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Good morning Room
@Anjan vG?m
Good Morning!
CrazyCreator , CrazyDestructor
@CrazyCreator VGM
aaj aap kaise
@iSang vGM
@Anjan ghar pe hoon
@CrazyCreator jalse hain
kaise jalse
kaam hai
@CrazyCreator @Anjan gm
@NitinGohel GM
People are busy investing time in making money . Wish they did the same with relationships .
Hiii @All kem cho
aabhar tamaro tame All kahi amne HI kahi didhu @Mayur sir
aaj kal logo bolavta pan nathi
ena karta to saru ne
ato aapde pan lagu pade ne
Terms & Conditions Apply
su chale pAthri mati ke nahi
bhai aa kai balloon nathi fodi nakhis
@CrazyCreator @NitinGohel @Mayur @Anjan vGM Mates :))
Q: IOS developer Program Status

MayurI know its more common question may be repetitive but i have read SO questions regarding my issue but i am not getting any solution thats why i need to post this question & i am hoping for solution. My Problem is i have submitted IOS developer Program of 99$ before 2 month but i didn't get activ...

@NitinGohel hi
@Mayur you have to call them
@NitinGohel local pe image store karne ke bad jab path se load kar raha hu to image ka data proper nahi mil raha aur image already hain waha pe
@NitinGohel NSData *imgData = [NSData dataWithContentsOfURL:[NSURL fileURLWithPath:fileURL]]; UIImage *thumbNail = [UIImage imageWithData:imgData];
may be image currupted
@NitinGohel its visible on library path
Hi all. I have UIViewController inside UITabBarController inside UINavigationController. iOS 6 adds extra 20px when I status bar is visible. addChildViewController doesn't help. Any ideas?
visible but have you check that open while click on in simulatore path
@NitinGohel last try kar raha hu
fir call hi karunga
issue su aave che image get j nathi thati
hmm ana data malta j nathi path par thi
use like that
NSData *dataAddTreeTable = [NSData dataWithContentsOfFile:getCSVPathAddTree];
and put dataWithContentsOfFile:fileURL];
file url is a full path of particular image from document directory
thenu got it
i m sure
i check it
@NitinGohel not getting
there is mistak some where in ur code
bcz i got same a that i given code
wait i give u full code
@NitinGohel sab close karne ke liye vote kar rahe hai kya karu
its not Relevent topic @Mayur
thats why
this is not a programeticuly que
of SO
remove Que
fir vo Tag kyu rakha hua hai
@NitinGohel main is url ko caqll karta hu
@NitinGohel file://var/mobile/Applications/99F05B00-8391-4951-A526-B615DD5544F2/DocumentsPhotolia/User_2/Albumb_8/Thumbnails/Custome 8.5x8.5_thumb.png
iPhone-Developer-Program Tag kis liye rakha hua hai
first test it in simularote @Anjan
that i dontknw but may be your que is not relevent they thought so close watting
to kya me khud hi close kar du ?
remove this
nono dont remoe it
y ?
you got 1+ and it doent metter people are close it self
no worry
same hi hain par fir bhi nahi mil rahi
@NitinGohel @Anjan how to replace an object in a dictionary?
[dict setObject:_ievent.time forKey:@"Time"];
NSArray *a = [[[maineArray objectAtIndex:i] valueForKey:@"Time"] componentsSeparatedByString:@"]"];
[dict setObject:[a objectAtIndex:1] forKey:@"Time"];
is this fine ?
@IronManGill 2 time set object
@Anjan meaning ?
[dict setObject:_ievent.time forKey:@"Time"]; why this line
[dict setObject:[a objectAtIndex:1] forKey:@"Time"]; why this line
oh sorry
if you want to replace first remove object for that key and add new object with same key...
whr is @CrazyCreator maam today
[dict removeObjectForkey:@"Time"]; and next line [dict setObject:[a objectAtIndex:1] forKey:@"Time"];
pata nahi aisa issue kyu ho raha hain
can someone give me a tip how to cache large png images with fast time execution? in my ipad app if i use "imageNamed" selector it crashed, if i use init with path - it goes ok. nscache execution time - too long, i need almost immediate execution. ty
@NitinGohel still not getting contents data of image
@IronManGill i am storing image at document folder ok i can see that image is available on library.. when i try to put that image on cell.imageview its not loaded
can you send ma demo
how are u picking the image from the documents directory ?
pura to nahi bhej sakta
i just need to your imaeg get process u doing
@NitinGohel file://Users/bimal.dave/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/6.1/Applications/E03E4F4E-77F2-4C5F-A305-A94538CD3426/DocumentsPhotolia/User_2/Albumb_8/Thumbnails/Custome_8.5x8.5_thumb.‌​png path pe image available hain ....
@NitinGohel 1 sec @IronManGill
@IronManGill @NitinGohel check this link -: pastie.org/7829928
why u put this
may be this line give wrong path
NSString *fileURL = [@"file:/" stringByAppendingString:FilePath];
as pr your code replace with this NSData *data = [NSData dataWithContentsOfFile:FilePath];
@NitinGohel loading in device thts why i put file with full url
and with out it still not getting image
@NitinGohel sorry for late reply
@NitinGohel hello
yes sir
@IronMan hello
HELLO @user2366144
@IM do you implement funambol in your apps
@IronMam Have you ever integrate funambol in ios apps?
@user2366144 sorry but have synced with iCloud before
@IronMan Its ok dear!
do you have any idea about, how to sync android contacts or calender to my iPhone
@user2366144 syncing contacts from any other phone except iphone to iphone is not possible
wat u can do is
sync to google calender and then sync them to ur iphone device
there is a google calendar api
@IronMan thnks.
hi all .. I want to escape sequence and my String contains "//" thanks
How do I do it any idea??
3 hours later…
@NitinGohel ?
hai @cr
hi @CrazyCreator good eve.
have you work on dropbox Sdk?
@Madhubalan say may be I can help, not really worked
@CrazyCreator [[self restClient] loadFile:imageURLString intoPath:destPath]; i am trying to download images from dropbox using above method it working fine, But i try to download more than 5 images at a time only 5 images downloaded remaining return error
whaat is that error ?
@CrazyCreator this is error [WARNING] DropboxSDK: error making request to /1/files/dropbox/Photos/Sample Album/2012-04-04 19.52.24.jpg - (-1001) Error Domain=NSURLErrorDomain Code=-1001 "The operation couldn’t be completed. (NSURLErrorDomain error -1001.)" UserInfo=0xb265170 {path=xxxxxx, destinationPath=/xxxxxx}
@CrazyCreator i searched in google i could not found any related answer.
can u send this file only
which is creating issue
@CrazyCreator i sent individual request its downloaded
need to see
@CrazyCreator [[self restClient] loadThumbnail:imageURLString ofSize:@"small" intoPath:destPath] I used this method can download any number of files at a time , But i need real size image only
@CrazyCreator for (NSString *filePath in filePaths)

[[self restClient] loadFile:filePath intoPath:destPath];
@CrazyCreator i done like this is there any problem
Dropbox sdk Documentation also not clear
@NitinGohel can u help me ?
@CrazyCreator any help?
@Yoda can u help me?

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