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04:00 - 12:0012:00 - 14:00

@ganeshmanoj : See the 2nd answer, by Balakrishna MCA
so i think i have write that code in cell view rigth?
i will check and tell
are not like that it will never respond you from tableviews delegate methods
have you seen the code by balakrishnana the second link @ganeshmanoj.
ya tryng that only
same issue
its calling when click in cell
but in that cell i have textview if u click on textview its nt calling
2 down vote

touchesBegan is a UIView and UITableViewCell method rather than a UIViewController & UITableViewController method. so you may create the the custom class for UITableViewCell it recognize the touch event and touch delegate
Its the problem!!
and that custom class for UITableViewCell works properly from that answer have you seen that class, by balakrishnan,
you need to do the special custom class for the UITableViewCell
like that ,
wt i came to know is it will call on view only if u make any view as subview it will not call
so u have any idea?
noooooo i havent done with custom class for table view cell, but i will suggest you one thing that try that way as a balakrishnan's with one small example porject, if it worked well then integrate that to your project,
and i will suggest you to post this on stack's parent account also!
ii already tried it its calling
if click on that cell
and i have textview in it but whn i click on textview its not calling
just try whether the textViewDidBeginEditing like method is calling or not?
ya its calling
how can get that textview position in view
could anyone point me in the right direction of filling the area outside of a cgpath but inside of a cgrect?
try to get its frame in the textViewDidBeginEditing where the sender textView will be the one user will tap currently
Q: Receive TouchesBegan of UITableViewCell in UIViewController

SyncHow can I receive TouchesBegan from a UITableViewCell in a UITableViewController so I can know when the user touches some cell?

give a look over this too.
already over
wait.. we will do some more googling along, will you please try the thing of getting frame
i lossing my hair bro
Hey dont be so tence,
let it go.. on the way we are!
anywhere anytime by anyway by any whom any problem is get solved!!
first time i am figthing fr a issues for this much time
it happens with every one sometimes. i saw your profile on stack your master MAN
dont wory
and to day its saterday so not much crowd was here Other wise we might have solved it yet!
Q: position of textview in tableview

ganesh manojIn my view i have tableview and in tableview cell i have textview where user can enter a text now i want to get the position of the textview one view to scroll view up which was selected by user. UIToucheBegan is not calling on subviews of a view

is it ok?
can you edit your quetion means i have slight more elaboration if you feel it nice then we will see.
here it is.
In have UIView with in that i have its subview UITableView and on UITableViewCell i have UITextView where user can enter a text, now i want to get the POSITION of that UITextView which is currently tapped by user.
UIToucheBegan is not calling on subviews of a view means from UITableView.
@ganeshmanoj : are you there
u can edit man
sry fr late reply
@ganeshmanoj : its ok bro..
i have edited that see at once, and allow according to your changes
@ganeshmanoj : ok bro.. see you monday!! have a happy week end!!!
thanku so much fr your help
same to you
@ganeshmanoj hi
@ganeshmanoj what is getter method.
@user1586650 hi
@ganeshmanoj what is getter method in iphone
getter and setter method
if u synthesize the property those methods will call automatically
@ishwar i almost sloved problem
only synthesis right. Not @property
for synthesis u have gve property
oh. in my project i gave getter method and @synthesis. so my app getting crashing.. how can i find the getter method and @sythesis. i want to remove any one. how can i do
how do you know its crashing because of getter methods
Am new to iphone. So my pm told it is crashing by getter and @sythesis problem
pm = project manager?
yes or no ?
and he didn't tell any other information regarding crash ?
where...which class.. etc ?
i know the class
but i can't to find the crashing line
do you know about debugging iOS projects?
ya. break point.
so find out at which point it crashes..
put breakpoints in the ViewDidLoad method of class and other appropriate methods that you think will be called
04:00 - 12:0012:00 - 14:00

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