@Raynos What do you want out of life?
To create meaning for myself.
There is no purpose to my existence.
To solve this problem I will create purpose for my existence.
Dont ask me how. If I knew, I would be doing it
about books: I mean, reading things like The Goal was really a great moment, but then there's a lot of low-quality books such as "think big and kick ass" by donald trump, which was just pathetic.
@Raynos I would love to think the same thing :? Ive just watched companies that claim "people first" let go of employees at the drop of a hat. Thats why IMO the best thing is to work for yourself doing what you love.
@Raynos What is meaning?
@Loktar of course
And why do you need to create it?
once I have the resources I will found a company
@Incognito I've read the intelligent entrepenuer
It's quite nice.
I've read a book called "instant billionaire," waste of time ego stroking author that says you need to flip businesses.
@Incognito Because I have talent and potential. Not using them is rotting. Rotting is waste.
I do not know any other better use of talent and potential but to make meaning
You need to create meaning because you can?
Yes, because I can.
What else can you do? What I mean to say is, something's pulling you to that.
If I don't, it's waste. Life is too short to waste
You can create destruction all over the globe too.
Don't poke too hard, I havn't thought this through anywhere near hard enough
society says no. Moral values say no to destruction aswell
Morals are subjective to consensus.
but most consensus agree mass murder is wrong
Besides I have to stay rational here
Everything is subjective. Nothing is universal (global, maybe, but never universal).
Good does not exist.
Evil does not exist.
Not on an objective, universal level
Plus some people just arent into mass murder.
But thats highly philosophical
and absolutely not pragmatic
So, I say "Screw it, I'm going to have a good time."
And then I do.
Meaning is created in the relationships I cultivate, no matter how brief.
Every person I meet will be affected in some way, no matter how small.
That is my footprint on this world.
If I happen to make some cash in the process, all the better ;-)
@Raynos To play devil's advocate here, you're saying the meaning of life is to create things you have a propensity towards, because the social herd expects you to.
42 messages moved from JavaScript
Good call on the move.
@Incognito not really.
If I'm going to work somewhere, I want to have passion and motivation
But what I mean is something outside of society's wishes is pulling you to want to create something.
I've had enough time of working for a company where I cannot give my all because I dont care
I've worked there, I asked to end my contract two months early.
I felt like I was in a prison or something, every day demoralized me.
Oh creation
Well I need to financially sustain myself
To so I either need to sell skills or goods.
Perhaps-- ghandi didn't.
I want to financially sustain myself
I'm comfortable with financial luxuries
Do not take them away from me
And I like code :(
So am I, but I'm becoming less attached to them, I feel like they're dragging down my quality of life.
I grew up in an upper-class neighborhood, I've always had a decent bank account (because I worked, I've always refused money/help from family), I've been accustomed to high-label clothes, half-decent cars, big houses, fridges full of food...
I dont need all of taht
And about a year ago it all started to look like anchors I'm carrying around with me.
I just need the standard comfort
home, food, internet
Maslow pyramid?
Too deep.
I have done plenty of thinking over my holiday
I need more of this "getting stuff done"
Then you need to create the feeling of pulling yourself towards things.
Pulling effects are so much stronger than pushing effects.
I see
well I've only just started using pushing effects
People push themselves to do things such as, cleaning off their desks.
and pushing effects are so much stronger than no effects
Pulling persons will naturally move things one-at-a-time without thinking about it.
Think of something you're pulled into, find a system that lets you create that effect for something you're excited about.
Jeff Atwood keeps talking about "if you really cared you'd do it," in the podcasts, but I don't buy into that. I feel people do care, it's just really hard to create pull naturally in this industrialized world.
For me, I do two things. I think about the feeling of how great it would be to accomplish X, I visualize it strongly, think about it every day for a bit, and keep that image in my mind while I look at what I do have done.
It seems to work for me.
People like my mom make big productions out of cleaning out a basement or something, one terrorizing fell swoop of mops and cleaning supplies and boxes, and at the end of the year it's right back in the same mess.
So I told her to start doing what I do, and create a strong image in your mind of how it should be. It seems to be having some effect.
My core issue is focus. I made a todo list, it has about 50 tasks, totaling about 5000 hours of time, perhaps more.