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04:00 - 13:0013:00 - 19:00

gm all !
@All hello Gudmrng!
@NitinGoel sir hello gudmrng!
@Leena g hello gudmrng!
gud mrng all
GM to all
Gm to all
gm to all
@NitinGohel gm
@Sport gm
kahan ho
VGM @ImranKhan @NitinGohel sir
@Sport sorry yaar, light is gone that day
GM to all
@Sport issue solved?
hi @AshishKakkad @NitinGohel @iDeveloper @Coder gud mrng :)
Hello Good Morning To all
any one know ans. about this question ??? stackoverflow.com/questions/23706909/…
@NitinGohel @Leena @iDeveloper
gm to all
@Leena G VGM
@MitsBhadeshiya dnt have device so cant tell you
can you add more description to your question
@MitsBhadeshiya check
@Leena in instagram API get Access_token send auth request that is based on web view that i dont want so i am finding how can i call the API Using the afnetworking or ASI-HTTP request (that i try but getting error in response ) instagram.com/developer/authentication
there is demo you need to setting app key
redirect url url
@NitinGohel that already i download and working on that but i dont want web view login so i am trying to create custom login by calling AUTH API
@NitinGohel........Hi Nitin.I am developing an iOS application which will be for both English and Chinease. Client requirements is that somewhere in my app ,two language options will be there in table row.If the user clicks English,all text of my app should be changed to english and if user clicks Chinease, all text of my app should be changed to chinease text.
the problem is that i am not getting how my views text will be refreshed according to user action
can we share image on google plus
@pooja_1205 dnt know about G+ sorry @pooja_1205 maam
@wimcNilesh study this
1 min ago, by Nitin Gohel
and second one
@Sport set tint color
@Kani hello PA
@NitinGohel sir there i have image
ti add
to add
just try set tint color that change image
else clear color
sidebarButton.tintColor = [UIColor clearcolor];
i used this
than i am not able to see button also
from storybord
that you are setting image
yes i used there also
same effect
@NitinGohel.....but it's telling to select your language by going to Settings->General of iOS devices,which i think i don't want.I want something like users interaction in my app only, not by leaving my app and then going to devices settings.
@NitinGohel ....more preciously, consider i have two buttons one for English and other for Chinease.If user clicks English button,then all ViewController texts should change to English and If user clicks Chinease button,then all ViewController texts should change to Chinease. Not by going to language settings of iOS (General > International > Language).
then you have to create code with check use of nsuserdefault
and load accarding to localized text
@All GoodMorning
posted on July 21, 2014 by Johann

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@Sport then better to set programeticully
@NitinGohel.....one mu query .If any iOS app which supports localisations, they follow which way 1) language settings of iOS (General > International > Language). or 2)NSUserDefaults
ok @NitinGohel sir
@wimcNilesh that setting mostly app used
@NitinGohel......i just now tried ( language settings of iOS (General > International > Language).)......its changing all text of devices.
Q: Making multi-language ios app

JosI need to build an app which will be multilingual. For instance, the app will be released in France and the Netherlands. The user needs to select a language when the app first start for the first time. Is there an easier way to do this? In Xcode I saw something about localizations. Does this hav...

@wimcNilesh google.co.in/…
@NitinGohel.......thanks buddy for your precious effort and time.Will do some google and try to get concepts..and will come back to you for any more query.
@wimcNilesh see this may be you need this github.com/tonisalae/TSLanguageManager
@Leena....thanks for your support.Will check and tell you:)
Hi every one i am having textfields in custom cell i wanna get every text field value i have two sections. pastie.org/9408658
i am accessing custom cell through this code if part for section one it works but when i try to get section2 it shows nill what
may the problem?
@NitinGohel @Leena any idea?
weird when i == 3 you are accessing 4 th cell in tableview
@Leena yes thats the problrm i changed .. i ve restart loop from 0
hi friends,anybody have idea about augmented reality in ios
how to restrict user to input only integer number not decimal in textfield in ios @iosdeveloper family
@SKT give mi link that you are trying to do google of find
this solution
hi friends, How to XMPP Account Delete in iOS
9 messages moved to VOID
@YSRfan first time visiter of this group?
i did alrady worning about use pastie org
sorry, i will follow now on wards.
@SPVarma what need of access
u are mast and great coder
then no need to be part of ios dev family
Q: UITextField - Allow only numbers and punctuation input/keypad

DevCI have tried the code below but that only allows for numbers on the keypad to be inputted. My app requires the keypad to use a period/full stop (for money transactions). The code I tried is: - (BOOL)textField:(UITextField *)textField shouldChangeCharactersInRange:(NSRange)range replacementString...

Taarif ke liye shukriya @NitinGohel
@NitinGohel thnku ..
wahi to keh raha hu kham kha ap apna waqt barbad kar rahe ho
so thx and ba bye
hume yaha bade log nahi chahiye
kon bade log :O
me to ek mango people hu
Hiii i am trying to change UIButtons's frame in viewDidLayoutSubview method based on portrait and landscape mode but it is not changing can any one tell me how to solve this.. screencast.com/t/jCbwNbBb
when i am doing this [btn_upload setTranslatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints:YES]; than it is changing but it is giving Unable to simultaneously satisfy constraints.
Probably at least one of the constraints in the following list is one you don't want. Try this: (1) look at each constraint and try to figure out which you don't expect; (2) find the code that added the unwanted constraint or constraints and fix it. (Note: If you're seeing NSAutoresizingMaskLayoutConstraints that you don't understand, refer to the documentation for the UIView property translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints)
@NitinGohel thnx man .. problem solved
@Nisha pls use pastie.org for long paragaraph
@Yohan sorry i dont know how to do that
@Yohan r u there
@Nisha pastie.org and write your code there and then press create button then use that link to refer ur code .. happy coding :)
nitin goel
how r u?
maje ma?
who is he @BulletRaja
m just asking r u well in gujrati
i question
o barabar
i have 10 -12 mp3 files i need to play then onle by on eautomatically
how can i?
create an array
@SKT ok
and play one by on when one finish
play second one with help of index
Is it possible for an iOS app to programmatically know if the device has its date time set as automatic or manual?
@Madhavan89 no its not possible
@NitinGohel hi bro u there
kisine ipad me work kiya ho to solution bataona plz
maine kiya h
kya hua
@BulletRaja i am trying to change UIButtons's frame in viewDidLayoutSubview method based on portrait and landscape mode but it is not changing... screencast.com/t/jCbwNbBb
when i am doing this [btn_upload setTranslatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints:YES]; than it is changing but it is giving Unable to simultaneously satisfy constraints.
Hi All, I have a problem with coredata migration in iOS 8
Can anyone please help me
Recently I have added a new attribute in existed Entity, then its working fine in 7.1.1 but
Its not working in 8.0 beta 3
@BulletRaja r u there??
how to share on facebook
[socialController setInitialText:@"Testing: This is the app link!"];
@pooja_1205 Using what facebookSDK? or Social framework?
Someone know why my app using FMDB Framework for SQLite works in iPhone 5 but not in iPhone 5S ?
if i want to add the text from two text fields as the setIntialText
social framework i m using @satish
Simply u can use social
@pooja_1205 so exactly u want to share .."This is the app link!:" rit?
i want a label then a string
This is the app link: hello
hello is the string
This is the app link will be the label
@NitinGohel How to set pus notification application icon different from app icon
@pooja_1205 You append in your method before posting and then post
U got my point right?
thank u
HI All
How can i reduce the download video file size in IOS?
@Madhavan89 I think you can reduce by doing archive and unarchive before display.
@satish thanks
How to handle youtube streaming seekbar in IOS?
If it is possible?
NSString *fbshare_str= [NSString stringWithFormat: @"If I Did this %@"" I will win %@ ", _ifText, _thenTextField];
doing this i m not getting correct result
i want it shud be like: If I Did this "text from _ifText" I will win "text from _theTextField"
This is not the correct way
@pooja_1205 iPhone-Facebook-Graph-API-master
check this
@Hemant i dont think that is possible
@pooja_1205 NSString *fbshare_str= [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@%@%@ ",@"If I Did this" _ifText, @" I will win",_thenTextField];
but not sure
use this way
@NitinGohel Hi
Can you check my issue once?
Core data migration is not working in iOS 8.0 beta 3
@pooja_1205 if you are using facebook sdk
Can you guide me, What should I do now, Migration is working fine in iOS 7.1.1 and older versions
just use this method
@satish i am not familiar with core data
i m only use FBDB
@NitinGohel Oh K, I thought U will give a good advice :(
@all... Anyone have idea on my issue, If u please guide me.
i want to animate once and when one animation loop is completed i want to set one image
@NitinGohel bro check my code
then just complication of animation
set image what is the big deal
i setted
it iterate one time
and stop
and no image is setted
@NitinGohel sir i want to upload audio file and text data on server. i am used this stackoverflow.com/questions/5422028/… but not got success
if i use stop animation it is not working
@NitinGohel are u gettting
@ImranKhan What is the value for croc.animationRepeatCount? y r u checking there?
Is it needed?
i want to iterate one time
so i used
What is the value of animationRepeatCount
You alredy gave that value right?
so It iterate only once
k after that
i want to replace
After completion for loop you you add image to imageview
and see
it should get replaced
without using any if(croc.animationRepea ......)
not working
i checked
image is not replacing
after one iteration
Which image ur getting
after iteration i want c0 image
but image is not coming
@ImranKhan Which Image ur getting?
hi can anybody tell me how do i notify when i get call?
i have seen this code.
Q: How detect incoming and outgoing call end state? iphone

iosI have a requirement that is the app should disappear after install and when incoming or outgoing call, soon after the call the app should prompt and display the screen. How disappear app after installation? How detect incoming and outgoing call? How display screen after ending of incoming and...

but when i put this observers in my viewcontroller they are not going to notify me
can we give the option of rate our app in the first release of app version
what u want
can we give the option of rate our app in the first release of app version
on the click of rate us the user can rate our app
on itunes
but right now we dnt hv the itunes app id
for the app
only after login u can
i hv an app
in that i m giving the option to user to rate the app
on the click of rate
the user will be re directed to the app on itunes
and their he can rate
as the app is not yet released
so i dnt hv the itunes llink of the app
which i can provide on the rate click button
Can anyone guide me through GCM for IOS, i.e. Push Notification?
@user3687118 In Android Its GCM, Its PushNotification in iOS
@BulletRaja Do u have any idea about Core data migration?
So to have Push Notification in IOS , I have to go through APNS i.e. make the .pem file and connect to Apple Gateway and then fire the data to a particular device token?
@NitinGohel r u there ?
i need help
There is no other way to replicate this?
@Leena mam
@square, the NSLog line at the end itself looks erronoeos
[[nameofImageview objectAtIndex:0]: insertObject:@"ram" atIndex:0];
my issue how to insert value in folder1array
using nameofImageview index value
all are NSMutablearray
@user3687118 Someny ways to implement push notification
How, @satish?
U can use Amezon server or any other like UrbenAirship..
depend upon ur client req
But neither of them include GCM , right @satish?
Now As a iPhone developer I think, according to my knowlwdge we are not using
only Android or PoneGap developers will use that
@square What is ur issue exactly?
I saw that
Ur try to add empty arrays to nameofImageview array
[[nameofImageview objectAtIndex:0] insertObject:@"ram" atIndex:0];
NSLog(@"first====%@",[nameofImageview objectAtIndex:0]);
my issue to add value using nameofImageview index value in appropriate array
In this way , the void implementation error doesn't occur
its not working
@square First keep a break point in for loop and check R U getting empty arrays or not
@satish any way to use dictionary
if yes then how
its yes
@square, you can make a dictionary probably like this pastebin.com/AL6Lcn98
@user3687118 i didnt g
get ur logic
i am 4 nsmutablearray , i want to insert value in accordint to condition
in that nsmutable array
i want to upload audio file and some text on server help of this link stackoverflow.com/questions/… but got problem
my url like this Nsstring *srt="myurl ? data={\"user_id\":\"%@\",\"template\":\"%@\",\"user_type\":\"%@\",\"Method\":\"C‌​reate_Template\"}"
@square check this if it is of any interest pastebin.com/zjW7FHg9
@BulletRaja I have implemented Its not working fine for iOS 8 beta 3
@square U did that?
@satish I need to know something.
The backend of my app is done in Java. So, can you tell me any particular library that is suited for implementing APNS
The thing is , if it were PHP I would've done it without any problem
But the Backend is pre-made , and is sending Push Notifications to android devices
Oh..Its good one, But I don't have any idea sorry
That is why I was trying to see if GCM services could be used to impelement the same functionalities as Android
welcome mohit
@BulletRaja tr?
@AnilPrasad yes
i asked some problem on above
see this and help me
Hello Experts
@AKSH have you tried implementing the data parameter in the body instead in the header
@BulletRaja hw r u?hw s going?
bro i need ur help
@BulletRaja yes say me if possible i will help
if u have any problem or question
plz ask on stackoverfolw
and let me answer
i ahve to increase my repo
to 100 more any how in 2-3 days
@SaadChaudhry yes sir
@BulletRaja why
sir to ap ho :P
this is new trick?
to increes repo
no bro
i need it
that's y ask
04:00 - 13:0013:00 - 19:00

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