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I need help on why this forum which has been posted over 3 days has not been answered even when I changed the question
one week ago was when a owner in the room said don't talk to chris for a week. I waited the time.
Could you please either have the group of owners discuss a temp or just write access grant for me to ask why the question wasn't answered or ask you?
Which question?
Q: UI Input Control or Action Bars or something else to switch Activity

Chris OkyenHere is some background on my app I am developing: I am developing a form app for a ADHD councelor. First it will have the client select their age group ( child, teen, adult ) - right now, it uses a simple radio box but I might switch to tabs later. The user then presses the submit button. Based...

If it's an SO question it is totally upto to an individual to answer it, you can't force anyone here :)
I was just wondering if I could get write access or have the owners decide if i can get write access to please ask if anyone would be kind enough to try help me
Your question is mainly about data sharing among activities?
I suggest that you use a Bundle
to pass data between activities.
Well basically i was wondering will it use less code and memory to have 3 different activities seperate from the main one or to have one activity and another and pass the r.layout info so there isn't multiple instances compiled.
I am not sure if it will just affect compile time or the time while running
Is the answer still Bundles
You should have only two activites Main and the other one
Gotcha and have a bundle pass the r.layout information
Yeah you can customize your bundle and send all sorts of data in it
and I guess grabbing all the data from the form varies for each, so when on the second activity adn you submit the form data it willl have to grab the data differently based on the form ( containing unique questions )
A: Android - What's the best way to share data between activities?

CristianThe normal way is to pass the variables inside the intent: Intent intent = new Intent(FirstActivity.this, SecondActivity.class); intent.putExtra("some_key", value); intent.putExtra("some_other_key", "a value"); startActivity(intent); On the second activity: Bundle bundle = getIntent().getExtr...

ok the 2nd activity returns data to the Main activity?
No, it emails the form data to someone.
About your access, I'm not sure. Maybe it's a temp thing
I don't know how to have a standard set of variables to store the form questions becuase the forms differ in number of questions. Also, how to store the form question with a variable that is for that form quesiton. Form 1 might have Age, Meds, Allergies Form 2 may be Medical Insurer, Payment, Age, Meds, Allergies...
No matter how the sending part works, can I be safe and go on and just focus on the first part of sharing data between activities?
Are you new to Java?
I suggest that you take a pen and paper and work out the minor details.
You're overthinking stuff
hmm this beachball cursor won't stop spinning. I'm gonna have to reboot

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