I have a collectionView with text cells. When I select a Cell I got to new view and edit it, When I come back to the CollectionView I need to reload that Cell to reflect the edits. Where do I call the reload(at: IndexPath)?
I am using a UIView extension for applying a gradient layer to a UIView. I need to change the gradient colors on runtime while scrolling a tableview. I use the scrollview contentoffset value to update the gradient color.
What I tried:
I tried to remove the layer from superlayer and create a new ...
@PradipKumar what you said is how we add a gradient to a layer. I got the answer, We can change the color property on runtime within the same scope. Thank for the effort.
I'm converting MPMediaItem to NSData using below code, when I'm playing a song using NSData in Bluetooth speakers song not making clear sound. Its like this code may reduce song quality when converting to NSData.
So my question is how I maintain high quality song or any other way to get high qu...