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@CodeMonkeyAlx Yes, it's a fairy.
@nil I was thinking that. xD funny anime all in all.
I don't remember if the caption is actually in the series.
these webviews look awesome.
or didn't happen
That map is in a webview?
and one with multiple polygons. imgur.com/M2GXBto
because that was the entire reason for using the webview
oooh, that's awesome
yah, not bad :)
now I just gotta make it auto zoom / center to show all the markers and polygons
How will you comunicate with the JS inside the webview?
through a javascript interface
will -> did
you can go webview.loadurl('javascript:somefunction({"foo": 123})')
to talk to the js, then use the javascript interface functionality to go from js -> java
neat, never heard of that. But surely will find a use for it later
Has anyone ever used KSOAP2?
its very handy.
Ive never even heard of it. what the heck is it?
its a library for soap requests
google confirms
I don't miss soap. I don't miss soap at all.
why are you thinking of using this library?
because the client endpoint uses it
and they hate me
Is there some reason I dont know why someone would implement soap instead of rest?
seriously, when I have to implement any sort of service I dont even consider soap as an option.
should i be? is there something there Im not considering?
legacy dawg
stupid legacy.
that made me think of underdog tho.
this post is only a year old -> c-sharpcorner.com/UploadFile/88b6e5/…
how is it that it looks like it was written in 2003?
Even with authentic Windows XP screenshot
Hmm, does anyone know how to surpress warnings for a whole module in Android Studio?
or suppress even
I guess it deserves a question so here: stackoverflow.com/questions/18647578/…
Tried parallelizing some of the stuff in my LWP for fun. It's actually slightly faster but also triggers the GC around 3 times per second
Has no obvious performance detriment, but I'm sure that saps power like crazy
Hmm should be possible mistrfu. Don't know how though.
However, good night
good night
would you please check my post stackoverflow.com/questions/18647648/…

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