That point is you can't tell that from just the part number
It will be the same computer, just with different keys. They don't premake them with keys. They add the keysbased on the area that it was purchased in.
You could even just switch the OS settings to English and use it like an English keyboard :p
Furthermore I insisted that I was willing to negotiate fairly, and that I was very interested in the job, and I provided research from two recruitment firms in Tokyo stating the salary ranges that people are receiving
None of them actually went as high as my asking salary lol...oops
I told them that I'm excited about working for them, but I also have to be careful not to undersell myself since I have financial obligations I cannot ignore
"Visitors are not allowed by law to take up employment (paid or unpaid), to establish or join in any business, or to enter school as a student, nor, except in the most unusual circumstances, are visitors allowed to change their immigration status after arrival."
So were doing an assignment and were going to submit it with 2 files only, an htm and a PDF. 1st step is convert to htm, then we add stuff to the file, but then without being clear the instructions want us to add these image URLs for these websites into a table, but its like where? are we typing html or doing it in the doc file? we can t submit 3 files!!!
and no one has learned html in the class:P so i feel sorry for 99% of the people in there
hello everyone.. has one found this issue "Can't find keyplane that supports type 4 for keyboard iPhone-Portrait-NumberPad; using 3876877096_Portrait_iPhone-Simple-Pad_Default"
I compared NSNumber like this NSNumberObject = [NSNumber numberWithInt:0] correctly for iphone 4, 4S and 5, but from 5S onwards it doesnt work, can anybody tell me why
Captain I have gone through your code. So borrden you say that as iphone 5S 6 and 6+ are 64 bit , it will not work in these devices right, and till iphone 5 as it was not 64 bit, this worked
before xcode 6 apple used to treat it "==" comparison, but now it wont treat it that way ?
@borrrden, and @CaptainRedmuff, can we use "compare" to compare two NSNumbers or "isEqualToNumber" is better?
I am trying to fetch user's location using CLLocationManager. Here is my simple code:
if(IS_OS_8_OR_LATER) {
if ([self.locationManager respondsToSelector:@selector(requestWhenInUseAuthorization)]) {
// iOS8+
// Sending a message to avoid compile time error