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I cannot code to jazz.
9 hours later…
If I resize my JTextArea the word wrapping breaks and it adds a horizontal scrollbar ಠ_ಠ
Q: IllegalArgumentException: already added: Landroid/support/v4/accessibilityservice/AccessibilityServiceInfoCompat$AccessibilityServiceInfoIcsImpl;

AndrewI'm using Android Studio + gradle on MyProject + Facebook api as a library. See below settings. I've tried removing all references of support-v4 (either r7 or 18.0.0) and replace them with support-v13, but the message with v4 was still present. I've also noticed that support-v4-r7 appears in Ext...

1 hour later…
Found a mistake in the training section on developer.android.com
It should have been parent="@android:style/Widget.Holo.ActionBar.TabText
Omg, just discovered the distraction free mode in sublime text
love it
@Glitch don't use autogenerated code it is horrible
@Reno I thought Swing was supposed to just work
It worked, when I started with simple stuff
Then as things got complicated I had to ditch auto generated code
Well depends on what you are doing. I was doing something similar, graphs and shit
I'm combining JFreeChart with Swing
good times
How did you get that theme
I made it
greetings room
is that a new project glitch?
My thesis
ahhh thats what you been working on, it looks nice though, uniformed
I feel bad about paying Apple for this laptop.
Doesn't samsung give you free stuff?
not the free stuff I want
I don't mind paying for the Ativ Book plus but it will be released worldwide in 2014.
So I am stuck with this low res Macbook AIr
I need a new laptop myself :(
ouh, that looks bad :/
it is, luckily its not the side with the wires. I had it at school last semester then shut it down and i just heard CRACK tried to open it then that was that
Will drinking wine after milk make me throw up?
There is only one way to find out
I got a feeling it will. Lets do this
hello all
man I haven't been able to come up this way for a some days...
how are you Ahmad?
Fine, you :-)
Guess what. This KitKat guy requested access here a few days ago haha
jajajaja please no!
I knew this day will come
what was the basis for his rejection? his Q/A ratio? his horrible answers? his scary profile page?
All together
And the kitkat in his name
who got the privilege?
was it Warren?
he invited me to private rooms. it scared me.
haha really?
yah o.o
@Emmanuel Hmm not sure, it wasn't me though
I will be scared to nebulae
I peeked in and it was full of HELLO! are you there?? IS ANYONE THERE???
this might be awful, but sometimes when I am bored I will go through his answers and read the comments people leave
any good ones?
looking for a good one
also when people do not accept his comments or want more info he gets aggressive
A: My app keeps crashing when I press the button to return to the activity from a dialog

Hi-Tech KitKat AndroidEDIT 1: As it seems from Logcat problem is m_adapter = new ArrayAdapter<String>(this,R.layout.activity_A,m_listItems); checkoutList = (ListView)findViewById(R.id.listview); checkoutList.setAdapter(m_adapter); You are providing m_listItems(I don't know what this is ) and its is looking for...

"as I said mate..."
see stuff like this
on his profile page, who puts all flairs on their profile page?
that photo is super funny for me..in india photoshop is applied to the face for document type snaps :D .. looks like his was edited by a noob
He doesn't care, 'cause he's an Indian Cyber Warrior!
he's got a ton of karma.
let me share a nil funny moment too
also he leaves EXTREMELY detailed and helpful answers.
I checked a couple of answers and they're wrong or unhelpful
Oh ya nice being beginner you're attitude being nice rather than being eager to learn you're being to rude of suggestions great? and ya sure i would like to suggest you learn jquery it would be better way to work that javascript it provide short code than javascript and also many additional functionality than javascript with very few lines of code — Hi-Tech KitKat Android May 21 '12 at 4:55
Enough stalking for today
ah you were being sarci
@nil check that out when you're online :D
he knows :D
ha! hahah
oh nil
can someone be put on the banned list even before requesting access?
Yeah, but you would have to add him to the write list and then set him to the read only list
we have granted accesses to Google Android engineers
They drop by sometimes
Roman Nurik was in here a few times right?
oh yah?
They come here after every major release to feel the pulse
(I've noticed)
I wish awesome people would do reddit ama's without the motivation of shameless promotion of their new movie, album, tv show, etc.
I hope he reads this. I HATE THE NAME KITKAT!
sorry for the caps
it just came out that way...
You're not alone with that
Hate it as well ;)
update: haven't chucked till now. feeling p good
nebulae I didn't find any specific post right now, but this on his profile page should make you smile "Know Me, Know Life ,No Me, No Life"
The state from which he belongs, is very weird.
1) You don't get alcohol
2) 99.9% vegetarian state
Ahmad, I am sure they chose to partner with Nestle so they have their game on with early adopters, 5 and older
you don't even get chicken
that might explain a lot...
how do people even survive there idk
Yeah and get them addicted to Android, like Nestlé did with their baby formula
No chicken?!
they survive because they become Indian Cyber Warriors!
dont do meth, do math. itll fuck you up twice as much
my favourite account
I discovered that I enjoyed math more when it meets with physics
PDEs was the best part of math for me
^ this guy refuses to tell anyone how he made it
what that's real?
I like math. I can do it, but I can't describe it.
my husband is a physics major, he knows all the math. I don't understand a thing he says.
he's a physicisicisit
I learned linear algebra again yesterday though so that was cool
you're doing your daughters homework?
nah, for opengl
I am determined to learn
how these matrices and vectors work
I got an awesome book though, if anyones interested...
ah, khan academy was helpful
that cat in the front would sell for a cool thousand bucks here.
one thing I can say about math is, either you have a good book and you can learn by yourself, or you have a great professor
otherwise...you are likely to hate it
The reason people hate math is because they're surrounded by fuckheads that demonise it
there is this tendency of "fear" math
It's because there's a significant divide between what's taught in school, and the intelligence of parents
kexp sounds pretty awesome this morning
Q: Javascript Decode Please

Gökay↓ Decode Code Please Help var _0x5955=["\x61","\x62","\x63","\x64","\x65","\x66","\x67","\x68","\x69","\x6A","\x6B","\x6C","\x6D","\x6E","\x6F","\x70","\x71","\x72","\x73","\x74","\x75","\x76","\x77","\x78","\x79","\x7A","\x30","\x31","\x32","\x33","\x34","\x35","\x36","\x37","\x38","\x39","","\...

Q: redirect with javascript to another domain with Json

Aymane ShuichiI'm retrieving an url from a php file with Json , and then in the success part I do window.location=msg.message but the proble is that if we suppose my domain is http example.com and the msg.message value is https://otherdomain.com the redirection is done to http:/example.com/https:/othe...

oh my gosh.
how can someone not know a proper url structure?
I just can't
Q: ImageView displays same image no matter what Android

hichris123I'm developing an Android app. I'm trying to compare strings, and if they are equal to display an image. For some reason, my ImageView is displaying the same image no matter what the strings are. It's always displaying blue. Parts of TestView.java public class TestStation extends Activity { Str...

it gets on my nerves when people allow long running tasks on the UI thread using StrictMode
oh my god
that "code"
who teaches such people to write this much shitty code
why do people do that?
they will have to do it in a separate Thread later anyway
@nil Have you used this? github.com/pocorall/scaloid
it makes no sense, people that cannot display the correct background color on a ImageView shouldn't know about StrictMode and ThreadPolicy anyway
Also, someone downvoted my comment on reddit about how I'm not going to release a free version of Ascension.
Apparently being honest and not pandering is a bad thing.
Remember my comment about the mentality of most Android users?
"Looks really neat but you'll sell more if you lower your price. Source: I work in marketing"
I've learned enough about the mentality of 'em over the last three years of having an app out there.
I ignored that comment because it provided zero reasoning.
Also because I'm pretty tired of people telling me how I should sell my app.
any sales yet?
You know what you should do nil? :P
new marketing plan: i will give you a free app if you give me a free $1.50 US.
I got about 24 sales the first two days. I think it's returned to zero.
The market doesn't have the 'recently updated' thing anymore so people finding your crap is kind of hard.
It's hard to sell wallpapers.
It's hard to sell anything people don't search for and which is unknown.
Not really
Lux practically sells itself via word of mouth
Zero marketing, zero previous reputation
But it has utility, which makes it an easier sell
Lux has an actual use. Ascension just looks pretty. Different area.
I wonder if you could do some funky stuff where the wallpaper will react to social network updates
well if you named your app "cute kittens and bouncing boobs gifs all day" it would probably show up in search results easier.
just a thought.
I think I actually saw a bouncing boobs live wallpaper while looking through the top paid ones the other day. Kind of despaired at that.
... and then you installed it.
I couldn't find a good caption making app for free
... and then personal time started.
I found one that spammed me into oblivion.
So I'm writing one now :D
... and the accelerometer was proven more useful than previously thought.
I should somehow work boobs into my wallpaper
3 pendulum harmonograph in 3d. now with more boobs.
Let me predict your installs: 20k/day with 5k 5 star ratings
Make it do that 3D parallax effect
I'm on it.
I'd feel terrible about installing something that just appealed to people who want boobs on the launcher, much less developing it. Not sure how it is anyone can live with themselves afterward.
Money let's you do a lot of things
At least you'd have a list of people in your transaction history that are confirmed creeps
Now that I think about it, a social wallpaper would be pretty cool
it would
Someone did it before, it turns out it's a pretty bad idea since you can't see social stuff behind icons/widgets.
And this Scaloid thing looks awful
Yeah I would totally want updates from people, that I don't like as my wallpaper
I have a couple free screens dedicated to wallpaper goodness
3/5 are empty
cyanogenmod lets you set as many pages as you want also
huh, apparently Lux is in the top 10 grossing tools now
thinking about it in terms of twitter,
nice glitch :)
@nil Well my idea was to symbolise updates with hue, rather than text
but thinking about it in terms of twitter, you dont have to show social info just from your followers, the settings could have topics that you could change every day
and then yah,
And what's so bad about Scaloid?
assign those a color or texture
and have the wallpaper morph and twist and stuff according to the size / velocity of those conversations
pretty much, yeah
just easy visual indicators for things that you're interested in, in the moment
cool idea.
also with boobs.
Issue #1: obscures too much. Issue #2: advocates removing XML layouts entirely, which is a reasonably bad idea since resource qualifiers are fairly handy and doing those programmatically isn't the best idea.
whats a scaloid?
What in particular is it obscuring too much?
people are making cinnamon rolls in my kitchen .
I hate the icon first.
I closed the tab when i saw the icon
It's a library, the fact that it has an icon at all is a bonus :P
kexp is still sounding awesome.
best radio station ever
SButton("Greet", toast("Hello!")) ← That line doesn't read well at all, hence obscuring things.
It's passing a function into a button, seems fairly obvious
Then again my Scala knowledge is as good as non-existent now
Except it's not passing a function into a button, it's generating a function that calls a function and then internally it creates a listener that calls the function that calls a function.
But it's still behaviorally obvious.
I think for a button you can make a guess, but the stuff that follows? Not really.
I have a feeling it's just one of a few convenience functions.
Seems reasonable.
3 hours later…
user image
shakes his fist at Google
2 hours later…
holo blue light = 33b5e5 ( rgb: 51, 181, 229 )
holo blue dark = 0099cc ( rgb: 0, 153 204 )
holo blue bright = 00ddff ( rgb: 0, 221, 255 )
those are way off :)

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