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Good morning all :)
1 hour later…
good morning all
1 hour later…
Gud mrg all :)
Hi All,
My App is crashing showing message sent to deallocated instance only in iOS verson 9 but not on version 10. I have checked with the variable it gets nil when i am debugging in iphone 9.3 but its working fine in iOS v 10
anybody have any idea
1 hour later…
hello all
currently i m working on xcode 7.3.1 with swift2.2
my code is working fine on iphone 5 and 5s also on all simulatores
but when installing app build on iphone6s and run the app. app gets crashes on some views
I didn't understand why my app crashing. also the iphone6s version is updated
so there is device problem or version problem ?
Probably a version problem.
please help me on that @ShobhakarTiwari @pooja_1205 @Priya @Anbu.Karthik @AntoineSimon
what is the OS version of your iPhone 6s ?
Ok that is why
@AntoineSimon so what is the solution?
i am not an expert but just a Junior so i will not be abele to explain deeply
so your device is using the latest version, so your need to work with the latest
if I update my xcode then i also update my code in swift3
Yes but swift 3 is ten time easier than swift 2
while converting there are lots of error
and i m unable to solve
coz there is syntax change and also my third party libraries changes
Oh maybe the third party lib will be a problem
no coz on that particular view there is third party web service is called
otherwise, try to find where is the crash with the 6s, it is probably just a interpretation of the code that didn't work anymore
How to localise complete app on button click to other lang
yes @PallaviNikumbh - sry for delay, your problem is solved ro not
no my problem not solved yet :(
where u stuck
whats the problem ?
coz i cant connect iphone 6s with my mac
my xcode is lover version nd iphone has latest version
why what the issue facing
so cant debug it
then you need to upgrade your XCode for latest
if I update my xcode then i also update my code in swift3
then take the window console
while converting there are lots of error
and i m unable to solve
coz there is syntax change and also my third party libraries changes
on simulator of 6s and 6 its working correctly
may be archittecuture probem
check ur thirdparty support with arm 64
that's y i didn't recognise the exact problem with it
what is the Xcode version ?
simoutaor does not trhough the architruture probem
show pod file
else update your thirdparty library and try once
@Dhiru xcode 7.3.1
i think you can continue with swift 2.2 in your projects , don't convert to Swift 3.

From next project you can shift to swift 3.0
pod 'IQKeyboardManagerSwift', '4.0.5'
pod 'FBSDKCoreKit'
pod 'FBSDKLoginKit'
pod 'FBSDKShareKit'
pod 'SDWebImage', '~>3.8'
pod 'ZMSwiftRangeSlider'
@Dhiru excatly but now there is problem
you should upgrade to latest xcode version
my code is working fine on iphone 5 and 5s also on all simulatores
but when installing app build on iphone6s and run the app. app gets crashes on some views
I didn't understand why my app crashing. also the iphone6s version is updated
so there is device problem or version problem ?
or anything else
your podfile does not a probem
canyu show the crash report
r u there
i cant log the crash report coz iphone version is latest so i cant debug
your device is connected in yiur mac or not
if yes do the followong steps
devices is connected
say yes or nor
but on my xcode7.3.1 its not connectd
no need
how can i run code on it
go to xcode --> menu --> select window --> devices
whats the issue @PallaviNikumbh
check deployment target in general settings
deployment not a problem bro, in my knowledge
array bounds or UI updation or else
@Anbu.Karthik yes i follow the above step
data nil on passing or serlization
you get the device window
in leftside select your device
yes m selecting the deviece
but it shows warning could not find developer disc image
you have to upgrade Xcode
yes should upgrade
but it shows warning could not find developer disc image - you need to upgrade the xode
else see my image selct the button you get the device console
or if someone having latestet xcode in your office just take disc image and copy in your xcode package it will work
check once what the crash your get in your app
@Never_Give_UP - appreciate my dear bro or sis
ha ha
Now solve my problem
ohhk means it prints the crash log on that console ri8
Q: How to draw shadow around the masked UIView?

DhiruI want to make a UIView which will have shape like in Figure 1. and also should have shadow around the shape of my view . I am using below code to draw CAShaperLayer with UIBezierPath UIBezierPath *bezier = [UIBezierPath bezierPath]; [bezier moveToPoint:CGPointMake(0,7)]; [bezier addLi...

@Anbu.Karthik ok bro
@Never_Give_UP if I update my xcode then i also update my code in swift3
while converting there are lots of error
and i m unable to solve
coz there is syntax change and also my third party libraries changes
on simulator of 6s and 6 its working correctly
@PallaviNikumbh - correct
do fast my sister
ohk i will check on it
@Dhiru - use anyone
and try
Hello everyone
@Anbu.Karthik but this log is continuously printing how to detect
ha ha ha
you need to check device console does not stop , you need to scroll and detect when the app has crash
@PallaviNikumbh - you found the error or not
no coz at this time app not crashing anywhere so I am again download the build in my phone
@Never_Give_UP : Can we put shadow on masked View , Acutally that is the demo only next I'll be making Pentagon And Hexagon Views
@Anbu.Karthik @AntoineSimon @pooja_1205,,,,Can we put shadow on masked View ??
@Dhiru - srry bro, i am not familier this
@Dhiru yes
how ??
@Anbu.Karthik yes i got the crash log
@PallaviNikumbh - great show the crash
TIC TCP Conn Start [4:0x1701981f0]
TIC TCP Conn Event [4:0x1701981f0]: 1 Err(0)
TIC TCP Conn Connected [4:0x1701981f0]: Err(0)
TIC Enabling TLS [4:0x1701981f0]
it gives mi this and
The behavior of the UICollectionViewFlowLayout is not defined because:
<Notice>: the item height must be less than the height of the UICollectionView minus the section insets top and bottom values, minus the content insets top and bottom values.
<Notice>: The relevant UICollectionViewFlowLayout instance is <UICollectionViewFlowLayout: 0x14fe59fc0>, and it is attached to <UICollectionView: 0x150886600; frame = (50.784 2.208; 311.328 71.76); clipsToBounds = YES; autoresize = RM+BM; gestureRecognizers = <NSArray: 0x174247860>; layer = <CALayer: 0x17422d8a0>; contentOffset: {0, 0}; contentSize:
these reeports are getting
What you are returing the Size for CelltionVIewItem ?? @PallaviNikumbh
@PallaviNikumbh collection view item height is more than UICollectionView set properly check flow layout and and set item sizes in UICollectionView properly
@Dhiru bro u should check out bro not sure it can be done
@Never_Give_UP ok i will
hve a nice day and bye
have u guys submitted app to AppStore which is code contains of aes encryption?
what is default splash time in ios
max 3 sec
if you want to modify then see this
Q: Displaying splash screen for longer than default seconds

fuzzIs it possible to display the Default.png for a specified number of seconds? I have a client that wants the splash screen displayed for longer than its current time. They would like it displayed for 2 - 3 seconds.

In google map current location button not working
It is not showing my current location
no no
dont want to modify
just want to know the default time
hello @BhavinRamani
i have an issue with UIAlertViewController
its being moved to a buggy position
@Ranjit share screenshot
buggy position when i open an alertview and then press home button and then again open the app
screen plz

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