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Good morning all :)
Good Morning :)
Anybody have implemented login with Twitch ?
Hi all
Good morning
Q: How to update each custom tableview cell data at the same time?

JAKI am using Xcode 8.2.1 with Swift3.I have one custom tableview cell containing UITextView.When I type the data to textView the custom cell automatically growing.Its working fine.I also want to update my other cells with same data when i typing specific cell.For example When I am typing data in f...

anybody have an idea about this
gud mrg all
4 hours later…
hello everyone
i m facing an issue
i hv a dictionary
that i want to add to array
if appConstants.defaults.value(forKey:"cardListArray") != nil
CardListArray.insert(CardInfoDictionary, at: 0)
// CardListArray.add(CardInfoDictionary)
i m using this code
but instead of adding
it get replaced
@BoominadhaPrakashM @TusharSharma
@pooja_1205 can you show the output what you want and what you getting
you are trying to insert dictionary at index 0 and your condition says your array is not nil so that means there is already a value present at index 0 which you replaced
@RamaniHitesh hi
how to set pan gesture limit objective c
hello , i 'm having a custom view of 5 buttons and is used in 2 different controllers.i'm able to design view but buttons actions is different for each controller.Can any help me ,how do i manage that?
using delegate
@NitishaSharma using delegate method two different controller
i define a protocol and implement in controller something like?
but all the buttons state changes on other button action
@NitishaSharma what are you trying to do please explain
you have 2 views in 2 different controller with 5 buttons
@NitishaSharma all button action delete then new action replace
@TusharSharma may be button more action call... so try new action
@TusharSharma - i've created a custom view with 5 buttons.each button is having different action.example each button filters a list depends on condition
if one is selected other gets deselected in short update themself
oak much clear so what is happening?
ohh oak
are you sure every button has different action?
different outlet?
@NitishaSharma i think try this
can you show image of controller and storyboard?
@TusharSharma - no outlets , view is created programatically
can you show controller class in pastie
@RamaniHitesh - creating delegate is good to notify controller to perform action , but how can i notify same button to update their state
@TusharSharma - yes sure
sorry i'm new to chat how do i share image?
do one thing just upload one there is a option for it right?
no it's not there
HTML text to plain text conversion in swift 3. Crashing
any one can help me on this?
posted on June 14, 2017 by Johann

Core ML is the new machine learning framework added by Apple to the iOS SDK. Including within Core ML is the vision framework providing high-performance computer vision features for tasks such as image and face detection with higher performance in the past. This tutorial from Jeffrey Bergier shows how to get started with the Vision […]

@NitishaSharma using string different action button
@RamaniHitesh - Could you please explain it more?
I tried this approach @TusharSharma. But when I'm tapping internal link in webview and start converting html to plain text its crashing like "error: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=259 "The file couldn’t be opened because it isn’t in the correct format."
ok @TusharSharma
array (
cardCVVCode = 123;
cardExpiryDate = "06/2018";
cardHolderName = pooja;
cardNumber = 5656565656565656;
cardSavedAs = "prime card";
array count 1
struct model{
this is my code
struct Model {

    var cardCVVCode:Int?
    var cardExpiryDate: Int?
    var cardHolderName:String?
    var cardNumber: Int? var cardSavedAs:String?
} create a model class like this after that in your controller class create array of model class like var model : [Model] = {.Model( cardCVVCode:123,cardExpiryDate : "06/2018", cardHolderName : pooja,cardNumber : 5656565656565656,cardSavedAs : "prime card")     return [Model]}()
any other way except for using model class @TusharSharma
iOS world group join by Link

struct Model {

var cardCVVCode:Int?
var cardExpiryDate: Int?
var cardHolderName:String?
var cardNumber: Int?
var cardSavedAs:String?

var model:[Model] = {

var data = Model(cardCVVCode: 123, cardExpiryDate: 1234, cardHolderName: "it's free to send",cardNumber:123,cardSavedAs:"")

return [data]

@pooja_1205 this is much easier and better way of coding model objects
Q: How to build .ipa application for react-native-ios?

Saravana Kumar.SI would try "How to generate .ipa file for react-native?" But I'cant get .ipa file. Any one cloud you explain how to get .ipa file .

from where to call this model then @TusharSharma
create different class for model then in controller class call it
@sathyachinnasamy i
@NitishaSharma done or not nitisha
which problem create..
@NitishaSharma which problem fetch
ok @TusharSharma
5 hours later…
@TusharSharma guysz use pastie.org to share code
code pasting not allowed here
@ShobhakarTiwari ok
@TusharSharma ping me on skype
bro 5 min 1 issue aa rkha hai i am in night shift after that i come online ok
ping me 11:30
need to talk
okkk sure

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