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@MichaelDautermann is back
Laddu is there too
my team leader is only now realizing that you need an iphone 5 launch image to be iphone 5 optimized
One of the people refers the iOS devices with iOS 7 as "iPhone 7 devices"
git rebase master doesn't seem to work fine :(
Now I have "HEAD detached"
Hopefully tomorrow I will solve this.
Why are you using rebase?
Our client just asked us the most hilarious question ever
We need the text that they want to display in certain sections of the app
They asked us "Do you want a text file or should we just edit the image files inside the document you sent us and send them back?"
They must be on drugs
OMG borrrden I just realized that japanaese can't say L
instead of L they will say R
You only realized this now?
You need to turn in your gaijin card
And actually it's more of the reverse
They can't say "R" properly
"L" is a little easier
But still it sounds like a combination of both
I just realized when I explain there is a presidential election in indonesia
OMG please tell me they wanted to hear more about the presidential erection
so I tell them that is 大統領選挙
and they keep repeating presidential ERECTION
It was a hard erection for all candidates involved
it's a very bad misspell I think
I've seen quite a few others
Fish and lice
the weird thing is they can't figure what's the difference
Fried Crap
Fried Crap -> Fried Crab right?
Fish and lice -> ?
Fish and rice
Yeah, so gross haha
I'm glad I was born in alphabet country
even though my english grammar is bad
Listening to my gf try to pronounce words she doesn't know
Makes me laugh :D
but it's kinda cute right
Sometimes she makes the same mistakes as children
That's cute
I remember when I was in elementary school and for a long time I thought "cooperate" was pronounced "CU-per-ate"
It's really just ridiculous
Not that Japanese is much better ><
Chinese at least has one sound per character that never changes
hahaha, even sometimes I still don't know which is the right way to pronounce tomato
Japanese changes based on their mood
(Or I feel like that anyway)
Sometimes they pull random readings out of their ass
I see, sometimes japanese people like to change word or make their own anonym
For example -> 女
女の子 OK I got it, onna no ko
女子 ok fine...Joshi
女 -> onna right?
女房 WTF!?
I know this 女神
Ok now you are just messing with me!
but I don't know 女房
It means "wife"
I see
Only men say it
It's kinda old I think
from my school
my teacher tell me wife = 妻?
That's another way
I see
It also means garnish on sashimi
Go figure lolol
I never know about it
They usually don't use the Kanji in that case though, they use katakana
That's only for your wife though
You can't say that about someone else's wife
for another people wife we use 奥さん
Yeah, but I never really liked that word
Cuz it means "someone behind"
It seems degrading to me
I'm gonna start the trend ワイフさん
It's actually pretty much halfway started, Japanese people will say マイワイフ now
I see
yes japan is pretty sexist country I think
Yeah, it's not ranked very high for gender equality
The divorce laws are absolutely byzantine
99% of the time the father will never see the child again until they are an adult
I heard of it
I think Japan is stuck in a permanent time warp
They will always be stuck behind the times for most things
Finally downloading copyright material became illegal last year lol
you can never do that in indonesia
Drug laws are still the same as they were like 100 years ago
almost everything is legal in indonesia
ah I don't know anything about drug law
One joint can get you 5 years in prison
is there anything special I need to remember borrrden?
I see
Or deported if you are a foreigner
About what? Drug laws?
And be very careful about bringing medicine into the country
I see
Some of the medicines that are typical in America or other countries is banned in Japan
luckily I don't need any special medication and I don't do drugs
for example?
"It is illegal to bring into Japan some over-the-counter medicines commonly used in the United States, including inhalers and some allergy and sinus medications. Specifically, products that contain stimulants (medicines that contain Pseudoephedrine, such as Actifed, Sudafed, and Vicks inhalers), or Codeine are prohibited."
Vicks inhalers
cough drops are fine
ah inhaler one
Yeah asthma medicine usually has some kind of stimulant in it
I see
It helps reduce swelling
But that also puts it into the same category as cocaine
Albeit much much MUCH less addictive and potent
Japan has just drawn a tough line for stimulants
"Some U.S. prescription medications cannot be imported into Japan, even when accompanied by a customs declaration and a copy of the prescription. Japanese customs officials have detained travelers carrying prohibited items, sometimes for several weeks. Japanese customs officials do not make on-the-spot "humanitarian" exceptions for medicines that are prohibited in Japan. "
but surely there are some drugs that can be used for replacement right?
Not in all cases
There have been some cases where someone has had to break their working contract and leave the country because they could not get acceptable medicine
It's fairly rare though
I see
that's difficult then
btw borrrden when we move from one city to another city
do we need to report to the old one?
You need a document from the old one to give to the new one
I see
I found it a little strange
my nearest station is warabi
but my region office is kawaguchi
What's strange?
What do you mean "region office"?
I don't know what is the correct thing to say in english
City hall?
I need to go to kawaguchi city hall
not warabi city hall
Who told you that?
Hmmm wait, maybe your closest station is Warabi...but you live far enough away to be in Kawaguchi
Is your address Kawaguchi?
my address is warabi
ah sorry
Damn, you live far from the station then
actually it's pretty near with station
Ah yeah it looks weird
Kawaguchi kinda wraps around Warabi
I know where Warabi station is man lol
it's only about 7 minutes walking
There's only one
yes I mean the distance between my place and warabi station
ah maybe I paste the wrong link
yes it's pretty strange
No I got it haha
Yeah that address is Kawaguchi, so you have to go to that city hall
because kawaguchi is wrapping warabi?
btw how about your new residence card borrrden?
did you finally got the new one?
I had to get one to register my address change with the bank
I'm gonna get another new one soon too
My company started my visa renewal process
I see
that will be good for you
because you no longer need to use your old (with renewal sticker) card
ah is it complicated ? The visa renewal?
I've never done it on my own haha
I had to get my tax certificates though, that was a little annoying
I see
usually how many months before expiration?
Standard procedures duration Two weeks to three months
I see I think I need to prepare for this at the end of the year
Well you can't apply until 3 months before expiration
Last time it took just two weeks
Last time was a change of status though
From instructor to engineer
I see
so it's not difficult to change job in here then
Depends on the company
They have to sponsor your visa
Some of them consider it a risk not worth taking
I see
I have a feasibility question can i make the call from a background running app when i shake the phone in iOS.
You mean you want to wake up an application by shaking the phone?
yes exactly
something like that
@ArpitKumarKulshrestha How will the springboard know which application to launch in response to the shake?
2 hours later…
F/libc (20851): stack corruption detected
Wow...this sounds like fun ><
Now I know why sprintf is dangerous :p
Bounds-check all the things.
I forgot to give enough space for the terminating character
Oddly enough it worked fine on iOS
Kind of surprising how many people get that one wrong.
I also forget that strlen returns the actual length of the string (minus the terminating character) haha
@borrrden Have you been writing OS security software?
Nope, just trying to be clever when I shouldn't be :p
1 hour later…
good evening all
i am new to beginning of Objective-c
so i have small doubt
plz clarify any body
@property (nonatomic, retain) NSString *string;

Properties declare two accessor methods – the setter and getter. This is done automatically for you, but let’s look under the hood so we can understand what’s going on.

In the ‘get’ accessor or getter, all we’re doing is returning the synthesized instance variable. We don’t create a new object using “alloc”, “new”, “copy”, or “mutableCopy” so we don’t have to retain or release it.
why we are not alloc the geeter method?
@ShikhaShah @borrrden @NoelCower
@EnricoSusatyo @MichaelDautermann @rage @Dev2rights @Charan @Shade
you forgot one name in that list of pings.
figure out which one it was and ping him
otherwise feelings might be hurt because you left him out.
bro if u know plz tell me
i want to clarify my doubt
but i dont who that guy i am missing
i say sorry that guy or mam something
I won't even look at your question until you figure out who you missed.
ok i find it bro
so tell me
so what was the question?
if u know clarify my doubt
I have a doubt about your question
what is it again?
sure bro
why we are not creating memory for getter methods?
- (NSString *)string {
return _string;
how can we find out this is getter method
You sure like to play along, Michael.
hey, did he forget to ping you too?
can you clarify his doubt?
I was just about to change the room to gallery, but hey do your thing.
plz hlp, bro.
Don't forget "sis"
she's getting her morning coffee
bro's plz clarify my doubt
Shade is the smartest person in the room
I think he can answer for you.
ping him
a lot
he'll wake up
And it should almost always be @property (copy, nonatomic) NSString *string;
bro plz tell me
Tell you what?
how to wake up Shade?
why we are not creating memory for getter methods?
- (NSString *)string {
return _string;
Because you don't need to create memory for an object that is already in memory.
I forgot what the question was...
it wasn't in my memory.
Because the memory for the object was created by the setter.
[[super alloc] initWithMorningCoffee:strong];
- (NSString *)string {
return _string;
how can we find out this is a setter method?
or by eyeballing it in Xcode?
what ever it may be
but i want to know clarification
plz clarify my doubt
u want to know by looking at it in code ¿yes?
do you know what @properties are in your code?
as a programatically i want to clarify my doubt
tell me plz
what is property?
what is yogurt?
i cant understand
in Objective-C we have many reserved keywords... there is @implemenetation, @interface, @property and @yogurt
do you know what they are used for?
@implementation is declared in .m class
how about @property ?
@interface is delclared in .h class
propery is declared in .h class
if you have a property in your .h class
but i want to know what is the purpose of propery
then you have a getter and setter that is either created by the compiler (how convenient!)
or there might be getter & setter methods that somebody else or you created
like "set___________" or "__________"
ok bro
so if you have a property named @property (strong) NSString *stinkyOdors;
bro my doubt is what is the purpose of declaring propery
plz tell me
A: What are @property, @synthesize, @implementation, @interface in iphone programming?

Sylvain@property generates prototypes for getter and setter methods. You usually place it in an @interface block which is itself in a .h file. The @interface block is where you declare a object's methods and attributes. @synthesize generates getter and setter methods. You usually place it in an @implem...

(I didn't feel like typing it all out myself)
Sorry how have we not banned this guy ?
he's your morning entertainment.
its the afternoon here, and im not easily amused today
ok friends thanks for your guidence
very glad to u all
take care to all
he just wanted to know what a property was.
Is that what Meth does to people ?
Mich you are funny lol
GM All
oh... you FINALLY finished getting your coffee.
Yes..right timing isnt it?
you could have answered all that.
but what I was really hoping was that @Shade would show up.
Thank God I dint Bro
yeah whatever sis
Right now I am high with my new Xbox one games..they arrived yesterday
TRUE..I remember those days when I would play my games straight for 2 days ..no shower , no cooking pizza , bear and games !!
And 1 more thing..I couldn't clear the interview :(
don't feel bad.
so I am mourning it by getting high with games
there will be other opportunities
I flunk 9 out of 10 interviews.
companies are far far far too picky nowadays.
then again, I spend too much time here on NSChat... so my brain is probably fried after "helping" people like the vampire an hour ago or so.

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