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posted on September 12, 2016 by Johann

Skopelos is an open source Swift library from Alberto De Bortoli for working with Core Data built on the active record pattern. Skopelos dramatically reduces the amount of boiler plate required to work with Core Data with a clean chainable syntax for reading and writing. This example from the readme shows how one could read […]

2 hours later…
Hi everybody I have a problem in ios
do you work ios?
can you help me?
Good morning...
@zohreh what is your question?
I install a mac 10.11.2 on vmWare then install xcode 7.3 on my mac .in xcode 7.3 dont exist any simulator when i try create a simulator it dont work @BhavinRamani
create button dont do any things.@BhavinRamani
Good morning all :)
@zohreh Check if it is already downloaded.
yes I downloaded it already @BhavinRamani
then why are you downloading again?
I want create a simulator after download @BhavinRamani
Then choose Download more simulator option from OS Version:
hey guys , Gudmrng Every one :-)
Gud mrg @All
hi @sandy
good morning
hv u worked u kml files
@pooja_1205 hello
to draw polygon of countries n states
@pooja_1205 no i don't work on this but as i know it related to XML based file format used to display geographic data.
ya right
in that i m not getting polygon for australia
and some countries in US
@pooja_1205 okay so i have to read this in detail before answer , may be some one else can help you on same. :-)
no problm
thanks @sandy
@zohreh u need to install simulator too
how install simulator? @ShobhakarTiwari
I downloded it
@zohreh from where you have downloaded the simulator?
I downloaded it from inside of xcode
@BoominadhaPrakashM @ShobhakarTiwari
@zohreh okay.. you have downloaded iOS 8.1 simulator.. what is your deployment target iOS version?
Use 8.0 then only you can use that iOS 8.1 simulator. After setting the deployment target 8.0 you can see the downloaded simulator in the list of simulators.
it didnt change @BoominadhaPrakashM
oh... which xcode version you are using?
okay... even if you set deployment target to 8.1 you are not able to see the simulator in the list of simulators?
posted on September 13, 2016 by Johann

PredicateEditor is an open source component from Arvindh Sukumar for creating NSPredicates at runtime using a visual editor allowing the user to easily filter data. PredicateEditor allows filters for common data types such as Strings, NSDate, and different number types. Multiple filters can be defined, and the interface updates automatically. This image from the readme […]

@zohreh might be few point that is not correct with your settings and you can check once that is mention in this link. check for once stackoverflow.com/questions/26690730/…
close and try to open the Xcode again @zohreh
I did it but any change @BoominadhaPrakashM
Hi All, Delegate method gives me an error of FBSDKShareLinkContent not used. I want to post photo from image picker to Facebook So I am using FBSDKSharePhotoContent. Then why should I use FBSDKShareLinkContent. Is there anyway to use FBSDKSharePhotoContent. Thanks a lot in advance
@RohitWankhede facebook has changed its policy regarding post
may be this causing issue
:( is it possible with Graph API? what you think ?
@RohitWankhede yea i think so
Is it bad practice to have a custom collection view class that acts like a uicollectionviewcontroller at the same time?
ping @Abizern :)
Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: 'to-many key not allowed here'
getting this error
used code like this
can any help me
I'll take a quick look.
Ah it's objective-c never mind.
yes this is objective c
I am sure you must have worked on objective c also. If you can tell me the reason of this crash, i will find out solution.
I have worked on Swift also, Just need a brief explanation
@Rinku hasContactBasicInfo.value
recheck this
causing crash
yes. contact ----->> basicinfo
and "value" is key of basicinfo
this is relation name
basic infor have 6 keys
having string value
hi @ShobhakarTiwari
@Rinku u can't use predicate that way
be specific about key
then it will work
like .name etc
i m having some issue using kml file to draw polygon of countries
can u plz help
Q: NSPredicate on nested object / NSSet to filter the result during NSFetchRequest

yunasI want a simple predicate that returns me all the groups which have mode = 0 and the mode of the enrollments in the group = 0 To be precise i need a predicate to access the nested object properties. Somehow a predicate like: [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"mode = 0 AND enrollments.Enrollme...

I used this one "Martins answer"
@pooja_1205 plotting issue ?
yes i m not getting boundarie sof australia
and thats why i m not able to fill color to that continent
@pooja_1205 chck this
A: Google Maps how to Show city or an Area outline

radu-mateiFrom what I searched, at this moment there is no option from Google in the Maps API v3 and there is an issue on the Google Maps API going back to 2008. There are some older questions - Add "Search Area" outline onto google maps result , Google has started highlighting search areas in Pink color. ...

i m using on mapkit
it contains exact concept which needs to follw
rest is implementation section either u use apple map or google doesnt matter
i hv done the implementation @ShobhakarTiwari
but the issue is i m not getting th eboundaries around australia
though i have its coordinates
@pooja_1205 share code how u doing and also corresponding output screen
and i m using kmlparser to parse kml file
u passing cordinate properly
how to check for it
the same coordinates r working in android app
A: Mark country boundaries - iPad (With or Without MapKit)

MatI've done this, but it's a little tricky. You have to get all the coordinates for the boundary: i used this tool to get all the coordinates of my boudary, you have to use the polyline tool and each time you click on the map this tool generates all the coordinates on the right. Once you have all t...

cudnt find anything useful on this @ShobhakarTiwari
use tool given there
@Ranjit yes
i created a swift array of my objectType
and I tried to append objects from other array into it
it worked, the array has a first object, which has all values nil
i dont get, why it has a first object which is nil
i declared my array this way
var Array = [Event.tickets()]
po of that array plz
what @PayalManiyar?
print of that array
ok let me give @PayalManiyar
@Ranjit okay
m also get the same problem u should declare like [Event.tickets]()
it may help u
prabhat that doesnt work
compiler gives warning
can u me show how u declare it
var Array = [Event.tickets()]
var tempArray = [Event.tickets]() try this
becoz Array is keyword in swift
it doesnt work
whats the error
ok let me show
Invalid use of '()' to call a value of non-function type '[Event.Tickets.Type]'
still getting first value nil
i cannot declare it the way u said
i know
it has first object of Event.Ticket type which has all values nil
i feel like platform has already added one object
var tempArray:Event.tickets = [] try this
Contextual type 'Event.Tickets' cannot be used with array literal
@Ranjit What is Event.tickets? Is it a static property?
Tickets is a class inside parent calss Event
What does Event look like?
public class Event {

public var id:String!
public var title: String!

public class Tickets{

public var amount:CGFloat!
No initialisers? Force unwrapped properties?
Hi, have a question about hiding views completely using Autolayout. The first solution is to use fixed height property and then set to zero when needed. But this solution requires storing view's height in code. Another way is to create zero height fixed constraint, and in code just set "active" property of NSLayoutConstraint. What solution is better?
what @Abizern
@Sunrise I prefer the second, because then the view can size itself using auto layout. You may have to take care with setting the priorities correctly.
@Abizern i have a doubt can i ask now?
@Rinku You could just ask, and if anyone else sees the question they might be able to help you. Don't ask if you can ask. Just ask.
in my iPhone app user can tap with 10 fingers repeatedly. I am facing a problem. My device could not able detect all the tap if i press with all 10 finger simultaneously
i found in few links iphone can detect max 5 taps at a time.
@Abizern My concern is, that second solution is less efficient because every time I set active property it adds or removes constraint
but if i do the tapping with 5 finger bit faster, then also it unable to detect all the tap. but 2-3 it is working great
is there any way to forcefully allow iphone to detect 10 taps and apple will approve ?
@Ranjit Try using var tempArray: [Event.Tickets] = [] which works. But I don't like the way you've written your class without initialisers, and I don't like the way your parameters are all force-unwrapped with !
@Rinku Probably because it's very hard to get all 10 fingers touching the screen at the same time. What value have you set for numberOfTouchesRequired?
@Sunrise What's the difference between that and setting the height to 0?
not set any value for that. only enabled multipletouch
@Rinku So all you are doing is counting touches, not requiring a number of touches to fire the gesture recogniser's selector.
i have not used custom gesture recogniser.
1. I have enabled multiple touch on a view
2 after that i am creating a circular label at the touch point
3. and on tapout i am removing the circular lable
I am showing the no of taps on the label
this what i am trying to do
@Abizern I guess, that with setting the height to 0, then system need just layout it again. But with 'active' property it has to spend time on adding and removing constraints
From NSLayoutConstraint documentation:
Setting the constant on an existing constraint performs much better than removing the constraint and adding a new one that's exactly like the old except that it has a different constant.
@Sunrise If you read that carefully, that says that changing the constant of an existing constraint is faster that removing it and adding a new one with a different constant. That isn't what you are doing. You are enabling and disabling a constraint.
@Abizern it looks like I misunderstood something. For example, I have label "New" which I should hide and set the height to zero. One way is to set fixed height constraint, then create outlet. And if I need to show this label, I set value from code equal to its height. Another solution is to add additional fixed height constraint and set it to 0 in IB and from the code set 'active' property. Both solutions require height constraint so constraint will exist in both approaches.
@Sunrise Yes, but in one case you'll need to store the height of the label, and in the other you don't. Also, you don't usually set height constraints on a label because that can be inferred from the intrinsic size.
@Abizern It looks like I understood. If I need for example in viewDidLoad, decide to show view or not for once, then it's better to enable or disable constraint. But if I have to show/hide view several times, then it makes sense to use constant value, correct?
@Sunrise Probably.
@Abizern can you tell how to solve that problem
@Rinku Count the number of touches. I'm not sure I understand your question?
i have taken a static variable. on click i am increasing the value of the varibal
ex: if i click with 2 finger then the count will 2 , again i click with 3 finger the count will be 5 and so on it will increase
got ?
@Abizern, why was my previous declaration not working? whats wrong with my class decalaration?
i would like to follow good coding practices
so it would be great if you would help me
1 hour later…
@Rinku Okay, so in your touches method, just count the number of touches. All the Touch methods have an NSSet of them, you just need to count it. developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/EventHandling/…
Use initialisers
public class Event {

public var id:String
public var title: String

init(id: String, title: String) {
self.id = id
self.title = title

public class Tickets{

public var amount:CGFloat

init(amount: CGFloat) {
self.amount = amount

And I'm not sure why you've put the definition for Tickets inside Event. You could move it outside.
because it is related to event I have put it inside Event.
Secondly, what was wrong in my approach, and how your approach helps @Abizern
i am just trying to understand
@Ranjit Just because it's related to an event, doesn't mean it has to be inside the event.
so what are the advantages of it being outside?
code readability and maintainability?
@Ranjit Yes. A class is a definition, by nesting it you are only making it more complex. Also. do you really need a class? Can you not use a struct instead? As for initialisers, that way you can set values for your properties, and you don't have to bang them unecessarily.
firstly thanks, Secondly so when to use nested classes? Thirdly I dont have a clear understanding of how to decide when i should use a class and struct. so if you could hightlight some points, it would be helpful for me in future. @Abizern
It's all in the documentation. There as section called "Choosing between structures and classes" on this page developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/Swift/Conceptual/…
second question ? @Abizern
And I've never had to use a nested class.
thanks a lot
I seem to be getting "Framework not found Bolts" linker error after including FBSDK. Has anyone experienced this before?
I have CoreKit, LoginKit, ShareKit, and Bolts framework all in my root dir.
whats up everyone!
newb question here... I'm helping a friend update his app with an existing bundle ID already. Cant build because I don't have an app ID with matching bundle identifier
3 hours later…
posted on September 13, 2016

You can now get more data about your auto-renewable subscriptions in iTunes Connect. The new Subscriptions page in Sales and Trends makes it easy to view key metrics and two new reports provide details into subscriber activity. Learn more.

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