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Wow is no one here?
3 hours later…
Hola, nil.
I added a UILabel inside an UIImageView (which itself was added inside a UIScrollView). But the thing won't center.
It just refuses to.
It's not even the full size of the imageview
Don't add it in the UIImageview. If there is such a case , make a uiview and in it add the UIImageview and the UILabel , it will centre according to the UIView
I just need to display a text on top of the "background image"
so I should add the UILabel to the UIScrollView too?
@IronManGill ^
is there only 1 uiimageview and 1 uilabel ?
I think the uiview idea would be better
@IronManGill There is a scrollview. Inside it are 2 components: a uiimageview and a UILabel
5 hours later…
Hi Guys, i have shared a link yesterday. If somebody knows about the issue, please answer it.
22 hours ago, by Raees
Q: Getting Issue while connecting device with serial Bluetooth

RaeesI am facing 2 problems related to regular Bluetooth.Here is my code. - (void)viewDidLoad { [super viewDidLoad]; [NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:3.0 target:self selector:@selector(showElements) userInfo:nil repeats:NO]; [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter]addObserver:self sel...

tough question Raees; not many people have done CoreBluetooth or MFI.
Thanks Michael
So, i am reposting it in several groups such that it will caught someone attention(Who has done it).
the fact that you have tagged it with & will probably get more attention.... you might want to change the bluetooth tag to core-bluetooth, though.
yeah i will make these changes, thanks a lot for guiding
Changes Done
How to display values in stacked bar chart using core-plot

4 hours later…
anyone know of a way to use both swift and objective-c pods?
im getting a warning when i use the use_framworks! annotation in the podfile
2 hours later…
is this room usually this quiet?
2 hours later…
Q: ImageView and Label not filling parent (UIScrollView)

DemCodeLinesI have a UIScrollView and I am trying to add a UIImageView inside the scrollview. But after that, I want a UILabel inside the imageview. Basically, the image should fill the scroll view and the label should appear in the center of the image. Here is what I have: @IBOutlet weak var image_scroll_v...

1 hour later…
good evening
@DemCodeLines I think no
@Dudi how would you change a UIButton's image size?
What's up?
Trying to get a UIButton's image to resize... :|
Contemplating the uselessness of PaintCode right now.
At least, in this particular application.
How do I create public method in Swift?
I wouldn't know m`love.
@FarhadNezhad So, when's my favorite new Social App coming out?
Its the Flagging that is holding me back. I need it to be excellent. after all the app don't collect people data. @Owatch
Sounds good.
But don't all Social networks basically get their revenue from selling/sharing user data?
Yes, but not us
I figure out the revenue for it as well
Why peoples' data has to be exposed to make money, why not corporation take time to learn people by their interaction?
That last sentence is so confusing, that I'm beginning to doubt your americanism.
lol, better @Owatch
If your App takes off, I'll bake you a cake.
You know who hasn't been around in a loooong time?
Mutch95. He added me on Twitter, but he's not been here since what seems like February or so. I want to know what games he's made.
And lespommes.
I think she's afraid of all the spiders
you send her
Yep, kind of long time too.
No, probably did not appreciate my spider costume.
Oh sheez
Im going to be Classic Persian Guy for Halloween
Nor me hanging outside her window with fishline, thank god for the vest.
Took out both my legs, but since I was a spider, I had 6 more, so got away no-problemo.
In all honesty, it was a good way to piss her off. She gets genuinely angry when you go off about spiders.
Spiders are part of echo system, so if she kill one, she's killing all humans
Spider also have valuable existence
Ugh man I need coffee, my engrrrrrish is getting suck now
@FarhadNezhad dude...
My shower was a bit too hot, as my cheeks are now red.
@DemCodeLines Whats up?
that image.
Q: Custom swipeable Table View Cell, Close other once new one open.

Farhad NezhadI'm following tutorial from raywenderlich (How To Make A Swipeable Table View Cell With Actions) site, that shows you how to create custom cell with layers and delegate. Now I got everything working correctly, buy I would like one of my cells to close if other cell open, how can I achieve this?...

Guys can I get up vote?
Why are you making a custom cell, rather than using the existing APIs?
Cause I need to use custom button.
with shape
Thank you guys
Huh. Well. if you examine Apple's implementation of this feature, you'll notice something:
Whenever you touch anywhere outside of the currently 'open' cell, that cell closes.
You mean UIImage pattern?
Yes thats what i want it to do, but currently it allow me to leave all cells open
I have try to use the Apple API up and down, it doesn't get me what I want.
What it appears they've done is subclass the UITableView, and when it receives a touch outside of the currently opened cell, it closes it, rather than selecting a cell or swiping open a new one.
This way, only one cell stays open at a time.
You will need to do something similar.
Exactly, I can't wrap this around my head
> Exactly, I can't wrap this around my head
cause if i do tableview.editing = false
it won't work
Well, I can't help you there... I don't know what your implementation looks like, and I'm not going to look at the Ray Wenderlich tutorial.
Its okay, I hope someone help me, I didn't show implementation, cause its exactly like Ray Wenderlich, just in swift. If someone tell me in Objective-C I can convert it.
I wish Apple API could do this. The fact Im using Paintcode to generate a button, I can't use Apple API.
A pirates life for me.
yar yar fiddle-dee-dee
It's peer report-audit season. On grammar patrol tonight.
It's so weird that neither @nil or @EnricoSusatyo have made you a mod yet.
I know right, I've been a senator for years..

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