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00:00 - 12:0013:00 - 18:00

that is difficult
Idk, uhhh.. there isn't a way to do that
Maybe you need a script? idk
Yes, that answer above solves it
oh then you're welcome
Almost done with another app update and ill have 5 apps in iTunes waiting to be released:D
UIDocumentPickerViewController requires iCloud, doesn't make much sense
And I'm ready to submit my 5th app:D
I'm buying a new mb pro
anyway to find this out?
but I dont know if its english or spanish keyboard
"I'm buying a new mb pro. Anyway to find this out?"
anyway to find this out?
Um...yeah...you could ask yourself?
my second message got last
That's a very strange problem
Has anyone messed with PanGestureRecognizer and UICollisionBehaviors?
thats why makes no sense
what I meant
I'm back my internet is strange
.. well.. I'm planning to buy a new macbook pro from someone.. but this person has the macbook pro unopened
I just want to find out before I open this if its spanish or english keyboard
the model is A1502 and the Part No. MGX72LL/A
Why doesn't this person know?
because the box is closed
Thats how you get shit done
Yeah but that guy ordered it didn't he?!
Did he close his eyes when he did it?
Dont trust it, just buy a brand new mac from 
I guess he closed his eyes
That's so ridiculous haha
If he bought it from the app store in a spanish speaking country
It's most likely a spanish keyboard
Does he have the receipt?
I dont know
by looking at the model
and part no.
wouldnt it tell it?
I think they keyboard is a customization
Not a built in part
mmm yes i know
but the keys
are label differently
spanish keyboard has a anoying ñ
That point is you can't tell that from just the part number
It will be the same computer, just with different keys. They don't premake them with keys. They add the keysbased on the area that it was purchased in.
You could even just switch the OS settings to English and use it like an English keyboard :p
Good morning everyone
Hi nayoso
what would you buy? mid 2012 i7 processor, 512 SSD HD, 15 inch and 16gb ram or a mid 2014 i7 Processor, 8gb ram, 218 GB HD, 13 Inch
first one
i7 has not changed that much
It's already more than enough
I wouldn't buy Apple laptops from a random guy unless they are offering substantial discount.
5% or $50 discount is not substantial enough lol.
I'm using Core i5 and has been fine
nayoso, have you heard of Tokopedia?
Sequoia just made investment on Tokopedia: forbes.com/sites/ryanmac/2014/10/22/…
mid 2013 cost 1500$ and the other 2100$
I'm glad it's not lagging.
Eddwin: Which country are you living in?
Don't forget Apple refurb store. It has good discount too from last year's model.
mid 2013 cost 1500$ and the other 2100$
mid 2013 cost 1500$ and the other 2100$
mid 2012 is saled at a Store the other is random guy XD
mid 2013 cost 1500$ and the other 2100$
but random guy has 2014 for 2100$ and the other for 1500$ but its mid 2012
mid 2012 is saled at a Store the other is random guy XD
I live in Venezuela
should I buy then the mid 2012?
has more disk and ram and bigger screen for less price.
and its saled at a shop
@EnricoSusatyo actually cyberagent also made investment
1 hour later…
@eddwinpaz Buy the best one you can afford, only buy from Apple, buy refurbished if you want to save money.
Only you know how much money you have and willing to spend.
@nayoso Right, but Sequoia is an early Facebook investor, so I guess it's a bigger deal maybe.
I tried to use a date utility to get year-month-day
Then suddenly the month changed to next month...that's weird
I realized I had used the symbol for "minute" instead of "month" and at the I tried it just happened to be 1:10 pm
I hate doing UI stuff
sigh This negotiation is dragging out
Lol I want to reach an agreement soon
They called me today to basically say I was asking for too much
... Seriously?
Then they should make a counter offer rather than just saying that.
That is very unhelpful lol
They asked for a minimum requirement
I probably should have stopped them there but I didn't
I then summarized my arguments in an email and sent it
We'll see how it goes
Minimum requirement? They just want to pay the minimum? Lol.
What did you say in the email?
I reiterated how valuable I will be as a bilingual programmer in the Japanese market for them
They can save money by not having to fly people out here, etc
Im so bored
What to do after submitting 5 apps and having no friends
borrrden: That sounds good.
Also I will be a valuable asset to expand their business in Japan as well as develop
Maximilian: I would chill out.
They also tried to make the argument that since I live in Tokyo they should pay Tokyo market prices
In a more polite way I told them that I'm doing to exact job that I'd be doing in San Francisco
Wait, Tokyo market price is way lower than SF market price too, right?
And that the only valid factor is cost of living adjustment
Max, have you ever done the rate this app modal dialog thingy?
SF is more expensive than Tokyo
Furthermore I insisted that I was willing to negotiate fairly, and that I was very interested in the job, and I provided research from two recruitment firms in Tokyo stating the salary ranges that people are receiving
None of them actually went as high as my asking salary lol...oops
But they all cleared my minimum by a fair margin
No Enrico
(They started below it, but whatever)
I put a message in my release notes asking people to rate my app if they enjoy
and i can't chill out!:P Im bored as fuck
I tried to get this girl to like me but she's to big of an idiot-_-
borrrden: Right, I hope you get the best deal.
they already go back to you jim?
I told them that I'm excited about working for them, but I also have to be careful not to undersell myself since I have financial obligations I cannot ignore
Just don't give up, they want you.
No, not yet
She keeps texting and going back to this guy who has ditched her like 10 times now-_- so stupid
I hope they will still go for 6 figures
But I asked for at least 90k
lol she's killing me Enrico
Amen to that jim
At the yen exchange rate now
It's a real good deal for the
They get two roles for the price of one: developer and technical spokesperson
Japanese spokeperson
I'd also be open to taking a slightly lower salary now, with the promise of a performance review in 6 months
I haven't mentioned that yet though
how is your bluetooth?
Saving that for next
My bluetooth's part is pretty much done, now working on the UI.
I hate doing fancy UI stuff lol
that is also nice alternative jim
same here enrico
but we can't just sell text and number to the user right?
You're doing UI stuff now?
I really hate UIScrollView and auto layout.
text and number?
I mean without UI
it would be only text and number
Each iBeacon in my app is associated with some info
Hahahaha, I'd like to sell you this box that doesn't move or show anything
But I promise it does something cool on the inside!
and I'm displaying those info on a stupid tappable UIScrollView thingy
I can't just display "OKAY IBEACON FOUND"
oh man time flies

it almost the time for me to renew my visa
I hate it because it's something that I don't have any control to
I need bacon
I also hate renewing visa lol
max it'll be better if you give iFuckYou to the girl that killing you lololol
I heard bacons in the states are glorious.
What Nayoso?
What visa are you now enrico?
Just temporary Hong Kong visa
I hate applying etc
You are working on a temporary visa?
Is that legal?
@enricosusatyo i am, i replied there before you
LOL really?
Scroll up
Ok I saw that Max
hahah thats me
I want analytics now!
Lol iOS 9 is released, still waiting!
TIL a new dirty Japanese word.
I never knew working on a temporary visa is legal
Well.. since i got nothing else to do i guess ill learn Swift
"Visitors are not allowed by law to take up employment (paid or unpaid), to establish or join in any business, or to enter school as a student, nor, except in the most unusual circumstances, are visitors allowed to change their immigration status after arrival."
From the Hong Kong Immigration Department lol
Think just reading the Swift book will be good enough?
I was also thinking of getting the Ray Wenderlich books
Swift book should be fine.
I read like 5 or 6 chapters already but ill probably reread
where did everyone go
I don't know
Do you drink Coke Zero, Max?
I've been wondering, why do Coke has different varieties of the low sugar drink: Coke Zero, Diet Coke, Coke Light, etc.
Aren't they all the same? Lol
Coke Light?
I drink Coke Zero because it taste better than Diet Coke and has less calories than coke
I actually just went downstairs to get one:P
Oh and i think my keyboards went into review really fast because  wants to release newer API apps for the system faster
so they look for keyboard apps in the queue and started maybe? Thats what I'm thinkin
AFAIK Diet Coke and Coke Zero actually has the same sugar and calories, right?
I think
IDK honestly:P
And I can't taste difference between all the cokes and pepsis actually lol.
You can?
i can taste the difference yes
Coke == best
then coke zero and then diet coke.. blah
i like pepsi also, diet pepsi not so good but kinda taste like regular i think
mountain dew is great, diet mountain dew == don't even try
I can't taste the difference at al... LOL
@nayoso have you used this before? estimote.com
They are selling 10 pcs of sticker beacons for $99 next fall.
Maybe they put coke in everything and then sell them as different names
I think that's a bargain for most people, my manufacturer don't do sticker iBeacon for much lower than that price.
@EnricoSusatyo nope but I used gimbal before
OHH you used Gimbal??
but we abandoned it
Damn, I ordered a few Gimbals a few days ago.
because it sucks
For testing and seeing if it's good
Oh really?
changing mac address rapidly
I got the school tomorrow
Shall not be fun
you will be OK if you are working with the ios though
Diet Coke and Coke Zero use different sweeteners
nayoso: ohh ok
Or they used to anyway
Btw, my colleague finally just built an in house beacon manager
so I don't use LightBlue or anything else anymore nayoso
we just forked an open source beacon manager thingy and customised it
borrrden can you taste the difference?
They have different flavor bases. Coke Zero was invented to taste more like regular coke
So.. Marvel announced some awesome movies today
It is insane to me that people cannot taste the difference
Damn, I can't taste the difference at all LOL
Its insane to me that Enrico drinks coke
They say people fail blind taste tests...I'd like to try one
Why Max?
Of course I drink coke lol
It's easy to set up the blind taste, borrrden.
True...I should ask someone to do it
Like your wife for example.
Shit I have to start exercising again!!!
idk haha.
Or Nayoso next time you have lunch with him.
i stole all the coke
Hahahaha I am also going to jog this arvo.
Tomorrow morning!
My stamina was a bit pitiful at boxing last week
Are you guys ready
For what?
I got exhausted after just 1/2 a round of mitt work
idk ahah
Though it was the first time I did it immediately after the sand bag with no break
just be prepared
what is mitt work
I wouldn't make borrrden angry if I were you.
And someone please wake nil up.
hahaha I'm not a great boxer yet
I know how to throw a punch now
But not quite yet how to avoid one well
Did you guys heard about Tim Cook's interview yesterday?
He said that he can't make iPod classic anymore because he can't source the parts.
I saw that
That is damn crazy.
I assume that he meant the 1.8" hard drive.
Made me think that one day all Apple hardware really wouldn't have any hard drives and just uses SSD.
Okay, I've just upgraded to Xcode 6.1
They are adding UDID to the simulators now?
My teacher is the most confusing person ever
So were doing an assignment and were going to submit it with 2 files only, an htm and a PDF. 1st step is convert to htm, then we add stuff to the file, but then without being clear the instructions want us to add these image URLs for these websites into a table, but its like where? are we typing html or doing it in the doc file? we can t submit 3 files!!!
and no one has learned html in the class:P so i feel sorry for 99% of the people in there
Why not? Since users can make their own
It's a good way to prevent name clashes
Was that directed at me or Max
At you
Right, but is that UDID?
I thought UDID don't have dashes.
It's a GUID
Watching The Walking Dead. people eating people
Im tired
I am getting some coffee.
@borrrden Ok, I have now just realised that those numbers are supposed to be iOS version.
I kept wondering why I have 2 iPhone 5 simulators, then I realised that one of them is iOS 7 and the other one is iOS 8.
Somehow the symbolication of those numbers is broken.
hello everyone.. has one found this issue "Can't find keyplane that supports type 4 for keyboard iPhone-Portrait-NumberPad; using 3876877096_Portrait_iPhone-Simple-Pad_Default"
Hmmm turns out Tokyo is 17% cheaper to live in than San Francisco
This happens when I run on my device and not simulator
Does that mean you'll get paid 17% less?
“Daddy what do developers do?” “They build apps honey but mostly they argue with people on the Internet.”
Well, it certainly doesn't help my argument :p
Has any of you guys tried this: shopify.com/technology/…
2 hours later…
Does anyone know how to fix this? It used to show (iOS 7) and (iOS 8), I’ve just updated to Xcode 6.1. http://t.co/aIdU4LFF0c
Good old Xcode.
Restart your machine?
I had to reboot yesterday to get my provisioning profiles to pickup
6.1 is buggy as hell
I feel silly
Should I take a new job even if it is not the salary I want, considering that almost anything will be significantly more than what I make now?
Or should I hold out for what I feel I am worth?
If I hold out and get nothing then I'm back to less than if I conceded
But if I concede then I feel like I'll never be taken seriously
Is it a good salary?
Even if it's not what you want?
Is the job market stable?
I haven't heard any word yet
I'm just preparing for if they try to lower me further
I wouldn't consider it a good salary, but it's much better than my current one
I'd be paid significantly less than my coworkers I believe
Because of the location I reside in
If it were just adjusted for cost of living I could deal with that, but if it's based on Japan market prices then GTFO
Japan is ridiculous with how little it pays engineers
And I feel like that is them using that to their advantage to cut the price
Well my friend is right that I shouldn't bother getting worked up unless they actually try to do that
depends on how willing you are (and how likely it is) to find a better offer
The job market here in the UK is terrible
Hmmmmmm I'd definitely be willing
Likely is another story
I compared NSNumber like this NSNumberObject = [NSNumber numberWithInt:0] correctly for iphone 4, 4S and 5, but from 5S onwards it doesnt work, can anybody tell me why
I don't see any comparison there...
sorry NSNumberObject == [NSNumber numberWithInt:0]
because that's not the right way to do it
still not right
unless you're checking for object equality
which still isn't right anyway
le sigh
then how it enters this condition ?
Implementation detail
(i.e. you got lucky)
@borrrden extremely lucky ;]
in that one instance, your memory addresses are equal
but not the value or the object
borrrden and captain, how can I get lucky all the time for iphone 4 , 4S and 5
Because of the way it is implemented
It must have changed in the shift to 64-bit
Regularly used numbers like 0 are cached in what is known as the flyweight pattern
Perhaps they felt it wasn't needed anymore. I don't know. The point is it was a mistake to do it that way in the first place ;)
Captain I have gone through your code. So borrden you say that as iphone 5S 6 and 6+ are 64 bit , it will not work in these devices right, and till iphone 5 as it was not 64 bit, this worked
before xcode 6 apple used to treat it "==" comparison, but now it wont treat it that way ?
@borrrden, and @CaptainRedmuff, can we use "compare" to compare two NSNumbers or "isEqualToNumber" is better?
isEqualToNumber would be best
ok thanks, so is it a 64bit issue?
I doubt it
But you probably haven't noticed since it only became apparent on different architectures
Most likely a latent issue
either way, just use isEqualToNumber
ok thanks
Hit TV Show Generator: bigbucketsoftware.com/hittvshow
haha thats cool
Q: requestWhenInUseAuthorization in iOS 8 and wait until user responds

iUsmanI am trying to fetch user's location using CLLocationManager. Here is my simple code: if(IS_OS_8_OR_LATER) { if ([self.locationManager respondsToSelector:@selector(requestWhenInUseAuthorization)]) { // iOS8+ // Sending a message to avoid compile time error [[UIApplic...

any help
or suggestions
00:00 - 12:0013:00 - 18:00

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