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posted on July 16, 2014 by Johann

    Featured iPhone Development Resources,iOS Development Libraries,Objective-C,Open Source iOS Libraries And Tools     Featured iPhone Development Resources,iOS Development Libraries,Objective-C,Open Source iOS Libraries And Tools Earlier this year I mentioned an interesting image caching library called Haneke. Here’s another interesting open

5 hours later…
Gud mrng
gm Night
gmrg frnds
nind aa rahi he
hi @NitinGohel gud mrng :)
@Leena morning MAAM
hwo r u
how you fil doing coding after 6 mointh
feeling really great
@NitinGohel @Leena @BulletRaja @sanjay @pooja_1205 Good Morning :)
@AshishKakkad good evning
So jao yaar, nind aa rahi hai to :) @NitinGohel
@AshishKakkad gud mrng :)
chooti le lo, Nitin sir
@AshishKakkad if TL will sleep then what developers will do :P
:D lol
Swift Short Blog Reached to 299 views !
hi GM
@NitinGohel @Leena @AllOtherCrueMembers :D
@NitinGohel @Leena @BulletRaja good mng :)
goOoOoOoOoOd MoRniNg ... :)
@Yohan gm
@Yohan gud mrng :)
hi can any give me solution for this que
Q: EasyJSWebView breaks when reloading the webview

mBeckhamI have been implementing EasyJSWebView into a project that pops up a web view on the receipt of a push message. This works fine for the most part, until you want to reload the current webview. At that point the functionality of EasyJSWebView breaks and the javascript in the webpage cannot communi...

@AshishKakkad i was just checking tht news only
Hi Gud morning all.... I need help in swift ...
@Leena humm
@NitinGohel Hello Sir
How are you ?
hi @Leena @AshishKakkad @Yohan @IronManGill
@Leena vGM Maam
Q: EasyJSWebView breaks when reloading the webview

mBeckhamI have been implementing EasyJSWebView into a project that pops up a web view on the receipt of a push message. This works fine for the most part, until you want to reload the current webview. At that point the functionality of EasyJSWebView breaks and the javascript in the webpage cannot communi...

@IronManGill very fine sir
@IosDeveloper hello
@NitinGohel hows everything ?
@JawithHussain hey, wht is issue?
can give any solution for that ia m struggling past 1 week
@AshishKakkad I have to call the method in viewcontroller from UIButton class.. I' m getting crash....
@JawithHussain I have done little work on Swift
gud mrng @IronManGill :)
@AshishKakkad if you need i'll share my code
hello guys.
@JawithHussain I already seen there how the action on button works.
plz tell me admob test ads supported in ios7 devices or not
@AshishKakkad ok i'll refer that first....
Can any tell i have tried search so many way.how to call javascript fucntion from objective c..plz tell me correct way
how to fetch user location in facebook api
@AshishKakkad same problem you are also facing it right...
@JawithHussain nope
Q: How to call JavaScript Function in objective C

HimeshI am new programmer to objective C. I added some html file to Objective C. In this html file contains simple javascript function. I need to call that Function through thw objective C code. I tried lot of time by using google. But I could not find real way to do it. Bellow Contains html File : <...

@AshishKakkad actually you have posted question in stackoverflow
@JawithHussain nope !!
@JawithHussain check @AshishKakkad's blog he just promot on it
@JawithHussain I am helping you, and you are asking me !! :D lol
@NitinGohel bhai, promot nahi emne help karu chu yaar :D
@AshishKakkad hey dude don't mistake me... in your blog i saw the link...
hahaha, I solved the problem of James Bond
@AshishKakkad help me out from this...
There is a code sample just download it @JawithHussain
You think I posted a question on blog..!! lolz
hi @nitinGohel
gm to all
i have one issue boss
i have array of images, but while displaying in tableviewcell its crashing due to size issue
[self.tblImageArray addObject:appImageStr];
cell.imageView.image = [UIImage imageNamed:tblImageArray[indexPath.item]];
how to resize array of image?
any idea?
@AshishKakkad sorry yaar...i have the code pls check it....pastebin.com/A6ivLgUj
Don't Be Sorry @JawithHussain let me see
@AshishKakkad ok
good morning bro
ala unnavu?
parledu bro @User3419311
naku chinna doubt bro
koncham wait bro
nake doubt undi ippdu
@JawithHussain What is it ButtonAdapter , I don't know about that . You have don't any IBAction
@NitinGohel brother u there?
free ayithe ping cheye bro
@Anilkumar can i ask you one think?
how much you done in 2.5 year of your ios exp
sure @NitinGohel
@AshishKakkad ButtonAdapter is a UIButton class
@Anilkumar ?
I have not done like that. sorry can't help. @JawithHussain
did you heard about lazy loading sdwebimage
or other sychnouse image loading
@AshishKakkad once the button is clicked it will go to the class and touch began, moved,ended this method will start...
i heared
i am getting image as 1000x900 like that
but i need 60x60
then you can compress its size
with some image chatagory class
what have you done for doing this ?
@JawithHussain why you are not goin through simple way
see only asking question and just past the answer with you issue that is not enouf you have to do something for you
else you never get confidant with you work
i thought resize the image
is enough
you directly asking question without think aboutissue without any impliemetation without experiment
that is not good habit at all
@AshishKakkad suggest any simple because i'm new to this....
i dont know about compression class
i know one image resize
then you have to seach about it
but i have array of images
dont know it does mean you dont do that
thats y brother
i was not heard about image compression bro
2 mins ago, by Nitin Gohel
@Anilkumar http://cocoapods.org/?q=resize
will try brother
read reach github
@JawithHussain sample I already suggested you but you have not downloaded TestSwift
howcan we work
@AshishKakkad ihave downloaded it ...I need the button to be created in custom class & programatically
@JawithHussain then you get help from this stackoverflow.com/questions/24102191/…
SO has answers :)
@AshishKakkad thanks for your help...
@JawithHussain wc yaar, ho gaya solve?
@NitinGohel solved table view isue
@AshishKakkad no......!!!!
@BulletRaja how
subclass table view cell
and add movieplayer in init with coder
on tableview cell subcls
oh great
Hello all
How to capture the time while video recording(AVCaptureMovieFileOutput + AVCaptureSession)?
@JawithHussain There is already a answer for Custom button
posted on July 16, 2014 by Johann

    Featured iPhone Development Resources,iOS Development Source Code Examples,Objective-C     Featured iPhone Development Resources,iOS Development Source Code Examples,Objective-C Previously I mentioned a couple of open source libraries allowing you to create some interesting graphical effects from Bartosz Ciechanowski – BCGenieEffect wh

A button must not retain its target. The reason for this becomes clear when you consider that a connection may need to point to a parent object:
how to do this
no samaja
itna deep me nahi aata muje
be jab addtarget karta hai na tab uska just reference jata hai target main
so in a way it does nt retain your object
ohh aisha hota he
that i dont know thanks
any example where target retains
no example
good morning everybody
Q: Weak Reference to NSTimer Target To Prevent Retain Cycle

bendytreeI'm using an NSTimer like this: timer = [NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:30.0f target:self selector:@selector(tick) userInfo:nil repeats:YES]; Of course, NSTimer retains the target which creates a retain cycle. Furthermore, self isn't a UIViewController so I don't have anything like vie...

here the target is also self so how it retains here the target
yes @BulletRaja
The object to which to send the message specified by aSelector when the timer fires. The timer maintains a strong reference to target until it (the timer) is invalidated.
but in button case it is not retines and in timer case it is retained
dnt know
is it possible to print twodimensional array in console like a matrix?
like this:
0, 0, 0, 0
0, 0, 0, 0
0, 0, 0, 0
0, 0, 0, 0
Hi gm guys
@pooja_1205 @NitinGohel @Leena @BulletRaja see this demo github.com/iPhoneNoobDeveloper/Pinterest-Demo
u there?
hi @BulletRaja @AKSH
im still bsy brother
i need to submit app by today itself
ok bro
its urgent to me
carry on anna
whats ur issue?
ok anna
lunch chesava?
chesa tamdu
ya done
ok carry on ur work anna
app submission antunnavu kada
neku enta exp undi tamdu?
so no problem
1 yr
naku 2+
oka small issue tamdu
oh great
nenu image url ni server nunchi call chestunna
key value anamata
image is like url
this is error getting
in to the arrya
there is iame url
then use sdwebimage and
load url
@nitinGohel hi bro
pls check this bro one sec
what is numeof row?
NSString *imgStr=[[dataArray valueForKey:@"app_image"] objectAtIndex:0]; should put ObjectAtIndex:indexpath.row
and use sdwebimage
i didnt get that bro
instead of doing this
@Anilkumar nothing
add sdwebimage class in to you project
i tried using [UIImage imageNamed:tblImageArray[indexPath.item]];
and loadimagein to imageview
but same crashed app
then you arraw is no parfec
no, array showing data
and i given the nslog of imgstring
there are 4 urls actually from server
its url not imagename
and u r tring load asan imagename
i again sugges to u that use sdwebimage
Okay bro
what is the use of sdwebimage?
@Anilkumar see this for refrence exactlty same wat u want
A: Async image loading from url inside a UITableView cell - image changes to wrong image while scrolling

RobAssuming you're looking for a quick tactical fix, what you need to do is make sure the cell image is initialized and also that the cell's row is still visible, e.g.: - (UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath{ myCell *cell = [table...

now this is google will explain well to you
@AKSH my app is crashing bro
its not scrolling issue, its total app crashing
@Anilkumar i want u to see the code ...forget abt its error
for ur code u can take refrence of it
@AKSH okay bro
hi friends its fixed issue
by using
one of friend suggested
thanks guys for suggestions
NSString *imgStr=[[[dataArray valueForKey:@"app_image"] objectAtIndex:0] objectAtIndex:indexPath.row];
the above code is working perfectly
@NitinGohel @AKSH
need help
@Anilkumar yes
according to ur error, u r adding nil data to placeholderarray
check the object which is u r adding to placeholderarray
before adding
u there?
PrifileViewController is view controller ,i want to call in this insite AppDelegate
i didnt got u
SWRevealViewController *swrvc=[self.storyboard instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier:@"swreveal"];
[self.navigationController pushViewController:swrvc animated:YES];

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