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01:00 - 09:0009:00 - 00:00

More like BasicallyCrap
you won't never use it jim
Actually writing a database is a ridiculous pain that requires specialization
it will only work on PHP :p
So couchbase really have you locked down
You are a burden on this planet...
No, I was just making a joke :p
thats how the Nazis started :p
By making jokes?
now you say that i realise how wrong my joke is in terms of reality
"I know here is something that will be funnny, lets invade Poland"
could have happened
/me steps away from the conversation
Anyway I will know a lot more tomorrow
yeah i dug a very big hole for myself there
Yep that is probably the appropriate reaction Captain lol
i retract all statements
That conversation is tumbling down the rabbit hole
i was trying to be funny
failed very hard
It happens
and probalby will be locked up now
I've had my moments as well
still i distracted any ill being said against MongoDB so my work here is done :)
For some reason a horrible thing I did to my sister comes to mind o,0
Oh Jim...
Her parakeet would not stop attacking everything, and one day it bit one of our other birds (a baby one) and so I told her that it was to dangerous to be alive
I never though you will do something to your sister too...
So later she is crying and she confessed that she had put the parakeet out the window because she agreed
@nayoso @borrrden hi
Dips don't ping
Hi too btw
Yep, I need to do a lot of atoning for the wicked things I've done
I need some help so
Everyone could have some help too :)
I believe you won't need any help if you use PHP :p
im probably way beyond help
One day when we are both old I will list all the things I should not have done to her and spend the better part of a week listing them off
you reminded me of a thing i did to my younger brother
was an accident but crikey sends chills down my spine, almost shot him with a catapult when we were kids
will regret that every day
anyway back to programming in PHP
Omg borrrden
Don't feel too bad about it.
Enrico is the living cost in hong kong expensive?
I wonder which is more expensive
Tokyo or Hongkong
I think it's around the same as Tokyo.
The quality of life, I think Hong Kong is a bit lower than Tokyo.
I could argue that Sydney is better than Tokyo, but there are lots of bad things about Sydney too.
I have no problems with Tokyo as a place to live :D
Although, as any person who has lived abroad might say, I miss the food from my country :p
Are you sure Sydney is better than Tokyo?
And it's nice to visit my hometown because it is almost absolutely silent and relaxed, unlike Tokyo
Tokyo is silent and relaxed jim
unlike Jakarta
Fucking Jakarta...
Now you made me not want to go haha
Tokyo is nice in certain areas.
Although I went to Taipei
Maybe it is similar?
I like Tokyo more than Hong Kong so far.
Hmm I've never been to Taipei.
This is Jakarta jim
let's hope the new president can change
Yeah, close enough.
The scooter riders have no regard for anyone else haha
The reasons I like Sydney: lots of beaches, beautiful mountains, very clean air, not much traffic, good work-life balance (unless you're in startup of course), good English accents, people are generally very friendly, lots of parks to walk around.
I didn't see it this bad personally, but it was enough for me to ask my friend "Do these riders know each other? Why are they so close?"
Actually I got to ride on the back of her scooter. That was a lot of fun for me hehehe
Reasons I don't like Sydney: So many homeless people, the trains and buses are so stupid, certain parts are very dirty, the price for foods are very expensive, price for transport expensive too, not all area covered by trains/bus.
It's fun for one time, not fun everyday borrrden.
"very clean air" based on what?
good English accents grumbles because he is a yank
Compared to Jakarta, Hong Kong, and other places in Asia lol.
u wot m8?
Ahahahaha have you researched that claim?
I imagine any metro area is quite polluted
They say it's the same as smoking two packs of cigs a day
True, but Sydney's much better than other metro areas I've been. And I lived in a suburb in Sydney anyway.
Mumbai is 2 1/2 ....
But of course, it depends on the definition of "safe levels"
Otherwise it's the same as what people were screaming about during the Fukushima incident
I'm starting to get the feeling that Tokyo is nayoso's favourite city.
Tokyu Hands, I'm not a big fan.
Hot spring, yeah.
Okay I guess that is fun. I didn't know that's a thing.
No, Sydney has the best coffee, fullstop.
But +1 for having coffee with cats, I guess.
I like cats.
Not sure about having coffee with rabbits, goats, or owls. I didn't know that's also a thing in Tokyo.
@EnricoSusatyo My favourite city is Nikko :p
> It may not have 24-hour public transport (yet), but Tokyo has multiple options for people who've missed their last train and don't fancy drinking until dawn. Get an all-night package at a karaoke box, rent a booth in a manga café, head to a capsule hotel – the choice is yours.
I do want to try capsule hotel.
What is Nikko?
> Looking for something to revive a jaded palate? Try Asadachi (1-2-14 Nishi- Shinjuku, Shinjuku), a tiny restaurant found in the charmingly named ‘Piss Alley', where the stomach-churning seasonal specials might include raw pig penis, grilled salamanders or frog sashimi – prepared right before your eyes from a live specimen.
Umm... No I don't want a raw pig penis.
Also, I seriously didn't know raw pig penis is a thing in Japan...
Also, JIRO sushi is like 10,000 ¥ per person, is it?
@borrrden Is that true?
@EnricoSusatyo ¥30.000
Holy shit.
With that price I would save my poop tomorrow morning.
Maybe hold the poop in for a few days.
30,000 ¥ is 170 £ btw. For one person. So if you're with your significant other that's 340 £ for a dinner.
That had better be one damn good dinner
Who here wrote constraints in code?
I still hate doing this so much.
Do you just use that, or with Storyboard as well?
no xibs or storyboards
just plain old code
I've been contemplating to use Masonry for a while... But it's just very verbose.
it's really nice
much cleaner than setting frames manually
and you can position elements relative to others really quickly
agreed, it does get a little messy if you have a complex view hierarchy
but then, that's a problem with your setup, not the tools you're using ;]
haha, just googled for a question and it was answered on SO by @abizern :]
Haha, I found Abizern and Mike's answers all the time.
Hang on, so you don't have CGRectMake or view.frame at all in your project?
Wow, that is amazing. I salute you sir.
@Dev2rights Apparently the service is horrid
The chef will rush you to eat one piece per minute
So you will be out in about 30 minutes including some rest
Do you use masonry like this?
1,000 yen per minute
[view1 mas_makeConstraints:^(MASConstraintMaker *make) {
@borrrden You've been there?
@EnricoSusatyo aye, that's about right.
@CaptainRedmuff 👏
How about the sizes, you don't explicitly tell it anymore?
You just use paddings, is it?
You have an inspiration, Captain.
oh god, I forgot about this: youtube.com/watch?v=O3rpmctmC_M
Force feeding
@EnricoSusatyo You can still set sizes with masonry
or something like that
but annoying that you can't pass in a CGFloat as it expects an NSNumber
but that's in the details
@CaptainRedmuff Awesome. I think I may just try Masonry tomorrow then.
I wonder how many developers actually use auto layout 100% like you.
I know that even animating frames that used to be easy is a bit tricky in Auto Layout.
That, or I'm just not experienced enough.
I couldn't honestly comment
I'm only just starting to use xibs for some projects
and even then, i'm not finding it quite as easy as using masonry
struggled for about two hours yesterday trying to position things in a scroll view
turns out, theres a checkbox for "automatically resize subviews"
I wouldn't have had that problem if i'd have done it all in code
@CaptainRedmuff Holy shit, you're the complete opposite of me.
But if I was to start over, I would have not paid that much attention to Xib/Storyboard though.
As I progressed, it becomes clear to me that Xib/Storyboard has real limitations. And I hit it fast.
And then things got a bit weird when I got half of my UI in Storyboard, and the other half in code.
I just have an aversion to WYSIWYG editors
never been a fan of interface builder
but i'm starting to see the benefits
I liked the old IB.
The one where it wasn't shoved into a tiny subset of a window.
That said, I liked the old Xcode too, because it had multiple windows.
Thought it'd be better having a monolithic window when xcode 4 came out, but go figure it'd prove me wrong
Okay, I am installing Masonry right now.
nil, borrrden actually showed me how to download Xcode 3 yesterday.
I thought Apple didn't keep the file in their server, but turns out they do.
I actually like Xcode 4's window, but I think it's still a bit slow and incapable.
With Xcode 6 it's a bit better though I heard. I liked that properties with @IBActionable can be set from Storyboard.
I'm listening to Journey's soundtrack.
@CaptainRedmuff Oh, and one more thing I'm not a big fan of from Auto Layout: the error messages. They are very ambiguous and very hard to debug.
It seems that Masonry has better support for those error messages though, we'll see.
Hi, i got a quick question, any iOS developper here ?
Well what ? :P
Well my job title is not officially an iOS dev anymore lol.
Oh okay, lol, but still you know about it may i ask my question then ?
I'm still doing iOS dev lol
Thanks ! :-)
I got a scrollview, filled with multiple custom subviews, which have a uipangesture reconiser, used to drag and drop them. Everything is working fine but i'm able to drag more than one at the time, how can i block this behavior ?
@EnricoSusatyo So when you say masonry, you mean the Javascript thing
Hey guys, I am trying to find a way to check a specific argument until it is met. I am trying to detect if the position of a node I have created is above a particular y value. When I call the method it only checks at the time it was called. How do I make it always check?
By calling it again.
Beyond that, your question hasn't been sufficiently explained.
How do I keep calling it?
@nil No, the iOS thing.
By calling it.
@Loadex I wouldn't recommend adding a pan gesture recognizer in a scrollview, and I don't think it's recommended.
But I'm not sure, maybe it's possible.
@EnricoSusatyo It's not in the scrollview, but in it's subviews
When you say drag more than one, you want two finger drag kinda thing?
Oh subviews, that's possible then.
Have you tried Googling? google.com.hk/…
It seems that the top search result may help you.
I can drag it with one finger, the problem let's say i've two subviews with that, i can with two fingers drag them both
I'm not sure it's what i'm looking for
I tried to google it but i'm having trouble to find good keywords with that haha
So two separate subviews?
So view A with subview B and C?
And they B and C has both got UIPanGestureRecognizer and then you want to touch both B and C and move them?
Yep, and i can both drag B and C with two fingers
You mean one finger in B and one finger in C?
That's it
One in each subview
I think my previous Google search has some answers on this...
I honestly haven't tried it myself so I would be of no help but Googling.
Q: UIGestureRecognizer multiple pan gestures

Registered UserHow do I enable multiple touch in UIPanGestureRecognizer? When I debug UIGestureRecognizerStateChanged I see that multiple touches are handled like single gesture. What should I do to handle the multiple touch separately? UIPanGestureRecognizer *panRecognizer; panRecognizer = [[UIPanGestureRe...

A: Multitouch with UIPanGestureRecognizer

Ben TrengroveFrom the apple documentation for UIGestureRecogniser (CGPoint)locationOfTouch:(NSUInteger)touchIndex inView:(UIView *)view Parameters touchIndex The index of a UITouch object in a private array maintained by the receiver. This touch object represents a touch of the current gesture. vi...

@EnricoSusatyo Masonry's error messages are also rather unhelpful
but to be fair, they just wrap up the standard errors anyway so it's not really a problem with masonry as such
Gonna keep looking then ! Thanks ! :-)
Yeah that is true Captain.
Apparently there's a Javascript (nil's favourite language) library that has the same name lol.
Die in a fire.
Can you imagine how much better the world would be if all browsers collectively dropped JS support and replaced it with something better?
Not significantly better, actually, but it'd make my life better.
wouldn't that just cause the same problem?
it's not that JS is bad, it's that browser support for JS is bad.
Anybody know how to get a sprite to follow the path of another? Like a train and its carts?
@nil I CONCUR!
Anybody know how to get a sprite to follow the path of another? Like a train and its carts??????
I'm back
@johnrspicer repeating your question with several question marks isn't going to bring it to anyones attention.
I'm sorry
I have a single label in a collection view cell that after updating to xcode 6 now gets cut off on iOS7 but displays correctly on iOS8. The constraints for the label are basically "|-11-[title]-5-|" and "V:|-16-[title]", any ideas as to why this might be happening?
Initially I set the constraints in IB but setting them in code has the same result. I've also been able to basically recreate the issue in a sample project.
Never mind it appears to be a bug stackoverflow.com/a/26101064/384985
3 hours later…
@enricosusatyo i need you
1 hour later…
Is this what test flight looks like on desktop?
is it okay to ask questions here that I've already asked on SO? should I just link to the question?
I didn't see anything in the rules that prevented that
but I don't want to be "that guy"
Well, I'm going to drop the link here: stackoverflow.com/questions/26491134/…
Ive been hit with an impossible to fix bug
Not reproducable, has to do with auto layout, its ridiculous
I have 4 views stacked on top of each other, none of them have anything to do with each other though in auto layout besides one is below the other. With nothing in those views, rotation = perfect
Then i enable the views to be added into the top row, rotation is great. then enable the second row, rotation is great, then enable the third row, rotation break
Disable row 1 and 2, with 3 enabled, works
the contents of these rows don't care what else is outside of them, and crashes on romoving the constraints.. Nothing makes sense!:O
Now crashes only when row 4 is enabled
"Cannot find an outgoing row head for incoming head 0x14527820.posErrorMarker{id: 1161}, which should never happen.'
oops, now it works with row 4 enabled if row 1 and 2 are not
This is impossible to fix! The only real solution for everything is to enable all rows, but enabling all rows causes lag which I'm trying to figure out what is making the lag, but can't narrow it down if it crashes for something irrelevant.
So close to submitting this app and this issue comes:/ greeat
Another waste of time, only happens on the iPhone 5
hi 2 all. does anyone knows how to store jpegs inside the bundle without having Xcode to converting into pngs?
I think with Xcode 6 you can import them if you drag them into an image asset catalog
but not if you go through the "import" menu selection
tried this, doesn't work =\
well, i know i've done it, let me check on how i did it
well, the jpegs are correctly set into asset catalog. the problem is they are converted into pngs after that. and the size of a bundle (instead of desired 10 mb) is 47 MB which is a surprise for me
yeah, I think they get converted to png's when the asset catalog gets compiled
make sure you have the "compress png files" option set
other than that, not sure...
Q: Assets.car is 6 times larger than actual Images.xcassets folder when archived

CWittyWe switched our XCode project over to use the Asset Catalog during a redesign. We needed several large background images, which we included in the asset catalog. The images were originally JPEGs that we renamed to PNGs to save space. The size of the images on disk is 19.1MB, but when we archiv...

yeah, i've unset this already
A: Why are PNG images larger in the iOS app bundle than in my project?

MeraxUsing David H's script, I found that Xcode is also passing the command line parameter "-f 0" to pngcrush. The man page indicates that the "-f 0" will disable any IDAT filtering before compression which can result in a larger PNG file. Testing on my 1.9 MB example file from above confirms: pngc...

don't know if those help...
i'll try to put the jpegs the old way
anyone know how I can switch keyboards in the iOS simulator?
switch it to what?
a custom keyboard i am trying to builf
there is no international keyboard symbol on the simulator
I don't know the answer off the top of my head
you may have to ask on Stack Overflow
I checked here:
Q: Change iOS simulator keyboard layout to match Macbook keyboard

goldmineI have a Macbook with an Azerty (French) keyboard. Whenever I start the iOS simulator, the default keyboard layout is Qwerty (Dutch), so when I am typing using the physical hardware keyboard of my macbook, some keys (A,Z,M,...) do not match. The setting Hardware > Keyboard > iOS Uses Same Layout ...

and here:
Q: How do I enable the Japanese keyboard on the iPhone simulator?

wagashiI have a UITableview with a UISearchBar, which contain Japanese words, and I want to test if it works to search Japanese words with Japanese keyboard. I can't find how to change the default keyboard on iPhone simulator.

1 hour later…
@briOnH its a bug, will not change
Must use real device for them
Ugh Xcode 6.1 can barely attach a keyboard:/ hours and hours of time pressing ok and switching keyboards
Extensions shouldn't have been released.. iOS 9 or 10
Ok. I am confused in setting status bar tint color.
What options do I have to make status bar adapt navigation bar color?
UIStatusBarStyleLightContent will hide the text.
@EnricoSusatyo No Enrico, but many customers have given a review like that. Some articles were written.
@Maximilian thank you max.
01:00 - 09:0009:00 - 00:00

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