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> *** -[UIView release]: message sent to deallocated instance 0x174384100
how do I figure out what view is that?
2 hours later…
UITabBarController and UIToolBar are remarkably inflexible..
All my icons are rather small.
Desktop works fine now!
Oddly enough, the last problem I had with it was rather suspicious.
It shut down out of nowhere, then began to power cycle before even hitting BIOS.
windows server?
Then when it finally did start (And I don't believe there were any power fluctuations at the time) it ran some large update, restarted a couple more times, then came back like nothing happened.
Yes, I run server 2012.
Only OS I could get my hands on.
That system costs about 800-900 USD. Took me a year to get the money and parts.
Super cheap. .
Good Evening
owatch, do you code on windows?
What do you mean?
I normally write Python on Windows.
do you do your programming stuff using windows?
I use a $80 Macbook to program for iOS.
"do you sit by the window while coding?"
Yeah, it's old, slow, cheap, beat up.
I got it second hand.
fourth, I'd guess
No, second hand.
Last owner could get a new one whenever he wanted. This was some old one he had beat up and tossed aside. So I asked if I could purchase it.
you could probably resell it for more
Yes I could, I'm not sure he quite knew exactly what it was worth.
could you take a look at this bug, bro?
> If I remove the class name from that view, the app will no longer crash.
What does this mean?
do you know when you add a uiview in the storyboard and then set its class to a custom class?
I can't look at the project right now, since my Macbook can't handle a browser and Xcode at the same time.
Not easily in any case.
It feels like it's loading it from page memory everytime. And things will freeze for half a minute between switching.
@Guilherme Sure..?
So when you remove the custom class name it doesn't give you that error?
Which means the UIView uses the default UIView Class
yep. it also will not act as the class I want, though
I'm sure you've declared it as that class right?
@property (nonatomic, strong)mySubview;
@property (strong, nonatomic) DZNSegmentedControl *segmentedControl;
Or something
Yeah, looks good to me.
I updated the issue on GH
What else might cause this?
A subview?
stating it only happens when it's a subview of a subview
of the subclassed UIView
Okay, well which one is it?
You only have a couple of them?
I can only get the error message with zombies enabled
Can't you just remove them until you find it, is it too difficult to remove?
remove each subview of the DZNSegmentedControl?
UIViewController > UIView (Main) > UIView (Gradient BG) > UIView (DZNSegmentedControl)
So it's not the VC, not the Main UIView, and not the Gradient correct?
correct. it's either DZNSegmentedControl or deeper
How in depth is DZNSegmentedControl?
Got a lot of stuff in there?
idk, it's third party
I am looking at it to see
I commented all of its subviews, it still crashes
Are any of them weak?
I ran this right after init'ing:
  for (UIView *v in [self subviews]) {
    [v removeFromSuperview];
there were no subviews
I don't know, doesn't that leave 'self' as the problem?
But it probably isn't.
I think so
I suspect it has todo with the IB it self
if I treat that inner view as uiview instead of DZNSegmentedControl, and then programmatically create a DZNSegmentedControl and add as a subview, then it does not crash
enough for today... bed time
I'm feeling the same.
I am tired
Someone let me sleep
@destinyfaith I'm caught up on AoS. Im loving it
2 hours later…
hello Everyone
i have one problem in running app in simulator i am getting error like invalid device state when i tried to run app in simulator
i have tried a lot but cant find solution
if any one has facing same issue then please help me
Can you please show me what error aries @Kal's
force close your simulator and run again :)
@NimitParekh it gives me error like invalid device state
Are reset simulator?
@rage You still on for tomorrow ?
hi all
good evening
have anyone idea about this query
Q: how to add new column to sqlite in app new version (iOS)?

AnilkumarI am doing iOS app. I have version 1.0 in Appstore. In that app we have integrated sqlite database for the local data backup. For that i created table. Now i am going to update it to 1.1 versions and adding new column in that table. But, after build my app in xcode my app was crashed due to whi...

1 hour later…
The same way you would add a coloumn in any other SQL lite
thanks for ur quick response
but i have already added new column
in my db by manually
but if i run new code with old app
im fetching like this
const char *sql = "SELECT number,date, compositeName, type, uid, identifier, calduration FROM recentCall WHERE pk=?";
the new column is "calduration"
and crash log is "calduration" column not existed
my app is crashing
after my app launching im fetching data from db
u got it?
yeah because it wont exist on that app
so you need to write a migration
or jsut use core data
now i cant use core data
i need to check while launching app
wether column is there or no
if not there add new column
but while inserting, updating, deleting
how can i manage that
here i got strucked
can you make a segue that goes to self/the same controller?
im having a hard time actually creating a segue that does this
read how to perform a migration
its just another statement pretty much
how to migrate @dev2rights
sofar i dint done that
you need to read the documentation
but, i think better way is
well that is the right way
check app version number or
checking column exist or not
is that sounds not fair?
well that doesn't fix the problem
only says there is a problem
if i go with app version
could we add column to table programatically
will it work?
you just pinged me, no more help
oh okay
no problem
thanks for ur suggestion
5 hours later…
What a quiet day in here
@Dev2rights, were you able to get your app submitted
2 hours later…
I wonder where Maximoo is.
He hasn't been around lately, I fear his vicious drinking habit has got the better of him.
ehhhh maybe
how's it going Owatch?
Well, I'm behind my own schedule.
I need this menu system complete soon, so I can throw it into my main project.
But I don't like dealing with UITableView's much, and the stuff with custom table cells is problematic
doesn't sound fun, I have limited experience with UITableView's myself, as I've only used them in a slide out menu.
They can be annoying/
Especially when it comes to custom UITableView cells, and the like.
that I haven't messed with yet.
It's incredibly frustrating to deal with.
is JSONModel still the best on its function?

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