o
500 lines of HTML.
Everything unicorn-related is allowed.
Please don’t post unprofessional images. Kitties and unicorns: okay. A screenshot of your app: sure. Twerking: no.
is the rule?
Well, it does appear to be written in the rules
Nothing says I'm not allowed to ban you for 500 lines of HTML though.
Apologies in advance if a ton of flags start coming from NSChat.
Is calling people "bro" gaining popularity in India?
Has been for a while
Especially among college students who don't speak English very well
In Hindi, referring to people you don't really know as your brother is a pretty standard way to phrase things
So they literally translate to English
How odd
Sort of similar to how other cultures use mate and friend
I think I'll go to sleep.
good night!
1 hour later…
God dammit, asked a question on SO and after a bit of extra searching, got the answer. Damn you Google
well found half the answer anyway
I just made this javascript code that lets me log into a site
so a POST request?
that looks like zurb foundation buttons
user image
but it looks awesome
yeah I agree
just forked it
I like the other one better, where a progress bar pops up at the bottom of the textview or whatever
how do I pass my own javascript in a web view?
like javascript:whatever; in chrome
Really? mWebView.loadUrl("javascript:wave()"); works?
hmmm that was easy
Oh yeah and why is nil so obsessed with eyeballs
that's the repo for the room rules right?
I still think it's awesome.
did nil make that?
and his profile?
Hmm I'm not sure
I think someone else helped as well
I made that one.
Plus my avatar is a cropping of a painting I did.
oh okay haha :P
Now back to sleep.
night nil
o/ again
Ugh, not enough time, but too much to do :|
I just need a room of spirit and time like in dbz
Q: Converting a JSON object in PHP to an equivalent in JAVA

user1841702I am massively stuck with converting a PHP server request into an equivalent Java Request. This is the PHP code that contains the JSON object that I need to replicate in JAVA and send from an Android device: $(".unableprocess").click(function() { if (!confirm("Confirm not able to pro...

This is not php. This is js.
The only php on that the question is the one that SO might use...
Well now at least we know why he can't "convert" his "php" to js.
It is amazing that no answers tell him that it is js
It's amazing that someone actually took the time to answer this nonsense
That also
But the answers are completely wrong because they assume he is using php...
> Update php to version 5.4 helped me.
did he even read the question?
That is what I am saying
I wish I could say: "I thought it was impossible, but this answer is worse than the question"
You should
I thought it was impossible, but this answer is worse than the question — Emmanuel 1 min ago
Result of massive up vote makes the question a piece of crap. lol. I just made this simulation.
just editing the number in the dev console?
I edited the page from my browser
javascript:document.body.contentEditable='true'; document.designMode='on'; void 0
I don't know why pre would overlap everything
They will fix it when Jon Skeet gets there, the have some time
closing in 10 seconds
Goal today: stay off of SO as much as possible and be productive
Progress so far: not too good
Decompiling others apps is a good way to feel confident about your own code.
It's hilarious what you'll find in some apps
Just spent 10 minutes reading the convo between nil, eski, and geeks about using the words "gay", "nigga", and "nigger"...that was entertaining
To be clear, flaggers, I wasn't calling anyone any of those 3 words but was saying what they were discussing
that is about as far away from staying off SO as you can get...
Yeah, I actually dug into a conversation from 3 days ago...
happy monday
Hey, nebs!
anyone read java concurrency in practice?
just ordered it off amazon
this one here?
looks interesting
Anyone excited for the football world cup?
Football has a super bowl...duh!
You mean the football where they don't even use their foots?
Yeah, not that football, pff
@Ahmad yea that's the one
it has amazing reviews even though it's from 2006
oh cool
Oh it's from more than one author
Oh I know one guy! Joshua Bloch
I've read his effective java book
it was really good
@Ahmad cM is talking about the handegg sport that's popular in the states under a false name
I know :P
Are you rooting for the netherlands zigi?
haha fore germany
my fav since 2006
Why wouldn't you root for your country?
happy monday!
cause my country didn't qualify cause we are poor and the football players suck
You've got two countries and one of them couldn't make it?
haha what?
what do you mean 2 countries
You are Bulgarian, right?
I have one country I come from and most of the people living in it suck
And live in not Bulgaria
But you live in the Netherlands lol
cause I can't stand the way people talk to me and the stupid government
and everyone treating you as you are lesser
and don't know shit
In the Netherlands they do?
in Bulgaria they do
Oh, why would they talk to you like that? I'm confused
even when foreign people come, to Bulgaria, most of the people I know would be like, hey look at this stupid foreigner, he doesn't know shit
cause there are a lot of haters
I know but you aren't a foreigner there...you are Bulgarian
yeah, it's true, but people are happy when they see the rest around them miserable
which I can't really understand
Or everyone treats everyone else that way no matter if they are native or not?
oh god, this is so true zigi
really awful
how do you know ahmad?
I get that mentality
Yeah, Ahmad, WTF do you know?
every time my mother visits Pakistan she gets shit like that as well
ah yeah, well that's terrible
people expect you to buy them stuff just cause you work in a country that has a better standard
totally true
they are like, what did you bring us... bla bla
I would say that to someone but not being serious
yeah sure
if you know the story about the dog in the manger
it's the same shit
if someone is older then you, you are supposedly dumber than them
Dale Carnegie Said do not treat people with your notions but with their notions
the sad thing is
that because of all those idiots coming from my country here and doing bullshit
same-thing in Morocco 3 weeks ago I did get a taxi driver to Police
owners of houses don't want to rent their apartment to me just because I am bulgarian
here also if you are Moroccan you are really dangerous
Why are Moroccans dangerous?
yup, have that sitting on my desk :)
cause there are a lot of moroccan immigrants here and most of them do stupid stuff
and steal and stuff
so people have lost trust
yeah ..
and that's really stupid
I used to work with a morrocan guy and he was really good guy
I mean, nothing in common with the typical Morroccans that do stupid things on the streets with their Vespa scooters
but they exist good moroccan's :D
same way as more civilized bulgarians like me exist but that's like really small portion of the nation
when they are no low they are stupid things
Hello, Android!
I really need to get around more...
hai code!
Q: How to build a keylogger app that records all keystrokes and which app is used in android?

user3722803I need to know keystrokes from the phone user and the application that is used in that moment. every links or contribution will be appreciated

Hey, Code_Gu...uh Appren...uh hey, Code
heya code
hahaha :D
@Ahmad I saw that
cM why are you stealing my joke :D
Because it's funnier coming from me
@zigi Did you see my nick?
yeah, you are a funny guy
And I didn't know it was yours :D
hahaha @Code-Apprentice
ahahaha :D
I borrowed your joke
maybe permanently ;-)
no problem, it suits you better :D
well it's good
when you learn how to be a pro, you could use the guru one
Hey, Mr. Anderson!
neb: "Pro" tip
Trinity and Mr. Anderson :D
some employees with me when the CEO go out .. they enter to the kitchen LOL !
is there a way to tell what fragments are on the screen of another app?
I can get the current activity by polling the activity backstack
There was a bug with which you could do that trevor
it was something with inserting inside the fragment
I can't remember
because I'm thinking about making a debug app to help people get acquainted with new projects
where it would overlay the current Activity/Fragments being displayed
yay n stuff
Hmm interesting trevor
what should it debug?
I guess debug is the wrong word
a big pain to me right now is knowing which activity I'm looking at on the screen
since our app is so big we have dozens of activities
so it takes me quite a while just to find the right code to look at
this overlay app would help quite a bit by overlaying the current classname of the activity
if I knew what fragments were on the screen that would be even better
since we have so many differing layouts and fragment combinations it takes some time to figure that out too
oh I see
nice idea
Code Guru has become Code Apprentice eh?
thats why you need regression testing.
Yes, I regressed, @nebulae
do you think there will be any release for Android in '14 IO?
I think they will push for Android wear
oh wait they put up the schedule
we launch the app this week. Should be in the Play Store by wednesday
haven't had a crash in the new version since we pushed it out on Wednesday
They seem to be big on Accessibility this time
nice carlv:)
What is the ideal size of an image within an ListView Item (image quality is important) ?
Hey guys.
massive attack radio on google play unlimited is pretty much awesome.
google play music has radios now?
Ok now that I'm finished with the functionality of my backend, I need to digg into the app engine datastore
What are you making, Ahmad?
Just a little side project, I'll post it in here when/If I finish it
any teasers about what it does?
Just nuked all of my Eclipse project files!
nope not yet ^^
I'm ready to commit to AS and gradle.
You should
unless I decide to rollback all of my commits mwahahaha
Q: Connect to server via socket in Android

DeeVuI am pretty new to android app development, and I have created the following below my activity's onCreate(): public String test(){ String test = ""; try{ Socket s = new Socket(InetAddress.getByName("ipaddress"), port#); test +=(s.isConnected()); BufferedReader readFromHost =...

We need a canonical Q/A for this type of situation.
zigi my app crash with autoloading listview that contain items with big image size .. any idea ?
Q: Android Studio 0.6.0 can't create new modules

DrChivasI updated android studio to version 0.6.0 today, then I updated my build.gradle using buildToolsVersion '19.1.0' After that my project with all his dependecies works fine, but if I try to add a new Module, I have tried both manually and with the wizard it won't be recognized by the system. I ...

@Abdellah Can you pastebin the logcat?
no trace in logcat !
Does the app actually crash or are you getting ANR?
self closing when autoloading is triggered
without any indication ( ANR,..) !
I don't know what "self closing" means. Can you explain?
something like finish() call
the application closes and I am back to the home screen
so you don't get "Unfortunately App has stopped"?
can you debug the code and narrow down where it stops?
I did .. All is right !!
i use the same Auto-loading concept in my Profil Activity .. it work good !
Hey, this might sound silly but. If I unregister a receiver once my app is closed, I wont be able to receive intents to that BroadcastReceiver right?? If so wouldnt that defeat the purpose? — alexsummers 1 min ago
I think that the issue is due to something related to memory cache !
hey @neb how do you manage dependencies with app engine?
It seems like everybody does it differently
I still don't get why app engine doesn't support requirements.txt files
I'm currently just copying my dependencies over to the /libs folder with
pip install -r requirements.txt -t lib

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