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02:00 - 15:0015:00 - 19:00

anyone up?
i need some enlightenment on storyboard segue....
3 hours later…
I have been enlightened.
Me too
all this time I never new NSString had the methods hasPrefix: and hasSuffix:
That would have been soo useful to know....I was always making substrings, etc
1 hour later…
How did people get to 10k+ reputations? Has anyone done it solely through iOS questions/answers? Or do most people also answer more popular languages like PHP or Java?
@eddieios these people bribe stackoverflow!!!
I answer only ios questions
And ask almost only iOS questions
iOS is not such an unpopular tag
I also have very low reputation :(
dirty fellow don't worry you have higher reputation then me :D
you are buffalo thats why you have low rep :)
@borrrden, you say "iOS is NOT an unpopular tag"? meaning it is popular? i didn't think that. but then again, you're the one at 10k+ reputation. I'm glad to hear it.
Iphone and ios are popular tags
hey @silly you and i are neck to neck
so i'm trying to figure out how long and how much effort it will require for me to get to 10k.
analyzing @borrrden's profile....
about 500 answers
not unpopular means .....not unpopular
Not super popular
right now everyone's looking at borrrden's profile
oww from Tokyo! I'm going there next month!
but i noticed that only 5 answers got score over 10 with 42 max score
I haven't been lucky enough to catch a simple question that everybody stupid gets stuck on and is linked to by every other answer :p
oops... i'm reading the profile wrong
Nope, that's correct
But iOS is not as unpopular as.....perl or something lol
42 votes translates to how many reputations?
420 is very alerting term :D
Heh, I am happy :p
oh... right.. okay... that makes sense...
@dark haha. was @borrrden answering my question, or was he just bringing up 420 cuz that's how he rolls
"rolls" has an amusing double meaning in this context
pun intended
Good job then
so i've only gotten 1 votes for my answers.
is the key to answer more obscure questions? or more general questions?
answer most absurd questions
i try to post a lot of code... figuring that's what people want... but maybe i should just answer a lot more questions and spend less time on each.
i hate it when the questioner tags my answer as THE answer, but doesn't give me a vote up. shouldn't they always give a vote up? that's what i do
You sick people
all rep hungry guys.
haha... i'm just addicted to stackoverflow
@sreecharan no am not you can check my history lolz
The rep wont doesn't depend upon the number of answers @eddieios
for example silly has answered only 2 questions and her rep is almost equal to your rep though you've answered 31 questions
totally. my answers have only been around for two weeks, so i have not had the benefit of accumulation of votes
Start giving awesome answers with out links, you'll get the access to moderator tools soon.
Hello all,

I am working on chatting application via push notification,

i want to show typing status when i start to type , i used socket listening for that and believe me friends for this functionality i think socket is bad idea... i also looked at answers which says that use XMPP but i am doing it with push notification. If you guys can help me out...
can anybody suggest anything for this functionality...
Not me gaurav, I haven't touched XMPP yet.
@sreecharan hello how are you ? how is UAE ?
I'm excellent.
actually i used XMPP but problem is that sending images and other stuffs are not so easy in that...can you please suggest anything ?
Try asking question on the parent site.
i'm looking at the range... most people in the thousands, like yourself @sreecharan, have max 8 votes per question. you've had a lot more votes in the 3-5 range than @borrrden has had, resulting in higher yield per question.
ok sure...thank You :)
@sreecharan... which emirate are you in?
I'm in kuwait.
oh... haha... someone said UAE?
ha ha, its a separate country in middle east though.
i used to live in Saudi Arabia... and also Dubai.... and Beirut.
never ventured to kuwait though
how do you like it?
cool, saudi sucks.
kuwait is free country, just like dubai.
haha... i had an apartment there 3 days a week... then left to go to dubai for a day or two then to beirut or istanbul for weekends
yah... living in a compound sucked
okay... sorry about all the non-iOS conversation. gonna get some rest.
anyway, i can't give 500 answers like @borrrden though, he has patience to talk with some crappy developers as well, I am fully satisfied with my answers and my rep. I think i have answered around 60 questions i guess. ah, 61.
I have patience only on good days
I have patience only at starbucks coffee shop.
finally answered a question with some ROI.
Could I program that if user did review the app, I add some extra features for him/her ?
Whoa! KenHui after long time.
anyway, you can add the new features and update your app in the app store.
@KenHui, good question... how do you know if the user reviewed the app or not?
@eddieios I saw an article said using in app purchase API
@eddieios But I could not found it any where now ~ =.=
@KenHui Do you want to add the extra feature for a particular user?
@sreecharan I would like to encourage user to review my app by adding features for them ~
@sreecharan in other words, your statement is correct as well in someway ~
InApp purchase works well in this case.
@sreecharan but there has no $0 inApp purchase as I know
Hold on, let me check it.
You cannot have a free in app purchase
We've already been down that route
@sreecharan Thx in advance, I have search around. there is no free in app purhcase ~ And review could be done outside the app only
@borrrden I agree with you. Boss always have fantastic ideas :-(
You have no choice but to use the honor system
@KenHui I haven't said that user can review your app inside your app though. I said that i will check weather in app purchase is free or not and it is not free.
@sreecharan I try to narrow down the possibility by concluding my research ~ Thank you very much for your help. I guess I should think about an excuse to tell my boss it just not work. haha
had IAP been for free...what was the use of purchasing then!
Apple would be giving you some stuff for free in that case
what would be the benefit for them?
@KenHui, i don't believe you can programmatically find out if a user has reviewed an app. see this stackoverflow.com/questions/8164965/…
Make the user pinky swear that they left a review :D
@eddieios Thx a lot, a nice joke ~~
guys.... where is a good place to find a startup business partner? anyone know?
Not on the Internet....
Not someone you don't know
i'd love to have an iOS programmer partner here in nyc
I have think of build a group, and start with some meeting first. Like having a drink in star bucks
i guess there is a site call meetup
Yes there is
and create similar event
@borrrden is right, you should partner with someone you know. You may start with some no-paid projects. small and easy ~ if you guys could cooperate w/o tie with money, I believe it is a good kick off.
Q: Avoid header to scroll in in UITableView with UITableViewStylePlain in ios?

piyaHi i have one plain table view. On top there is header ..i want to scroll only cells not header ..is any solution I also see this but it is not working Is it possible to disable floating headers in UITableView with UITableViewStylePlain?

凌晨一点的event 基本不可能吧 周一还要上班 所以东亚的就洗洗睡吧。。。 @KenHui
@piya how are you adding the header?
are you adding it to the first section?
I have an interesting sharing. I am not sure if everyone know. the NSURLConnectionDownloadDelegate only work with News Stand Kit. Yes they only work when they are together ~
@sreecharan yes only in at 1st
add a section before the first section
with a mere header
@piya if you don't want that small view to scroll, do you think you need to add it inside table ?
@sreecharan i alredy addded thats y asking :(
@BabyPanda not getting u can u clear more to me?
Ok, remove it from the table header and add the view at the top of the table view and start the table view's frame after the frame of the view ends.
Anything which you add in the table view (either header or footer) will scroll along with the cells.
what i meant is, if you've got n sections, the make it n+1, and the first section has only 1 header, and 0 row
@sreecharan yeah i know that but why there is no any other option bz if this is only solution then i have to change a lot
Again -> Anything which you add in the table view (either header or footer) will scroll along with the cells.
and you know the reason
oh i might misunderstand your question. act as sree said.
UITableView: UIScrollView : UIView : UIResponder : NSObject
Hierarchy ^
hellllooooooo gooooooood morningggg/afternoooonnnn/eeeveninnnngggg/nighttttt!!!
how yo tell NSXMLParser that parse in UTF8
Good morning all ::)
nice suprise 100 reputation bump when you pass 200
Actually there are ways to do that.
@piya make custom tableView...then u can do what ya desire...
Table view inherits from scrollview. As the table scrolls it calls a delegate method. Use the content offset of the table view to keep moving the header thus making an effect the header is intact
No. As table moves, its content offset changes. Move the header based on content offset's y. It will give effect of header being intact.
Keeping header outside table will work too. First approach was something demonstrated by apple in wwdc 2011, advanced scroll view concepts, wherein tthey wanted to keep a view intact inside scroll view
This same technique is used when you want to have custom scroll indicator, like in whatsApp application. They move the custom scroll indicator based on the content offsets y value.
You can now get Photoshop for you iPhone. Costs £3 gizmodo.co.uk/2013/02/…
I want to know how to parse XML in utf with NSXMLParser
I have <name>López</name> but the parser will detect <name>L</name><name>ópez</name>
but if I have <name>Vicente</name> will take whole
any idea @Silly
Did you read the parsers documentation? It says that characters might be found in multiple iterations.
So you actually have to keep appending the string until end tag is parsed.
Q: NSXMLParser can't parse special characters (accents)

Andrew DavisI'm using NSXMLParser to parse an xml from a url (my code is almost exactly the same as here) Some of the elements contain special characters like "á" which causes a word lik ándre to split into two (á and ndre). Here is my loadXMLByURL -(id) loadXMLByURL:(NSString *)urlString{ tickets = [...

aaaaaaah I read but
I'm dislexic
Good evening boys and girls
I made a popover view controller today :)
What does that mean
dyslexic is the difficult to understand when reading or doing calcs, but is not affected to the intelligence
that's why I'm not brilliant at all
and Imagine what's the difficult reading other languages
@rokimoki do you use dyslexic fonts on your computer?
I read the fonts, it's about the understanding and attention
and sometimes I type bad xD
how old are you?
I used to be a bit like that in high school
but I'm not strongly dyslexic
and my friend was like that too
but I grew out of it when i was 18 or 19
I was more dyslexic as child
have you been to doctor or psychologist?
One of the girls I dated in high school is dyslexic
Now, she got a job as a hotel manager hehe
She did well :)
but if i'm dumb we cannot do more xD I effort and train
I know dsylexic programmer is a little disadvantaged though, because they need to read a lot.
Im dyslexic as well. But only with writing
and objective c is?
and rreading
@EnricoSusatyo that's lot of advanced dyslexia
sometimes I think in a color (red) and I say, blue XD
but I really know it's red
and math calcs I'm null
and reading >.<
but reading I have advanced very much since child
but I'm pretty good with response tests
I do things like read the start of a word then predict what I think the word is going to be. Also if im writing and I spell something wrong or put poor grammar when I proof read it I correct it In my head and cant see the mistakes I made.
wow, didn't know you guys are like that
do you guys use any like special assistance app for reading or writing?
or special fonts in Xcode or anything
What can I say I use auto correct a lot :P
I use auto correct a lot too and autocomplete
I know what I find hard so I take a lot of time to go over the things I make misstakes on.
Its just my reading and writing skills. Im really good at maths and talking skills.
I'm good at maths and talking but not process complex calcs in my mind, but if I have to solve a physics or math problem, give me the calculator and I will solve it
like programming, the software will calculate things, I say how
Yeah I get what you mean by that.
yep and my high school tests without calculator.... was very difficult xD
sometimes in that age I though I was very very dumb
everyone learns differently
@Will do you have autocorrect on your Mac too?
You've misspelt about 3 words in the past 10 minutes
I had it but I turned it off
I do have it on but sometimes chrome isnt very good at picking things up
Also some words are different in uk english to usa english
Since I'm from Australia, I approve English UK.
^^ good
Do you think US English ridiculous?
Not sure why they would try and change it
I preffer US English
I'm european and I hate UK English
But you are not English
and my chrome autocorrect it's very good
enrico is autralian, note englis
Gutten morgen
wie ghets
If someone was using your language and doing it wrong wouldn't that annoy you?
it depends, if native, yes
Thats why is bothers me and not you :P
Colour not color
if you are learning spanish for years but not spanish it's accepted that you will have mistakes
and probabbly I'll laugh with you about the mistake
infact in all my lib's that i right i type Colour not Color for that reason
if a spanish guy doing wront I will insert a knife in his head
Shame that is always color in the code though
yeah exactly
Programme not program to
my profession is a typo
if I say Color* will you hate me?
No :P
No , though i may be forced to go into the corner and cry for a little while
Any way I need to get on with some work lol
fix my xmlparser
and I send you a dollar to your paypal
@EnricoSusatyo Just thought of something else I do. If I learn a spelling on the computer I dont the learn how to spell it I learn the pattern of keys I press. Now thats weird :P
I don't watch the keyboard but when reading I think it was ok, and did not correct but then its wrong xd
What I don't understand is
If US thinks that it should be ridiculus, not ridiculous
why is it seriously, not seriusly?
get it?
I think because the pronunciation
iu wouldnt be pronounced the same way
To be fair there are soo many things in the english language like that
Its a terrible language really lol
we all have to speak esperanto
their, there and they're all pronounced the same
esperanto ?
i actually cant get were and where in the right place, my business partner gives me grief on that ll the time
hence why im aprogrammer
i can speak fluent code
@sreecharan en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Esperanto it's a language created to be universal, but obviously a totally fail
yeah its a dead language
Does anyone have the link the bookmarked chats you guys do? I want to take a look at the literals one :)
Thanks man
this does a better job of explaining it that I did.
Esperanto is not the official language of any country; however, in February 2013 a petition was created to make Esperanto one of the languages ​​of Europe. <-- I did not know this
i cant imagine the EU passed that
I will vote up that
English is the language of global business. I cant see people suddenly switching to Esperanto. Though it would be funny for a change hehe
It's funny that some of my friends decided to learn Chinese before english because they said there are more people who can speak Chinese than english.
@Dev2rights I worked in germany and english was not a language of business
I am also dyslexic and have adhd
but in europe esperanto will be for business and it's dictated by law, everybody will learn esperanto
I didnt say it was the local language of business
but the international language of business
not local
I was there like international
if you want to work for a multi national company knowing english is practically a must have on CV's
Im Dyspraxic
well in that time I just wanted to work
i have a few friends who work in Berlin
Working for Soundcloud actually
in zimory?
nah these guys soundcloud.com
cloud audio sharing site
massive if your a music producer
Jim, you coming tonight?
Ofcourse, i was going to say i saw you where on 2 tech events tonight. Dont worry, not stalking, my business partner is going to the apps junction event.
I'm skipping that for Pizza - but if I finish early - it's on the way.
I'm also coming. Please sponsor my tickets.
Pizza does win me over, thats why sent my business partner to the apps junction event hehe
Ive just spent 2 days adding physics to make a circular collection view spin hehe
not sure thats an investment
looks pretty though
Hi all...my new app contains both auto and non renewing subscriptions.I implemented those in sandbox.But as per client requirements,these are done with user registrations and login (sign in/sign up).The problems is apple won't allow user registration and login tied with in app purchase.So Whats the best way to handle this situation coz client needs user registration with the app
That's not bad. There are people there looking for devs, but they mostly have unrealistic expectations. It's also a big push for the sponsor to sell his outsourced app services - a whole app, including back end services, for less than £500 and payment in installments over 2 years.
Hard to compete with that.
Except with quality - but as I said, many of the people who go have unrealistic expectations.
To be honest i get hassled by Ciklum all the time for the same things
But if all you want is a tabbed tableview app…
but most of our clients have had enough bad experiences with large outsourcing agencies we are safe
Who's Ciklum?
yeah exactly
when you need a massive data driven aplication on the cloud with custom UI extensions you cant have it
Ciklum are a company i see at every tech event , cant avoid them
Ah. I'll keep my eye out for them.
they have apparently 10,000 devs in th baltic states at there disposal
dirt cheap
but im all for supprtng the failing UK economy
And local devs… :)
even more so because i know a lot of uk dev's and have worked with them so can garaunte quality
i was typing that hehe
Or at least accountability
im not tarnishing our company track record to make a bit more profit
Non locals ?
need to get back to our AR app
will catch ya later
I need to go for a break.
1 hour later…
some coolness: getmyo.com
just ordered one of those and a leap motion for some RnD fun
not sure what for yet
Looks awesome.
Wouldnt have thought it would work well with skiing though as there is soo much movement
what are you going to do with it?
looks like it reads muscle movements in the arm
so when you tense tendons it picks it up
so al of your figners and does orientation
Dev2rights are number 7411 in the queue to gettting one
Yeah saw that from the vid
we are going to use it in client meetings as a wow thats cool thing
That is a wow thats cool sort of thing :P
we do a lot of work with agencies that do stands in exhibitions and museums so it actually has some real practical use cases
same with the leap motion stuff
personally if i can play an FPS with it my company is going bankrupt
They got a lot of bit games companies to say goo things about it
looks cool
yeah specially as John Carmack was working on his own VR headset
What is going on
Nothing just trying to work out how to dynamically set the height of table cells
You got the XML working?
I think so
I'm having some troubles
but the special characters still not working, I just modified with normal characters xD
utf-8 surely?
its probably string encoding issue
no, is the NSXMLParser
yeah but what is the format of the xml in ?
<name>López</name> will handle like this <name>L</name><name>ópez</name> I NSLogged all
Yeah looks like a rogue escape charachter
not 100% ofcours
NSString *xml = [self sendPostToURL: @"http://georuta.solumatica.pro/PHP/consulta.php"
                           withPost: [NSString stringWithFormat:@"aliasgeo=%@&seguridadgeo=zzz111",user.alias]];
NSData* xmlData = [[NSData alloc] initWithData:[xml dataUsingEncoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding]];
NSXMLParser *XMLReader = [[NSXMLParser alloc] initWithData: xmlData];
[XMLReader setDelegate: self];
[XMLReader parse];
but when i built a font tool last year and string encode had the same problem
id you change the ó to o to test does it work? if so its definitely charachter encoding
I did all "special" characters to "normal" characters, so yes, it working with <name>Lopez</name>
02:00 - 15:0015:00 - 19:00

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