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Good morning all :)
Good Morning @all
@BoominadhaPrakashM i need ur help
I am busy bro @DilipTiwari
i have a problem with pagemenu
what problem
actually i have a view controller in which i display a tableview and on didselect of table i m passing dictionary to next page it shows proper to next page label when i show that next page single but using pagemenu when i show that page it shows null label value@Ramesh
did u check values are going to next page properly using pagmenu? or show screen shot
@Ramesh no
pageMenu thirdpary library??
can u show gitf what ur trying to do
i will show my code @Ramesh wait bro
yea i have recently implemented this UI i have used to collectionView One For Tiles bar and other for scrolling views it went well
two collectionviews
paste.ofcode.org/c8N3ddReu3UNTixbUvFWts - this code is for view controller from which i am passing the dictionary
paste.ofcode.org/QCGNvrEk6E8HSEcKicurCM - PageMenu view controller class
paste.ofcode.org/TXh5Du7SCTuQXRniAhLt6z - this is the view controller on which i am showing the dictionary to label
is it going to next screen on push
@Ramesh yes, without using pagemenu class when i navigate to detailsSingleviewcontroller it shows proper value
actually i am passing "id" dict from previous view controller to detailsViewcontroller url to get the relevant info.
var dealIDetail:String? in this ur not getting value right when push
@Ramesh yes it shows null when i use pagemenu
var dealIDetail:String? can try changing this like this var dealIDetail = String()
but shows when i shows that page without using pagemenu
@Ramesh this is not the problem
@Ramesh any solution bro
acces ViewController through the PageMenu's controllerArray and pass value while pushing try
could u edit the code i have no idea @Ramesh bro
try declaring this var pageMenu : CAPSPageMenu? and get viewcontroller from array
in the class ur trying to push
how @Ramesh? any code and where to do
pls help i m stuck from 3 days
if not working use USerdefaults
@Ramesh ok bro checking
it worked??
checking wait bro
bro the name of pageMenu where controllerarray is declared is DealSingleViewController so in didselect what will i do@Ramesh
 var pageMenu : CAPSPageMenu?
        let vc = pageMenu?.controllerArray[0]
        let detailsSingle = storyboard?.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "DetailsViewController") as! DetailsViewController
        let dictSingle = arrayDealPage[indexPath.row] as? NSDictionary
        detailsSingle.ResultSingelDict = (dictSingle as? [String : AnyObject])!
        self.navigationController?.pushViewController(detailsSingle, animated: true)
pagemenu will have an array which handles page we are accessing from there did u try
i have tried above
let detailsSingle = storyboard?.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "DetailsViewController") as! DetailsViewController
y ur wrinting this again
use userdefaults bro it will be ok
above code als working but without page menu it is not working
D0 it via NSURLDefaults.
coz some issue may b with pagemenu library for passing data
bro i need code i am not able to understand what u r trying to say
@Ramesh pls
first i tried this it navigate to pagemenu class DealSinglePageController
let storyboard = UIStoryboard(name: "Main", bundle: nil)
        let dealSinglePage = storyboard.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "DealSinglePageController") as! DealSinglePageController
        let dictSingle = arrayDealPage[indexPath.row] as? NSDictionary
        dealSinglePage.ResultSingelDict = (dictSingle as? [String : AnyObject])!

        self.navigationController?.pushViewController(dealSinglePage, animated: true)
bro can u try
via NSURLDefaults. if it didnt work i can spend time in the eveing now am little busy bro
@Ramesh when u will be free
Evening we will discuss
@DilipTiwari are you allocating memory in DealSingleViewController for that dictionary?
@sathyachinnasamy i think no
is it NSMutableDictionary??
@sathyachinnasamy yes
u can see my code above what i have done pasteofcode.org
and help me
@DilipTiwari you have to allocate memory for that dictionary before set the value
@sathyachinnasamy where
before this line
dealSinglePage.ResultSingelDict = (dictSingle as? [String : AnyObject])!
could u tell me how as per my code
normally how do you create nsmutaledictionary?
and how do you allocate memory for that
can you tell me??
this is dictionary : var OpeningTimeSingLEDict = [String: AnyObject]()
Hello Could someone please take a look at this: would be grateful, thanks
Q: How to display pdf in a WebView in terms of UI and UX - iOS Swift

habedBrief about the app: The app parses html documents and load it in the app as a web view. In the iOS app I like to show PDF files. There is a structure XML that would contain the whole structure. Case 1: For a simple PDF file it would look like the following in the structure.xml <node id="Nc1...

@sathyachinnasamy ? happened
hi all
any implemented live video broadcast from ios application?
if yes then can please help we out which sdk is better
Guys, do we have to capture self every time we access a property of a class from inside the closure?? Is this the good practice? @ShobhakarTiwari @Abizern @Leena @AbhishekGupta can anyone please comment on this?
@abhi1992 Almost. You need to capture self in every escaping closure. It's not a matter of good practice, it's the language reminding you that you now have a strong reference. In most (but not all cases) using the same weakSelf strongSelf dance that we used to do in Objective-C will prevent a retain cycle.
Hi all , i am using UIDocumentInteractionController in my App but not getting mail option in the sharing menu
anyone can help ?
i use presentOptionsMenuFromRect. to show the menu which is generic for sharing option and it supposed to come but not coming :(
@BandishDave have tried already and lot more tutorial but not gettign mail option
every one is syaing that presentOptionsMenuFromRect is generic method and it shud present all option with no restriction .,.but it not showing mail option still
Anyone know much about transffering apps between developer accounts? I've made a transfer but the new version released from the new dev account cannot read localstorage written by the old version of the app released from the original dev account?
Can any one answer this please
@Abizern what about closures that don't escape? will it cause any issues with reference cycles?
@abhi1992 Nope. Because there is no need to use self there is no capture so no retain cycle medium.com/@abizern/…
@Abizern can u help me with above question ?
@DilipTiwari Sorry - I'm not familiar with the library you're using for paging.
@Abizern ok
how can i make this collection with horizontal scrollable @Abizern imgur.com/a/WLugL
@DilipTiwari What collection? What do you mean by horizontal scrollable? Do you get to a new page of 6 pictures, or do you lose two from one end and show two on the other? What does the page controller do?
i want to show all images on collection view with paging(means) @Abizern
@DilipTiwari ?
It's just a page view controller
want to display six images at a time in collectionview from web services and Scroll Direction: Horizontal , with dots as per screenshot
As I said - it's just a page view controller
@Abizern how will i make this and display images in that ?
hi @Abizern
ji @ShobhakarTiwari
hi @ShobhakarTiwari
need help
@DilipTiwari A UIPageViewController and a UIPageControl.
@Abizern any links in swift
any links for sample code @Abizern
@Abizern I have taken avplayer with uislider to show the progress
but I have to change rate of video at diffetrent interval
@DilipTiwari No. I normally just write it. There is nothing more I can give you than you can google yourself.
now slider is not showing proper
what should I do?
can you help me
@Abizern ok
@PayalManiyar Haven't done this before. Sorry.
@ashishkakkad hi
@NitinGohel hi
Hi Developer,
I need to develop a lib for application web service performance monitoring, Any one having exp releated here who can guide me on it
@PayalManiyar hi
@NitinGohel ek essue avto hato but hamna ja solve thai gayo
kevo 6e varsad tya?
aj nathi
kal savare saro hato
aj to tadko nikdo che
@Abizern hey bro
ahi chalu thayo 6e addho kalak thi
Hey. Just working, as usual.
@PayalManiyar vah moj ave ho
@Abizern great (y)
you did't take a part in election
you must be @Abizern
tamari ek travel ni app rakhadpatti avu kaik nam hatu a release thai gai?
@NitinGohel kem he
@NitinGohel Moderator elections? No. I don't think I have the badges from Meta that are needed.
@Abizern yah me too lol
@NitinGohel nai thai release?
thia gy che
iphone ma nathi?
Which language?
@NitinGohel there is one confusion in admob
@MuhammadNouman ignore bro its native just ussial talk
ok , but please stop @pinging.
we are not pinging to you
we talk with individual ping
just do you work
@PayalManiyar ?
ama estimated earning and earning alag ave 6e
and earning vadhti ja nathi
admob ma restriction ghana che
me startApp chalu karyu che
invitation moklu anu?
use this and sign up
ha moklo
iad use karyu 6e kyarey?
a bandh thia gyu
apple a bundh kari didhuu che
joi joish startapp
@NitinGohel thanks
8 hours later…
@PayalManiyar yes
Can I ask a android dev question on this chat?
3 hours later…
Hi, anyone know about localstorage on ios? apple.stackexchange.com/q/293227/249087 thanks :)

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